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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55288382 No.55288382 [Reply] [Original]

Entering my 30’s with only half a million is depressing

>> No.55288390


>> No.55288448

>Be me
>$240 in bank account
>Live with mum
>Pay her rent with crypto gains
>Still bring girls home because chad faced
>Mfw why should I society any more than I do

>> No.55289241

honestly you ought to be killing yourself
that's failure taken to a whole new level
as a 28 year old fucking belgian i have much more than you do

>> No.55289253

I entered my 30s with $0

I entered my 40s with $10,000,000

Longed 2017

Shorted 2021

>> No.55289264

based. just impregnate the best one you find soon

>> No.55289271

Buy a small property and get on the ladder. ANd buy more Link. It's not difficult, anon

>> No.55289279

just take a few months bro and think, travel, try a hobby or something new, lots of people do it with fucking nothing. Sounds lame but you have the resources to "find yourself".

>> No.55289458

bro, we are literally in the same boat. how do you cope until the next bull run peak in 2025?

>> No.55289463

5x that shit op

>> No.55289787

it's more depressing when you can't do anything else about it, even though I have a REBATE bag I feel like I should have retired by now or planning a future for my future children

>> No.55289953

Yeah but your life is pretty over at 40.
The younger you are, the more enjoyable money is until around the mid-30s where it doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.55289960

>t, zoom zoom

>> No.55289982
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>he doesn't know

>> No.55290188

I'm 33 and I have 3k euro in my bank account and $30k in crypto

>> No.55291561

It's still early. Have you planned how to spend it throughout your life. Whether to keep in bank forever, spend through CryptMi, multiply it on blockchain... What have you decided as the way forward.

>> No.55291581

You have NOTHING to be depressed about.

Try being priced out of the housing market with sub $100k net worth, with zero hope of ever "catching up", regardless of which method of accumulating wealth you choose.

>> No.55291603

I would lower this to 10. If you don't have enough money to get infinite v-bucks and name drops on Twitch, why even live?

>> No.55291619

>It's another demoralization thread
Yawn. Were previous bear markets this """comfy"""?

>> No.55291715

As a former incel I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this. Sexpatting and p4p finally helped me feel alive at 42. I suppose if you were chad when younger that would not be the case. Post seems written in bad faith

>> No.55291752

Wrong. Pro-tip : 30,000 foot view

What's the next move, Timing Chad ?

>> No.55291759

There's actually been so many of them that I don't even have a reaction anymore. Perfect psychological conditioning for years of financial cuckening, really.

>> No.55291776

What is p4p?

>> No.55291865

Pay for play. Specifically, sex with high end prostitutes / escorts for several hundreds to thousands of USD depending on your appetite.

>> No.55291913

Doesn't it hurt inside knowing you're paying for used goods? If you can afford to spend thousands, why not get yourself a loyal Thai wife instead?

>> No.55292019

While youd have a point anon if I were younger. Nothing hurts anymore if you've been incel for 40 years straight. I am hard pressed to believe other humans have the capacity to be loyal, let alone loving, when you're as ugly as myself.

>> No.55292223

well ask yourself this question would you rather enter your 40s and the inevitable physical decline poor or rich
yes earlier is better but better late then never
at least if you make it by 40 you can quite the cage and focus on health before the effects get disastrous

>> No.55292230


>> No.55292238
File: 63 KB, 840x730, pepe crack pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 25 and my net worth is -$5000

>> No.55292253


living the dream

NEET > big 4

>> No.55292265


Bro just put up a fight holy shit

Pewdiepie made an entire Youtube series about ugly dudes getting girls in the Third World

I'm ugly myself but I still go down there once a year and am well on my way to marriage

>> No.55292292

You are a greedy retard

Pay cash for a house ($400,000)

Wage duck for another 10 years and put 50% in a 401k

Be done with it all at 40...doordash 8 hours a week so you can get on Obamacare and food stamps till social security kicks in

>> No.55292407

You are dumb as fuck. Being rich in your thirties is actually kind of shit. Not that you’ll ever know. But basically when you have lots of money at 30/31, you end up attracting the wrong kind of people and spending time doing soulless materialistic bullshit. I was broke until 31 but had so much fun constantly getting into situations with my friends, the girls I ended up dating were always cool and down to earth. Then I hit 7 figures during DeFi summer and slowly ended up spending time doing really boring dumb shit, my friends treated me differently, I attracted shittier women. Hoping my 40s are better.

