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File: 2.37 MB, 480x852, the_empowered_moms_group.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55291212 No.55291212 [Reply] [Original]

Okay faggots, I'm officially a NEET.
I quite my fucking job because they wanted me to move abroad. I also couldn't take all the BS that came with it. Hiring freezes across all tech companies means I will be out of a job until at least next year.

I have 160k saved up that I was planning on using to buy a house.
What can I do to grow it? Anything aside from the Jew casino (stock market).

I have zero expenses and no debt as I live at home. I have no bills, but help out my parents by contributing €600 a month towards the household.

For context, I'm a Technical Lead (senior code monkey). I'm currently trying to start a consulting business where I build e-commerce sites for small businesses. Though finding clients might be challenging.

I'm in potato land, so options for starting a business venture are limited.

Give me some ideas please. I don't want to be a wage slave again.

>> No.55291219

you cant even spell, you chose a programming job, you deserve to remain unemployed

>> No.55291229

They already undid the hiring freeze, get back in the cage

>> No.55291277

Why are you such a bitter asshole? Why reply at all? Lift yourself up, anon.

OP, outside of stocks/crypto there really is no way to grow money besides the business route. But I would recommend looking into buying a business instead of starting one. You can find a profitable business where maybe your coding skills can help its growth/margins and go from there. Most small business owners (I think like 70%) never wind up finding a buyer for their business when looking to retire and just shut down shop. Go find small business in your area you like and inquire about whether or not they would consider selling. Find owners looking to retire as that’s the golden opportunity where you will get the best deals.

>> No.55291304

I'm going to address your webm video.

Yes, the school system has essentially fucked over men in favor of pandering to minorities and women, even further this expands past secondary school into uni and the workforce, where recruiters only try to hire women and shitskins. So of course men are left without a purpose.

>> No.55291306

>multiple generations of parents failed raising thier children to adulthood
Its all so tiring.

>> No.55291323

>it's not parent's fault children aren't properly raised to adulthood
>it's the school's fault

>> No.55291367

I actually considered that but unfortunately, all businesses owned by boomers in my locality are worth over a million. Popular pubs, restaurants, etc.
There's no tech business that's currently for sale for that amount. Aside from startups which have no intention of actually going anywhere, other than Jewing investors for Shekels before declaring bankruptcy.

I was hoping someone would recommend a way to gain high interest from my savings.

>> No.55291371

>boomer woman upset when she sees society getting the exact consequences she fought and voted for

They should put a bullet in her head

>> No.55291397

They aren't mutually exclusive you twat, that is just the simplest example on why specifically men are having a hard time in current year.

>> No.55291403
File: 45 KB, 640x628, IMG_0199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn she's talking about me. cept im 35

>> No.55291406

For me, I would say it's the value of work and income earned.
Regardless of how much I save or earn, I can never buy a house, or have the freedom to travel. So why work?

>> No.55291463

Fuck this gay (brave) new society, just become a barbarian and leave it behind, this Sodomite society has no future.

>> No.55291549

Putting the text near her tits wasn't helpful
I wasn't even trying to look there but damn

>> No.55291573

>If you parent good enough, systematic discrimination will simply evaporate
The parents just need to know and speak the truth

>> No.55291586

Keep your money with you. dont give it away to any nigger.
At most, get into ETH and stake it or maybe FRAX ETH but thats about it

You can also start an account on upwork and fiverr.

If you are in ecommerce try headless eccommerce and other front end work

shopify sucks. Using headless make it better for the businesses. Add value

Maybe you can charge very less or even do it for fre since you dont have any expenses and then charge the businesses a small percentage like 2 to 3% after they start getting sales but you manage all of their tech operations like seo, day to day product updates and such.

When things take off hire a Philippino as an assistant they speak good english

PS: excuse typos and spelling errors

>> No.55291597

Funny image. Remind me how the children of independently wealthy parents find a way to blow their chance at intergenerational wealth and fuck their kids over (if they even have any) - a "fuck you I got mine" attitude and lack of caring for the future.

I wonder how much lead pipes and leaded gasoline contributed to the retardation of boomers too desu

>> No.55291652
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Where did they want you to move and where do you live now?

>> No.55291657

>they wanted me to move abroad.
Wrong move anon you should just sued them

>> No.55291660

Boomers are geriatric. She'd be gen x. The silent generation screwed them over.

>> No.55291665

you also hear about rich boomers that talk about "if i leave my wealth to my kids, it will ruin them"

something just feels off about the way they say that. their head is up their asses. it sounds like you already fucked your kids lives up. you resent them. or you're too obsessed with money over your family. i could be wrong. i've been hearing variations of this quote from boomers.

>> No.55291769

Lead poisoning is literally called Saturnism. Saturn = Kronos, who ate his children. They knew what they were doing.

>> No.55291785


You should plan on leaving your wealth to them, but not promise it to them, so that they don't come to rely on that expectation.

>> No.55291815

I live in Ireland and they wanted me to move to the US.
Not a chance that was going to happen, fuck the US. Not interested in living anywhere outside of Europe.

>> No.55291825

I have a relative like this. Its truly amazing how much of a microcosm of the US the family is. Dad works construction and is starting to desperately advertise on his facebook posts, they just built a new house last year, son addicted to pot porn and vidya, failed out of trade school, failed out of military. Mom has tried every mlm in the country. Theyre even half mexican. I could probably make millions selling data on them. I can litterally just talk to them and find out how the country is doing. The moment they get foreclosed on Im looking for a second house.

>> No.55291826

A cash flow generating business, cash flow generating real estate, and dividend paying stocks are basically the only viable options. You could buy crypto if you want to trade but crypto isn’t properly cash flow generating.

>> No.55291829

no engineers can spell. there are 100 better things to commit to memory than othorgraphy.

>> No.55291838

Can't, they were offing the team and I was given the opportunity to lead one of the other teams abroad. It was either take the job or leave.

