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55301198 No.55301198 [Reply] [Original]

I got into an argument with my step dad because i still live with him and my mom at the age 23. I keep telling him that this generation has to deal with much more problems in a financial situation then his generation and there aren't as many oppurtunities for finance as in his generation. He keeps telling me that he was married at 18 years old and had a kid and lived on his own by then and there is no excuse not to be able to that these days besides simply "working hard". Is it true that were just whiney and have the same amount of potential as someone born in the 1950's regardless of the economic situation?

>> No.55301208

Your Dad is a fucking idiot.

They will never understand because they never had to experience it.

You will start to notice this as you get older and mature more. Most people speak from their own experiences and cannot empathize with others outside of their little echo chambers.

>> No.55301223

Put your dad on the computer and let me talk to him

>> No.55301229

He's absolutely correct. Millennials/zoomers are the laziest generation ever born. Stop making excuses and start hustling.

>> No.55301236

You dad didn't spend thousands of dollars on a cell phone, gaming console, laptop PC and a new car loan. It is a lot more expensive to live a typical middle class lifestyle today.

>> No.55301238

That generation will never admit that they had it 1000x easier than we have it now, they'll never admit that a good life was basically just handed to them if they wanted it.

>> No.55301244
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>Has nice house
>Has nice
>Has retirement money
>Lived through multiple technological breakthroughs allowing his stocks to soar to unprecedented levels
>Had more freedom
>Less technological surveillance allowed him to not get cancelled for saying nigger
>Jobs were still in America, allowing many job opportunities
>Wages largely the same as today except inflation has not eaten away his purchasing power
>No tinder. Had to do 80% less work to get a woman 10x better than your modern day roastie
>Staying loyal to his job would increase his wealth year over year greatly
>"You kids have it sooo easy"
>"You don't know what hardship is!"

>> No.55301252

>how does inflation work

This is part of the issue you fucking moron. The fact we have to bend over backwards to afford "luxuries" that are actually just baseline necessities in todays world is one example of how miserably this system is failing us.

Imagine trying to live in this world without a cell phone and PC. You wouldnt even get hired lmao

>> No.55301273
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I'd love to but it was kind of an ugly argument, He got really butt hurt because i told him that he was privileged to grow up in a time that he did but he got pissy and angry at that so he started yelling that im 23 years old with no accomplishments to my name and so i started tossing shit back at him for growing up in an easy time and having his whole life handed to him on a silver platter and he kept telling me that people in his time struggled just as hard as we do today to there were sometimes like 5-8 people that would share a house together and i have no excuse to go out and try to make something for myself and that im never going to move out of the house even when im 30.

Im basically sick of his shit and told him im moving out soon just to get away from his dumb ass. I have a full time job that pays me about 2300 a month after taxes and most apartments monthly rent is on average 800-1200 monthly where im at in cali. I can't imagine how im ever going to progress forward in life at this rate because of the cost groceries, car insurance and etc. but it's probably better then dealing with this faggot. Any advice guys?

>> No.55301280


My dad who is in his 50s went to the same community college as me and graduated in the 90s with accumulative debt of a whole whopping 3500.

I went to the same college with the same type of degree and now owe over 30k in student debt for the same amount of time.

>> No.55301292


You're in the same boat as me anon, the best thing I'm doing is using my degree as a plan B while i look for a trade that is demanding for a six figure income such as a foreman or keep working towards Data Analytics.

I was forced to move out because of my father's pre conceived notions about marijuana and the fact that the BOOMER generation is unapologetic and feel like they had it terrible because their gasoline had lead and the Drug war was a lie.

>> No.55301299

>Do you know what is inflation?
>yes, i contrinuted to mah country by working
>the cost of house and rent?
>ok, damn fucking boomer, your boss and his friends got mega rich and everything costs x


>> No.55301308

Where the fuck do u live? Average rent for me is 2.5k

>> No.55301309

Don't let the boomer win, if you leave he will win
Boomer win = destruction of life
Just help your family with a bit of money and ignore his shit as much as you can

>> No.55301327

bullshit advice
if your parents are abusive its better to leave them ASAP

find a roommate and move out
once you are in the fire, you'll figure it out, or you won't

>> No.55301334


While this is sort of relevant I might add. What is in it for anon? I suggest he should read up on marcus aurelius & Diogenes philosophy before wanting to sever ties with his family. Albeit what's in it for him to stay in contact? Money? Support? Familial ties? Inheritence? The family unit died when the TV was installed in every fucking home and brainwashed the masses since the vietnam war.


