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5529291 No.5529291 [Reply] [Original]

What was your biggest crypto mistake this year /biz/ ?

>> No.5529317

cashing out 2 btc for 3k

>> No.5529320

Not getting in here sooner https://discord.gg/smsmnUd

>> No.5529327

selling XRP at 80c

>> No.5529367

3. Selling my 4 million XVG
2. Buying ICN at ath
1. Cashing out 4btc

>> No.5529369

Making link and odn 80% of my port in Oct and holding during the massive bull run

>> No.5529372

Not converting this pic into a pink wojak/brainlet.

>> No.5529376

Sold 6k AntShare to go all in on NMR at the peak and lose half my portfolio. Easily the worst mistake i've made in my entire life.

>> No.5529383

I bought 90,000 XVG at 150 sats. I slapped down a sell order at 156 for a quick profit, since it had been bouncing around there all day. Went to sleep feeling good about it.

The next day it underwent the godly pump to 400. Then 1000. Then 2000. I missed 30 thousand dollars by going to bed with the sell order up.

Fuck me.

>> No.5529403

Buying chainlink

>> No.5529410

Buy iota at 80 cents and selling at 40 cents

>> No.5529418

>bought DGB at ATH
>didnt sold my Siacoin at ATH when I could be a milionaire

>> No.5529420


make this happen, fucking kek

>> No.5529426

buying ltc at 37$ and selling at 90$

buying dash at 400$ selling at 700$ ya dig...that shit stings a bit

>> No.5529449

longing BCH/BTC from 0.21 to 0.1

>> No.5529454

Sold $1000 worth of XRP at 3 cents.

>> No.5529470
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Selling BTC at 9.7k

>> No.5529520

not buying any of the 10x pajeetcoins shilled on /biz/

>> No.5529553

>this thread again
There's no sense in dwelling on your past mistakes. Move on.

>> No.5529574

hodling REQ and not liquidating profit to board other moon mission

>> No.5529575

I dumped 15 bch at the low 300s after doing zero research and not knowing anything about bch.

>> No.5529579

Bought ZCL for 10.5k two weeks ago, sold it for 15k. Now look at it. I still think it's a huge scam by the new dev, but seeing that price is making me die inside.

>> No.5529586

Buying OMG at 12 near september.
Going all in or 50% when I really like a coin.
Not throwing more money at crypto.

All those lessons were learned.

>> No.5529611

Not listening to /biz/ on PBL, PRL and ETN

I'd have 20k at minimum now but instead i'm still sitting around $500 above my initial investment

>> No.5529628

1. Selling 5 LTC before the day before it's moon.
2. Selling ripple after.

Im gonna hold on to XLM
and hodl till my hands fall off.

>> No.5529635

selling 75k ICON for 3$

>> No.5529639

Attempting to arbitrage and losing 5-10% of my stack.

Accidentally flagging market sell on Binance while having the perfect sell order lined up for BCH during the spike 30 seconds after Coinbase listing.

Not selling BCH at .35 BTC during the first attempted Cashening.

Not selling when I'm euphoric like 10 times. Then watching my x5 or better turn into something between x1.3 and x2.2.

Going all in on ICX at 700 sats, selling at 600, rebuying at 720, telling myself to set a sell order for 1400 and to go to bed, then not setting the sell order, waking up to ICX having gone to over 1400 and returned to 900.

Missed out on a lot of gains, don't be like me, come up with a plan and stick to it.

>> No.5529644

went all into link at 71c...

>> No.5529660

cashing out my 60 btc just under $10k

>> No.5529679

selling litecoin at 8$, selling XRP at 0.50$, selling syscoin at 0.18$, selling PIVX at 2$. Fuck me in the ass.

>> No.5529681


chasing the next x10000 coin with XCS

buying OPT at ICO, good project but am holding these bags for way too long

>> No.5529691

Giving my ex wife my ledger nano s and pin with 600 eth in january

>> No.5529777

What a cuck

>> No.5529790

We have a winner.

>> No.5529799

Please, ellaborate.

