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55276825 No.55276825 [Reply] [Original]

>Become multimillionaire off crypto
My only options are
>dumb, broke women who live paycheck to paycheck riding the cock carousel
>spoiled women born into rich parents obsessed with travelling

Where are the trad, virgin and homely ones?

>> No.55276838

Already taken since high school

>> No.55276840

The spoiled rich ones are actually better than they look, my ex was as clever as a kike when it came to money. He gold digger mom trained her well and she was Conservative as fuck and hated minorities and the homeless

>> No.55276868

No where to be found. Just invest in something worthwhile and jerk off. That's what I do

>> No.55276889

You forgot the option where you go traveling and fuck random sluts.

>> No.55276892

I find the best chicks in small towns. its not always ez-pz to make contact especially online but small town girls with no nearby big towns are usually fairly not as corrupt as big city girls can be. not that small city girls dont get into some kinky stuff just in my experiences they arent as corrupt and as perv'd out as alot of city chicks are. less it seems on only fans in population 800 city.
>Verification not required.

>> No.55276894

do u think what i think
nahh they have retarded standards with princess complex and want to be dined and wined all the time
i'l turn 30 in 3 years and the best investment is a family

>> No.55276898

they aren't in america, that's all I'll say

>> No.55276904

At Walmart and dollar general

>> No.55276907

>>dumb, broke women who live paycheck to paycheck riding the cock carousel
Are you me??

>> No.55277024

if by taken you mean pumped and dumped then sure

>> No.55277049
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Theyre at churches, seriously.

>> No.55277055

If you are white, join the amish, otherwise fuck off

>> No.55277061


>> No.55277067

Then burn in hell and/or date the women OP mentions. Have fun.

>> No.55277069

If you cant find a good woman you deserve it for not going to church where you couldve been married within 24 months tops

>> No.55277079


lol get a load of this grandpa and his wizard friend who lives in the clouds

>> No.55277083

see >>55277067
enjoy dating used women

>> No.55277088

Well done mate, whish I was doing aswell as you. Started crypto too late, fell for the family meme and now Im on chemo.

Wish I had your problems.

>> No.55277092
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>enjoy dating used women

>> No.55277095
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imagine being an adult and falling for 4chan memes

>nooooo she isnt a virgin tradwife aaaaaaaa who is falling for my useless virgin ass


>> No.55277104

My advice you need to live somewhere with conservative values to even be in a look on for a conservative woman.
Then you need to hang in those circles and promote the values you want in a woman.

Best bet, go to church or volunteer for a conservative charity/organisation. Join a club like rotary or masons. If a burger join your local long gun club.

>> No.55277119

>churches have the chaste virginal women you desire
churches have undesirable women who think being based and trad will get them a man 1 or 2 points higher than they'd normally get on the 10 point scale.
church people will set you up with a series of single moms, landwhales, the diseased, and retards. I'm being 100% serious.
Every church girl above a 3/10 is paired off with a church boy extremely quickly unless something is horribly wrong with her

>> No.55277127

Are do americans still church?

you guys are even dumberer than I thought

+ tip and no health insurance lol

>> No.55277129


>> No.55277372

try growing a personality. rich dudes are the fat women of men; they have nothing else to offer aside from money. they are desperate in the same ways and know their places on the totem pole, and everyone else does too.
you also need a better sense for supply and demand, but that'll only come with moving around and observing. i mean being able to tell whether there's an oversupply of decent women and an unmet demand for men where you are. being socially adjusted (e.g., not a sperg posting this kind of thread on 4chan) puts you above 60% of men. in a room full of 100 autists, the 1 dude not sperging about his lego collection when it's not important to the conversation will be ahead. but if you're in a room full of 100 chads, you've got nothing. you are the exact same person in both of those situations but with completely different outcomes.

>> No.55277418

how old are you? the dumb broke women are pretty fun anon

>> No.55277511
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Multimillionaires are in social environment and context that inherently attracts most of the time the women u just listed there as examples. Just like lawyers mostly go on with judges, lawyers and high ranking officials millionaires tend to attract sort of women which are attracted to money and exposed to such environment more than others. Thus roasties, princesses etc.

>> No.55277527

>Where are the trad, virgin and homely ones?
I hope you like Asian women

>> No.55277532
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Shoo shoo, bug tranny

>> No.55277536

try seeking and be happy with SBs and keep investing in crypto. What bags you holding old fag?

>> No.55277549
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kek literally every girl in Asia is on tiktok

>> No.55277561

The ones that are sold by parents the moment which tits starting to pop out?

>> No.55277569

Just become a passport bro.

>> No.55277627

>rich dudes are the fat women of men

Coping poorfag

>> No.55278645

Date 18 year high school senior and turn her into your dream tradwife

>> No.55278754

I know what i must do. Thank you, anon.

>> No.55278778

So the only thing you have going for you is money, and not even old money, new money?
Well no wonder you attrack women that care only about money, you have nothing else to offer.