>> No.55292588

Thank you anons and the rest of /biz/ for somewhat caring. If it weren't for you guys shilling link when it was worth shit Id probably have necked myself at some point. Love you all no homo, no globohomo.

>> No.55292618
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already 22 and only have a 45 million inheritance to my name. It's not fair bros, I've been in this rut forever with zero chance of escape.

>> No.55292691


Dude put up a fight ffs

Read this guy >>55292407

And realize that your life is up to you, for real. It's not about the money, you need to put up a real fight and go to the Third World and win.

I'm being dead serious bro. I am broke, 28, but I still save up enough to go to fucking Argentina and am in a serious relation with this poor as fuck family in Buenos Aires with their 26 year old hot latina milf who I fuck all the time

They think I am an oil magnate, but I am broke as shit,
You can win bro, AMA I'm being real with you guys because it's important to win

>> No.55292712

Why do they think you’re an oil magnate?

>> No.55292723

>just impregnate the best one bro!!
>just give a random roastie your seed and half of your net worth brah!!! What could go wrong???

You will never make it.

>> No.55292758


Cause I invested in decent clothing and I keep on talking about "the business"

You have to understand bro, in this world it's not about outright lying, I am not a sleezebag or a hustler, I don't go around lying to pump and dump

I'm a serious man, and I am broke as shit, but I KNOW I like fucking hot women who are still TIGHT

That's why since I was 18 I have devised this route to Argentina which is a country filled with fucking hot women who are desperate for First World cock

And I just go there once a year and talk about "the business" and how it's "complicated" and now I am engaged to an entire family who feeds me and shows me around the city and I just say stuff like "maybe I will bring you home to America one day" and they think that they hit the lotto

Learn to play the game, buy nice clothes, say "Burgundy wine" and just always stare ate the horizon to make them think that something really important is going on in your life even if there is nothing and you're really broke as shit AMA, still online

>> No.55292813

Clearly, we aren't all going to make it.
Making it, for me, means some degree of financial comfort in my early adult life, but that ship has sailed.
I hereby declare that we did not all make it.

>> No.55292830


Dude, listen, save up for Argentina and just find one of the 100,000 bimbo milfs down there and pretend you're 007

>> No.55292853

I hate these LARPs
Im 30 in a month, have 5k USD in loan shark debts and live in hyperinflation

>> No.55292854

If you want to have a million within 3 months. Throw 1k at this and wait.
BilboBagginsPutinCharmander9000Inu (BINANCE)
Take this as a sign. You're welcome

>> No.55292862

Ignore these threads

>> No.55292924


Why do ugly/fat women treat me like shit. But, Staceys tend to flirt with me, smile and say hello?

>> No.55292956

you just have to find opportunities to share the load

>> No.55292982
File: 191 KB, 1359x510, Beggar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you beggar, I got 1k to my name and live in America you're a faggot who loves to beg here nonstop and on /pol/

>> No.55292985

Attractive people are usually nicer because of the halo effect so people are nicer to them. It's a feedback loop

>> No.55293006

That isn't true I'm a 9/10 for a guy.
It actually makes people ignore you and authority figures hate your fucking guts because they are always ugly washouts.

>> No.55293009

Fuck you

>> No.55293012

I hate you you delusional schizo

>> No.55293028

If you're referring to women, that's called pussy effect and it works on a 1/10 level of woman doesn't matter.

>> No.55293031

Impregnate them all. Your genes are the only legacy you can pass on. Any possessions or money will be worthless unless you're multi-generationally wealthy from your investments (like everyone here is)

>> No.55293042
File: 10 KB, 701x150, Lebanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for calling you out?
Here's more begging proof.
I'm never leaving this board so you may wanna stick to /pol/

>> No.55293062


Thank you. This happens to me all the time.


>> No.55293069

calling what out lol
if you cant understand English as much as a 3rd worlder don't push your schizo narratives on me
you have 1k? lol you lying sack of shit saying an "angel" sent you 10k lmfao

>> No.55293078

>Buy ethereum weekly until Q3 2024, sell everything in Q3 2025
Voila you went from high 5 to low 7 figures. You won’t do that but you will think about this post, that would have made you a millionaire if you listened to it, but such is life. It’s not difficult.
>t. High six/low seven figs in crypto and still buying more eth every week to retire with 8 figures by the time I’m in mid 30s

>> No.55293199

Thank you for believing in me anon. I'm not sure how I would introduce myself into such a situation socially and not get burned at the stake at 42. I have very noticeable autism and it would be hard to lie a potential wife about fucking prostitutes before I met her.

