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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55288389 No.55288389 [Reply] [Original]

>you thought you could escape wagiedom by working in a nice office?
>clean up the dog poop, wagie

>> No.55288396

employers are so fucking based if I'm being honest

>> No.55288900

Just feed the dog chocolate, wont know its your desk if he cant see

>> No.55288997

Sausages with antifreeze.

>> No.55289000

Im so tired bros. Stay awake till 3AM in an attempt to avoid the nightmare that awaits me. One good thing I've noticed is more and more norms are starting to wake up to how utterly shit things are.l

>> No.55289023
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>befriend dog
>share your food/give dog your scraps
>become dog's favorite office (?) fren
>take advantage of the dog's presence to destress and monologue about your nascent plans and miscellaneous ruminations
>bond with employer over shared love for his doggie, compromising the boss/employee dynamic between you two
Clean the damn poopie kek. Only chinx and mudslimes don't like dogs. They probably thought that going to school and "achieving" le batch of lores degree meant they're now upper middle class high society and picking up doggie doodie is now beneath them.
>Mr. Shekelstein, the maid has yet to pick up the dook from underneath my desk and the smell is making it quite difficult for me to browse instagram on the clock

kek im tired

>> No.55289056

>take pic of dog shit
>tell hr to clean it up
>document every email sent
>look for better work in meantime
>quit after a few weeks of literal shit being ignored, citing workplace hazard
easiest case to apply for unemployment insurance with

>> No.55289194

Get the shit and drop it on the floor in front of the boss. Next time the dog comes over to your direction, kick it up the ass. He won't dare coming over again.