>> No.55301338

fucking kek

>> No.55302101

the cell phone is also something expensive and important nowadays, not to mention PCs, many of those things are used for work, before someone just grabbed paper and that was it, even if you want to have another extra income one needs to bet money even in memecoins like VINU

>> No.55302200

Quik maths say your about $19 / hour, while living in Cali. You either need to live in a bad/shit neighborhood or be frugal af to be on your own, unless you in like a shithole agricultural city. Cali fuckin rough to live on $19, so I would focus on tryna get that salary up

>> No.55302313
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Yup, I get paid $16 an hour but since i work night shift they bump me up to $18 an hour until 5am so i get about 5 hours worth of that small bonus. I have about 13k saved up so i can definitely move out and i really want to but i understand if i do then im fucked financially and never going to recover and just stagnate forever. Im definitely interested in trying to get my salary up but i was always worried about student debt in my teens so i never did it. I have no real skills other then physical labor and fortunately im not lazy and willing to put in work no matter what. I would be fully willing to do a life risking job just to make above $20 at this point but jobs are hard to find around here.

>> No.55302327


>> No.55302418

At $13K saved you are honestly much better than most ppl i know, wich tells me you at laest got good spending / saving habits. Unfortun i can't tell you how to increase your salary, but willing ot work hard is a good start. Try to avoid shit that will fuck up your physical health long term(moving pianos or oil riggin shit) cuz that'll cost you even more with our shit healthcare.
ANy strengths, such as reading or writing comprehension? UpWOrk some shit?

>> No.55302470

>I have no real skills besides physical labor.
So step dad is right. You haven't equipped yourself with any skills anyone is willing to pay for. You haven't even shown enough competence to get promoted at your wagie job. You're 23 living with your parents have no skills or ambition and you're trying to lecture your providers on how easy they had it? What a fucking entitled brat.

>> No.55302471
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>ANy strengths, such as reading or writing comprehension?
I actually do read a fuck ton. As you can see my little table has stacks of books that i yank and just read a bunch on my free time and thats not including my library. As for writing im not sure, it's something i've thought about but im actually not the best when it comes to grammar and spelling. I really have no other strengths unfortunately other then im desperate to succeed, highly motivated and a fast learner. My car is currently fucked up and i was planning on trying to repair it myself so maybe i can learn a new skill in time.

>> No.55302497

>you're trying to lecture your providers on how easy they had it?
Fuck yeah, My faggot step dad literally told me he was married, had a kid and did this by the time he was 18 and all he did was be a janitor and literally told me that he was cleaning toilets filled with shit. Thats easy mode as fuck compared to what physical labor can get you now a days (nothing).

>> No.55302558

Lie to yourself all you want kid. You are NOT highly motivated to succeed or you'd be managing at your wagie job. You are motivated by fear. Fear of getting in debt so you don't go to school. Fear of actually risking failure so you point to how "easy" someone you never witnessed had it instead of fixing your own obvious deficiency. You literally sound like you're just sitting there expecting the fucking night shift to turn into something or a better paying job to fall into your lap. You have mentioned zero steps you're taking to improve your wage or find a higher paying job. You just said there aren't many near you? Well a highly motivated person would have already moved to where those higher paying jobs are.

>> No.55302599

I'm with your dad on this one. You are literally here whining about your first world problems while making more than enough to be living on your own. Either grow up and become a man or go post a pic of yourself crying on ig like the faggot you are.

>> No.55302609

>you'd be managing at your wagie job.
Why the FUCK would i ever want that? I work in a factory doing production and a lead position only pays $1 extra from what i make, I've never planned on working here forever because i want to leave and find better opportunities elsewhere, if i managed this piece of shit place then i'd be stuck falling deeper and deeper into stagnation working a dead end job. I absolutely fear going into debt because that shit is fucking insane these days and risk not getting a job in modern times compared to the past.

> You literally sound like you're just sitting there expecting the fucking night shift to turn into something or a better paying job to fall into your lap.
Nice assumption faggot.

>You have mentioned zero steps you're taking to improve your wage or find a higher paying job.
I've been kicking it in my mind and talking to a few of my co-workers about maybe getting my CDL and become a trucker and this my current go to option but i'll still open to other ideas.

>Well a highly motivated person would have already moved to where those higher paying jobs are.
Oh yeah, let me just move all my shit and move to another city with possibly higher rent then my city and just magically find a job, Faggot.

>> No.55302794


You live in cali; ngmi
You can move to Wisconsin and have a way higher quality of life aside from the snow of course
Move around green bay specifically
I guarantee we have better people and better job opportunities
I encourage you to hustle it out, but it will genuinely be harder in Cali. Geographic arbitrage is a thing.