>> No.55293216

DAE cum inside sexy niggers?

>> No.55293306

Meds beggar, see you in three days

>> No.55293577

take your meds schizo fuck

>> No.55293597

you delusional fuck
you always chase and report my threads
telling me about meds you schizoid dolt
fuck off

>> No.55293618

Ur gay for namefagging. Lebanon huh, that's why you must be in /biz/ - the muzzlim version of a veneco right here topkek. Maybe you should stop begging and learn to leave your fucked up country to earn some real money.

>> No.55293668

He's been serial begging on /pol/ and /biz/ for four years.
if you archive his name you can see all the bullshit stories he's came up with, he's lazy uninspired and actually admitted in 2022 to having 6 figures and he's actually from Brazil.

>> No.55293679

Nice job mods btw can't range a serial beggar who spams multiple boards daily for four years.
very impressive work.

>> No.55293696
File: 169 KB, 1675x532, lebanonmay18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's been spamming a lot lately.
He thinks he understands 4chan culture but instead just tries to use it to further pad his pockets.
Absolutely shameful.

>> No.55293703

>t. not an actual 9/10
I'm a manlet at 5 9 but 10/10 face, full head of blonde hair and green eyes, plus i'm built like a greek god, with perfect tan, with just a smile people treat me like fucking Griffith. Beauty will indeed save the world

>> No.55293756

Wow that is some pathetic shit and that's coming from me of all people. Not only a beggar but massive faggot retard liar too. Noted anon tyvm

>> No.55293757

oh my god you're delusional to a point where I give up
first Im christian, second where am I begging
6 figures and from Brazil
I swear the Internet amazes me
just kys schizo
and all my stories are the same so fuck off
I dont have 4 figures let alone 6
may God forgive you for the bullshit you're spewing

>> No.55293766

are you serious
this guy has nothing to do in his life but follow me
liar my ass, you think I can leave this country
you have zero clue what the fuck is happening here

>> No.55293777

Mods seriously do your fucking job and figure out how to block this faggot from posting on this site ever again.

I'm annoyed at the nigger who gave you money because it just fed the bear.

>> No.55293790



try being stripped of your life savings, having to work anything just to buy food and sleep everyday knowing you're in debts to people would would kill you for their money
wasted trips even

>> No.55293793

And he's 100% a spic that scammed his way to 6 figures.
he gloated about it before I'm not some lurker nigger I'm an oldfaggot who posts here every single day.

>> No.55293811

100% a spic
and 6 figures
prove one of the BS lies you're saying
Im middle eastern
6 figures, fuck me man you can't be this stupid

>> No.55293813

You'll never get a dime from anyone here again faggot, so give up the ghost and find a new pond to piss in.

>> No.55293819

I know what the fuck is happening when you are namefagging on a board with IDs. Topkek. Christian and not only that, a desperate liar? You might as well be a kike. I might be ugly but the one thing I don't do is lie. TKD.

>> No.55293828

I don't beg
if someone suggests helping me out why would I say on
seethe more Cohen

>> No.55293836 [DELETED] 

I hate kikes
(((they))) single handedly fucked us and the region over
how am I a desperate liar lol

>> No.55293841 [DELETED] 

Assuming he was lying about being a spic.
Then he's 100% a kike, and explains why mods "somehow can't range this namefaggot who's been easily identifiable as breaking rules nonstop for years"
Funny how the kikes here never seem to get ranged.

>> No.55293852 [DELETED] 

I never said I was a spic
fucking kys man

>> No.55293862 [DELETED] 

Yup definitely jewish.
Bye bye rabbi.
See you next week.

>> No.55293874 [DELETED] 

>I swear I'm not from israel
>I'm from next door!
Sure schlomo.

>> No.55294109

30 $40k cash $50k various accounts don’t really know what to do

>> No.55294406

Imagine being so repulsive you actually have to pay for sex lmao. Meanwhile those same girls beg chad to fuck them for free.
Also many of those girls have chad pimps who get that money. You are just a beta bux paying for chads lifestyle

>> No.55294444

He'll never know....35 is when you start to taste freedom. 40 is when you reach escape velocity. Being well off, fit and fucking 25 year olds is a Nirvana.

