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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5528513 No.5528513 [Reply] [Original]

post em if you got em

>> No.5528534

Why does this board hates boomers so much?

>> No.5528577

look at the world they left us

>> No.5528593

Because it's full of lazy millennials who want to get rich fast

>> No.5528596


>> No.5528609

>the most prosperous and safe its ever been

Oh no how could they

>> No.5528619

Get the shriveled boomer dick out of your mouth

>> No.5528644

Hilarious how later generations will mock millennials for not believing in more than 2 genders and not being raised genderless and not hating white people and not embracing poverty while serving your Jewish masters.

>> No.5528646
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oh look at this fantastic investing opportunity.
7% per year, that's amazing.

>> No.5528676
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>just work harder
>you're just lazy

>> No.5528830

Look up the white middle class by William Luther Pierce

>> No.5528902

>earlier this year: "that internet money is a scam and a ponzi"
>show gains. prove they're real by tossing around $100 bills on xmas like $1s on a stripper
>"I'm going to invest in crypto now even though I can barely use tech and still say it's a ponzi scheme!"

To give the short version...

>> No.5528923

Now get to work you fucking lazy people and shill me some shitcoin.

>> No.5528960
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>> No.5528992

If I had a guaranteed 7% annually I'd be in heaven.

I used 7% in my formula 10 years ago and it meant if I kept saving x dollars per month, in about 7 years the interest earned would equal the x contribution. Effectively I could have retired. But then the rate dropped to 4% and other stuff happened.

>> No.5529071

Someone show some boomer a pink wojak picture and ask what they think.

>> No.5529126

because you could of literally killed another human and bring his body in to the sheriff for a reward

>> No.5529161

>the most debt ridden, inflationary and perpetually MAD tension rising period since cold war
Yeah everything's great. Plus have you ever had to work closely with them on a serious project? There's a massive fucking disconnect between what's important these days and how to be a functioning relatable human. Social media is a new fancy cutting edge territory for them. They want to nickle and dime us for everything and sell us subpar chemically tainted junk that's been mass produced by slaves in foreign countries while expecting us to pay their pensions. Boomers act conceited as fuck and spit on us just because we are younger when in reality their methods are outdated and slow. They think we are stupid, but they are wrong.

>> No.5529206


>> No.5529235
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I don't know, but it's pretty funny considering that millennials will be more than boomers within about 50 years

>> No.5529274

>anon, who's that pink cartoon character you always have up on your computer?

>> No.5529465


>> No.5529522

*more HATED than boomers

>> No.5529629


>> No.5529632

boomers on suicide watch

>> No.5529645

so how old you have to be to be qualified as a boomer?

>> No.5529656
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>We plan to print money at a slightly lower rate than last quarter but still at levels unprecedented in human history

>> No.5529724


They sold us off into debt slavery in exchange for gibs. The U.S is "prosperous" in the same way that a neighbor who bought all the latest gadgets and new car with a credit card is "prosperous".

>> No.5529762

They sold us out on immigration and they love Reagan who is the idiot who gave amnesty. They bought the America is for everyone meme very hard.


>> No.5529765
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>> No.5529792


>> No.5529862
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oh fuck it's Stefan

>> No.5529975


The most soyboy cuck faggot thing Ive ever seen on this thread

Please kindly find a nice mountain peak with the sun shining brightly with brisk cool air on your face. Find a cliff thats 50 feet long and run 60 feet as fast as you can.

Then ill read your fucking cuck book you wife's son having faggot

>> No.5529987

Real or fake?

>> No.5530057
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>> No.5530122

starting out with zero arguments, this woman is fucked

>> No.5530144

Nigga most people can't get a job because boomers made the qualifications impossible to get for any college graduate.
On top of that, they force them to take shit jobs to pay off student loan debt, where they get boxed in and can never advance.
It's a fucking scam and they don't care because they already made their money

>> No.5530189
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always remember that millenials are far worse

>> No.5530276
File: 38 KB, 445x334, A5BD67AD-0C39-4BD3-AF83-C2EA7B0278FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get handed world on a platter post world war 2
>white paradise where you can raise a family on a single wage with high school
>boomers take this and flood the USA with third world shitskins who will only turn the USA into a third world country
>sexual degenerates flood kids with porn
>cheap 3rd world immigration takes traditional young people’s jobs (landscaping etc)
>kids forced into debt to go to college
>boomers literally destroyed the USA
Durr why do dey hate us

>> No.5530349

not economically, surprisingly

>> No.5530378


was real

>> No.5530384


Grandpa invested $1,000 in Microsoft in when it was about .10/share.