>> No.55278789

but the part where you became a multimillionaire isn't true

>> No.55278802

>rotary or masons
Pathway to hell and extremely gay

>> No.55278826

You’ve never even seen a crypto

>> No.55279000

I got lucky and matched with a farmer's daughter
shes amazing
the father didn't like me at first till I helped him butcher a pig and he also found out im actually better with tools with him
I made it (not in the financial sense) but Im gonna marry a girl who doesn't love me for my money (has no clue how right I am..)

>> No.55279668

You can buy them ?

>> No.55279686

Or you don’t want all your hard work drained.

I’ve see the ones I love and have been loved by turn into different people when money is involved. It’s only wise to secure yourself and be sure in a partner

>> No.55279708

checked, based, redpilled

>> No.55280023
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If you wanna become a crypto millionaire, you gotta play it smart in this bear market. And here's a sweet tip for ya: dive into the Brillionaire Program! Trust me, it's gonna make your wallet go full BRRR mode!

>> No.55280080
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No they're not you fucking larper

Church is full of refomed whores. The only "good" girls are well below 18 who are guarded by their beta bucks father who go on to be whores at 18 any way to spite daddy

>> No.55280139

Kek you incels would get bored of virgin women in a millisecond due to being used to the stimulation level that porn gives. You have so little experience of women that you have no idea what makes a good long term partner.

>> No.55281033

Pair bonding > "sexual experience" (doesn't exist lmao, you fell for the thot marketing)

>> No.55281076

-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise asexual Chads
-women fear of being asexual

>> No.55281101

Pair bonding happens when chemistries match, it has nothing to do with virginity. You would know it if you actually had experience of women, virgings and non-virgins alike.

>> No.55281179

Not true at all, the more partners a woman has the more likely she is to move on to another quickly, the higher the rates of divorce etc. Virgin women are 1000x more valuable because they've recognised their own value and set it, despite the social games played by other women to try inspire eachother to be promiscuous so they don't feel shame from being a slut. If you want a long term relationship to last you need a woman with a sub 3 N count.

>> No.55281203


>> No.55281213

this is true, why women from conservative countries have the longest marriages and functional families

>> No.55281557

This just makes me sad and empty, I can't do it anymore...

>> No.55281727

Correct. By the time they graduate HS, fully 25% are obese and another 25% are well on the way. Another 25% are too stupid, inked, and/or ugly to consider. And the remaining 25% are fully indoctrinated, screeching feminists. American women are a lost cause until some great and traumatic cleansing occurs.

>> No.55281903
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>>dumb, broke women who live paycheck to paycheck riding the cock carousel
Redpilled. This part isn't true, rather make you retched.
Because of your ignorant Ranjeet, you can never admit that PEPE made many jeets multimillionaires, although majority have started spending it through CryptMi app to be entitled cashbacks.

>> No.55281914
File: 172 KB, 371x498, 4A4B4CAD-9EAF-4F09-9BE4-635B41839CBD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKING HELL stop saying this. The truth hurts. I messed up so bad

>> No.55281950
File: 381 KB, 600x692, 16238704548695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"where are the trad, virgin and homely women?" asks 25-year old incel racist on an online friend-simulator board

>> No.55282024

No one said they're 25, no one said anything racist, no one said anything incelular, projection at its maxx

>> No.55282113

kek did i strike a nerve, faggot?

>> No.55282238
File: 207 KB, 1024x920, 1677617082580871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got nothing better to be doing, have we?

>> No.55282335

how the fuck is posting in a thread on a discussion forum a bad thing? I will never understand these faggots that post omfg he made 6pbtid! yeah its a fucking conversation going on people talk in it retard. thats the whole post of a thread is to post in it. sometimes and I know this triggers some of you mental midgets, but people post more than once, some people post as much as 10-20 times in a thread depending on the topic. if you mental midgets could grasp this concept you'd see how stupid you look going omfg 4 pbtid

>> No.55282489

> "the sky is green."
> "no, the sky is blue."
> "hehe i must've struck a nerve."

>> No.55284727

The tranny mod is an abusing schizo deleting threads and banning people for no reason.
Please report this piece of shit at https://www.4channel.org/feedback

>> No.55284773

They might be good but they are still used.
No thanks roastiecucks.

>> No.55285006

Isn't the benefit of being with a virgin that there are no exes to get compared to?
That you are her first in everything?
That her ideas about romance are probably much more unspoiled and that you get a chance to show what a good relationship can be?
Does that make sense at all? Idk, seems logical to me.

>> No.55285029

Well OP, way I see it is that a relationship with a woman who wants you for your money is extremely conditional and will probably be superficial. There's good women out there, but it's important to add more to their life than money

>> No.55285089

Who's scared of being compared, who doesn't want to be the best in everything rather than the first, and who let's the woman decide what romance means?

I talk tough.. but I actually found and kept a teenage love. Maybe you're right?

>> No.55285140

Most guys set the bar really low.
My current gf has dated several guys before her but they all were shitty I guess. I'm only ever compared favorably and I'm not really special at anything. If anything, being with other men set her expectations even lower than if I was her first.
Is the virgin pure tradwife hunt just an excuse to never having to try and meet/love another real human?