>> No.5529800
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chasing mcaffee pump

lost 1/3rd of my portfolio

>> No.5529804


yea tell me about it. I swore off roasties this fall. i'm never letting that happen again

>> No.5529824

Not having the liquidity to buy RaiBlocks at 30 cents a few weeks ago, I'd have bought a house by now

>> No.5529837

sold vtc right before it mooned
sold iota right before it mooned
sold ltc right before it mooned
sold trx right before it mooned

honestly it feels like someone is watching my wallet and is trying to fuck me.. eventhough my portfolio went up 300% in the past 2 months I'm kinda sad because it could've been an easy 5000%.. let's hope 2018 treat me better

>> No.5529909

oh god.. forgot to mention that I missed out on XRB because I was too lazy to make an account on that fucking shit exchange.. guys I think I might go kms

>> No.5530165

seems like you fail to learn from your mistakes

>> No.5530257

Day trading shitcoins instead of holding btc

>> No.5530311
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Buying TRX

>> No.5530323

Selling 18GIOTA under 1$

>> No.5530341

Not going all in on RaiBlocks when you faggots were shilling shitcoins like ARK, IOTA, ChainLink, MANA and so on.

At least I bought a little bit, but if I went all in I would've been lambo-strapped. EOY 2018.

>> No.5530340

> Should've just kept holding btc instead of trading
> Shouldn't have bought 1btc worth of hashflare mining contract

>> No.5530344
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dunno if I should continue. planned to add some pink.

>> No.5530355

Selling 100k XRB for 0.50c thinking the shit exchanges would prevent it from mooning more.

>> No.5530373

Selling btc at 13k

>> No.5530383

selling ada at $0.02

>> No.5530397

We are the biggest pump group and will close registrations soon. Join in now


>> No.5530418

Bought into the Etherparty pre-sale. Made everything back, but could've made a lot more if I never went there to get JUSTed for 50%

>> No.5530431

Fucking coinbase.
Nice to move money to account

But i bought eth at 630 , fucking backlogged and didnt transfer then confirmed transfer at 757.

How the fuck
Fucking jews
Fucking sheeny curse

>> No.5530450

sold 5eth @ $40
sold 27 eth @ $217


>> No.5530466
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please continue

this is really good

>> No.5530498


You win.

I'm holding this to $100. I'd love to have 100K of them though.

>> No.5530501
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making ARK 90% of my portfolio

>> No.5530504

Literal brainlet

>> No.5530556

Buying $5000 worth of BTC @ $19,500

Putting all my holdings into Siacoin back in August when it was draining in satoshi value.

Missed out on pretty much every 10x pump.

>> No.5530604

1. Selling 3 million xvg for 120 sats
2. Selling 180k sub for 0.10$ piece
3. Buying odn
4. Lost 8g's on pot pnd
I have learned alot and made a shit ton of money but I would be a millionaire if I had done some things differently

>> No.5530622

I tried chasing the RDD pump
Bittrex locked up from the volume and my buy order of 188 sats kicked in
Sold at 50% loss

It was only 200$ but still...

>> No.5530669
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My biggest mistake is taking ANY advice from 4chan. I still do it to because I'm just as retarded as all of us.

>> No.5530671

>Had 3.3btc
>Was deciding between buying 100k of xrb vs another shit coin
>decided to go all in and buy 3.3btc worth of shitcoin
>shitcoin is now worth only 1btc and realised I bought at ATH

>> No.5530675

>Buying odn
Kek, this.

One of my biggest was somehow missing that Verge call thread on Dec 10th or whenever it was despite being on fucking /biz/ almost 24/7.

Another was not selling signatum at 4k sats. J U S T

>> No.5530710

There's no way to truly get ahead in crypto without staying up all night and not having a job.

>> No.5530745

Kek confirms

>> No.5530773

Try to outjew everyone with a 6 sat/byte fee

>> No.5530782
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>zyka baby reaction face

>> No.5530790

If you DYOR you'll be fine.

Anno shilled me IOTA at 10 cents in July. Sold at $4 and made a shit ton of gains!

>> No.5530824

diversifying 400 eth into shitcoins through the first half of this year instead of just holding all year

>> No.5530831
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selling 300k xvg at 170 sats and not getting back in when it was 50

>> No.5530878

I started up in early December.

Bought Ripple at .35 and sold at .55.
Bought TRX at 130sat and did not sell when it got pumped to 500. Sold at 240.
Bought ICX and did not sell at the peak and rebuy the dip.

We are learning though. I am still very in the green.

>> No.5530879

sold 2.7 mill xvg sub 500 sats. (bought at 11 & 42 sats)
realise xmas day what a fuckup it was.
tell family . they laugh at me

>> No.5530934

Getting into crypto. Should have stuck with sweet old predictable stock market

>> No.5530945

Biggest mistake was not following this discord:

I came in during the RCN call and missed out big time, sad day. Not making that mistake again.