>> No.55302853

Trade school fren

>> No.55302854

it's likely both
it's clearly different from back then but that only means you can't do the same things to be successful, if for some reason you think everything should have stayed the same you're a poor student of history

>> No.55302931
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I'll keep this in mind, i still want to broaden my imagination with possibilities, thanks.

This actually seems promising, i just looked up trade schools in my area and one of them specialize in Air Craft maintenance which is really fucking cool to me. When i was younger i always wanted to be a fighter pilot or at least a pilot in some capacity but i gave up on that because i thought that certain people could never reach somethings and i was one of them that couldn't. They also specialize in being a general electrician and that seems more stable and promising but working with air crafts is just so much cooler to me. I'll give them a call tomorrow to find out more.

>> No.55302959

Zoomers are whiny fucking idiots but it's undeniable that it's harder today to get started than it was for previous generations. It's the one thing you faggots complain about that's actually right.

>> No.55303212

Commit suicide banker you couldn't work outside for 3 hours without whining that you should make someone else do it for squares you print out what color clown shoes are you in now?

>> No.55303225

I just buy stocks and know you retards commit suicide along with value of your daddys fiat doll hair$ green paper. Banks do not make loans to individuals businesses anymore poopy poopy

>> No.55303232

peer to peer
James 5:4

mo ass

>> No.55303283
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My fucking sides, this is so very underrated

>> No.55303461

Show him the median price of a house in 2000 vs now and the median income in 2000 vs now. Wages have been stagnating for decades while everything gets more expensive.
Don't back down. You have to treat boomers like you treat a dog and rub their noses in their shit.

>> No.55303596

I've showed his stupid ass this and similar things before and all he does is just smile lower his head and shakes it saying "IT...DOESN'T...MATTER, You have to go out and get life experience and move on instead of staying in the same place your whole life. You only stay here because it's all in your mind. If you really wanted to leave and go have a house you can get a roomate and if it's really that bad for you, you can just get welfare and room with 5 people or more, thats what we did back in my day when we were struggling. People had it just as bad as your generation but you all are just use to staying at home now."

No matter what he gets shown that disproves his point he just says "it doesn't matter" and moves the goal post but he's to much of smug retard to realize it.

>> No.55303603

This. White people hate their children. Their own projection of success is more important than not cannibalizing their children to virtue signal that they are "successful" compared to illegals thst take better care of their children while neglecting taxes and density living laws.

>> No.55303662

>so i started tossing shit back at him for growing up in an easy time and having his whole life handed to him on a silver platter and he kept telling me that people in his time struggled just as hard as we do today to there were sometimes like 5-8 people that would share a house together

you fucked up here. if he was an adult/teenager in the 80s-mid 90s, shit was pretty fucked from volcker shock inflation. if he had a house bought or fixed rate mortgage before 1970 and he/his family retained it, then yea he got pretty much got a silver spoon.

when arguing with boomers about the economy, all you have to do is stick to two things: housing and inflation. just ask them if it's so easy why does it take 15-20 years of saving to EVEN start thinking about buying a home? never mind current imterest rates? shit wasnt like that before. he'll have to acknowledge tht

if the boomer says he has the same problems, then you throw "well why didnt you just work hard, take your own advice" back in his face. finish with "looks like we're in the same boat,

>> No.55303697

It actually doesn't matter what people who do nothing say matters or doesn't matter


Parents who want to signal virtue to kids know they won't do so by kicking their own kids out of their own homes (which they have mostly witnessed pricing of in a bubble suddenly shatter and not return before so why not again)

You sound like the old person who is wrapped up in their delusions too much to make things right with your own kids you neglect for fear you cannot do enough to justify yourself. I tell you that it is not your job to do so, but try to be blameless and live without fear tormenting those who shudder considering how just much justice could be dolled out in a single day...

>> No.55303698

>He keeps telling me that he was married at 18 years old and had a kid
Ask him why his wife left him then

>> No.55303702

accidentally posted.

>finish with "looks like we're in the same boat, same problems. so why the fuck are you throwing at me solutions like 'work harder, complan less' that havent worked for you?

>t. professional boomer wrecker

>> No.55303719

People are replacing banks (who stopped doing banking and making competitive business loans)

Give credit to those who buy what you value.

Buy what you value.

Buy stocks Buy stock buy stocks holy duck buy stonks

>> No.55303729



tHEY ARENn't supposed to KNOW YET


I was going to be the golden boy they told me working at the banks was going to makes me the golden boy...