>> No.55294588

It’s depressing as fuck but what’s worse is that 500k is literally saving 50k each year since age 20. That sounds like it should be alot better

>> No.55294663

Kek step your game up anon. Entering your 40s in debt and one bad day from walking into traffic is where it's at, get on my level ho.

>> No.55294863

>attention span of a parakeet
Yeah easy to say that when you've had looks and no autism. Trying to further demoralize a 42 year old borderline incel isn't going to get anything accomplished. This is actually one of the weakest takes I've seen. Yawn.

>> No.55294960

Lmao, some 16 year olds are making that per month on social media or in professional sports. Some rappers from O Block make that much at 14 years old with one hit song.

>> No.55295464

Take the bog pill then

>> No.55295473
File: 86 KB, 1280x993, Meme46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that were me I only generate 7.5k every two months in passive income

>> No.55295564

Honestly sounds like some good advice actually. Maybe not full bog but literally any mug is gonna be superior. How much would it cost? I make about 12K a month in engineering pre tax. Thanks anon

>> No.55295671


I’m 6’5 that weighs 240lbs. Tons of pussy had before but now with a computer science degree.

The most pussy I got was being in the military having sex with the wife of a marine master sergeant. He was making six figures AND had his pilots license. I guess all of that went out the window when she saw me.

In fact all the women I’ve been with were married or in a long term relationship up until recently. I tried making friends but they just ended up calling me tall cruise as my nickname.

Women are loyal to none. Now I’m gay.

>> No.55296047

proof that making money is cope with shitty sexual life

>> No.55296447
File: 37 KB, 500x330, 98748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fucking nigger larping on this thread kys

>> No.55297190

Crypto for sure. Decentralized IDs and DeFi are the best bet

>> No.55297358

fellow belgian here
can you lay out how you did this?
annual gains from market profit and work separated please
thank you

>> No.55297606

I’m actually well off at half a mil
Tell me more about the women
This is hilarious, not judging you at all.
I’d love to pump hot argies

>> No.55297629

>Pewdiepie made an entire Youtube series about ugly dudes getting girls in the Third World
Source? Seems bullshit

>> No.55297643


>> No.55297712
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>> No.55297915

Get a job, fag. Buy BTC, ETH, and some good chads and find a good self-custody with ORE ID.

>> No.55298059
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1673879775830733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if OP buys UTK he can make it

>> No.55298103

>be me
> in my 30's
>$200 in my bank account
>an unknown amount of XMR
>some illiquid microcaps,
>a CSGO knife
>10 grams of gold
And I'm not even worried.

>> No.55298374

You do not deserve that 500K

>> No.55298631

OP isn't wise enough, faggots prefer to FOMO in later

>> No.55298893
File: 509 KB, 500x500, 1624071671139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here am I, spending $10k on this Rebate (RBE) dip hoping that I will have a 10x soon
Crypto will re-compound, I'm pretty sure of it, and RBE will be my big step

>> No.55299091

The guy is a NEET with a NW of $240, I don't think he's taking a huge risk.

>> No.55299108
File: 115 KB, 800x504, 1439592598345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning 30
it's like someone flipped a switch, you just become a totally invisible person
there's nothing anyone can get out of you, so they just ignore you, you might as well just not exist

>> No.55299194

I wish for every humblebragging bastard to lose all their money.

>> No.55299886
File: 73 KB, 907x1280, 384756328938139487193948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're depressed because you ignore the right way to triple it, faggot
>bank account

>> No.55300656

How can I triple it with avax?

>> No.55300673
File: 281 KB, 417x653, 5DC84D59-9F0B-4267-B8CA-BE168BFD5109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean 90, we have to make this country great like China

>> No.55300731


This would make sense if we didn't have a consumerist economy hell bent on ensuring everyone is a cubicle cuck

>> No.55300775

>Wife left
>took nothing
>multi millionaire and it doesn't even matter

How did she do it bros?

>> No.55300804

Oh. Thats why

>> No.55300876

>Dont need money
>Take what i need

>> No.55300932

im 22 but i want off myself bc i will never be a billionaire philanthopist