>> No.55291854

Please understand that baby boomers are the result of not only many decades of corporate and government brainwashing via television, radio, and even traditional publishing, but also actual social engineering projects such as MK ultra and the like.

>> No.55291860

You're not a NEET you're just unemployed

>> No.55291871

Hey that's my age range and why should I give a fuck?

I tried in this society, pretty hard too, I even listened to my parents about hard work and all that shit.

Two years, over 50 applications or something, not a single decent university wants me, the only ones I got accepted to were joke unis that would be a waste of time anyway. So now what do I do? I work as a fucking line cook at a half fancy restaurant in the culture district where I get to watch people enjoy their nights out while I sweat and slave away my Friday and Saturday nights. I should be one of them, why the fuck am I back here cooking this shit.

So in any case yeah fuck this gay earth I didn't ask to be born I didn't ask to be white I didn't ask to be straight at this point I'd rather be gay and black because at least I'd be able to get into university, at least I'd get a job that didn't make me want to kill myself. And at least picrel mom wouldn't be disappointed in me because I'd actually do something with my life. At this rate I'll probably just work this trash job til I get the courage to kill myself.

>> No.55291879

>Living at home at 28yo
>No pussy
>No hope
I'm a NEET bro.

>> No.55291888

He's not in college or training either, so he is a NEET

>> No.55291898

That is true, but most of those small businesses have a lot of problems with them that are just being held together by a competent management team, which leaves with a new owner if they don’t get massive raises, and those businesses are most often brick and mortar businesses. They’re not the sort of thing you can run hands off. If you’re not going to run the business, the only value proposition is your money and network, you trim the fat, provide some cash flow, and sell it off to someone better for the business, but you can’t do that with his capital.

>> No.55291908

I think you should think about what you want to do with your life. You don’t have to try to win the rat race you know. You can find another race.

>> No.55291925 [DELETED] 
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>MK Ultra and the like
More like MK Ultra and the "kike", amirite?

>> No.55291927

A consulting business doesn’t sound like it’s very scalable. It might get you freedom, but it will probably end up being a lot of work and you’ll never be able to sell it.

>> No.55291942

Can't argue with trips

>> No.55291947

Parents be like
>Let's trust our kids with all these loxist Marxist institutions where they mainly employ sjw females to punish and demoralize any male that would stand up for the consistency their parents experienced before them.
All social services have been bastardized by anitwhite tolerance that chooses immigrant and no birthing trans/gays over main tax revenue drivers and population replacers. They want civil war victory without a shit fired. They want you disarmed. They want you dead in a hospital due to intentional malpractice.

>> No.55291950

yup, exactly this. No matter how hard I work a basic standard of living seems unobtainable. We are seeing the fall of the western capitalist system and expected to punch in at a 9-5 or even 9-6 now, as it all crumbles around us.

>> No.55291984

Because they have to pay the rent Jew because their parents hate them and want them to compete with beaners that pay 1/6 rent to share a house illegally with 6 other illegals. Whites follow rules and don't allow that, it's not even a possibility. White parents don't give a fuck and don't want to see the truth that the standard that uplifted them in their 20s doesn't exist now for their own children because they didn't protect shit.

>> No.55292004

Do you think it would be worth it to stay in a career just for a 20-year pension?

>> No.55292006

They are looking for a justifiable thing to say to save their image when they realize the house they live in wouldn't be obtainable if they didn't have inheritance stepping stones of wealth.

>> No.55292014

>Grandma and grandpa served in world war 2
>Worked 2 jobs to provide for their kids
>Lived and died middle class and only enjoyed retirement because they were extremely frugal and resourceful
>No regrets, lived and died happily together within months of each other
>Grandfather literally willed himself to death because he couldn't imagine a world without his partner
>my Mom and dad made 7 figure net worth by buying a house and sitting on it for 30 years with absolutely no effort, never worked as hard or were as frugal as my grand parents, constantly bickered, bitched, and moaned, and caught up in drama and wheeling and dealing escapades
>Hate each other and life even though they're on the upper end of wealth and success
>Haven't had to do a day of back breaking hard labor since they were teenagers
>Bitter and divorced
Boomers were a fucking mistake. I wish more nukes had been launched during the war.

>> No.55292033

Very little work.
Everything that's been built has already been built in terms of app development.
I plan to "build" custom e-commerce websites for small businesses, using existing open source solutions.
Literally my only task would be setting up a Strip account to handle payments, and deploying the app to Azure.
Could work from anywhere and make great money but the difficulty is getting clients.
I have no idea how to market it.

Long term, I would like to buy a few apartments in Spain's coastal del Sol and rent them out to tourists via booking.com etc. Could easily be automated by installing a ring doorbell and a smart lock with keypad (code can be changed via app). Hire a cleaning company after every guest for €40. This would provide me with a steady flow of income and assets that are mine. I can continue buying more properties by mortgaging existing ones.

Unfortunately, I can't do this anymore because no bank will loan me the rest of the money to buy. Not without a job.

>> No.55292038

spelling is mostly logic. you don't "commit it to memory", you just write properly

>> No.55292064

Fuck no. You're not going to see your pension unless it's a private pension. The retirement age keeps increasing. It'll be 80-something by the time I'm in my 60s.

Right now, in Ireland, it's 66 but they want to make it 68. Every 5 years it increases by 2 years. Demographics pretty much says you can't retire.

>> No.55292135

>50 applications in two years
Actually, you didn't try at all

>> No.55292171

anon she did that on purpose, milf's crave cock as well

>> No.55292183

t. low IQ codemonkey

>> No.55292213

Why do people always post this shit? If her son is 25 and she's 58 she'd be a boomer who had a kid at 33. Literally no one in the USA after the 1950s was having kids right at 18 but people on 4chan always seem to act like that's the case.

>> No.55292227

Boomers took a pee pee poo poo on the last 20 years and are just now figuring out that things are le fucked.

>> No.55292233

No, I don't care about the 'economic and social factors' that make niggers nig, jews jew and boomers boom. They're all fuckers and they can suck it.

