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File: 559 KB, 1170x1568, 1386AE5B-D17F-4228-B5A2-B19B085A4EE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55278653 No.55278653 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like my algo target post from the other day was right. The bottom is in.

>> No.55278657

Are you going to buy more Link?

>> No.55278670

yeah that $5 mark held really fucking well with a few tiny drops under it as the exception
what kind of retard wouldn't be buying link right now

>> No.55278679

buy an ad chainlink labs

>> No.55278683

Nobody cares if you buy more Link

>> No.55278687
File: 145 KB, 1552x612, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah - advertisement not needed
fud spammers keep biz a link board for free
o...k? you're the one who asked dude >>55278657
do you have alzheimers or something

>> No.55278693

>the $5 mark
the absolute state of mental gymnastics, the support was $5.20 for over a year
how desperate are you

>> No.55278699

correction it was $5.30 and it currently struggles to regain that level

>> No.55278709

that's literally what happened the other day, it held at $5 for the big market wide dump - when did i mention anything about $5.30

>> No.55278717

he’s a linkbaggienigger how desperate do you think he is?

>> No.55278725

So are you going to buy more link?

>> No.55278733

why do you keep asking? what a weird bot

>> No.55278735

Nobody cares if you buy Link

>> No.55278738

lol ok buddy, beep boop and all that

>> No.55278742

So you are buying more Link?

>> No.55278749

I wish I could share your optimism.
A new lower low against USD and BTC and ETH is not something to be ignored.
If BTC dumps in the current state the lights are out.

Unfortunately my investment thesis has been invalidated.
I cannot fight longer this level of market manipulation and will have to exit my positions until I get a positive signal of strength and proof that the suppression has ended.

>> No.55278755

-$10.00 looking like very solid support

>> No.55278781

>held at $5 for the big market wide dump
are you blind apart from retarded? it fell through right at $4.77, support was DEFINITIVELY broken you delusional shill

>> No.55278799

This as much as it pains me.

>> No.55278801

That is a scamwick, liquidating cascade. There were no one who by choice sold at those levels. It was why the price immediately was eaten up back over $5. There were only seconds to buy.

>> No.55278828

>n-n-n-noooo that doesn't count reeeeeeeee
cope and seethe you mongoloid

>> No.55278835

if it broke through it would still be there, but even then i did say in >>55278670 that it did go down a tiny amount below that line - which to be precise was $4.99 for like half an hour at 3:05am australian time
but with how you're writing you seem to be pretty emotionally attached to "blue cube bad" so maybe just spam that over and over again instead of pretending that you have an argument or that link isn't sitting above $5

>> No.55278856

>in order to assess if the asset has broken down below support, it must stay there for x amount of minutes!!!1
if it hadn't broke through and it was a mere scamwick, it would have regained the $6 level you financially illiterate bagholder, it made a CLEAR new low, and then it stayed BELOW the previous 1 year low, that's a CLEAR breakdown you retard
keep coping

>> No.55278857

> held $5
It percentage dropped around the higher range for alts, there was no particular support for link. That was just the rough maximum drop alts had.

>> No.55278882

i'm not even talking about whatever personal chart you're pulling out of your ass you retarded fud cumrag lmao
and yeah of course you were lying about the $4.77 but lets just gloss over that because who cares about tangible shit like prices when we're talking about "financial literacy"
just spam "blue cube bad" over and over again
itll be more convincing

>> No.55278894

go back to twitter

>> No.55278896

>ddduuurrr I'm a retard I don't understand huurrrr made up charts durrrr
pic rel, I marked the 1 year low which acted as the support for your blind ass to see
cope harder, it's hilarious

>> No.55278901
File: 158 KB, 1905x615, durrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.55278905



t. 95% of biz

>> No.55278909
File: 82 KB, 1856x579, holyshitguise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooooly shit guise, it's regaining!!!!1
>nnooooo 2 years is too long! it must start going up nao!

>> No.55278919

just say it with me
"blue cube bad"
don't you feel better? that's the core of the issue
ohhh you think that binance is the only exchange that exists - now your butthurt screeching about $4.77 makes sense
how are you coping with link sitting at $5.20 less than a week later though? wait i don't think i even care because of how emotional you clearly are lol

>> No.55278929

by remembering it spent the last 3 years above $5.20
>ddurrrrr scamwick it doesn't count!
>hurrrr binance baad
the absolute state of coping bagholders, LMAO
look at the fucking chart, you lost a 3 year support level

>> No.55278930
File: 454 KB, 883x720, 1616728024239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I’m not the only one on here that realizes that the Chainlink discussions here aren’t organic at all.

A complex mix of paid shills and bots post memes and start conversations. Real anons browsing /biz/ think these convos are real and start making convos themselves. Then when things die down, the bots and paid shills start again to capture new bagholders.

>> No.55278943

dude you lost
look at how upset you are rofl
can you do a vocaroo of you screeching "BLUE CUBE BAD" at the top of your lungs for me
if your response is anything other than that i literally don't care and won't bother with it

>> No.55278952

>y-y-you lost!
>m-m-muh $5 level which haven't been revisited for 3 years held strong!!1
kek, keep crying faggot

>> No.55279002

>It's gone down, it must go up now, simple physics
>t. 95% of /biz/

>> No.55279003

>can you do a vocaroo of you screeching "BLUE CUBE BAD" at the top of your lungs for me
I want this as well. I dont think ive ever heard a fudcuck's voice on this site. Or hand with timestamp. Or sell orders.

>> No.55279014

based and blue cube bad pilled. try it frens on your way back to Twitter its cathartic

>> No.55279089
File: 7 KB, 179x282, 278345981125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

behold the vocal physiognomy of a fuddie:

>> No.55279116

so like like ccip is like a like token teleporter wtf like why arent the eth guys all over this they love star trek and like so do i beam me up sir gay

>> No.55279131

Lmao that fud tard sounds so effeminate and fat
Good find, now I know

>> No.55279188


>> No.55279212

are shills literally recording themselves pretending to be fudders now?
what the fuck lmao

>> No.55279423
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1684890249939273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the average fud tranny so yeah it probably is a legit fuddie vocaroo

>> No.55279455
File: 263 KB, 1280x1280, 1679962357314694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as opposed to your average "manly yet effeminate" link baggie?

>> No.55279494
File: 2.73 MB, 6328x3500, 1674150636937067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CLG is a faggot stacklet and he'll probably be the first target of a biz loli contract
Fudders are confirmed retards and sissy coomers though so the vocaroo definitely checks out lol

>> No.55279559

since you like to dig on the archives so much, here's some resources for you
oh wait, that's literally (You)!
imagine spending YEARS defending the honor of your bags daily on an anonymous indonesian basket weaving forum for pedos and then calling the fudders "no life loosers"
the irony is palpable

>> No.55279579
File: 55 KB, 2432x220, secondonetoday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope he buys more link.

>> No.55279592

>1 LINK limit buy order
genuine question, how poor are you? also kudos for this subtle fud

>> No.55279665

>all those different filenames
>couldnt possibly just be a popular image!
Keklmao so this is the power of big brain fuddies