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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 332 KB, 1080x804, Screenshot_20230615-102053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55302226 No.55302226 [Reply] [Original]

This is so fucking brutal guys. What are we supposed to do?

>> No.55302243

Reputation and influence. Be that guy and money and opportunities will come

>> No.55302254

whats the point of having money when you get inflated out of wealth anyway.

>> No.55302260

everyone is rich nowadays so girls are becoming more picky, so ofc she wouldn't accept a chink

>> No.55302273

look fit
>but dont work out
earn 6figs
>but barely work
have a dad bod
>but a sixpack
commit to a relationship
>but be ok with an open relationship
provide everything
>expect no return
be 6ft

>> No.55302306

Dont be an autist
money brings only whores
wife comes only to charisma and stabilty
immaturity and wealth attracts nothing but evil

>> No.55302312
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>> No.55302316
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>wife comes only to charisma and stabilty

>> No.55302340

Bluepilled cope

>> No.55302355

The girl looks ugly as fuck. I'd rather get a model than that bitch.

I see. He should marry Chinese model, not Russian bitch.

>> No.55302360
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>t. chink

>> No.55302363

>needing another person
You're not ready

>> No.55302371

That bitch is smart enough, who would like to be married to a chinamen, no money can compensate

>> No.55302381

Sexbot when?

>> No.55302405

just dont be chinese

>> No.55302419

nobody likes chinkcels

>> No.55302702

The VW Lamebo meme has gotten out of hand

>> No.55303013

Imagine wanting to fuck girls and not even wanting to be paid for it lol. Imagine putting women such a pedestal that you want to please and serve FOR FREE. Imagine that you are such cuck that you delude yourself you are alpha by living for women.


>> No.55303049

Why didn’t he just do this with a hot best Korean girl? Why a Russian of all people? Chinks are such idiots sometimes.

>> No.55303122

obviously don't propose in a way that makes her look like a shallow gold digger.


> 1 Post by this ID

demoralization topic

>> No.55304324

>has money
>buys woman Lamborghini
>asks to marry
why wouldn't you just buy 20 women smaller gifts and impregnate them all? Marriage in 2023 is absolutely retarded

>> No.55304409


>> No.55304412
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>> No.55304458

>girl accepts to marry rich guy

>girl rejects rich guy

You are a fucking loser you incel filth. No woman will ever touch your peepe not because you are rich or poor, but because you are faggot with a shitty personality.

>> No.55304475

Don't tell him.

>> No.55304501

chinks have 2 inch dicks that's why

>> No.55304555

U gotta be rich and jacked and high status to pull bad bitches in 2023, bros a day late n dollar short

>> No.55304938
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no game

>> No.55304957

This chink looks like a chad too. But who is desperate enough to give a Lambo as a proposal? How is it not common knowledge that women enjoy being disrespected?

>> No.55305077
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>meme is actually a leftist consoomer manchild
You really love to yell at the mirror huh

>> No.55305084

Money was never enough

Wasn't enough for Will Smith
Wasn't enough for Brad Pitt

>> No.55305110

Women are whores, but they don't want to be treated like whores. If she accepted that, all of the other women in her life would gossip about her being a gold digger.

>> No.55305153

That girl looks asian not russian.
Hair is likely dyed.
China man has chad jawline as well.
He just needs a lesson in The Game

>> No.55305348

>That girl looks asian not russian.
Half of Russia is in Asia bro.

>> No.55305376

go to south east asia where all the other foreign losers come to die

>> No.55305397


imagine getting your wife stolen by a charismatic chad or jamal. that only happens in porn, right?

>> No.55305465

Inflation is a tool by the rich to get richer. Stocks outperform inflation, real estate outperform inflation.

>> No.55305494

Lol there are ugly ass poor dudes out there that there banging hot sluts every day, knocking them up, and getting down with another one while their dick is still wet, yet somehow you incels still think it's about the money.

>> No.55305641

He should slap her. Take the lambo, sell it and ghost her. She will be in front of his door in 7 days wanting to be choked. This is a shittest. Anyway I hate women.
>t. Kazachstani.

>> No.55305672

What is about then? In Kazachstan we try to maximize pain unto woman. We burn passport. We kill inlaws. We gaslight. What is your way?

>> No.55305912

This is good though retard. Bad is both parties leaning back. Or the guy leaning back for any reason. Leaning in down toward the girl is game 101, displayed in any movie or romance story known to man, so im guessing youre a virgin

>> No.55305947
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Multiple problems here. As an American White Mutt, let me tell you the truth.

She is a Russian woman. Nothing will ever be enough for her.

The end.

>> No.55306188
File: 238 KB, 1280x1920, 1686071819965941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are we supposed to do?
Be white
Bring white kids into the world, dont fall for the "trad asian" meme

>> No.55306389
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Pic related, she asked him to marry her and fixed his favourite snack (Frikandel) in the shape of a heart. Before she sang a song for him.

>> No.55306411

Looks like an alien. Pass

>> No.55306563
File: 947 KB, 2320x3088, Fc0bEUhWAAERbr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a male with average or less than average looks, consider becoming an HRT femboy.

As a former man who had less than average looks, after being stuck at home for about a year due to an accident, I sorta went crazy and convinced myself I was trans.

After going on hormones, I didn't end up passing, but it did get me into this area where my appearance became androgynous because I still present myself as a man.

Anyway, the new androgynous me gets hit on by girls (and guys too) all the time, whereas before, when I was the cis male me, women didn't even give me the time of day.

Essentially, there's a sizeable market among women for androgynous/estrogenized males and because there are so few of us, the scale is tipped in our favor.


I've been asked out and taken on dates by loads of professional women who make waaaay more money than my meager $42K/yr.

None of them cared I made less than them.

Oh and I'm only 5'6", but they didn't care about my height either.

For the last two months, I've been dating a doctor with her own practice and she owns a huge ass luxury apartment in Manhattan that looks like the one Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman live in, in Eyes Wide Shut.

Aside from experiencing homophobia from occasionally from random dudes on the street who think I look gay or weird, life is good.

>> No.55306578

>Dont be an autist
I am an autist, what do?

>> No.55306579

Just grow your hair out, don’t need the hormones

>> No.55306597

No woman wants a little yellow willy

>> No.55306690


Hormones are needed for feminine fat redistribution and soft/smooth skin.

>> No.55307018

Money can cure autism. If you can quit your wagie job and instead spend 8 hours a day on hobbies, working out, and having fun, then your social skills will get better. And you have a major advantage with autism when it comes to making money. Because you can throw 100% of your portfolio into Bitcoin while the price is under $30k. You can ignore social cues and hoard the currency with a fixed supply before everyone else notices that it exists.

>> No.55307139

Dude had been dating this girl for 3 months and then proposed. What did he expect? No amount of money is going to make you sexy if your personality sucks balls. The hardest truth that /biz/ needs to hear.

>> No.55307204

this has got to be a psyop

>> No.55307237

Non-whites who want to prey upon white women often stalk eastern Europe because of the relatively lower level of wealth and thus they are seen as easier to manipulate.
Ironically an excessively conspicuous spectacle like proposing with a super car would be seen as shameless and disgraceful there and likely played a large part in sinking him.

>> No.55307342

nothing makes healthy women drier than imagining themselves a mother to a bug or brown child.

>> No.55307507

Yes, you should find a fat, screeching, inked up, feminist from America.