That old fucker rode through the stock splits and the crash and still hasn't sold his shares.

Hoping he doesn't donate them to charity, that would be a tragedy.

>> No.5530493

Boomers sold the future of later generations by importing third world shitskins and exporting jobs en masse so they could save a few bucks on labor. They have a massive sense of entitlement despite getting gibsmedats just for managing to stay alive, which means dick in such an era. Boomers are the niggers of age groups.

>> No.5530536


yeah because there was no racial conflict in america in the 50s, 60s, 70s...

you are a dunce

>> No.5530564
File: 77 KB, 849x514, fuck-boomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>economy of life support
>crippling national debt
>devalued dollar
>world at war
>water wars coming
>peak oil
>peak stuff
>atmospheric CO2 over 400ppm
>vertebrae & insect populations down 40-80%
>arctic will be ice free first time in summer 2018
>permafrost melting releasing methane geysers
>literally entering in to the 6th mass extinction
>humanity done by 2100
Gee thanks boomers.

>> No.5530651

but anon they gave us SMARTPHONES. Dont you like SMARTPHONES and INTERNET. Meanwhile you cant buy shit because of debt or relate to anyone because the social fabric has been destroyed by short term dopamine seeking disposable culture and the era of hypercapitalist greed. Never settle, shiny and new is the BEST.

>> No.5530653
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>water wars coming

sounds like fun

>> No.5530778

I'd attribute the tech boom to the "Jones" and Gen-X generations. Regardless, we're all implicit in Earth's demise

>> No.5530928


U.S was about 90% white before the 1965 immigration act. Read a book.

>> No.5530981

you are correct anon. god bless.

>> No.5531100

Sole based boomer

>> No.5531134

Microsoft has never fallen below $21.00 per share.

>> No.5531179

>I bought the ron paul bittlecoin IRA earlier this year with my retirement and made 17x, you work hard like me and you can retire one day like this, have you tried just going in there and shaking their hand n hand em your resume?

>> No.5531296


It's really just two things:

- they are an entitled generation
- they are responsible for so many changes to our financial landscape that damaged conditions for future generations

Some say, "oh well you think your generation is so great"

Not neccesarily, I think the WWII was the greatest generation. Or maybe the revolutionary war generation.

>> No.5531375

You're 100% right, however I'm not going to act like a boomer by deflecting or grand standing. Millennials are retarded and cause a lot of their own problems, feigning the victim was the best trick they picked up from the boomers.

t. millennial

>> No.5531680

Boomers didn't pass the Immigration Act
Boomers didn't pass the Civil Rights Act
Boomers didn't destroy the only world power trying to preserve European genetics
Boomers didn't legalize miscegenation
Boomers didn't create Hollywood

>> No.5531815

I just listened to this whole thing. Holy shit, this is quintessential boomer. If anyone has confusion why the word boomer is thrown around as as pejorative lately, her attitude and selfishness explains it pretty well.

>> No.5531887
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what the fuck am i reading? they did ALL of that lmfao

>> No.5531933

Your grandpa has Tungsten Hands™

>> No.5531966

Well, technically their parents did.

(((the greatest generation))) More like good goy generation

>> No.5531976

They weren't around for it

>> No.5532627
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And now they try to tell us cryptocurrency is a scam and to buy shitstocks in their bullshit companies

Now they want to tax us too


>> No.5532866
File: 35 KB, 852x480, boomersbtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George i told you not to buy that shitcoin........George we are going on the second vacation still!?

>> No.5533101
File: 7 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my day about BTC last year over Christmas drinks and he bought 2 BTC and 10 ETH on a whim.

He's basically ignored the markets all year and was only reminded this December when the mainstream media got all hype about it.

HE STILL ONLY BOUGHT ME A FUCKING SHIT CHRISTMAS PRESENT despite my advice making him fucking thousands.

Cheap cunt.

>> No.5533212

*Told my Dad

>> No.5533288

Your dad bought you a christmas present. My dad hates me and didn't even talk to my this christmas.

