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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55277781 No.55277781 [Reply] [Original]

Got into an argument with a coworker. Is SQL and Python considered "programming"?

>> No.55277788

I don't believe you have coworkers. You are a stinky little incel in your parents house

>> No.55277818

sql no, python obviously

>> No.55277832
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Fuck I love Tay Tay bros. Also SQL is for returning Data through queries python is for programming all kinds of crazy shit

>> No.55277856

Database query language, not exactly programming. just querying data from tables, joins, unions data manipulation with Relational algebra

Yes, but also depending on what ur coding and which libraries u use but yes

>> No.55277896

Is SQL hard to learn? I could advance in my job if i do it. I don't have cs related background

>> No.55277908

I learned it in about 3 months, enough that I can use it daily but not an expert

>> No.55277952

making computer do what you want in an automated fashion is programming.

>> No.55277973

It's literally called querying.

>> No.55277999

Yes. Programming is when you create a program that manipulates data. SQL does this.

SQL has less functions, sure. But it's not a piece of software. If not a programming language, what is it?

I think what you co-worker (or you) meant was that you can't get a 100k year job with SQL. But you probably can in some high security capacity.

>> No.55278018

What do you use it for?

>> No.55278023

I'm a data analyst

>> No.55278030

SQL is Turing complete

>> No.55278057

Query languages are still programming languages

>> No.55278072

only to losers who can't code

>> No.55278075

i wasn't claiming anything but that is my definition of programming. whether either of those tools fall under this definition is another story.

>> No.55278116

Just because it lacks complexity doesn't mean it isn't programming.

>> No.55278194

both are turing complete, so any program in history from windows XP to skyrim can potentially be implemented using SQL or python (or brainfuck for that matter).

>> No.55278261

No, a python is a snake and SQL is an airport in San Mateo County, California.

>> No.55279127

probably not "real" programmers who write C will say no but they have no appreciation for how fucked the architecture for some random database you didn't write but have to integrate can be
but generally if you are doing light weight SQL, dont call yourself a programmer
yes, I work for an artificial intelligence company programming in python
while python is the most accessible programming language for beginners
its still the most powerful for highly capable users too

>> No.55279138
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Imagine the smell.

>> No.55279217

sql, not really, only mindless queries/inserts. python, also no, mostly script kiddies.

>> No.55279246

SQL, yes, needs some object oriented design of domain driven design.
Python, no, it's just a scripting language.

>> No.55279250

Yes, duh.

>> No.55279337

css+html is also turing complete you fucking coping smoothbrains

>> No.55279359

I'm 28 and never had sex. I also learned to code on Codecademy, applied to a few jobs, and now I earn $125k as a Senior Software Engineer. I may be a virgin but I'm fucking rich.

>> No.55279372

>I think what you co-worker (or you) meant was that you can't get a 100k year job with SQL. But you probably can in some high security capacity.

top tier DBAs are super fucking handy to have

>> No.55279961

python yes.

SQL... sort of.
you need some place to put data
it has a structured query language
you have to organize your tables in a coherent method (normal form)

they go hand in hand

>> No.55280021

those shelves won’t stack themselves, anon

>> No.55280244

I consider programming oop. React and frontend doesn't count for this reason since it always feels like I'm working in Photoshop.

>> No.55280459

wherer at, and how much do you make?

>> No.55280494

$75k, just started. Obviously not saying where I work at but it's a giant consumer goods conglomerate

>> No.55280522

which country/state/region

>> No.55280538

US, currently California but since it's WFH, I'll be moving

>> No.55280565

Idk what SQL is but Python is a type of snake it’s got nothing to do with computers.

>> No.55280589

thanks, michael

>> No.55280638

sql is as much programming as competent excel use is, which is to say "barely" but also unfortunately more than probably 80% of the population can manage.

Python is trivial.

>> No.55281005

> python not programming
you drank way too much /g koolaid (or /g runoff pooling into /biz). calm down. sql isn't programming though.

>> No.55281105

SQL not really, but that doesn't mean it's somehow less technical or requires less knowledge. I've written SQL queries that are thousands of lines long just like a true compute program.
Python is absolutely programming though, 100% yes

>> No.55281118

How much bbc does she takes per month? Is it financially viable for her?

>> No.55281577

any course you would recommend? I basically have like a year to learn

>> No.55281644


I took the UC Berkeley course for data analytics, which is a certificate. I already have a bachelor's in marketing. I did read the SQL quick start guide before enrolling

And learning Python the hard way.