>> No.55303737



>> No.55303902

My grandparents lived through World War 2. When they were born the kids got life insurance because it was expected some of them would die. They are potatoes and some vegetables and maybe meat once a week. They had one toothbrush.
My grandfathers father never went on vacation. He worked six times a week and Sunday was for church.
Every generation before that had it just as tough or worse.
So yes zoomers are entitled faggots, refusing to look beyond boomers (the most lucky generation in all of human history) just to avoid taking responsibility in life and seeing they still have it better than almost every human that ever lived. Life isn't fair but don't act like you drew such a short straw

>> No.55303961

It’s true that young people are whiney but it’s not true that they’re just whiney. The things they whine about are often legitimate and people over a certain age are just too heavily brainwashed by television to realize that. You have to understand that they are the midwit generation. They never read books, don’t know history, do not think deeply about things or consider alternative viewpoints, but they are highly informed about a small subset of facts from a singular viewpoint and that’s largely the result of television.

>> No.55304002

Zoomers did draw a short straw because it’s not simply that they don’t have it as good socio-economically as the baby boomers. It’s rather that they don’t have anything, like at all. Religion is marginalized. Politics is a joke. The economy is fake. The social sphere has collapsed. Real life has been supplanted by digital virtual realities. There are no real wars, not for them anyway. Art is hollow. Literature is practically non-existent. The wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet are sociopaths with pseudo-gnostic impulses and institutional spooks who run around the world flying pride flags like an imperial banner. So to pretend like the only problem they face is that things aren’t as cushy socially or economically as it was for the baby boomers misses the point. Yeah, these kids waste their lives scrolling on social media in air conditioning, but when you look at the civilization around them you really can sympathize with the impulse.

>> No.55304018

Very true and in fact most people can’t even examine their own experiences objectively but rather analyze them from a narrative they received from someone else, usually television for older people.

>> No.55305112

just work 2 jobs or work for 14 hours a day!!
>you do not want it enough!
Shut up bitch.
They could afford houses within 5 years on their shit tier livestock work and packing boxes wages.
We can't, it's that simple.

>> No.55305224

My stepdad is the same OP, they just don't get it. However, I did go back to school to get an Accounting degree only to get royally shafted by the current job market
AI is taking entry level jobs while the rest are being offshored to the Philippines/India
Accounting shortage my ass, 300,000 did not simply quit, they were most likely laid off/offshored
So now I got student debt because I couldn't qualify for scholarships because I'm white/not zogmilitaryvet/not female
It's so fucking over

>> No.55305485

Why don’t you just show him your monthly balance sheet after asking him to show you what his was like?

>> No.55305655

Ask your retarded step dad and mom if they have a child like understanding of economic buying power of a dollar euro pound whatever. Ask them how much a gallon of gas or a fucking coke (soda) was. Good for you ya bought a brand new car in the summer of 68' and went to college working part time. Fucking mongoloids.

>> No.55305779
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I work 80h/week and try to invest everything I have and yet I am unable to buy a house because oh guess what... I pay more than 50% taxes. Boomies and generations before that used to pay a FRACTION of the taxes we have today.
Without my parent's help, I wouldn't be able to afford a nice house and everything that comes along with it before turning 40 (they are willing to chip in hugely if I decide to buy one since obviously they want grandkids).
Significantly more expensive food, gas, property prices, and electricity prices. Yeah, that's a nice combination.
>Just move to a smaller town bro, much cheaper
Not in this hellhole of a country. Sure, property prices are lower but so are the wages and the food and electricity typically way more expensive. Plus, I have already lived in a small village of <2k people and I couldn't find a single woman without a tattoo. Wow, yeah man, zoomers are really spoiled
I am

>> No.55305981
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Bruh they paid for tv sets, radio sets, stupid lawnmowers, refrigerators, magazines, walkmans, cds and other shit to entertain themselves.
Habits chance; consumerism is forever

>> No.55307279


>> No.55307782
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It was pretty simple to afford a nice house, kids, a car and family vacations with a single income and without a college degree, but it's also true that someone with a whiny globohomo leftist special snowflake zoomer mentality would have had an extremely hard time to make it in that cultural era. Zoomers would feel like aliens in a world without the normie-internet and everything that goes with it. The lack of social media, safe spaces and tolerance for their special feelings and needs would lead to their mass meltdown.

Perverts, brown people and women didn't get the key to the career express lift just for being diverse. The employees had to actually work to keep the companies competitive or at least alive, there were no multi-trillion dollar ESG bribery and market manipulation funds to prioritise an anti straight white male agenda over productivity and profitability. A man was expected to be an responsible adult and a woman was expected to look and behave like a woman. You had always the chance to break out and speedrun upwards by outperforming your peers, but this type of dream is almost dead in the western world.

t. Gen X from western Europe.