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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55301302 No.55301302 [Reply] [Original]

Discussion boards , trade secrets, reverse engineering, blueprints etc.. basically i want to learn about proprietary technologies and how they work.

>> No.55301829
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>> No.55301921

>believing tor is more than a glowie honeypot

>> No.55301930

Doubt some needs on 4chan would know

>> No.55301932

If we made an I2P version of biz it would filter out all normalfags and pajeets

>> No.55302090

It would be spammed with cp and shit, though im welcoming any idea to ban jeets

>> No.55303078

there's one running on icp

>> No.55303127

Darknetmarket forums

>> No.55303218
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subhuman terrorists glowing bright here

>> No.55303853
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Fun fact: Torrenting is an integrated part of I2P! A lot of this can be found on clearnet but you get how this might be useful:


Intel alder lake firmwares leak
Intel Skylake documentation leak
Valve's source code leak (CS:GO, TF2, fstop...)
April 22nd 2020 Valve leak.rar
Facebook Leak [2019][533M Records][106 Countries]
GTA 6 Leaked Footage

There exist Monero /xmr/ I2P outposts. Also the /xmr/ IRC is Tor only.

Less of a problem than you imagine.

>posts on a cuckflared, cuckbased clearnet website that blocks all attempts at actual anonymity
>calls others glowie


>> No.55303866

kys fed boy
all fields

>> No.55303995
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>being a fed is when you spread everyone the means to communicate privately and anonymously
>not being a fed is when you try to create a consensus where people are terrorized of even touching such a thing, making them stay traceable and easily suppressible

>> No.55304164

You’re trying too hard

>> No.55304256
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fucking Kill yourself lmao

>> No.55304312
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CaptainBlackbeard Radio is one of the best things to come from the fun webz.

>> No.55304384

what's a good phrase for this? feds spread fear, knowledge spreads itself? how to avoid when they swing the pendulum the other way and funnel cattle to another controlled location by 'kys fed'-ing anyone who cautions?

I'm genuinely sad about the shift away from sharing knowledge online. The only idea I've read is to establish an evolving process of finding places, but it doesn't propagate well.

>> No.55304528

Learn to crawl before you try walking.

>> No.55305195

ceepee has been wiped off it. they don't play and removed everything except drugs

>> No.55305312
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>t. glownigger

>> No.55305563


>> No.55305631

You glow too hard my man