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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 347x173, google-has-no-moat-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55296728 No.55296728 [Reply] [Original]

>Open Source smaller models are innovating faster than large corporate models
>Vicuna 13B, a model that can run on a retail GPU, has already caught up to ChatGPT4
>Interlinked small models show more potential than giant monolithic models
>Many similarities to when open source Stable Diffusion model showed up and outperformed DALLE and Midjourney

>> No.55296750

duh, this is old news, jack

>> No.55296815

maybe for /g/, I never saw anyone talking about it on /biz/

If you were curious about why Google and Microsoft are pushing hard for AI regulation, this is it. They want regulations to pull the first few rungs off the ladder so their smaller competitors cannot compete.These regulations are disguised as calls for "AI safety".

>> No.55296955

MGS 2 already told you this would happen

Get ready for digital surveillance on an underrepresented scale, you cyber terrorist.

>> No.55297143 [DELETED] 

bad for buzzfeed writers, fur fag artists and front end devs
real creative work wont be effected

>> No.55297747

>the internet will be flooded with AI bots
that's BS, the internet dealt with the 'bot' problem for the last 15 years. phone number authentication and captcha, simple as. doesn't matter how well it can emulate speech, text, video if it doesn't have a fucking phone number or can't solve captcha.

>> No.55297775

>real creative work wont be effected
what would you define 'real creative work' as? because unless you are talking about something like woodcarving or landscaping, then you will be replaced, whether by AI or some guy using AI that can do your job 10x faster/10x cheaper.

>> No.55297832

funny and scary

i sold all my bitcoins

>> No.55297845 [DELETED] 

no, creativity can have many definitions but its never going to be achieved by a machine learning indexing alg0 that cant "think" - also fucking take the machine learning bullshit astroturf to /g/, nobody is going to buy tech stocks in a stagflationary environment, you hold your bags and are going to like it

>> No.55297947

>refusing to list examples of his 'creative work' that won't be replaced.
coward, also fixing the beater in your front yard and fucking your sister don't count as 'creative work'

>thinks I'm shilling tech stocks
read the OP you retarded nigger, GOOGLE HAS NO MOAT
Open source is eating their lunch. what does that mean for tech stocks, Cletus?

>> No.55297993 [DELETED] 

I am not going to engage with an Artificial Indian astroturfer on /biz/ any further, faggot. get lost, you fucked it up with your annoying spam

>> No.55298118

>no argument
>rage quits
ah, so this the intellectual power of /biz/? no wonder you are all poor. AI will replace you useless eaters.

>> No.55298222 [DELETED] 

For anybody that isn't a fur fag artist, buzzfeed writer or front end dev; it is the same as the automatization meme in the 90s; not going to happen
Also forget /g/, you belong on /pol/
If you are a dev developping machine learning algos, enjoy the 1970s reloaded, you will lose your job

>> No.55298230

> We do not agree with what is written below, nor do other researchers we asked, but we will publish our opinions on this in a separate piece for subscribers. We simply are a vessel to share this document which raises some very interesting points.

>> No.55298351

Yes, I browse /pol/ as well.
>fur fag artist, buzzfeed writer or front end dev
you forgot
>Bankers, Pharmacists, Paralegals, Accountants, Traders, Software Engineers, Graphic Designers, etc
take almost any white collar job and you'll see either full automation or AI productivity improvements that will render 90% of the rest of the workforce obsolete. It's going to gouge out the white collar workforce the same way the ""automization meme"" destroyed the manufacturing based working class. It's over.
The one saving grace in all this is that AI will be accessible to everyone and not just large corporate monopolies.

>> No.55298369


>> No.55298411 [DELETED] 

no, you need creativity and be able to think outside the box
same as above
certainly not, a good accountant is someone who can think so far outside the box that one could call them (scam)artists
also not going to happen, requires thinking very far out of the box to be profitable and outcompete the spx
>software engineers
front end devs, sure, certain backend devs, likely, those that create new innovation, not going to be replaced by Indians, Artificial or Organic
>Graphic designers
If they make generic furfag arts, sure, if they create new creative things that aren't done yet, no
As said you are like a doomer in the early 90's that got spooked by automatization and thought a warehouse is going to work without Paco and his guys

>> No.55298552

what a shit video/channel lol
also no model has caught up with chatgpt4

>> No.55298673

I think you underestimate what these neural network AI models are capable of, but I don't have a way to show you it's potential. Historically automatization comes in sharp waves, with one or two great inventions leading to a flurry of other innovations. The 90s may have been a lull with a lot of doomsayers, but there have also been times of great automatization. We are in the latter, I predict full on Neo-Luddite mobs of disgruntled unemployable white-collar workers.