>> No.5530951



>> No.5530974

Not getting into crypto sooner. Shouldn't have stuck with sweet old predictable stock market so long.

>> No.5530982

btc chain was backed up, so I used bch to transfer some cash between exchanges, bithumb goes down, bcash dumps

>> No.5531016

Biggest mistake was holding alt coins during the huge BTC boom. I’m still in insane profits; like $500 to $500k but I really fucked up there. Got locked down in REQ and LINK. Even if I had cut my losses when it went to $7k I could have done great but FUCK.

>> No.5531048

I did well until recently, I sold at 20k, thinking I know its going to crash to below 10k, but ended up fomoing back in at 18.5.

>> No.5531110

Buying IOTA before exchanges then selling 2/3 just before the recent pump.

>> No.5531115

Not even noticing the dip until I was down 70k could have could 1.5-2x my stacks

>> No.5531116

this too. no one knew but fml

>> No.5531171

I had zcl at $4. Sold because they want to fork off bitcoin. I have never seriously considered suicide and how painless it could be if I just got really drunk before I did it. Been holding back vomiting all day

>> No.5531221

wthat does the pink wokjak means?

>> No.5531269

not buying bazingacoin and kucoin, it's like I hate money

>> No.5531278

Well, I'm glad for you that you only had one ZCL. Could be worse, right?

>> No.5531289

Fucking normie

>> No.5531339
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>> No.5531368

please elaborate sir

>> No.5531408

thinking i bought verge at a major discount for it to dump even harder. Now I am a hodler because I refuse to sell at a loss and would rather lose my money

>> No.5531412

hahaha what the fuck?

>> No.5531434


>> No.5531454

bought Bitcoin Diamond on a whim

immediately sold it when I realized it's the most obvious scam, possibly the most obvious scam coin in the history of crypto

>> No.5531460

Buying LTC.... at 370.

>> No.5531486

Where do you see this kucoin stuff in 2 years?
I just dumped my entire autism disability check on it

>> No.5531496


Buying 6,000 SC just 2 hours ago

>> No.5531500

ouch. my brother in law did the same thing

>> No.5531508

Buying 100 oz of silver for 2 btc

>> No.5531512

Starting this year with crypto and bought iota at 0,30$ back in September which is great.

I am extremely pissed off for not choosing to invest some into RaiBlocks as well.

Fuck i get angry just thinking about it.

>> No.5531522
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>I just dumped my entire autism disability check on it

>> No.5531532

not going all in skycoin when it was 1 cent

>> No.5531560

Bought $4k of chainlink a few months ago, bear run ensued and I sold up at about $900, it pretty much went up from there.
Put that $900 into various shitcoins and my balance is currently at $912.

Woe is me.

>> No.5531580
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30% confido

>> No.5531622

damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning

>> No.5531634

I forgot about it until it was. 2btc sold all for a cool .7 net probably could have Hedl for .4 and netted 1.3

>> No.5531646

>What was your biggest crypto mistake this year /biz/ ?
Not being in it. From previous years I regret not building a mining rig when that actually made sense, and also to leave all my DOGE on Cryptsy and having it rekt.

>> No.5531658
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See the 0.07347 arrow, that was me.

>> No.5531661

>make $192 on stocks this year
>make $20k in crypto with the same amount invested
u wot m8

>> No.5531717

Good thread guys yall can go home now

>> No.5531728

Had 1.7MM xby tokens, sold in June for a good profit but found out today it’s worth 24 cents each.

TLDR would have 1.2M USD if I just held

>> No.5531749
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Selling 20k ZRX I got in August at ~$0.30. Still made a nice profit, but looking at the price now and where it could be going I feel fucking retarded.

Buying DNT in August and then not selling at the ATH. Ended up selling for a ~$1k loss, but used the funds to buy XMR at $139, so it worked out.

FOMOing into TRX 1-2 weeks ago. Ended up selling for only a 1 ETH loss (ended up making up for it by buying and selling ICX for a 2 ETH profit though). Not my biggest loss, but just letting myself FOMO into that piece of shit was a mistake.

Selling LINK I got at ~$0.16 when it hit ~$0.35 after the announcement, assuming it wouldn't do shit until Q1. Like two days later it pumps up to $0.50, and seems to be staying there so now I can't buy back in at a lower price like I hoped. Still think there's a chance it'll dump back down to at least $0.30 so I can get back in.