>> No.55292245

He's talking about university applications which cost money to send out, not job applications.

>> No.55292299

>why does the group of people we abused starting with genital mutilation on day 1 have no will to live!

>> No.55292309

Are you me? Going for accounting to get out of that hell

>> No.55292335

It’s a 20-year state pension. You get your payments after 20 years no matter what. I can double dip with a 20-year federal pension if I join the Army reserves. It’s something I’m considering.

>> No.55292346
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What motivation could young intelligent possible have when pic related is reality?

>> No.55292351

These are not so much “social factors” as they are “social engineering factors” and I’m not calling you to be empathetic but rather to understand this dynamic. When you consider your parents and grandparents as largely the products of television, things start to make a lot of sense and you start to navigate them better.

>> No.55292366

Do you actually know how to do basic stuff like fixing a laptop screen, building a pc etc.... or are you one of those "code guys" who is above any actual work?

If yes then I can tell you the residential pc repair sector is awful right now. Nobody wants to fix boomer's home computers for them any more, but they still want them fixed. You could run a repair business from your garage. Fix laptop screens, data recovery, replace tablet screens (you need special gear these days), remove grandpa's porn virus, etc....

But if all you ever did was learn to code in some shitty vi editor while the real workers managed the pcs and servers then good luck out there.

>> No.55292376

None, obviously. But if that’s the case you can’t be a striver like you want to get rich in the system. Either you can swim up the system or you can’t, either you want out or you don’t. There’s no middle ground like where it’s natural to be unmotivated in navigating the system and it’s institutions but also natural to expect to get a high income.

>> No.55292447

Diversity hire is real, huh?

>> No.55292459

I'm an engineer and I can spell because I'm not a dumb nigger who refuses to read. Death of a language is one facet of the death of culture.

>> No.55292483

Oh, I was referring to the standard state pension where you only get it after reaching the retirement age.

>> No.55292508

In my state, your age changed your payment but you can retire after 20 years in the scheme no matter your age after 20 years. I’ve been in a job that most people are 35+ when they start since I was 25.

>> No.55292515

>raised by single moms
>went to a school 95% staffed by women
>in a society that's been taken over by matriarchal values
>"What's wrong with our young men?!?!"

>> No.55292531

Oh no, I misspelled a word!!
Kys you fuck cunt.

That's C.U.N.T


>> No.55292560

I'm aiming for managerial roles.
It's very hard to get into with the current tech hiring freeze but if I don't get in, I'll consider taking a course in management.

>> No.55292567

Sh...She intentionally put the text right between her cleavage and crotch, right?

>> No.55292631

Not only are diversity hires real, but they're encouraged by nations.
Many countries issue quotas regarding how many women and niggers companies must have on staff or else they face fines.
Look it up if you don't believe me. There's literally a group of women at one of my previous jobs whose sole work is promoting women in tech. They were hired as tech consultants but they literally do nothing but hold events with other women regarding women in tech. Like, it's a fucking joke.

>> No.55292680

Very much so. In canada native americans get top of the top priority. Followed by non whites, then sexual deviants, then women, and straight white men at the very bottom. When companies suffer from their dysgenic inorganic hiring practices the government will help mitigate their losses by paying out ESG dollars funded by the taxpayer.
Anger and exhaustion are my only emotions these days.

>> No.55292692

I'm not a hardware guy. I have no experience with replacing somebody's phone screen. There's no value in that at all which is why the market is dominated by pakis and chinks.

There's like five different phone shops in my town. Seems to be the only business that's opening up in town. Literally all just phone shops and barbers. Almost like it's a money laundering scheme because no one uses them.

It also doesn't provide livable income. You make like €20 of fixing some guy's phone. Assuming you even get a client. You'll make more money working in a minimum wage job earning €11.50 per hour.

>> No.55292708

I never even mentioned phones

>> No.55292737

My nephew and niece are both in their 20s and they went from being great students to lazy fucks that just want to smoke weed. My niece wants to be an architect but she can’t even get A’s in community college. Their parents have always been involved in their lives, but I think zoomers are basically social media Guinea pigs and cell phones.

I just hope by the time my kids are teenagers, it’s much more common to just give your kids basic phones and keep them off of social media. It’s addicting enough for us adults, how the fuck were teenagers ever going to handle it ok?

>> No.55292796
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Life is so unfair sometimes.

>> No.55292817

Which is why your comment is even more retarded because barely any normie has a laptop/computer nowadays.

Phones are what it's all about. That's why so many computer stores closed down. Phones are much harder to fix unless you're an expert. Even then, manufacturers make it almost impossible to repair phones.

>> No.55292819
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>He thinks long-term memory is limited and you have to push things out in order to store other things

>> No.55292911

Thanks for answering. You're an obvious moron who got lucky. I fix computers all day long. Have for the past 20 years. You'll blow through that $160k and end up right back where you started. I guess you better hope you get lucky again. You don't have to be a baby because you don't know how to replace a laptop screen or recover someone's data. Just admit you're a fucking brainlet and get on with your incel momma boy life.

>> No.55292936

Consultancy pays like shit unless you work for yourself.
I worked in consulting for 4 years. The big Consulting companies pay ass and have offshored most of the work to poos. Deloitte for example pays 75k to senior developers within Ireland. That's shit, considering other companies will pay 100k for the same role.

>> No.55292987

Maybe in the US it is a successful business because you have a higher population of retards but nobody here owns a computer anymore. Everyone uses phones for their everyday computing. Phones are much higher to fix and are getting harder due to manufacturers making it impossible.

>> No.55293021

>tfw too inteligant too spell
Go away andrew tate

>> No.55293373
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>consulting business where I build e-commerce sites for small businesses
This is such a vague yet woefully overused idea/term for a business.

Another word for this is website designer. Let me break the news to you: No one needs a website designer anymore, just like no one needs a graphic designer.

Go get a job and stop day dreaming.

