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55291437 No.55291437 [Reply] [Original]

Binance delisted a whole list of privacy coins and there's no unrest about it. Is privacy really important? do people care about accessing DeFi privately?

>> No.55291456

If it's not xmr no one cares. Xmr is king.

>> No.55291475

only on Binance.US right?

>> No.55292009

Privacy is freedom.

>> No.55292027

Well, if you actually care about privacy you aren't using a fucking CEX lol. Its pretty much the opposite of privacy.

>> No.55292028 [DELETED] 

nobody cares about defi, except scammers

>> No.55292062

Only the government are making privacy protocol more popular and relevant.

>> No.55292082


>> No.55292117
File: 78 KB, 815x678, drman_firn-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will only be one privacy solution in the future, and it will be Firn Protocol

>> No.55292846
File: 2 KB, 125x87, 1638531860901s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the OGs who got their portfolios stacked that truly care about privacy. Normies couldn't give a damn about it, and that shit's hella risky for them. Protecting their privacy is a no-brainer move they're sleepin' on. Stay woke, senpai

>> No.55292877

Are you really free from this fucking freedom?
Maybe until your motherfucking government gives up on their shit

>> No.55292914

A lot of privacy protocols already exist. Are you a new fag?

>> No.55292967
File: 68 KB, 2560x1707, lebxmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based XMR chad

>> No.55292975
File: 2 KB, 111x125, 1638316054075s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dare claim XMR is king, brace yourself for the undisputed ruler of privacy, RAIL, the king of kings in the game, bringing privacy to normies in Ethereum

>> No.55292988

Monero is what people think Bitcoin is and makes (((keynesians))) seethe
sound money safe mode

>> No.55293029

Are you kidding me?
What the hell is privacy looking for in CEX?
Aren't you aware that CEX is centralized and censored by the fucking government plebs?

>> No.55293063

Privacy coins is not the only way of accessing defi privately. Privacy smart contract systems are better off IMO.

>> No.55293080

You done goofed thinking only one privacy coin matters when there are tones of them.

>> No.55293082

they can't work it defeats the purpose
SCRT network and tornado cash tried

>> No.55293112

Oh fuck off. There are better privacy protocols out there, dyor on Railgun and thank me later.

>> No.55293120

Def on my list of privacy coins but there always options to go with.

>> No.55293129

Yo, jeet, does Firn Protocol rock:
Private wallets?
An SDK for slick dApp integration?
Or does it straight-up bring privacy vibes to the Ethereum network and other EVMs? Fill me in on the deets, senpai

>> No.55293134

I concur

>> No.55293157

Oasis Rose


>> No.55293182

Tornado cash uses miner. Something that uses relayers will be better.

>> No.55293241

Only H473R5 and retards thinks a desire for privacy is liken to stealing.

>> No.55293308

Get real Desu, decentralization is the future and privacy is one of the ways we can get there.

>> No.55293348

Not so worried about delisting. My worry is why your privacy coins are on a CEX.

>> No.55293367

I care

>> No.55293398

poo in loo

>> No.55293428

Privacy is important and the reason these Feds want to control all your asset.

>> No.55293445

Its funny how the whole lawsuit shit just opened up the space for Privacy protocols.

>> No.55293546

O RLY? Why not expose all your personal data to hackers if you're uninterested in privacy?

>> No.55293571

Now everyone knows how to get a private wallet to store their coins.

>> No.55293669
File: 567 KB, 600x600, reailgun81[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Railgun is the present and the future. Live with it.

>> No.55293685

What else is the desire for privacy if not to still and perpetrate evils with drug dealers?
Government is in for you pajeet

>> No.55293821

With privacy comes freedom and security. Did you read vitalik's update on the Ethereum network?

>> No.55293850

Governments are getting super strict with privacy coins. My business was told by the local equivalent of the IRS that unless they can track the user's movements it can't be used to move funds 'legally'.
We had to drop xmr for Litecoin.

>> No.55293879

Normies dont realise that. I have seen the progress of privacy protocols like Railgun, Zcash and Oasis, all based projects.

>> No.55293899

having a single privacy coin would actually be better for the network instead of spreading usage and making it easier to track.

>> No.55293963

Privacy is very much necessary. This is why I only use Crypto payment app that offers real privacy. CryptMI stands out as it offers free transaction fee, loyalty rewards and privacy.