>> No.5531753

Not too late to buy in Barring a major fuck up that shit is gonna be top 5

>> No.5531769

Ouch. So she took them, or lost them?

>> No.5531770

Wojak is a legend among the rural folk of Quebec

>> No.5531797

I was in at 600 bucks at .05 cashed out for xrb at 9 buck might kms

>> No.5531821

had 90k XVG bought at 140 sats, sold at 90 in november hahahahahahaha

>> No.5531844

ha ha panic bro, been there.
better to be out wishing you were in than to be in wishing you weren't

>> No.5531864

Missed out on every 10x pump so far*

>> No.5531875

>Selling LINK I got at ~$0.16 when it hit ~$0.35 after the announcement, assuming it wouldn't do shit until Q1. Like two days later it pumps up to $0.50, and seems to be staying there so now I can't buy back in at a lower price like I hoped. Still think there's a chance it'll dump back down to at least $0.30 so I can get back in.

nigga, I have 140k link, I am getting btc ready to add another 100k between 40-45 cent. but fucking no one selling . so forgot about below 40 cent forever unless crypto whole fuckked up for some reason

>> No.5531920

Not selling ltc at 390
BHSLing ltc from 350 to 300
Sleeping on a decision over verge at 2 cents.
Selling bch at 900 and then again at 2100

>> No.5531921

forgetting about xrb at 1 dollar because the exchange was shit tier and down when I read about it

not buying verge

>> No.5531964

Keep hodling til atl then release bags, buy a hooker

Yeah man I've doubled my 401k I've been putting into for the last 5 years in 10 months without even trying. Are you like a stocks whiz?

>> No.5531965

>Finally trades go back up on normiebase
>Decide to buy in because it's an upward trend
>Goes to 390
>Decide to hodl

>> No.5531987

Not buying more crypto

>> No.5532004

this is the serious hurt, same i felt with ada. Having owned the coin makes it worse than just missing moons. Imagine those who sold thousands at 50 sats holy shit

>> No.5532012

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. This is like the only time I hope BTC fucks everything up for a bit so I can get back into LINK. Though, if that doesn't seem to be happening, I'll probably just get back in and hope I can at least get my 20k LINK back if not more with the profits I've made from flipping other shitcoins.

Getting my portfolio ready to go into hodl mode for a few months, so need to sell off a few more shitcoins and hope LINK dips so I can get in at least sub $0.50.

>> No.5532013

Shorting EOS at the absolute minimum.
Lost 50k because of this.

>> No.5532021

Seriously why do you keep spamming these shitty links? Do you get some fucking awards?

>> No.5532032


>> No.5532083

Oh fuck, thanks for reminding me about ADA. I was about to go in pretty heavy in the beginning of November when it was at like 2 cents, but just never got around to it. Just wanted to kill myself after it's first huge pump.

>> No.5532096
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I lost motivation.

>> No.5532103


not too late to get into ICX

>> No.5532132
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link instead of icon

>> No.5532171

i had 120k end of Oct, felt sick after seeing it go 20 cents, more after seeing it 50 and not having bought at 20 cause too fucking expensive. Damn btc bull run, thought it would make it tank more, went to the fucking moon with btc instead

>> No.5532190

I had 64 BTC in mt.gox

>> No.5532195
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Same here, but with 15 000 000 XVG. I always buy Verge when its low (50-70 sats) and set sell at 140 for easy, safe gains. Still went x2, and there was no way to predict this absurd moon, so I'm not too bothered. I hate it way worse if I correctly predict a pump but do not act on it (see current ZCL pump)

>> No.5532199


absolute kek

>> No.5532243

sold ETH at 520
bought BTC at 17,400
didn't buy any BTC when I first heard about it

>> No.5532298

whats the next one, vergelord

>> No.5532300

The trick is to buy in foreign exchanges where there's volatility. American companies barely move at all, but foreign stocks can easily go 50% in a day. And that's real money you get instead of the risks of loss in transfer and scummy cryptoexchanges deciding to run with the money

>> No.5532384 [DELETED] 

biggest mistake is not going into any cryptos.
Starting now. Any Tips? Am I too late?

>> No.5532456

Buying XRB at .90 and selling at 4.50

>> No.5532475

>Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. This is like the only time I hope BTC fucks everything up for a bit so I can get back into LINK. Though, if that doesn't seem to be happening, I'll probably just get back in and hope I can at least get my 20k LINK back if not more with the profits I've made from flipping other shitcoins.

surprisingly link is decoupled from recent btc crashes or pumps. its being stable around 50 cent .it may explode if any news comes out. the good think is link holders become iron hands and emotionally attached link it seems including me. I fucking shuffled around my portfolio numerous times last month for quick flips,but for unknown reason I did not touched the link. this biz board brainwashed me on link.