>> No.55293456
File: 129 KB, 851x1130, 1670878312102030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55293461

lets see...
when this bitch was 18 you could support a family of 5 as a janitor
now you cant support yourself

Gee why are men checking out of society?

when i make it im about to start a non-profit that houses men on a homestead with the goal of allowing them to check fully out of society and live nature based lives with like minded men in the same situation

also >>55291304

>> No.55293482
File: 12 KB, 244x244, 1663789640084143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I build e-commerce sites for small businesses.
How many fucking more do we need of these?

>> No.55293535

Thank you for answering the real questions here

>> No.55293565

Not true. Shopify etc all take a huge cut. Businesses want their own e-commerce site to sell globally.

>> No.55293628

fr this clapback is bussin, no cap

>> No.55293912

damn I'd take that GILF to pound town

>> No.55293990

Buy trust deeds. 9% on your money and if they don’t pay you foreclose on them and take the real estate

>> No.55294145
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>when men's life doesn't revolve around being a money provider for other people and they are just happy doing nothing

>> No.55294203

Its so funny because the answer is so obvious but women didn't want to live in that world they chose this one instead.

>> No.55294691

no way you believed this. i hope youre not a white supremacist if you believe what you wrote

>> No.55295051

This could work as a plot for comedy movie : a white guy larping as a arab to get a job. It would be like mrs doubtfire but without sally field, fucking bitch Robin only wanted to see his children you old whore but you decide to divorce and emotionally fuck everybody in the family

>> No.55295108

Tbh it’s just the pot

>> No.55295129

White supremacy?

The white race is a pathetic line of insufferable faggots who are weak and let the world walk all over them. They deserve exactly what they get, extinction.

>> No.55295132

Buy that property you want and rent it out.

>> No.55295153
File: 35 KB, 446x586, 1575585766417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get divorced
>emotionally sever the child causing him to dissociate
>becomes a lost confused soul
dumb fucking whore

>> No.55295195


>> No.55295258

>spelling is mostly logic
what? no its not you do realize that spelling is just based on outdated pronunciations of words right?

>> No.55295433

>etymology means outdated
Begone spellinglet

>> No.55295472

What the fuck did this bitch do in life for money in order to secure her foothold?

>> No.55295485


>> No.55295702

Buy XRP if you don't want to work

>> No.55296022

Have you ever applied to a corporate or govt job? Theres a whole section of the application asking you about if you are gay, a woman, a visible minority. I usually put prefer not to say, or say that im gay or a minority because fuck em thats why.

>> No.55296074

I make 120k, and have to live with parents and can't afford my own place. I'm 23 and in the top 1% of earners in my age group. So yea.. if I can't afford shit what do you think the guys making 50k would think, what would be there incentives for working.. in Canada btw where AVG house prices are 1m and AVG salary is 35k lol. Might as well ldar for them, mark my words bro, in 10-40 years, 99.99% of the wealth will be controlled by 0.001% of the population. We will go back to actual serfdom, worse actually. This will cause mass social unrest. This will happen in the west btw, make sure you guys gtfo out of here or have some exit strategy or backup.

>> No.55296090

"go get a job" yeah sure, every application requires a bunch of prereqs that make entry impossible.

>> No.55296122

To pile onto this, I know sooo many guys who literally work part time dead end jobs, and just play Vidya or smoke weed. Like most of the guys from my hs days do this, only me and a couple others went to uni and started a career.

>> No.55296146

Im in the same boat as you. 26 making 120k plus bonus. Should be able to buy a house within a couple years, i think the real estate market is peaking but i could be wrong. My friends are so fucked lmao. Especially the ones that didnt get degrees.

>> No.55296175

Forgot to add im in Canada and real estate is retardedly expensive here

>> No.55296226

Sounds like the beginning of a hippie cult. We’ve gone full circle

>> No.55296260

White men are only suppose to do trades now, we have become second class citizens in our own lands

>> No.55296296

this generation is demoralized. there's no reason to even try when everything is so rigged against you.

>> No.55296323

Western males are given a raw deal.
We have to work and create while others just walk in and steal. Steal the corporations, the breeding stock, the territory. Almost everyone insticntivelly knows this, so whats the point in working hard? Its like a giant plantation where your work is extracted AND you never get a chance to pass on your genes because the women are also all working and they hate your guts because of social conditioning. North america, europe, and asia, are corporate anti-male death zones with a mechanism for the maximization of extraction of profit.
This just doesn't fly. Either the leadership is going to have to do their duty and enforce borders, maintain gender norms, suppiort good culture, and reproductive success of the masses (they wont do any of these obviously), or a good chunk of people will drop out. Globalism, feminism, cultural degneeration have always been a mistake. Fix your shit, elites. But you won't. You will sit and complain that the slaves don't want to slave for free with NO CHANCE OF HOME OWNERSHIP OR PUSSY OR FAMILY OR COMMUNITY.

>> No.55296335

It's tough out here bro. Idk how you can afford a house, I have 60k saved, from my calcs I'd need 400-500k saved for a house, and 300-400 for a condo. Which would take like a decade+..

>> No.55296355

> There's literally a group of women at one of my previous jobs whose sole work is promoting women in tech. They were hired as tech consultants but they literally do nothing but hold events with other women regarding women in tech. Like, it's a fucking joke.

What’s worse is these bitches make like 100-300k a year….

>> No.55296391



>> No.55296410

putting family dirt out on the internet like this is really worthy of honor killing

>> No.55296420

I agree with this. The incentive for males has always been these or religion. With the dissipation of religion in the west, the western male would be satisfied with any of the above. But the fact that NONE of them exist now means no incentive to slave away.. its unironically over for the elites.. there slaves will stop working, their security and enforcement (made up of males) will grow scarce. Creating a dangerous combination..

>> No.55296550

Houses im looking at in Calgary are ~600k. If i save 120k i can get a mortgage in a couple years

>> No.55296568

Yeah, I was on 120k + 10% bonus before quitting.
I get raped by taxes and other shit. I still live with my parents because house prices are 650k.
Took me a while to get to that level of income but fuck it. I would take a comfy 50k job if it means I don't have to deal with the BS that comes along with a senior position. Money is worthless at this point.

