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55293132 No.55293132 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen any thread about the best crypto exchange in a while - who else is excited for some news about fundraising?

>> No.55293151
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If no funds, floor will have to go, right?

>> No.55293233
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I think it should go regardless of the funding round's success.

Only scenario where the floor will be dropped would be bankruptcy of the exchange, which would not necessarily be an automatic consequence if the funding round fails.

>> No.55293311
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>I think it should go regardless
>Only scenario where the floor will be dropped
So you think it should go but you don't think that it will go?

>> No.55293389

There's nothing to be said before fundraising is confirmed, and no reason to expect it to happen any time soon (given that the original deadline was April). And, if it doesn't happen, that's it.

>> No.55294313

>the best crypto exchange
Thats Kraken, not trannymetro.

>> No.55295200
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If floor go
Conmetro go (insolvent)
and I go (to Estonia)
with my

>> No.55295597
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>If floor go
>Conmetro go
floor has nothing to do with funding, the floor can stay and they can still go insolvent

>> No.55295756
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ur really stoopi
>rug floor
>rug investomers faith
>decimate their word
funding =/= insolvency
floor =/= insolvency
If you took one glance at the volume of Uniswap you would see that removing the floor would do fuck all.
kev has said multiple times he would first try every other approach possible (including laying off majority of his employees) before ever removing the floor. We are far from that
Me personally ? I'll be playing skyrim whilst you spampost complaining about the price floor for the 6 gorillionth time

>> No.55295790

>We are far from that
check linkedin

>> No.55297607

no reply

>> No.55297957
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Girls love won.

>> No.55298043
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>> No.55298152

How fare your leveraged internet funny money financial positions?

>> No.55298192

ah i just got the joke

>> No.55298407

Turns out MEXC is a scam exchange.

>> No.55298425
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Of course they are, but what did they do to you?

>> No.55298541

Tried to short a shitcoin but kept getting liquidated.
My last 200x BTC long worked well, unfortunately only used 20 cent.
That's all my play money, I once transferred 100 bucks to my spot account, I'm wondering if I should try to withdraw or gamble it away.
Since I made it all from free bonus money they might close my account if I try to withdraw.

>> No.55298568

>free bonus money
>they might close my account if I try to withdraw.
better withdraw now and see if they rug you for a small sum than wait for it to get big and increase the chance they rug you and the emotions you will feel.
I'm completely out of the market. I am poor and stupid and that's okay.

>> No.55298627

Come back, we're going to 100k and we need your neetbux.

>> No.55298649

I'm broke. Maybe next year.
I take profits and pay taxes so I'm just a parasite destroying bitcoin anyways.

>> No.55298912
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I'm sorry anon, I'm not cutting my RBE roots
I'm an RBE enjoyer, RBE gave me my first big pump, and for RBE I will die (hopefully rich)

>> No.55298997

kek baggies. you will never be able to take profits

>> No.55299726
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Kraken faces the constant threat of being shut down by communists due to it's geographic location. Especially since the CEO is a known antisemite.

>> No.55299806

What if cm doesn't get funding and dies? and our shares go up in flames, I'm not even sure what's worse, other exchange holders laughing at us or losing all our money.

>> No.55299844
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The former. I have gotten into arguments with users of every single international exchange that exists and thinking about them laughing at me for picking a none surviving exchange would be much worse than my net worth dropping 3 figures from the top. If Coinmetro died before CDC or LCX I would probably have to commit sudoku.

>> No.55300381

Oh, so literally nothing.
>anti semitic anti woke CEO
Kevin denies the holocaust, vaccines, global warming and transformers.

>> No.55300432
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My ESL friend, I was implying he is in danger of government crackdown not that people were making nasty comments about him.
Not when you run a company in the United States of Israel and they are trying to pick scapegoats.

>> No.55300526

>slavshit projecting his illiteracy for whatever reason
Governmental threat or threat(s) is quite literally the same thing.
"antisemite" isn't a word, it's anti-Semite and even then it doesn't exist.
Beginning a sentence with an adverb, "especially" is the poorest form of English. (You) do not speak our tongue, do not play pretend like you do with your gender.
The government can voice whatever they wish, it is absolutely meaningless without acting upon it.

>> No.55300535

Hi Kevin, sir, please increase the value of the Coinmetro Token (Ticker: XCM) immediately. I must redeem my digital assets for real life money.

>> No.55300588
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>Beginning a sentence with an adverb, "especially" is the poorest form of English
This is fine as long as you don't do it every sentence. We tell kids not to do this the same way we tell them never to start a sentence with "and" even though both are fine to stop them from developing the habit of doing it constantly. And that's a good thing. Especially when done for stylistic reasons.

If you don't think the two biggest exchanges being under legal scrutiny in America is ominous for smaller exchanges based there you are stupid. And that is okay because I still love you. Especially when you get upset.

>> No.55301926
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i think coinmetro is going to be okay in the longer term, but some hefty mistakes they've made imo :
> hire women
> hire homosexuals and effeminate men
> decide to focus on how the website looks, influenced by the many women in your team
> list shitcoins because your listing committee likes them
> allow margin trading with XCM as collateral, paid for by the company
> not list kaspa, alephium and nexa when i directly asked oliver in a telegram PM in january (he read the message, but never responded)

>> No.55302136
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>he read the message, but never responded
The hero Coinmetro deserves. Women haters and homophobes will never make it.

>> No.55302153

i mean have you looked at the price of kaspa lately

>> No.55302195
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Now reflect on how if you were a less repulsive human people like Oliver would have replied to you and you would have people to share your successful picks with.