>> No.5532580

I was the same way, I would not touch my LINK. But, I got greedy and thought I could be smarter than the market in an attempt to get more LINK. At least I made some nice profits on ICX, and ENG is doing well for me so I should at least be able to recover my original 20k, but I'm hoping to be able to grab 40k before any news.

>> No.5532600

1. Not getting into crypto earlier
2. Thinking that cfd trading was actually trading cryptocurrency trading
3. Not buying more ripple at 20 cents
4. Getting cucked by coinbase fees

>> No.5532630

i thought you would show me some love for trying. meh.

>> No.5532638
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biggest mistake is not going into any cryptos.
Starting now. Any Tips? Am I too late?

>> No.5532847
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Wew boyos that was fun. Might do a brainlet only one now

>> No.5533039

waiting until this month to buy when it seemed like a good idea all year

>> No.5533040
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>Starting now. Any Tips?
Depending on how much you're going to throw in, stick to the big three (BTC, ETH, LTC) until your portfolio is at least $1.5-2k, so you don't lose all your money on some shitcoin a /biz/tard tricked you into buying.
For the love of god do not buy some coin that's at its ATH because some anon posted a thread about it telling you to buy it. It almost certainly will dip to a better entry point (assuming you've also DYOR and it's not a shitcoin). Then you're not stuck at a loss for 2+ weeks posting pink wojacks because you're a brainlet that let a pajeet sell you his bags.
Really, unless you really want to get risky, I'd recommend not buying any sub top 100 (maybe even sub top 50) coin until your portfolio is worth more than $5-7k. As if you hold at least 50% of your portfolio in the big three (or top 10 market cap coin) you'll likely be able to make up for the losses on anything else by just holding one of those.

Don't be scared to take risks though once you feel comfortable with crypto, as that's how big money is really made. Just always DYOR, and for the love of god do not use /biz/ as your only source of information. Find some twitter users, a couple good bloggers/youtubers if that's your thing, read whitepapers, and join some chat groups (slack channels, telegrams, discords, etc...).

>> No.5533162
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fixed mouth and patch

>> No.5533308

Do you think bch will go back to green?

>> No.5533457

fukken saved

>> No.5533574

Top kek

>> No.5533741

Any websites you recommend? I've found this: https://emptybucket.co.uk/ which seems decent but also kinda shilly

>> No.5533789

Selling ripple at 70 sats.

>> No.5533825

Not pulling the trigger on my buys sooner. There's no procastinating in this space.

>> No.5533934

Build a GPU miner. Mined several coins to get finally to around a few BTC.
Used those to daytrade coins with OK succes.
ETH was hacked (what was it called again DAO?)
Shorted the shit of it all in.
Made around 10 BTC didn't close short. Didn't watch it anymore because ETH will go to 0.
Come back later to see I'm margin called & lost everything..
Now I only have 500€ left in cryptospace.

>> No.5533957

Margin called. Lost about 47k...

Recovering nicely tho.

>> No.5534030

Stelling sia at 99 sat

>> No.5534033

Honestly, I don't look at too many websites. My main sources are un-ironically /biz/, a few reddit subs that I take with a grain of salt (/r/cryptocurrency and /r/ethtrader being the two least shitty), and a few chat groups I'm in.

I'm a software developer though, so I read white papers and mostly invest in good tech (which is how I try to avoid getting fucked by some coin being shilled on /biz/). But, if you're not super comfortable with the tech side of the house, some of the white papers will be daunting and hard to understand. If you are though, they should be your main source. Maybe some other anon can hook you up with some good blogs/youtubes/twitters though.

>> No.5534096

Pussied out of dumping everything in XRP at 25 cents the day before it mooned to 80 cents. I was afraid of using Shapeshift lmao. I'm am idiot.

>> No.5534151

Same. Also holding WTC shit for too long

>> No.5534220

if you made a profit then it's okay. That shit ain't going nowhere but down

>> No.5534564

Knew about Bitcoin in 2010. Didnt mine didnt buy.

Knew about RaiBlocks at beginning of 2017. Didnt buy didnt captcha.

Buy BTC at 1k, Rai at 4$. Will keep buying all the way to $100. Will not fuck this one up.