>> No.55296722

lmfao i came back and laughed at this like 3 times now

>> No.55297225

The main cunt was hired a year after me and got promoted before I did. That's what triggered me to leave the company for somewhere else.
Ironic that a tech company values whores like this more than the developers that actually produce the products/services that generate revenue.

>> No.55297294
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Was she pretty? Because honestly that's the only thing that matters

>> No.55297572

It is hard to want to live when you know the truth about this world. Hard work does nothing in this day and age. Now, you can work hard, but expect to have no social life, fuck up your health, or receive a combination of both. College does not get you paid as well as previous years due to everyone having a bachelors degree, requiring you to go back and get at least a masters. They would rather bring an immigrant then care about their own people. Politicians are supposed to be fighting for us but fight for whoever pays them the most. Women have unrealistic goals for a man so many don't even bother or have a hard time of finding the right one. You do not own anything anymore. Everything has moved to a subscription based service to maximize profits, requiring you to work to keep up with payments. A minimum wage job could have paid for a sedan, but by the late 2010s, this goal was practically gone. Energy, water, gas, and food are more expensive while wages have been close to stagnant for decades. The world was supposed to be ours, just like they promised, but little did we know, they had a fine print that read "Get fucked".

>> No.55297686
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>everything is so rigged against you.
Worse part is I wanted to participate and contribute to society (wagie kek I know). But it feels like they're trying to force us to become NEETS. I got a good degree, got work exp etc... just got a bullshit reply from an application.
>you need a degree to work here.
>wtf I literally attached a photo of my degree in that field.
I even got certifications and seminars like a good wagie. I took a toastmaster to improve interviewing. I did everything expected out of me. Nothing...
I watched TikTok, youtube, looks like i'm not the only one experiencing this.

>> No.55297688

Nope. Not by my standards anyway. I turned the bitch down a few times.

>> No.55297867
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Buy 160k worth of Doge coin and chill.

>> No.55297889


>> No.55297982

If you really have that amount saved up, just live off it like a king doing fuck all all day and night in a cheap country (Thailand for example).

>> No.55298010

If you will buy a house I will suggest you pay with crypto maybe through xMoney, cashback is up to 5% the last time I used it

>> No.55298047

Nope, fuck non white countries. There's a reason why I said no to moving to the US.

>> No.55298064

>dude escape from zogmerica with your money
>NOOOOO i want to keep spending my money and feeding the great satan!
>now uh... huh i, i- i'll become a neet
You sure showed them, big man

>> No.55298080

You currently live in Ireland though, right?

>> No.55298101

> Just leave your country, family and friends behind to live in an overpriced shithole filled with Niggers and faggots.
I prefer the NEET life over being a corporate slave.

Still whiter the mutt land.
Ireland is 95% white.

>> No.55298107

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a big part of EU filled with refugees and poos nowadays?

>> No.55298122

It’s not only about the reward. The work itself is inhuman now. It’s basically intolerable, regardless of the reward. Go to school, get an office job, spend every waking moment on a computer or behind a steering while. Meanwhile, the public and social sphere as basically collapsed and the world has been paved over for many people. True or false, many feel there’s basically nothing to really live for. The sweetness of life tastes metallic and ashy now.

>> No.55298140

Yeah, shitholes like Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, the UK and France.
The rest of Europe is still white.
Ireland is like 95%.

>> No.55298176

>Ireland is like 95%.
For how long tho? Anyways, have you thought about farming?

>> No.55298193

Straight up. They just don't get it. They are so out of touch with their actual family. Their son will tell them how he's being discriminated against due to the gynocentric system THEY built. Guess who they will side with, their son or the system? Loyalless traitors.

>> No.55298365
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Wtf, 5%, that looks too good to be true

>> No.55298878

Start Uber, a friend of mine has 6 cars and he makes shitload of money on it

>> No.55298914

Nobody likes the US

>> No.55298938

School is shit, no Whites anywhere around them, and their parents make 10 times what they could expect to make at an entry level job

>> No.55298945

Boomers ruined their kids by not spanking them.

>> No.55298954

Technically 5% isnt that much but yes its worth it most especially if you buy a real estate property

>> No.55298986
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I tried to get a higher education but I'm forced to take GE classes. I hate this shit so much, why tf would I want to pay for school. Just to get a degree that won't even pay me enough to buy a house. And on the of chance I could afford a house, I'll have an empty house with just myself in it. Oh it gets better let me get married but wait I have an over 50% chance of losing everything I worked for and also losing custody of my kids. Ah jeez I wonder why young people like myself would rather just work a shitjob and smoke weed. My parents ate cool and don't charge me rent, so realistically I could put over 30k into safe divden stocks and retire early. But noooo were considered failures if we don't participate in the stupid expectations others have for us. Damn I wish I never went back to school

>> No.55299033

boomers fucked you over knowingly. "Greatest" generation fucked you over by giving control to the jews

>> No.55299039
File: 167 KB, 1080x679, Screenshot_20230614-174920-036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you hire a surrogate mother being single?

>> No.55299062

I applied to over 1500 jobs in my decade of NEETing and only got 4 interviews, 2 of them were on the phone. Its not worth trying, just do paid surveys and start trading.

>> No.55299064

Anon if I were to have kids I would want to raise them in a 2 parent household. They're is somethings a father can't teach their kids. Just like there's somethings a mother can't teach her kids. And I'm pretty sure yes I could hire surrogate mother but I don't want to do that

>> No.55299081

Understandable, but wouldn't your mother or sister help if possible?

>> No.55299085

I WOULD them. If you know what I mean.

>> No.55299100

I used to be a programmer, I've been neeting for 6 months now, doing odd jobs. Honestly if your home is paid cash things are pretty chill, I can make my monthly payments with like a week's worth of odd jobs & selling stuff on ebay.

