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55300067 No.55300067 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate all of you. You're all pathological narcissists. People go to work every day of the week and sacrifice their health to support their families and live a normal life and you wont because... you think youre smarter than them? You think youre more deserving of any easy life because youre down 99.999% of PenisVaginaNiggerFag token? Oh that was just a bad call, right? Sorry, I'm sure NiggerNiggervaginaNigger token is going to 10,000x so your $50 means you dont have to work again.

You make me fucking sick. Let me guess, women wont fuck you because youre short? Because you have a weak jaw? No women wont fuck you because mentally youre a child. You havent progressed past the age of 8. Maybe you look good enough that you can have their attention, but once you open your stupid fucking mouth they run for the exit.

You dont deserve to make it. Truth be told you should have been snuffed out as a child. If your mother realized how shit you would have turned out when you were born, she would have put the pillow over your head the second you popped out of her. No doubt she wishes she did, but the sunk cost fallacy is too big and old age has made her lose just enough brain cells that she can pretend to keep the hope alive until death delivers her its final mercy.

Speaking of death, why dont you kill yourself? Life is too hard? You dont want to work? Well then just fucking end it. Youd be doing yourself and polite society a huge fucking favor. Youre the only one who could actually get away with it.

>> No.55300096

yahweh loves you :)

>> No.55300105

Tel Aviv hours

>> No.55300137
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>> No.55300145
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>> No.55300171

Bye bye normal nigger go back to the wage cage :)

>> No.55300173
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I love you!

>> No.55300174


>> No.55300181

I'm hitting a breaking point in life, I fell in love with someone I know would never love me back.
and I can't stop thinking about suicide, my life was already broken but she gave me a little hope and I ruined it.

>> No.55300194

Keep your mind steady. You're dissociating. Focus on your breath. Things arent nearly as bad as they seem. You're just having an out of body experience. Focus on your breath.

>> No.55300201

Yea, kinda I feel lightheaded and my ears feel tense like their pulling back.
My head hurts so much I just want to shoot my life out of it.

>> No.55300213

I don't rub anything on anybody's face but you go to work because you choose to go to work dickhead. You don't need to go to work and neither does anybody else. There's a 50% labor participation rate in the us and yet society hasn't collapsed. How about you drop the protestant work ethic bullshit you're not even protestant nigger.

>> No.55300231
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>> No.55300234

No you dont

>> No.55300264

No I really do, and things are much worse than I even described.
I'm low and I'm tired of this life.

>> No.55300332

Stay still and breathe

>> No.55300438

this right here is a fine example of why every single frogposting incel subhuman beta cuck faggot needs to be killed. the day of the rope can't come soon enough I will gladly spill your blood in front of your families as they watch, yet relieved that they no longer have such a hated, reviled, ugly fat fucking retard of a child to deal with. KYS
>in all fields

>> No.55300473

I'm already having panic attacks focusing on it makes it worse.

>> No.55300483

stop going on the internet for a month and go for a walk in nature every day instead

>> No.55300490

I wish it was that easy, my spine is mangled and I can't even walk anymore, both my legs are completely numb.

>> No.55300491

Who are you?

>> No.55300497

A nobody.

>> No.55300513

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

>> No.55300530
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