Appreciate what you have.

>> No.5533422

my dad left before I was born

>> No.5533436
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>the most prosperous and safe its ever been
Yeah, maybe when they were born.
we're on the verge of a balkanization of the US, a race war/civil war, steady radicalization of both sides of the political spectrum, massive insurmountable debt that was created by boomers for short term profit, all of our jobs being sent offshore for short term profit as well, unaffordable housing, mass immigration, and almost every aspect of your life controlled by kikes which they benevolently defend even though they've been taken advantage of by them for their entire lives. oh yeah and they destabilized the Middle East (for Israel) which before the Islamic revolution (defense mechanism due to american/israeli bombing) of the 1970s, was on its way to being a moderately civilized area of the world. This is also why muslims are taken in under refugee status while they continue raping killing and outbreeding the Europeans with no punishment.
Really great world boomers left all of the future generations. they all deserve to rot in hell
>millenial instead of doing anything
I was legally considered a child until 2 years ago, and therefore had zero political power or capital to influence anything. Typical boomer, shifting the responsibility to the future generations.

>> No.5533458
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>Macroeconomics class, senior year
>teacher (a boomer in his mid-60's at the time) was simultaneously lecturing us about Social Security and the National Debt
>I genuinely sincerely suggest we should just give all people 60 and older the option of getting euthanized in order to ease the burden on tax payers + the SS system
>he gets just as mad as the time I said the Federal Reserve has been run by jews since its inception

>> No.5533479

Why are you so made someone said to read a book you absolute fucking troglodyte?

>me strong man me no need brain think ow mommy big book make big strong man brain hurt

How about being fit as fuck and intelligent as fuck you fucking loser fuck

>> No.5533516
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>My dad hates me

>> No.5533796
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>Let's run up the deficit as fast as we can, export all the jobs, and use Mestizos to crash wages for the jobs we can't send to China. Also we'll use easy credit and NIMBY laws to make sure housing prices are completely fucking insane and no one can start a family without being impoverished. It doesn't matter if no one can afford a house or has a living wage. We'll just import even more immigrants to pay for MUH SOCIAL SECURITY.

I unironically hope the dollar crashes. I'll use silver or bitcoin or whatever the fuck to retire to a nice beach while boomers are forced to eat dog food while being hunted down by their pet minorities.

>> No.5533808

sounds like your dad is fiscally responsible, a "cool" Christmas present doesn't earn anyone money, he should have done what I did and bought everyone in your family a couple hundred bucks of a coin that he spent time researching and wanted to share. So fuck him for wasting gainz.

>> No.5534236


>> No.5534379


>> No.5534563

BEST BOOMER STORY OF ALL. Prescott Valley, Az. Denny's. Boomer; Lyle S, Ex Tank Captain, European Theater. 4 shitsack basement dweeling disrespectul neets start giving his Wife shit. In a flash they were all on the floor all fucked up, blood everywhere. One of them had a compound fracture in his arm with the bone sticking out. Lyles .38 fell out of his pocket during the fray. I picked it up and hid it before the cops got there. See. I knew that was the only weapon Lyle had ever carried during WW2, and had killed many enemies with it. That day, he had no use for it, because his attackers were all disrespectul sack of shit wastes of skin from / biz/, easily handled by a Boomer.

>> No.5534585
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>>I unironically hope the dollar crashes. I'll use silver or bitcoin or whatever the fuck to retire to a nice beach while boomers are forced to eat dog food while being hunted down by their pet minorities.

This truly does bring a tear to the eye, anon. I only hope that I live long enough to witness such a beautiful spectacle.

>> No.5534603

HOLY FUCK! LYLE?!!!!!!!!

>> No.5534689

>implying that fuckhuge bore is a .38

>> No.5534741

It's a .41 black powder kit gun, but that damn sure looks like lyle. Kek.

>> No.5534910

I hate that bitch, but she makes for fucking sick remix


>> No.5534950

woke anon

>> No.5535236

Nice fantasy Boomer, you clearly don't understand when boomers were born and your boomer stylometrics makes your writing almost incomprehensible.

>> No.5535318


>> No.5535580

we're already more hated than boomers.