>> No.55299122

I'd have to have kids at a young age if I want my mom to help(shes on the older side). And I wouldn't want to burden my sister with that responsibility. Although I do agree that they could help it still wouldn't be the same as having a mother. Last thing I need is for my kids to have mommy issues lmaoo

>> No.55299207
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Always such tuff talk from litte Chudcels the Biden admin could pass a law all chuds will be raped by niggers and you’d come up with excuses not to use your guns you won’t do shit, you will wage in the cage, your women will fuck niggers and you will be happy. Now quit complaining and get the fuck back to work wagie.

>> No.55299415

If you took a covid vax enjoy the short bit of life you have left. If you didn't get the vaxx, then go to school and get a real skill that isn't a code monkey.

>> No.55300684
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I want her

>> No.55300878

You're old, Grandma. Do us all a favor and die. And take the rest of your stupid generation with you

>> No.55300927

He can't spell but can use punctuation correctly, dude is 100% a technical lead.

>> No.55300954

Why do you need to commit spelling to memory? Don't you read and write often enough that it isn't a problem?

>> No.55301022


I'm 25 making the equivalent of roughly 21/hr including differential and holy fuck this sucks.

Literally the only thing that has not gone up in price is LIQUOR. Why is that? what liquor companies can I invest in for a stable profit return?

>> No.55301055


Overbearing mothers that let their son stay till 30 are going to grow older to having no experience with pussy at all. This will be the greatest divide we have ever seen.

>> No.55301139

what nations require this? does this include the usa?

>> No.55301457

the worst thing is that even if you manage to get home ownership or pussy or community it's still an uphill battle to get more than one other one, and they're kind of useless by themselves. What's the point in home ownership without pussy?

>> No.55301473
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I have to start a commune

>> No.55301492

>I got a good degree, got work exp etc...
dude i have literally 5 years of experience in the field and nobody (who isn't a piece of shit fed or financial parasite) will hire me. I shit you not one of my applications got rejected because I didn't put the fact I have 'agile and git experience' on my resume. They didn't even ask if I do they just assumed I somehow hadn't in my 5 years of working as a software engineer.

>> No.55301544

>Technical Lead
>I live at home
>I quite
why lie?

>> No.55301587
File: 1.00 MB, 1242x1449, EDCF15DF-0FD5-4D90-BA74-6F833A215CC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents are retards that fucked me up. They told me not to get a gf in high school and as a result lost the love of my life. Being a "respectful kid" costed me. That in itself took away my motivation to wagie. They didn't teach me how to drive. I taught myself. I told them to give me rides in high school so I could do the first 2 years of college before turning 18. They didn't. Fuckers. Retards. Also I'm 5'5.5" so I ended up in mental hospitals for suicide attempts in the past. That was the biggest L of my life. I lost the potential to 7 figs and in the last bull market, lost the equivalent to a house in cash (capital gain taxes lowered my IQ so I didn't cash out).
You better bet your ass I'm gonna neet. Nothing worked out. I'm fucking tired of even bothering anymore. I'm not going back to full time. Well maybe since these are good dca levels, but overall my mind is FUCKED. Also pissed that I had the money for LL surgeries, but not anymore. To be 5'10". FUCK.
I got FUCKED. Everything that could go wrong DID.
Negative feedback loop up the ass. I still think I can retire next bull once the faggots let it rip, but holy shit, it doesn't even matter anymore. My brain is forever fried.

>> No.55301617
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>Be white
>Move into land of the browns
>Eradicate their tribes, burn their settlements, steal their wealth, invade their land
>White population becomes mostly blue haired homosexuals
>Birthrates drop
>The browns from countries you destabilized can't stand the chaos you created with CIA glownigger coups
>Browns then migrate to America
>America is turning brown again
>Your lands and wealth will now belong to them
>No gendercide needed
>Now white men dare speak anything against their brown invaders or they'll lose bank accounts, jobs, family, friends, and be outcast
>Be white American
>Most well armed civilian population in history
>Vent frustrations on a frog posting forum
>Seethe when treated as anything less than gods

>> No.55301619

Don't do leg lengthening, number 1 because it's anti-human bullshit, number 2 because it makes you look like an out of proportion freak, and number 3 because it makes you functionally disabled. Also don't insult your parents.

>> No.55301623

I have no idea how to try anymore. My work ethic, intelligence, and all that are fine. I've just hit so many fucking walls, my head is spinning.

>> No.55301639

>he fell for the "LL surgeries are a meme" meme

>> No.55301696

>Hiring freezes across all tech companies means I will be out of a job until at least next year.
Not true. The job market is very tight and there's record job openings. Check the official statistics

>> No.55301751

i didn't fall for a meme, i saw what people looked like after, it's like looking at an alien

>> No.55301763

maybe the problem isn't you anymore

>> No.55301770

Cool. I'm doing it anyways

>> No.55301772

There are job LISTINGS but not actual job OPENINGS. It's just a thing companies and recruiters do to make it look like they're doing their salary/investment is justified to VCs.

>> No.55301777

ok height tranny

>> No.55301778

Cope. It only be like that because yall can't compete

>> No.55301786


>> No.55301814

god that soulless NPC smile when she shows the burrito to the camera

>> No.55301846
File: 222 KB, 387x391, Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 3.02.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neopets creators new project. Dragginz (TICKER SNS1). 3m mc. alpha q4. mans built an empire before.

>> No.55301877

Dragginz these nuts across your face

>> No.55301950

>Your wages should remain consistent with 2% percent a year even though we just had 20% inflation. Be grateful wagie! Not everyone has a job you know.

>> No.55302039

>son doesn't want to be dead-end slave bitch
>how to make dead-end slave bitch

>> No.55302249

Nope, fuck farming. The government makes it impossible to farm.

>> No.55302279

Especially the US. Others include the UK, Scandinavian countries and a bunch of other woke shitholes.
They only enforce it on big business though, companies that have more than 10,000 in staff.

