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File: 6 KB, 863x197, retest 25.8k and that's it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55304004 No.55304004 [Reply] [Original]

Whoops! Check the price.

>> No.55304196

So many brainlets are in full mental meltdown mode now. In their minds the global market just HAD to respect their personal financial situation and pump the price from up past 31k because they fomo'd in around 30k.

>> No.55304278

The bear was way off compared to the 25.8k guy. 15k probably was the "ultimate bottom". I don't understand what's going on in this thread

>> No.55304282

crypto was a fad just like AI is now

>> No.55304294

>t. nocoiner

>> No.55304325

Your entire financial future got btfo just so toilet paper companies can tell investors they have a chatbot too

>> No.55304347

LMAO I guarantee you said this after the 2018 crash too. Have fun making no money bitch

>> No.55304377

>The bear was way off compared to the 25.8k guy.
>The bear was way off
>was way off
Implying the dumping is over. And it hasn't hit 12k or 8k yet has it? No? It hasn't even dumped below 18k yet has it? No? And did he say it would instantly go there during the next dump? No? Oh, that's right. Really low-IQ post by you, anon.

>> No.55304379

You sound like a gamestop tranny

>> No.55304388
File: 2.66 MB, 1272x2728, PzvuHjaM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crypto was a fad just like AI is now
You are JlDF.

>> No.55304402

>not only screenshotting a 4chan larp but also dedicating a thread to it

get a load of this guy


bitcoin sub 25k is NEVER EVER happening

If btc hits 24k, i will post my dick

>> No.55304421
File: 52 KB, 353x353, E85sXTeE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebbitspacing this hard

>> No.55304467
File: 161 KB, 1416x944, 1685128016781324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I denounce the Talmud, do you?

>> No.55304483

You sound like a retard

>> No.55304498
File: 153 KB, 1066x792, destiny of crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a jew who want anons to not buy crypto. I denounce the talmud and the torah and israel has no right to exist and "The Holocaust" is fake.

>Countless of times throughout history, jews have said they're being "hoIocausted" and "six million" of them killed:
>The HoIocaust - Made In Russia:
>The HoIocaust - Why We Believed (a part 2 was never made)
>Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Order 14/43:
>Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Special Order 14.02.1944:
>the Hellstorm documentary in high quality:

>> No.55304516

>See thread
>Check price
>Up bigly
>Buy more

>> No.55304519
File: 13 KB, 531x551, 1656693391505833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're projecting.

>> No.55304586

I'm a white man who makes white investments, not poojeet scam coins

I denounce the talmud and the torah even more than you do. No jews were killed in the holocaust but they should have been. Israel is a fake country that deserves to be glassed.

Anything else?

>> No.55305154

23k is the max bottom in my view. 8-12k is irrational and based on 2022 charts and pre-inflation data. we aren't in 2022 anymore. bitcoin left sub 20k. we are in the worst news possible with the SEC shit. It should have crashed harder, and it didn't.

>> No.55305163

who is really making money and finding opportunities an AI the way they are with crypto?

>> No.55305990

BTC will be 70k on October 1st.

>> No.55306377
File: 51 KB, 742x163, 1684112842645851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*snap* Yep, this ones going in my cringe compilation

>> No.55306451

SEC news doesn’t affect BTC if anything it’s bullish, cash will outflow from shitcoin unregistered securities straight into BTC. Despite this it’s tanking

>> No.55306603
File: 191 KB, 2048x1798, 1638991043313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes sense that it's rugging lower because of the massive uncertainty caused by SEC as crypto is extremely reflexive and insecure market but what doesn't make sense is that kyspa is pumping

>> No.55306841
File: 1.54 MB, 1447x4306, 1686442943999930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that post, you fully exposed yourself as JlDF. You're were trying too hard to "fit in" anyway so it was already obvious you were a jew before that post, but with that one you really exposed yourself.

>> No.55306952
File: 102 KB, 869x1024, 1686828591276051m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure you know better than the boomers in charge

>> No.55307022

What's the point of these articles?To instill a general sense of despair about the future to your average normie?

>> No.55307055

you sound poor

>> No.55307056

I just buy every week with all my money. The bottom was in dec. I don't care about the short term price fluctuations between now and next year.

>> No.55307063

>thinking boomers are in charge

>> No.55307092
File: 803 KB, 1124x778, 1628335105588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're buying once a week that means at least once a week you see the charts.After doing this enough times eventually you start caring

>> No.55307126

>SEC news doesn’t affect BTC
Yea people really need to look at the technicals. A lot of these news events are just people looking for a time to execute a plan they already made. Before the ftx collapse the technicals where printing crash signs before any news had ever come out. And they showed slowing momentum even before that. This latest dump was not only predicted by our current charts but it mirrors the same thing that happened after the mini bull run of the last cycle. In fact I remember people saying since january that'd we'd have sell in may walk away, well they were only one month off.

>> No.55307136

>23k is the max bottom in my view.
$22k is the support but whatever $23k is close enough.
>8-12k is irrational and based on 2022 charts and pre-inflation data
it's irrational. you don't need to justify it 'due to inflation', it's just a nonsense unfounded target.
>we are in the worst news possible with the SEC shit. It should have crashed harder, and it didn't.
and that's a retard take. your post started out great and rapidly deteriorated with each following sentence.
I mostly agree but manage your expectations.
btc will not break $100k.
the SEC isn't done policing the space until ethereum gets sued.
and when eth is sued and the exchanges are shut down, the US govt will dump all the btc it's confiscated from hacks/scams.
and that magnitude of sell pressure is something to fear.

>> No.55307161

>passes his bid by 1k
>is short yours by 10k
>somehow he is the fool

>> No.55307182

>people really need to look at the technicals. A lot of these news events are just people looking for a time to execute a plan they already made. Before the ftx collapse the technicals where printing crash signs before any news had ever come out. And they showed slowing momentum even before that. This latest dump was predicted
high IQ post

>> No.55307197

we are pumping my basterds

>> No.55307208

Why, I can't control or predict what it's going to do from week to week.

>> No.55307467

It's just the 4H Stoch RSI rising, see: >>55307149

>> No.55308249

i admit im not glommed onto the news like other people. im sitting pretty with my sub 20k bitcoin. i dont care what happens now. it's up only for me.

>> No.55308973

They are sweetie

>> No.55310850
File: 1.16 MB, 1216x1024, 1685590648189992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just come into these threads to watch these delusional retards argue because King Shitcoin went down or up 0.05%. The field was left for altcoins only. I thought you niggers had learned by now.

>> No.55310872

Good eye. Need more jew hunters on this board

>> No.55310882

The Marshalls don't dump they auction...

>> No.55310888

lmao this thread is retarded.
check the price? lmao. seriously.

it is bullish af.

>> No.55310904
File: 210 KB, 558x1149, 1660177850755090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC will never be above 60k ever again.

>> No.55311691
File: 232 KB, 764x1024, 9811030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright bobo, something else?