>> No.5534746

not too late, shit's gonna 5x 2018 at least

>> No.5534845

I was doing so well with my hodl strategy. Then the December normie euphoria wave made the greed start festering in me.

Once I saw the news broke that BCH was about to be listed on coinbase I rushed to buy it on Binance about 5 mins later. Got caught in the PnD and with bags.

Then, to top it off, the coin that I had been holding in anticipation mooned without me (XRP).

I'm sticking to my guns now. Timing shit never works out.

>> No.5534957
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selling all my BTC at 6k each

>> No.5535060

Didn't hodl the 5k raiblocks I bought when they were 1500 sats

Bought ODN ico and didn't sell at the top of the pump

not buying BCH at $200

Not hodling 1 sat colx

>> No.5535277

buying verge. i have 100,000 verge and my wallet doesn't connect so i cant exchange it. It's stuck in my wallet FOREVER.

>> No.5535398

They do.

>> No.5535449

Not trusting myself
I almost went all in on TRON at 30 sats because the team and goal was S O L I D A S F U C K but the high supply and airdrop scared me off.
Srsly I looked at the team and it had Jihan Wu in it along with some faggot alibiba apprentices trying to break into one of the biggest markets in china and I pussied out

>> No.5535472

are you using electrum-xvg my dude?

>> No.5535589

also selling xmr at 3 and then 6$ to buy weed

>> No.5535861

Downloading porn.exe and getting all my coins hacked.

>> No.5536091

selling 100k xrp for $700

>> No.5536438

Going all in on BCH after CB announcement.

Lost about 20% when I was already down 20% that day, for an overall loss of 40%. Had I simply kept my holds and not FOMO'd, I'd be up 20% rather than down 40, but that's life. It was a good move at the time, until CB shat it's pants and the whole market tanked for a week.

I'm still holding though, I hope it'll pay off when Euro trading is enable Jan 1st.

>> No.5536453

Why? its come to 50 cents

>> No.5536526

Is this one of those kids that has the cognitive ability of a watermelon?

>> No.5536535
File: 23 KB, 645x773, 1494203112743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sold 50,000 BTCRED at 2 cents

It peaked at 50 cents

>> No.5536604

It's your average /biz/ genius

>> No.5537001

Not selling chaincoin when it fking mooned

>> No.5537386

Reading about pizzagate rather than crypto....

>> No.5537494

sold about 100k verge at around half a penny because i held it for two months without any action. my feels

>> No.5537564

Bag holding BAT from 11k sats and selling at 4k sat, because of "muh Brendan" and "muh javascript"

>> No.5537586


>yes i actually fell for it

>> No.5537590

trying to day trade instead of buying and holding.

>> No.5537638

Bought Digibyte at ATH (2500 sats).
Sold it at 1250 sats after learning what a pump and dump scheme is.
Changed my 5k into 2.5k.
It's at 400 sats now.

>> No.5537674

well atleast you managed to salvage half of it

>> No.5537687

Do you use forex? I hear forex is shit but I wouldnt know any other way to use foreign exchanges

>> No.5537705

Truth I was literally frying on /pol from Jan- Oct

>> No.5537867

put it on wojak

>> No.5538205

yeah been on /pol since 2016 never bothered to go on biz for a bit. If I had I def would have been shilled into crypto and be loaded atm.

>> No.5538868


>> No.5538876
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English James?

>> No.5539215

man fuck /pol/ for not making fellow poltards what was going on /biz/ sooner im fucking pissed im so late

>> No.5539593

Bitcoincash. The market has been so good even I managed to do okay otherwise but this one JUSTed me. Correction, IS JUSTing me. Fuck.

>> No.5539793
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>> No.5539869

I still own Iota that I bought at $4.00.... this isn’t even worse

>> No.5539911

biggest mistake was buying random coins. However i found https://discord.gg/vNGsENy and they give coins that are about to rocket in price and now its easy gains.

>> No.5539934
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>> No.5540302

going all in Gas at $30, then selling at 8-10 for ICOs.
watching nxt from 24c
watching verge from 200
selling salt yesterday at 77

going from 8.5 btc early September to .8 early dec

>> No.5540305

Same mistake as every day for several years.
Not trusting myself that I'm making the right decision.
Barring that, not just holding since the beginning of the year.

>> No.5540342

selling btc at $3000 with 0.12 btc which is a dumb move

>> No.5540502


>> No.5540526


>> No.5540615

selling 220k verge at 0.005 cents