>> No.55302311
File: 14 KB, 211x238, boomerjews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the boomers created one of the most artificial and fake realities we have ever lived. i'm not saying it's entirely their fault as they were only tricked by deadly sins, but humanity is simply harvesting what they sowed

>> No.55302352

zoomers suck

>> No.55302598

It’s been 3 years since I stopped NEETing, tried working a job, uni, asked out a girl
Now I have intrusive thoughts, OCD, lost a lot of weight, and I get depressed of the thought of getting groceries
Now what

>> No.55302861

you are either a woman or grown up with a single mom.
if city life is stressful for you, go be a farmer or work at the deep seas. also, being a NEET doesn't mean you have to be a bottle pissing r9k retard who stresses out by living a normal life. it just means you aren't slave waging to survive.

>> No.55302872

I’d definitely do this one.

>> No.55302912

Did you ever consider investing in dividend stocks? I myself never cared who got promoted at my last job. Let the wages bust their asses (arses?). I just did what I had to do and invested my pay checks. It’s like giving yourself a raise every month if you do it correctly.

>> No.55302919

Is it comfy in Ireland? Can I live off of investment income? Any white areas left?

>> No.55302984

>The world was supposed to be ours, just like they promised, but little did we know, they had a fine print that read "Get fucked".
that's the humanist propaganda since the british revolution.

>> No.55303153

these dumbass roasties and boomers always ask why men arent trying anymore but never wonder about the incentives men have to even try. Its better to live a frugal single life with cool hobbies than maintain a draining higher living condition with a deranged fat hag and put up with all the antimale bullshit in family court and corporate world.

>> No.55303210

> Its better to live a frugal single life with cool hobbies

How does a guy live, jacking off 50 years and then dying alone

>> No.55303231
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no pussy no work

>> No.55303257

was it chicken or egg that came first?

>> No.55303332

you might be jacking off alot in your 20s but you likely won't be like that after 30. Regardless a life of meaningless hedonism is already the default in the west. If you dont have a good shot at having children then living your life for a woman isnt any more meaningful.

>> No.55303353

> you might be jacking off alot in your 20s but you likely won't be like that after 30.

>> No.55303371

your libido drops and you become more mentally mature. Also your tolerance to addiction and instant gratification rises.

>> No.55303379

You can get like 6% in treasuries

>> No.55303399

I don't think I will ever have a wife because I'm just too different socially, and I'm awkward. I don't consume NPC shit or have any social media, and I think that is a big no-no for women today. I don't care about pop culture or being in the know at all. I barely consume modern movies, TV shows, music, etc. and I feel that this puts me at a disadvantage. My parents never let me have a girlfriend when I was in high school, and when it was time to go to college, I just concentrated on my schooling. Never had practice with it, and even though I still have time, I don't know if a woman would be okay with dating someone who's never been in a relationship. I've just accepted I'll be forever alone. I have friends, but the only time we really hang out is to go see a movie, which is rare because I'm not into capeshit, and they can't get enough of that shit. My job pays alright, but if I want to get more, I need to go back to school, which is another approximately 3 years, grinding again. I'm just tired.

>> No.55303477

Your mom came first last night, so idk

>> No.55303491

Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.55303514

>Anything aside from the Jew casino (stock market).
You will hugely regret not investing in the stock market in 5 years. Just buy QQQ.

>> No.55303539

cry my little girl, cry

>> No.55303563

Stop trying to blame your failures on other people, commies. The greatest economic opportunity of a generation is upon us now, don't waste it with self-pitying grievances against "the man".

>> No.55304505

This. Even as a kid i knew school and governments sucked. I didnt do weed because my parents didnt raise me to be a pothead. You can find purpose outside what the school system tells you the purpose is.

>> No.55305065


anon. it's joever.

>> No.55305206

I’d like to marry her

>> No.55305275

NEETs have it right, as soon as I have enough money Im returning to being a NEET. Society sucks and the social contract has long been broken.

>> No.55305391

Your gay rape fantasies speak volumes, sodomite.

>> No.55305456

Why is this thread still up? OP admits throughout the comments that he has 0 skills that an AI can't replace.

He's not capable of starting a business. He'll be back to waging at McDonalds soon enough.

>> No.55305521

i dont get this mindset. are u gaslighting? like call a fucking spade a spade. shit is actually really fucked. best thing you can do is lie flat and stop participating. basically the karens like one in webm will all destroy eachother if theres no young males to boss around. its like females in society gets high on the shit test of "how far can we push them!". meanwhile that chick probly has some cuck husband pulling most of the responsibility and work. look at how upset ppl get when males arent working, they literally need us. weak men who get fulfillment from women and children are the actual problem. life itself is fulfilling, u dont need no bitch. build something

>> No.55305540
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Speaking of which....

>> No.55305570

>media matters

Leftists and neo-libs should look at this and think “hmm, maybe we should stop pushing the homo shit, it’s really galvanizing the right”.

>> No.55305758

Have fun staying poor.

>> No.55305773

Read the chart, moron. Rightwingers are pushing it, not the left.

>> No.55305997

Reread the comment you responded to.

>> No.55306067

Trannies are a rightwing obsession, period.

>> No.55306213

32 here and you are full of shit. never been more horny than i am right now. in fact the woman in the OP is looking like a snack. im eating more candy, soda, and ice cream now more than ever. im also not overweight at all

>> No.55306372

>Hiring freezes across all tech companies means I will be out of a job until at least next year.

If you are actually a senior level (5+ years and skilled) then the market is still ok.
Take a 10% pay haircut you should be able to find something else within 3 months, well within your runway. Sucks compared to normal 30%+ jump in pay when changing jobs, but take the best option for now.

Source: tech lead (~10 yoe) who got laid off in beginning of the year, and first (shit) offer about 9 weeks in, and (accepted) offer at 12 weeks into layoffs.

>> No.55306409

i do i just don't care enough. same with names, i know your face but your name meaning nothing to me

>> No.55306602

>implying it's odd for people to discuss the things they are concerned about
>implying "media matters" can be trusted to correctly label "right wing" and "left wing"
Reread the comment you replied to

>> No.55306628

>implying "media matters" can be trusted
Do a search of 4chan for "trannies". It's all you mouthbreathers talk about. Delusional shadowboxing.