>> No.55285181

There's an endless supply of average men and an extremely limited supply of 6+/10 women that are virgins. Do the math.

>> No.55285237

What's wrong with being scared about being compared? Society says don't be scared, so you are intimidated by that demand and forget what's best for you? if a long-term comfy relationship is more easy to achieve this way, isn't it just rational to want?
Idk I don't look for it exclusively and I think love is about more than that, but it doesn't seem so odd to me why it'd be nice to have a relationship this way.

>> No.55285270

>18 year
Too old.

>> No.55285396

I have two friends who found teenage love, and their relationships have outlasted many multiple relationships of all my other friends, hell I've even had friends get married and divorced whilst these couples have been going strong. It's not a mystery why the most well functioning societies have strong martial bonds.

>> No.55286701

This is retarded and you're assuming being rich = being boring when that's absolutely not the case. OP became rich he wasn't born rich so unless your argument is money magically takes away your personality then you're wrong.

>> No.55287935

Yup this. Pretense of morality is better than nothing.

>> No.55288764

I would never waste money on women. My only focus is to invest in crypto. The bullrun isn't far, now is the time to buy alts like EGLD, UTK, METIS, ETH, ATOM.
I am not gonna miss this fucking good chance in my life.

>> No.55288915
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Well you are on the right path. I am accumulating the 1st two you have mentioned anon, I generate a decent passive income by staking these 25% seems good and alot better compared to traditional investments.

>> No.55288948

The new tokenomics looks good to me. Happy that the total supply is reduced from 1.4bil to 1 bil.

>> No.55288980

25% is really good. I have to start taking doing the same. The development is really impressive, their new xPortal app is really convenient as it offers different services like lending, staking, payments and access to metaverse.

>> No.55289072

They say going to church will land you a good one.
I don't understand why you faggots are so eager to find a woman and get married though. It's going to be hell one way or another.

>> No.55289117


unironically the only option for purity is someone from your hometown / that you went to elementary or high school with.

>> No.55289182

Didn't read the thread
There's plenty of girls out there to choose from.
None of them are perfect and honestly the pure virginal archetype is so laughably unrealistic I imagine it could only exist in Rapunzel. Know that you're probably far from a catch yourself (unless you are, but if you're posting here you might not be)
No matter who you choose you always have to polish them gem (or turd) that you have your eyes on. I do not expect to find "the one", don't expect any girl to be my rock or whatever. Think if you're even capable of living the fake normie-core relationsimp that's been iconic for the past few decades.
I want a girl, to have a family and ideally for her to stick around for the kids and the last one's the least important. That means playing the social game well enough that you're pleasant enough to stick around and the psycho/emotional game well enough to prevent her from fulfilling that deep seated drive to "trade up". It means using both the right hand and the left, and playing into her beliefs, feelings, suspicious and suggestibility. Also you must detach your emotional well being from hers.
We all have to play the hand you're dealt. Remember that even pajeet had two parents and he's smart enough to scam you in your own turf, find someone good enough and work on that.
Also I don't plan on getting married kek
That's my two cents but also what I plan to do once I get my shit together enough so its just a little bit less some random online giving you advice

>> No.55289343

In asia

>> No.55289449

>Where are the trad, virgin and homely ones?
Back in the day, middle school.
But you might have to dip a little deeper these days.

Or, as I hear, Cambodia.

>> No.55290018


Options are always same

- go to foreign country with a better female environment
- find a young one, that wasn't spoiled yet
- religious one or from conservative community like amish one
- in most rural parts of the country finding a proper woman usually much easier

>> No.55290044

they live in eastern europe fren, move over there. don't bring them back to the west, its a mistake a lot of men make.

>> No.55290856

kill yourself

>> No.55290904

>go to state where AOC is only 16
>park your lambo outside of a high school and wait for classes to end for the day
>take your pic of girl to wife up

>> No.55290927

There’s no country in eastern europe worth moving to. All the “nice” ones like Hungary and Slovenia still have whore women

>> No.55290977

Poor girls aren't doing the cock carousel because they can't afford abortions. That's more of a middle class college educated woman

>> No.55291093

>become millionaire
>still will suffer and die
Just find someone who likes you bro, that simple

>> No.55292622

My church is full of old people and babies, no in between.

>> No.55294105
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>weirdo trad larpers who jack off to degenerate hentai fetishes go to church mainly to try to find a gf
I'll never understand the trad larpers

Modern incel christianity is pure cognitive dissonance.
>ah return to the glory days of our ancestors! Muh strong men! *spends all day playing video games*
>why yes im so christian and morally pure - love thy neighbor brother in christ *die niggers die kill them all!!*
>He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. *everyone else is a degenerate except me!*
Christianity build a bear edition for little trad chuddy

>> No.55295326


>> No.55295380

kek my brother got married to a chirstian women because she said she wanted children. They got married and two years in she's not going to do it now because she doesnt want to ruin her body