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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55289624 No.55289624 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late start learning programing at 21? and which programing language or which specialized area should I choose?

>> No.55289644

It’s never too late. I started at 21 and make over 200k at 27. Don’t believe the Sam Hyde/4chan cope that your brain turns to mush and you become a drooling retard at age 30.

>> No.55289648

Why are they all dressed up in a random field?

>> No.55289651

this isn't /g/
cpp/rust, just experiment around different areas

>> No.55289661

>1 pbtid

>> No.55289662

>Is it too late start learning programing at 21?
No, you're a baby.

>> No.55289665

/biz/ and /g/ cope by saying programers are people who've been doing it their whole life, but if you've actually had a job most people just started in College.

>> No.55289669

Vyper, and Univ4 hooks/

>> No.55289688
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>took a cot
>left a cot

>> No.55289694

Should I just install these and use them or should I have specific field I should be working towards at like front end?
I’m sorry am really newb at this

>> No.55289716
File: 113 KB, 790x630, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55289736
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You have to go back.

>> No.55289771


>> No.55289774

If you dont like animals you are subhuman

>> No.55289803

I started at 24
year 1-2 were a grind
year 3-4 I felt like I was 'struggling to keep up'
year 5-6 Equal in skill but not in theory to CS'ers
year 7-x I am now a Senior Dev, pretending to know it all

I've had the cushy wfh job since covid, switched jobs twice after that

six figures + pension

you gotta love it, you gotta love programming, organizing, seeing the symbols on the screen and feeling the power

you have to become a fiend, you have to participate in adventofcode dot com, yes, programming challenges.... don't start with 2015, start with 18 or something

>> No.55289836


I pre-selected backend because it's what I do

don't get overwhelmed, take everything STEP by STEP. Don't share your progress or enthusiasm with IRL people, treat this as your secret hobby for now. People will only crush your enthusiasm when starting out. Get some inspirational books about programming to get you excited, get some stuff written by David Craddock, like "Stay a while and listen" or "Dungeon Hacks" https://www.davidlcraddock.com/index.php/books/

I suggest doing rust, and working through the rust book https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/

while simultaneously working through a fun sideproject like https://bfnightly.bracketproductions.com/


>> No.55289845


Be careful, there are a lot of trannies in the rust community.

Do not fall in love with python or javascript
Treat them as necessary evils, and children's / academic toys, but not the tools of PROGRAMMERS

>> No.55289853

Thanks alot
I was thinking python because its “ easy “ I will start with rust

>> No.55289879

I will put aside my ego and follow EXACTLY what you have told me really thanks alot!

>> No.55289882

I use Python every day. Just because it isn’t as “complicated” as C doesn’t mean it’s a toy. It’s a tool. As a programmer you need to know how to choose the correct tool for the job. I rarely encounter a real world problem that Python can’t tackle, the only shit I can’t do in Python pertains to hobby projects like GBA homebrew or other neckbeard shit I’m into. Yes, you should understand how a computer works at a low level if you want to be standout in your field, but at the end of the day it’s all just little logical puzzles that you need to solve with the least amount of effort possible. Python is fine and I’d recommend that OP start with it.

>> No.55289986

its not too late but i was already earning 6 figures by your age. and you'll be working for people at least 5 years younger than you by the time you break into the business properly. it's sad but maybe you'll handle it

>> No.55290068

>if you don't like african immigrants you are a subhuman
Kill yourself, Cohen.

>> No.55290204

africans and middle easterns are below animals ;)

>> No.55290250

its always too late to start doing something you dont love and its never too late to start doing something you love. hope that answers your question

>> No.55290570

No, it's perfectly possible. It's possible to learn anything at 21, it's not past some cut-off.

>> No.55290684

I learn SQL and Python in my late 30s

>> No.55290799

i started at 24 now 32
>t. senior dev

>> No.55290820

I'm 28 and never had sex. I also learned to code on Codecademy, applied to a few jobs, and now I earn $125k as a Senior Software Engineer. I'm 7 years older than you, but if you start now I'm sure you'll earn 10x more than what I'm earning now.