>> No.5535659

yeah so what, the country's already heading to shit. We don't have time to care about what other people think, you can either try to fix shit or be a part of the problem, and the useless millennials far out number the useful ones.

t. millennial

>> No.5535710
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>> No.5535767
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Based nigger

>> No.5535784
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>> No.5535829

Boomers were in high school in 1963-65, they had no political influence at all

>> No.5535832

The useless humans have outnumbered the useful ones for a long time now. Genuinely curious wat you're doing to be part of the minority.

t. also millennial.

>> No.5535853


I was getting my masters degree in business admin and we had a guest lecturer come in. He had been CEO of a small company for many years. He basically told us that he stumbled into the job right out of college because he didn't know what to do and gave it a shot. They gave him the assistant CEO position because he had been the assistant manager at a movie theater for a summer. And then 2 years later he became the CEO.

He was basically telling this entire class of people getting their advance degrees in the hopes to get his position that he got his job on a whim 30 years ago.

>> No.5536001

Well at a bare minimum, I have been voting as much as I can and have been honest to people about my opinions and politics when they ask even if it ruins friendships. I think being more honest about things I disagree with enables others to see that successful people do in fact hold opinions that are not inline with the status quo. There are some more impactful things, however I'd rather not say because they are personally Identifiable.

>> No.5536051

This. I had a boomer as our project manager, he was one of the worst managers I and our company ever had and has since been sacked. He treated everyone like shit because we were all youger but we knew the technical ins and outs of the project better.

Fuck these boomers I can't wait to leave the country where I won't have to pay their shitty social security.

>> No.5536197

Someones grandma liked one of my posts on random fb crypto group. Went to her page to j/o (like gilfs) This was her latest post above a pic of litecoin logo

In November I was FOMO so I put up a little FIAT.
I’m far from being a WHALE.
But I woke up this morning and my ROI is positively MOONING here at an ATH.
I’m HODL this BULL.
COLD STORAGE from here.

>> No.5537368


another great sermon by /ourpastor/

seriously, the boomers fucked us.

>> No.5537429

Boomer father told me he read article in February of 2017 about Wall Street professionals were quitting their jobs at Goldman Sachs and other nice gigs to day trade and invest in cryptos. Father said he was impressed by this.

He thought about encouraging me to invest in cryptocurrency, but then he decided not to say anything because he believes "work is good for you". He didn't talk to me about it because he didn't want me to quit my job and trade cryptos because not having a job is bad.

>tfw my father would rather have a poor or middle class son rather than a rich son who would put his meager upper middle class gains to shame

I had thought about investing in crypto for a long time and never did. And partially because I actually respected my father so much and took his advice seriously. Never again will I take his advice seriously. I could have easily had over $100k in the bank by now had I invested last february. Of course in the end it's just my fault, because I knew about it all at the time.

But it's just sad knowing that my dad would feel better with me working a bullshit 9-5 just so I can say I have a job, than he would be if I was an unemployed multimillionaire from crypto gainz

>> No.5537468

>Someones grandma liked one of my posts on random fb crypto group. Went to her page to j/o (like gilfs
Little things like this are why I keep coming to this place

>> No.5537856

>Slave economy
>World is a mess socially and envoirmentally
>Boomers still try to make money out of all this chaos

>> No.5537998


>> No.5538229


complicit not implicit

>> No.5538425

They didn't you fucking retard. The oldest baby boomer was born in 1946, the last of those changes was in 1967 (Loving case). Maybe 2% of them would've been able to vote by then. None were in office or influencing policy.

>technically their parents did
Technically you're a categorical retard.

>> No.5538446

How old do you have to be to use google?

>> No.5538481

Nice LARP faggot. Millenials don't eat at the Dennys here, they all leave this shit sac if they can. Also, it wasn't in the courier.

>> No.5539074

True boomer mentality, living up to its name.

>> No.5539186

Boomers will destroy the world on their way out the door, i have never met one of them that wasnt a selfish cunt.

Well, when selfish cunts run things the destroy them when they dont need them anymore.

I say, we should improve the planet, improve the environment, fix things, make sure there will be a system that works when Automation kicks in,

BOOMERS look at me sideways: "WHY?? we'll be gone in decade, when those things hit."

You fuckign Boomer cunts

>> No.5539553
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damn, thats kinda true huh.

>> No.5540637

good goy