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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 682 KB, 1120x933, 1686778365721906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55297861 No.55297861 [Reply] [Original]

Thats it, its unironically over.

>> No.55297933

This is bullish for USD

>> No.55297944

Every faggot cheering for SWIFT GPI when one of the founders left because it was embarrassing and nobody wanted to use it is fucking retarded.
Even members of NATO want to quit SWIFT.

>> No.55297945
File: 11 KB, 640x590, 1658579045322276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55298015

Cope, the USA is donezo

>> No.55298236

>the USA is donezo
And? He wasn't engaging in some sort of "cope". This IS a twatter screenshot thread of a "twatter crypto" account. Reddit-tier behavior to make a thread like this.

>> No.55298288

The Treasury Secretary is an e-celeb? People use terms without even caring what they mean. They don't care if they're using it wrong as long as they can use it to attack someone.

>> No.55298427
File: 70 KB, 567x438, RIP_petrodollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for stating the obvious Janet, you stupid bitch, we've known this for the last decade

>> No.55298499

Yes, may as well be, basically is, in these circles that we're in.

>> No.55298513

I guess it's only worth mentioning now that it's been accelerated by the slavic chimpout in Ukraine and the resulting Jewish global financial temper tantrum. Sorry Chairman Xi, I'm still not buying you chinkbucks since I buried half my assets underground and the other half are in the Ledger Nano that I shoved up my ass.

>> No.55298525

uhh.. based?

>> No.55298566
File: 80 KB, 667x1024, 1684191626568134m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dollar decline
Wow, who could have predicted this?

>> No.55298575

How come American leaders can pretty much say that they expect American empire to crumble and the public won’t overthrow them seeing how such a traitorous sentiment they have over their own country. If this was even a couple hundred years ago the leaders heads would be on pikes for saying such things as if it is okay

>> No.55298714

because it's inevitable
pretending your burger empire will last forever is insane

>> No.55299162

Loss of reserve status will benefit the US.

>> No.55299174
File: 171 KB, 900x1200, big black leg hottie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the more interesting piece of info from this hearing was that yellen admitted there is a gap in regulation in the usa for spot prices of digital assets that are not securities

>> No.55299188

If they are admitting it it's gonna get bad then. It's the same pipeline as there will be no inflation -> inflation is transitory -> inflation is here to stay and why it's a good thing

>> No.55299202

of course cryptofags would twist it like this, without the obviously correct addition that the dollar will remain dominant because there simply isn't another viable option. Where is that money going to go, yuan? rupees? rubles? lol. None of the countries that have fundamentals better than the US have anywhere near the US's bulk and the Euro has the same problems in addition to some other ones.

>> No.55299205
File: 277 KB, 1000x667, Euro-money_Depositphotos_21614803_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellen knows which currency will take its place (and we eurochads know as well)

>> No.55299217

>that the dollar will remain dominant because there simply isn't another viable option.
There is one, the Euro
>and the Euro has the same problems in addition to some other ones.
Objectively false

>> No.55299224

if elected leaders in 1823 declared the United States government untenable precisely zero people would have been surprised, fyi

>> No.55299266

You should be put in jail if you make that statement as a government economic official. What a shame and disgrace.

>> No.55299274

This. They should be thrown in jail or executed. The reason is beca

>> No.55299295

It could, but EU "leaders" suck too much American dick...Iran and China intended to trade oil in Euros in 2014 before The Great Satan started Ukro chimpout
So Yuan it is

>> No.55299301

It will, most european politicians (and especially the european people) are starting to get sick of the US, just look at Macron

>> No.55299668

It's going to be a mix, and depending on how well zhao lobbied in Qatar and the UAE some pow

>> No.55299891

I’d say so