>> No.55293981

I assume we will all have our own internet ID in the future, anything we do on the net will be tracked. If the privacy coins need the internet to work they will probably be blocked somehow. I'm not a tech head but I'm sure they will be able to do it.

>> No.55293986
File: 5 KB, 341x271, 20230611_123506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy in Ethereum is gonna be a game-changer for DeFi, man. And guess who's already taking the lead? Railgun is owning it

>> No.55294134

Zcash, Aztec and Railgun > Monero

>> No.55294213
File: 3 KB, 116x125, 1637687731232s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy in DeFi is blowin' up, and guess what? Beefy Finance is jumpin' on the train by adding some sick privacy layers for users. Now you can earn mad yield while keeping your identity on the down-low. It's like the best of both worlds.

>> No.55294382

Bet you have never heard of Railgun. Do some research ranjesh.

>> No.55294631
File: 16 KB, 334x302, 1621585799487[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh?, These are features of Railgun, firn stands no chance.

>> No.55294684

Tel Aviv hours

>> No.55294751

Privacy defeats the essence of CBDCs so its not surprising they are against it.

>> No.55294780

Firn is totally new using never before implemented cryptography. It is faster, more efficient, and more secure than any other privacy protocol ever developed

>> No.55294798

Railgun will fail ultimately, it uses UTXOs, it cannot scale. This is the exact same reason that aztec shut down even after getting 100mil investment. UTXO based privacy will always fail

>> No.55294879

Exactly, I moved my assets to Railway wallet already.

>> No.55294923

Kek, privacy is based.

>> No.55294938

Come back to this thread when you learn how to spell 'Steal'.

>> No.55294952

A retarded normie jumps on the board. Privacy is bigger than p2p.

>> No.55294975

Yes, the coins are banned only in Binance US. The SEC is always against privacy.

>> No.55295176
File: 268 KB, 850x1421, 1679919677318126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not ZKP based, it's shit.

>> No.55295281

It is ZKP based, but its not another repeat of snarks or using TEEs or some other old tired bullshit. It is totally new and a game changer

>> No.55295856

Based for private transactions on ETH

>> No.55295915

some CEXs can still offer private transactions, they just got to integrate extensions like Railgun.

>> No.55295932

I will keep doing private transactions on ETH while you keep sulking.

>> No.55295964


mixers not miners retard.

privacy is a fundamental right.

>> No.55296123

Begin your quest for privacy with Railgun-chan!

>> No.55296435

many obviously don't know the risks involved with leaving their txns unshielded.

>> No.55296454


>> No.55296505

and in europe chan

>> No.55296631

newfag! what's all that you listed beside monero?

>> No.55296647

And monero is king

>> No.55296677

This has been the case for decades already. It's more about making it public and normalizing it.

>> No.55296811

Go touch some grass desu.Railgun just touched $300mil in volume, it can only mean two things; adoption and utility.

>> No.55296829

The higher volume they get the closer they get to disaster, you do understand how UTXOs work right??

>> No.55296904

Lightning-fast, faster than a frickin' Railgun that just joined forces with theGraph, for some sick data syncing action and even cranked their circuit up to an insane 54?

>> No.55296992

Firn is faster, literally instantaneous, and it always will be because that is how it is designed. It will never slow down as it scales

>> No.55297267

How then do you stay private on ethereum and other chains if you stick to just one privacy solution.

>> No.55297323

Hackers and scammers will get to you first before the government gets to him if you don't learn to protect your privacy dumbass

>> No.55297420

Stop with Railgun, Tornado, Monero and all that shitty mixers and services.

Privacy is on and its running currently on Arbitrum. Look for BV3A (Buccaneer V3). Soon it will be deployed to Ethereum as well.

No mixer, no additional blockchain. A simple privacy currenncy allowing to transfer value from one wallet to another without leaving any on-chain traces.

No one cares about all these shitty coins which have been delisted.

>> No.55297830

Muh centralized garbage that needs their team to replenish their sequencer gas fee fund.

Fuck you and fuck your centralized garbage ico i hope the sec finds you and arrest you for supporting an unregistered security.

>> No.55297872 [DELETED] 

Its Tel Aviv-O-clock

>> No.55298019 [DELETED] 

It is Israel-O-clock
mixing up my own memes
the Tel Aviv meme is
How is the weather in Tel Aviv, cloudy with some Qasams

>> No.55298170

I concur, anon. Railgun chad had over $300M in volume recently. Absolute unit