>> No.55307152

See this >>55305521

But you’re right. We’ve reached a level of financial fuckery I don’t think any of us could have imagined. Somewhere there lies an opportunity of a lifetime, and it doesn’t seem to be real estate like in 08 with prices soaring for absolutely no reason. It sure as fuck isn’t going to be some magic shitcoin that’s going to save you (even if you’re timing of when to buy/sell is immaculate). The whole “fuck working” mindset can absolutely be used to your advantage. If you step into a business to take a job, treat it as nothing other than them funding you and your side business. That same mentality is a contagion, but if you design your business model for being prepared for a revolving door of employees coming in and out you can take advantage of it. Warehouses do this all the time and Amazon is a good example of that. It’s something I’m at least marginally studying the ins and outs of to see if it can’t be done starting up. Just rent warehouse space, stock it with a product that’s certain to move, and just offer a comfier environment with similar pay as other leading distributors to attract employees. They won’t stick around, but you don’t need them to. Just show them how not to wreck a fucking forklift for 6 months to a year and let them walk no questions asked. Throw them a bone such as “shift supervisor” which they can use as a resume builder for someone else. On paper it doesn’t sound like a terrible idea but I’m still figuring out the nuts and bolts of how this could operate.

>> No.55307265

Just be a proud woman. You don't have to troon out. I'm a woman whose authentic presentation is masculine.

>> No.55307310
File: 66 KB, 768x1024, 1686800610189047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wahh wahh, nigger, you're not even at risk of starving. Matter of fact, I can smell your fat odor from here.
Rope might be a solution, if you're this pathetic

>> No.55307347
File: 290 KB, 1360x850, EgG2aR8U0AI9nkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the solution to this womans problem, but she would hate it

>> No.55307366

Honestly you got lucky you got filtered at the uni stage. Now you can start working in a trade ahead of everyone else and youll probably be alright. I did everything right and fell for all the memes and ended up with a meme degree in biology and now 9 months later and probably around 1000 job applications to ENTRY LEVEL lab tech/ research positions and I have nothing

>> No.55307743

fellow potato land man. i also want to start my own business but need copartners. add the discord conxr3 and we can strategize

actual advice, live in low cost of living country. source cheap national labor and drink all day.

>> No.55307845

>Do a search of 4chan for "trannies
But I already found one

>> No.55307982


>> No.55308552

> Can I live off investment income
Fuck no!
It is one of the most expensive places in Europe with little to no return in terms of living standards.
You get taxed to hell but you don't see any of the benefits like in Scandinavia or central Europe.
There's a double tax on everything.
It is one of the dullest countries in Europe, literally nothing to offer after 17:00, because that's when everything closes except overpriced pubs selling poison. It's cold and dark most of the year. Housing is impossible not because of financial reasons but due to lack of supplies, as there's nothing on the market.

So what are the benefits? It's one of the whitest countries in Europe. Lots of jobs. Extremely safe outside of Dublin inner-city. Great education system. Amazing place to raise a family.

Personally, I don't want to live here but I would take the shithole that is Ireland over the US anyday.
As I said before, my plan is to buy a house in Spain and the few apartments that I can rent out for income.

>> No.55309495

Who asked for your opinions?

>> No.55309930
File: 118 KB, 800x1035, Drakes-Manor-House-An-Astonishing-Project-by-Ferris-Rafauli-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I did a year and a half of uni before realizing it was a waste of time.
>Learned how to polish marble floors
>took on some big projects as an employee, became foreman
>3 years later take my savings and start a company
>market myself as top tier and not compete for commercial work, only absolute richest people in my area
>tfw year six and doing very well, helper getting paid well, I work 3-4 days per week

>> No.55309951

>This could work as a plot for comedy movie : a white guy larping as a arab

>> No.55309992
File: 76 KB, 640x342, Terror_Taxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55310009

>Hiring freezes across all tech companies means I will be out of a job until at least next year.
There are no hiring freezes you schizo, the market’s booming. Quit being dramatic and start applying

>> No.55310122

I bet she's a good ride

>> No.55310291

If you still jack off like a teen at 32 youre a lost cause. I didnt say youd lose interest in women, you just have your libido in control, atleast to not jack off multiple times a day.

>> No.55310606

Do you work at Meta?

>> No.55310847

If you sat out on the street selling fucking trinkets or birdhouses these same boomer kikes would call the cops on you for selling without a license, you would be heavily fined, and if you reacted at all you'd go to jail to work as slave labour for a big corporation.

Thanks boomers.

>> No.55310933

In reality communism is about making families unattached to each other, so telling people not to be angry at their shitty family is communism. In a trad system, the idea of a family treating their kids so badly as to cripple civilization itself would be unthinkable.

>> No.55310941

Someone who wants to build something like a business will do the opposite of being poor.

>> No.55310997

have you tried looking for a job in web3, issa land rich of fast, and big opportunities

>> No.55311250

Literally my mom
>her grandma owned a lot of real estate on the west
>her dad was a prospector
>she grew up never having to worry about money
>turns into an ungrateful druggie (meth&heroin)
>becomes trailer trash
>has 4 kids, Im #3 and was literally born high on meth
>raise us on top ramen
>grow up so poor that we only have 2 pairs of pants and like 3 shirts to wear to school
>everyone notices because our overworn clothes are tattered
>she lives life as a government leech
>goes from friend to friend screwing over everyone until she has no options left
>we go homeless once or twice. Literally break into a camping trailer at night at one point for like 4 months because its our only way of sleeping indoors
>bunch of white trash episodes later her grandma and mom dies
>she now has a free house and gets $5000 a month basically forever
>still broke every month (Gambling addiction).
shes a stupid bitch.

>> No.55311898

remain strong my fellow NEETS and don't forget to clog the pipes to fuck over the Landlord criminals. Sieg Heil brother NEETS