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55284822 No.55284822 [Reply] [Original]

What income is legit considered an economically viable male?

>> No.55284859

Women want a guy with a $250k+ salary job that isn't programming or 60 hour weeks.

>> No.55284880

so what? I thought income wasn't important in 2023 and everyone was equal?

>> No.55284882

Do they even do enough to earn that money? I remember a las that Made female USA soccer team earn the same as the male one with not even half the work

>> No.55284883

men want debt free virgins without tattoos
guess it's hard to get what you want

>> No.55284914
File: 129 KB, 2373x1725, 1685359252269883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife
>He is sever autist
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

>> No.55284916

Women want men that don't group think like 4chan zit posters.

A poor guy could have a great life with a good woman if he is literally inverse of everything 4chan deems required in a guy.

Which is why all you incels losers will die with your dick in your hand instead of a wife that loves you.

>> No.55284931

either a guy who makes no money doing something cool (tattoo artist, DJ, musician) or a guy who makes 250k+ in a prestige industry (law, medicine)

>> No.55284949

I met my GF while working a shitty $20/hr job while she made more than me. The women in these posts are always gold digging wgores

>> No.55284967

>Caring this much about what women "want", failing to see through all the smoke and mirrors
That's where you messed up

>> No.55284974

>25 yr old $37k journeyman plumbers are already on their 2nd ex-wife
You guys think too much, and about all of the wrong stuff.

>> No.55284989


>> No.55285005
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100k for month. Still if you make it you'e solved for life so i guess it's worth it
i make 200 per month investing in memecoins. Today it was justin sun's GF
Tomorrow who knows?
CA btw

>> No.55285012

it's not about being a gold-digger. It's more about how intelligent, ambitious, and how good of a personality you have. If you don't make much then it's because you lack these qualities.

>> No.55285022

Women are so sexist that they cannot possibly consider being with a man that makes less money than her

>> No.55285032
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Women only care about money when it's time to "settle down".
Until then, alpha fucks and money doesn't matter one bit.

>> No.55285040

ambition is worthless, personalities dont matter, intelligence is not attractive to women

>> No.55285065
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>> No.55285066

I can hear the rustling and crunching of your cheetos bag as I read this.

>> No.55285073
File: 27 KB, 326x261, 1676247281114535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagree. there's a reason women are attracted to music/art fags, there's potential for their success via ambition, like finding gems. Jordan Peterstein talked about this.
agree. esp personality. they never say what kind of personality. just "personality". it's fucking stupid

>> No.55285129

personality just means you can express yourself, make people laugh, and carry on a conversation. Most guys just lock up and stick to boring questions when talking to a girl because they don't know what to say.

Intelligence just means you know how stuff works, can learn stuff quickly, and can navigate through life.

>> No.55285444

Six foot four wendys chef salary that can bench 2pl8 reps simple as

>> No.55285462

translation: materialistic bossgrrrrl roastoids who will be ready to settle down at 45
who the fuck wants one of those?

>> No.55285536

Women want to make the same amount of money as men, but want to date men who make more than them. Woman logic.

>> No.55285547

Cool pasta.

>> No.55285566
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Women want to work in cold offices be my fucking guest.

>> No.55285567

>red id

>> No.55285661
File: 79 KB, 674x1169, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women don't care about money for sexual attraction. They just want a beta to drain financially

Money won't save you

>> No.55285693

>It's more about how intelligent, ambitious, and how good of a personality you have.
I literally showed antisocial behavior while ignoring her most of the time

>> No.55285710

Who cares about what women want?

>> No.55285747

Well, women have a resource we need: sex

Even if you don't engage with women at all, presumably you have some sexual outlet, usually porn for 99% of beta males today

>> No.55285767

that is a form of personality. It shows you aren't a beta.

>> No.55285803

plenty of broke creative types and jacked drug dealers who get mad pussy and rich betas who dry women up

women is a weak indicator of how alpha a man is at his core, at best

>> No.55285810

*money is a weak indicator of how alpha a man is at his core, at best

>> No.55286045

My gf works a big boy job while at the moment I'm basically a house husband during my seasonal work off season. We just fuck, drink beer and play video games. Life is pretty good.

>> No.55286084

it's not going to be a perfect correlation but given nothing else to go off, income does give information about a man. They'll at least be able to be providers.

>> No.55286111

go for new agey hippie women. they've fried their brain from meditation and psychedelics so much they're almost unemployable and aren't good at earning money but are into feminine woo woo stuff. they care about money but their earning potential is so low they will settle for a normal guy who can pretend to appreciate their woo.

>> No.55286495

They don’t meditate they just do drugs anon