Vicuna is 90% caught up and that was a month ago. Stop sucking Bill Gate's microshaft and sell your Microsoft stocks now.

>> No.55298694 [DELETED] 

You need to leave /biz/

>> No.55298740

/biz/ was created as a containment board for /g/. Therefore, I have full rights to come here and spoonfeed you retards. I do this out of kindness, since the only people posting here during a bear market are poor and desperate. You should be thanking me.

>> No.55298765 [DELETED] 

Just because you keep repeating a fake narrative to try your hand at poor mans nlp, or being a zombie that got fed shit he repeats ad naussea doesn't make it true.
clearly a zombie that got fed shit nlp and bought it

Kys, or deprogram yourself

>> No.55298855

>fake narrative
I wipe my ass with narratives. I've used the latest AI models. I've seen what they can do. I was skeptical like you once, until I got my hands dirty. Then I made my own opinions. Fuck off with your grug-brain contrarian bullshit, it's a piss poor substitute for real thinking.

>> No.55298890 [DELETED] 

That is the problem with people that got programmed with methods from the fucking 50's; its practically impossible to deprogram you without max pain. When shit crashes; you should either hang your private sector advertisers and their political allies that programmed you, or at least sue them for crimes against humanity

>> No.55298984
File: 478 KB, 1078x856, 1641384038504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, not programmed. I'm probably the least programmed person in a 10 mile radius.

>> No.55298989 [DELETED] 

You repeat the astroturf like you believe it, you clearly got ppp'd, or are trying to nlp, in both cases, kys

>> No.55299037

ok, schizo, keeping throwing acronyms and buzzwords around and maybe reality will magically change. you're so repetitive, it's clearly obvious to anyone reading this back-and-forth that the only one 'programmed' here is you. it wouldn't be a discussion without projective ad hominem.

>> No.55299047

>Surely Captchas are harder than learning all human knowlege

... Anon I...

>> No.55299086 [DELETED] 

Okay, I know it is pointless, but I have done that shit professionally
neuro linguistic programming also known as
pre-predictive programming
or the correct old school term
and the old name you might know it under memeing

Its the attempt to inject thoughts into a subject to create certain reactions to certain stimuli, like the shit they did with Uncle Ted, only that uncle Ted snapped out and started to kill them.

The ad industry is doing that shit to everyday americans know for well over 20 years and took it to the next level in the Obama years when the legislation about propaganding the own population was removed. since then the private sector has made use of it in a way that falls under crimes against humanities that would make Goebbels blush

The AI astroturf was a classical ppp operation, in your case it worked, I hope you didnt bought tech stocks and didn't feed the algos too much of your data

In short, do as Uncle Ted, snap out, and if you like, kill them all, they deserve it, all means private sector advertisers, the funds that finance them and their political allies, both aisle

>> No.55299102

>surely walking up a set of stairs is harder than learning all human knowledge
the human brain is a very specialized neural network that is vastly superior at certain tasks than what we can currently do with AI. Yes, captcha is one of those things, which is why it's used specifically for that purpose. There are probably even better captchas out there, ones that would use human brains superior kinesthetic and spatialvisual abilities. People forget that our monkey brains grew up on tree swinging and balancing on two feet rather than writing literature and cataloging knowledge into words. That trick was learned just yesterday in a evolutionary timeframe.

>> No.55299104

People still make money off chess. If no one can beat chess ai but humans still make money who gaf

>> No.55299114 [DELETED] 

ah I see, I hope your rope is prepared, you deserve it
>captcha: KillOnSight ResearchDevelopement
I wonder what the captcha meant by this
I want my head

>> No.55299130
File: 29 KB, 311x362, 1650327291345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55299137 [DELETED] 

Oh you are one of them
>Rule 5 of Alinsky
If somebody got behind your plan try to paint him as crazy, its enraging and works in group environments, sorry bud this isn't a collectivist environment, you never got anon space losers

>> No.55299197
File: 131 KB, 1125x967, 1663801063432446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is me at the top sending browns to beat you up.

but seriously, you schizos always try to make sense of an inherently illogical world so you come up with weird overcomplicated frameworks that you force chunks of reality into when they really don't fit. Of course it's not reality that is bending, but your mind getting twisted and stretched. The whole idea or a grand organized cabal and some 50 year long plan to enslave humanity is ridiculous.