>> No.55302465 [DELETED] 
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How are you able to write so many points but miss the important ones. Here is what happened
>hire too many people in general

>> No.55302511


>> No.55302656

coulda been a great exchange, too bad they tied their fate to a shitcoin like kadena tho

>> No.55302713

repulsive to you, and you are repulsive to me for being such an immature whiney pedo

>> No.55302792
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Because you're a retard, OP. You live under hills that's why you may be unaware of a smart wallet powered by AllianceBlock's Nexera Protocol that features enhanced asset recovery technique.

>> No.55302817

Make sure you redeem your assets, anon, and yeah, brillionfi will always be the solution to normies' wallet and asset management issues.

>> No.55303095
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I know you are but what am I?

>> No.55303409

Realistically nothing will change soon as far as the sell wall goes. I expect a summer of surviving mode with almost no updates at all. Dasha leaving is a sign they have to cut expenses left and right. I'm confident Kevin will secure enough funds to get through till the next bull market. And then it's game on if they don't screw it up that is.
I'd be highly surprised to see the Xcm book revived before the next Btc halving. If they manage to do it, it's a win in my book of course. But I don't expect it.

>> No.55303517

XCM is not getting funding again. credit markets are tightening and the EU just went into recession

we all told you to sell but you didn't listen. asian women are designed for white cock

>> No.55303776

It's Over

>> No.55303796

onions id

>> No.55304394

Kek. We're So Back

>> No.55304662

bros I'm worried now
Should I pull my cryptos out of Coinmetro?

>> No.55304717
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Last time I checked, I mean it's been about a decade so maybe something has changed, but I think self custody was, like, a pretty big deal.
If you are worried it would make sense to take custody of your coins.

>> No.55304809

Not your keys not your problem.

>> No.55304996
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That's probably how it's going to go down.

I still have a lot of respect for Kevin, but introducing that price floor turned out to be his biggest mistake so far.
That move pretty much killed the community and any engagement CM had at that point.

The XCM chart on Coingecko also looks like an absolute pump & dump shitshow by now because the reference price constantly changes between CM's and Uniswaps's price feeds. Why would anyone researching XCM put a penny into it with a chart like that?

In my opinion the following steps need to be taken as soon as funding comes in:

- Drop the 60c price floor and reintroduce the 12c floor (way easier to justify with the ICO price anyway)

- Add liquidity at 12c (way more cost effective than doing it at 60c)

- Maybe relaunch XCM as a new token with added functionalities to get rid of the abysmal looking chart on sites like Coingecko.

>> No.55305253

All well and good, but that's if Coinmetro even survives. Laying off Dasha, who was actually producing some sort of tangible output, is not a sign of healthy finances

>> No.55305318

Yeah I was also surprised when Dasha announced her departure yesterday, but we don't even know if she was actually laid off or if she decided to leave to take on a better role somewhere else.

>> No.55305442

that dasha went from studying for an MSc in tourism / arts to quickly becoming head of marketing at Huawei
nothing shocks me more than the level of corporate retardation i've been confronted with day in day out ever since i left college

>> No.55305611

>reintroduce the 12c floor
Why not no floor?

>> No.55305894

1 hour

>> No.55306414

>head of marketing at Huawei
How often do people leave multinational fintech start-ups on the verge of closing a quarter-billion funding round for better opportunities elsewhere? And this is in Estonia, not San Francisco. If Coinmetro was primed for take-off, people wouldn't be leaving of their own accord. It's either clearly fucked or they're laying people off.

>> No.55306608

According to her LinkedIn, she was regional Head of Marketing for the Baltic states.
I have no idea if Huawei had a lot of business there but I doubt it desu.

>> No.55306797

kev live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=278eyXXV7MI
nice background audio

>> No.55306936
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kev just shittalked francesco live on international youtube tv

>> No.55307109

Well that AMA was a fucking FUDfest of the highest order. Damn.

>> No.55307685


>> No.55307923

in what sense
i'm happy to hear he decreased the size of the workforce and is close to get 7fig funding potentially they'll get a good sum from the UAE guys assuming they make some concessions (though he didn't seem very happy with that)
finally some sanity
now let's hope there's an upcoming bullrun and that it treats them nicely

>> No.55308116

who here asked
> how often do you stroke your pole?

>> No.55308803

Now who's going to be calling tops and bottoms for me? ;_;

>> No.55309463

He said the exact amounts:
$2 Million from German investor
$6 Million from UAE

Let's hope that a six million figure is real for once.

>> No.55309491

It's nowhere near as bleak as people make it to be, especially on these threads.
Kev said he's 3/4 securing $2M funding round from some Nazis and Oil Princes are too busy shitting on female breasts so it's most likely not gonna happen.
How much approximately is Coinmetro's monthly expense ?

>> No.55309527

Kevin said it was $250K PCM in the ama. So that would give them burn until end of Q1 2024 at current rates. Maybe enough to make it to the start of the next bull if things picked up a little along the way. But NOT enough to buy out Ignium or influence XCM book. Not great; not terrible.

>> No.55309691
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We good then
It would have been nice to use my ignum funds to buy more kadena at these prices since a 5k - 10k stack is no longer enough to make it, but whatev i'm content with what I have.
CM at $1B evaluation puts xcm at $3 at which point I'll earn more money passive than neurosurgeons make here which means I will have gone my entire life completely stress free and with a full head of hair

>> No.55309718

ok but
bullrun doesn't start until 1 year after the halvening
they haven't even loaded the US vs Chyna nuclear weapons of mass destruction FUD yet...

>> No.55309845

we are FUCKED.


>> No.55311140

>next bullrun
>expectation of profit from the work of others
It's over.

>> No.55312022
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Akari Akaza