>> No.55290824

Confirmed. Started at 27, 200k at 32

>> No.55290838

You could, but you'd be picking a bad time to start, with all of the laid off coders and AI

>> No.55290842

You are better off learning yoga and the touching grass posture

>> No.55290859

No, wow you're 21? Damn nigga you old life is basically over for you and there's no hope or something

>> No.55291554
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>> No.55292040

What about 41?

Can I learn at 41?

>> No.55292150

I love you cat poster, thank you for all these cute cat pictures. They motivate me to work even more to be able to financially support several cats and treat them like kings.

>> No.55292156

Confirmed. Started at 30, $300k at 30

>> No.55292501

>you become a drooling retard at 30
You don't become a drooling retard at 30, but if you haven't accomplished anything by that age then it means you were likely a drooling retard all along.

>> No.55292580

>Trying this hard
You will never fit in

>> No.55292676

That’s because you started during the tech frenzy bull run. Software engineering and coding is super oversaturated now and every zoomer is studying cs and grinding leetcode.
- Google SWE

>> No.55292718

I started at 14 and I still don't have a jon. 23 atm

>> No.55292744

AI doesn't know how to code at least not yet. ChatGPT is really overrated it spits out indian spaghetti code it found off stackoverflow 90% of the time

>> No.55292777

This shit is very abstract. Learning something abstract at 41 is possible, but do you really want to do that?

>> No.55292850

it's CatGPT

>> No.55292903

yes, all you have to know is how you learn/retain information. Learning how to learn in your own way is the best skill, and one independent of age

>> No.55292904

That’s literally what most devs do lol.

>> No.55293525

nah bro thats when I started (maybe 20..)
Im killing it as a SWE at 26 now (i mean not killing it like crazy but I'm making 125k base) which is generally pretty good considering I only have 10 months of experience.
Would've started interviewing elsewhere by now but the market is so weak and I am WFH and also I love my job and team as I literally work on whatever I want.
Note, my situation is not normal. I went from an imaginary engineering degree from a state school and got into stanford for a masters.
that helped immensley.

my advice to you is learn SQL and Tableau first (they are quick and easy) get a job doing that.
then go on to learn python (actually start python at the same time) but python takes way longer to get good at

>> No.55293630

Started at 21, still unemployed (I'm learning C++)

>> No.55293972

Start with c so you can grasp how every other language works, specialize in front end and webshitting

>> No.55294868

how many of them are actually fit for cs and graduate? when i was studying cs i would estimate 20% of the enrolled students were in principle capable of thinking about non-trivial cs concepts (at most). i don't think the demand for _competent_ computer scientists will ever be saturated

>> No.55294939

why python specifically?
Most people on /g/ always say java or js, just curious. Python is barely ever mentioned.

>> No.55294991
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>> No.55295379

Java is used in most companies to make software
Js is used for web development
So in most actual jobs you use one of the other
Python is mostly used in data science and AI, it's easy to learn but it's not where most of the jobs are

>> No.55295420

Btw I think Java is the most fitting language if you want to do serious software work and tap a large market quickly
C++ and C are more interesting and complex but they tend to be used for work that fits a CS degree

>> No.55295458

Final remark, if you want to learn a very cool, powerful language do Clojure (I like functional more than OOP)
If you want a job fast, Java or js

>> No.55295486

why would you want to learn a computer language when you can learn how to use ai which will do the coding for you.

>> No.55296046

what about shit like Svelte and Ruby

>> No.55296636

I barely know anything about Ruby, just that it's very near OOP
Btw I like functional much more than OOP but OOP is the standard, so it may be best to just bite the bullet and learn an OOP language first
Tbh though if I just wanted to make money I would sooner start a plumbing business. Programming isn't fun for everyone. Neither is plumbing of carpentry I guess but I'm kind of jealous of ppl like that with their own business, working with their hands

>> No.55296655

*Neat OOP