>> No.55299201

This is good anon. Not sure why you're getting flamed for helpful information. The flaming glows

>> No.55299218

This is why bittensor.

>> No.55299230

More people need to be AI-pilled. It's a decentralizing force ultimately. Err, well it fucking better be, or we are all fucked. Still I'm very hopeful given the latest developments in LLMs and art generation.

>> No.55299237 [DELETED] 

In all honesty, most of the subjects likely are gone from this Research and Development board long ago, and its only people that try amateurish ppp and those that are aware and cant be programmed left

You are one of the former, and no matter what you do, don't go to the riots; and if you are aware I hope they send you to the frontline and you get killed somewhere in the golf

>> No.55299346

good lord, you 'sekrit club' people are just as cringe as the pedo cabals you are trying to destroy. it's always been LARP, childish games for the rich and powerful and those with too much time on their hands. tiny ripples in an ocean of chaos. the only thing that is real is the unstoppable march of technology. everything else is just noise.

>> No.55299354

wtf he deleted all his posts, what a nigger

>> No.55299385

thanks anon, this thread was designed as a fishing expedition for posts like yours.

>> No.55299440

I deleted. No. Mod-sama is angry because I reveal too much truth

>> No.55299499

truth? no, you schizos will never convert me. I will never hate the anti-christ!

this thread is shit now, I'm going to create a new one shilling BitTensor

>> No.55299517

Okay. And you call me shizo. If you are building your own artificial indians, go for it, doesn't change that the spam and the sudden flood was a nlp campaign. Don't get recruited, and if you are part of them, get killed on the home or foreign front

>> No.55299602
File: 179 KB, 867x753, artificialpajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building your own artificial indians
how the fuck... is this the power of schizo intuition?

>> No.55299611

No. If you search the archives that was how the machine learning and indexing meme was dubbed when the campaign rolled on and the first test advertising threads were spammed

>> No.55299653
File: 333 KB, 863x918, thanksPajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is such a backwater shithole though, I bet most posts were just overeager autists. there is a lot of enthusiasm, and for good reason I think.

>> No.55299689

Stop trying to advertise you stupid fucking pajeet. If you want to build this shit than build. Stop trying to recruit nigger. Your fucking 59s advertising techniques simply don't work anymore, wasn't the failure of nlp that the coof campaigns were enough to disprove behaviorism theories? Faustianism is dead, embrace Probabilism and stop it with the 5 year planning shit, one can't reliability predict outcomes precise enough in multivariate spaces

>> No.55299801
File: 132 KB, 890x975, risingbeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you on the left
>"oh no, we can't predict everything! let's just bury our heads in the sand and sit here until something good happens"
>me on the right
>"we need genetically engineered catgirls. I don't care how many people have to die"

>> No.55299876

Yeah, it's going to be ww3, and the west wont win, may you die in the blast

>> No.55299947

jokes on you, I want to die in a nuclear war

>> No.55300022

Only a crazy person would say that. Congrats on losing your mind. It's people like you that will likely make it a reality.

>> No.55300041
File: 22 KB, 301x334, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on

>> No.55300078

4G id is likely a bot too. And mods think pointing out that training bots could be killing their op.

>> No.55300116

what in the FUCK

>> No.55300129

>I'll just leave this here

stock ticker: VERI

>> No.55300130

This board is really a very poorly veiled operation of nlp and bot training and the operators (mods) are good damn amateurish at both

>> No.55300167

apparently you talk like a bot.

oh yeah, I'm a spooky bot programmed by the shadowy cabal that wants some obscure traditional korean knitting forum to talk about open source LLMs.

oh look, another schizo. seems like AI attracts you types like flies on horseshit

>> No.55300186



>> No.55300225
File: 229 KB, 532x587, pavement_ape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to https://www.veritone.com/
>see picrel
>HR solutions

>> No.55300277

Wrong, the mods do not operate bots. you people are demented. Go talk to ChatGPT4 if you don't believe me, the best it can do is make one-off comments, but quickly fails at attempts at real discussion.

wait, does real discussion even happen on this board?

>> No.55300387

smart business decision

>> No.55300564

not buying your bags Steelberg