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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55276521 No.55276521 [Reply] [Original]

>They literally added netflix only so it wouldn't be called 'fag'

>> No.55276526

Should have chosen Nvidia

>> No.55276527

Genx "humor". They really fucked up

>> No.55276532

checked dubs

>> No.55276534

>3 trillion for fucking iphones

>> No.55276535

It's actually 3 trillion for a monopoly on the dumbest fucking people on the planet.

>> No.55276537
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>> No.55276588

The term is 6 years old. Back then Netflix was bigger than NVDA, and there were delusions that it would rapidly expand internationally and see some insane operating leverage.
The reality is that their cheap licensed content dried up and cashflow is still questionable. Luckily mere inclusion in these lists is enough to keep it propped up at a fairly silly valuation.

>> No.55276595

>3 trillion on retards who buy the new iphone

>> No.55276677


iphone is pretty much the only phone that is reliable.

Google itself is spyware. All google products are spyware.

Don't believe me? Go buy a google hardware device and find out.

>> No.55276691

I thought it was FAGMAN

>> No.55276692

they all are.

>> No.55276697

I bought an iPhone 14 Pro Max so I wouldn't look poor or autistic. I miss my old Oneplus phone.

>> No.55276699

how is iphone not spyware you gullible bootlicking rerard

>> No.55276705

Because it’s not. iPhone is best phone.

>> No.55276740


It isn't, which is why the US government hates apple, in fact all the world government's hate apple.

Google is selling all of your data to anyone who has a price and it's the NSA's best friend.

>> No.55276755
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no, it's mainly google.

>> No.55276756
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>> No.55276773

/g/ has been calling it FAGMAN for years tho

>> No.55276786

Amazon is a government project.

There I said it.

>> No.55276799

> faang
> f for Meta
Kek and zucked

>> No.55276804
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>> No.55276824


t. fagman (tsm), is also acceptable.

>> No.55276844

3 trillion for a status symbol that will remain the status symbol because it's worth so much and 99% of the world worships wealth. It's like a perpetual motion machine as long as we live in a scarcity world.

>> No.55276867

Yeah, I remember reading about how secure Apple is from my favorite state sponsored "free" ad-sponsored media article.

>> No.55276872

A new Iphone costs like 300 bucks with the discount bub, it's not a symbol of status unless you're unironically dead broke.

>> No.55276880


>> No.55276895

Most of the world makes $300 a month and that's well off

>> No.55276941
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> status symbol

Do you really use android?

The police have a tool that literally cracks an android phone in seconds where they then install their spyware.

Why do you think all federal U.S. government employees are not allowed to use iphones? Because there is no backdoor for you know who.

>> No.55276954

There's a setting in the iphone chip you can easily change to enable very basic dictionary attacks on iphones that will open any iphone in probably under 30 minutes. You are just retarded and coping like most apple users.

>> No.55276968

damn a zoomer that doesnt even remember the fappening
apples security is just as shit

>> No.55276973

you fucking dumbass

>> No.55276978


Apple patches all those exploits quickly. The never last more than a month.

There are several scam companies claiming to have products that crack iphones, but none of them work. At once time they did, but that was a few years ago.

>> No.55277001

this is bait right?

>> No.55277006
File: 416 KB, 1399x894, Screenshot 2023-06-13 at 00-05-54 FBI–Apple encryption dispute - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek, apple just increases their security every time they get hacked.

Google just looks for ways to hide spyware in the open.

>> No.55277040
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This nigga a android!!! LMAO at (you)

>> No.55277139

Look into the DARPA lifelog-faceberg connection

>> No.55277162

keep licking faggot lol

>> No.55277171
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dont look up pegasus

>> No.55277195

the correct acronym is FAGMAN

>> No.55277349

No, they work on modern iphones lol. They're not exploits they're features

>> No.55279577


Apple isn't part of their program. It's all google you nigger, like 99% of it is google.

Facebook sells data but it isn't controlled by the state, this is why US politicians were throwing a tantrum about facebook, because even through zuckerberg sells data, he wouldn't let glowies run his company.

>> No.55279600


No, they don't. They are scamming niggers and the exploits get patched quickly.

>> No.55279630


Apple still has nothing to do with this.

Facebook sells data but doesn't allow government to control it's content.

>> No.55279641

My Google phone is a piece of shit and has catastrophic hardware problems after like a year lmao going to bite the bullet and get a gay iphone probably

>> No.55279766

lol, lmao

>> No.55279809


Every single android I have owned went to shit after a year. The updates break the hardware. The only way to have a secure android phone is write your own custom linux-based phone OS which isn't a quick option.

>> No.55279828

Microsoft its kind of beating google right now. IT should be fagma or something

>> No.55279834

>ignore the evidence of apple bending for fbi and even checking your photos for “pedophilia”

>> No.55279846

netflix got included because of its ridiculous at the time salaries which were more focused on direct pay rather than SBC

>> No.55279863


They only did under a court order for specific cases. Overwhelming evidence outside of the user's iphone itself.

>> No.55279880


Microsoft has built a more sustainable business model than Facebook, Netflix, and Google. If I had to bet on two of these tech giants still existing in the year 2060 I would have my chips on Microsoft and Amazon, who are both going hard in developing B2B products and services that are a lot less boom/bust and temporary.

>> No.55279996

3 trillion for the best laptops, best phones and soon to be best VR too

>> No.55280873

>Not spyware.

Precious apple would never spy.Apple ID am I rite?

>> No.55280885

Try again sweetie

>> No.55280896

>facebook: advertising
>Apple: East Asian supply chains
>Amazon: discretionary spending
>Netflix: discretionary spending
>Google: advertising
If any industries are solid in the current climate, it's those!

>> No.55280909

Why does it say
on the slide?

>> No.55280914

Iphones belong to a family that is not in line with the US obligates.
This is why it's banned from being used in the gov, they fear the family taking over the gov as well.
They would rather kill apple entirely but it's gotten too powerful.

>> No.55280945

Yep, even though there's always new zeroday backdoors found in iPhone and stories about politcians geting spied on through their iPhones.
Dumb nigger.

>> No.55280970

Is that so? Name them.

>> No.55280975
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>> No.55281002

Apple unironically is the most solid of all those

Posted from my OnePlus 8 Pro

>> No.55281075

Mostly polish lineage like wozniak and joswiak, also english ones like cook.
The rest are jews controlled by microsoft aka the company that actually owns apple but not publicly.

>> No.55281102
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>My giant corporation that works with the government isn't like the others

>> No.55281150

How is Apple worth twice as much as Google though? Google has Android, Chrome, YouTube, even Chromebooks which are now being used by millions of kids in school
Apple literally got caught listening to private conversations via Siri:
I doubt Google (or Amazon's Alexa) are better but don't kid yourself into thinking Apple cares about privacy.
Ted was right all along RIP

>> No.55281921



You cant be this retarded and blind to not see there products are spyware and bind your phone to apple id. Atleast you can root your phone.

>> No.55282037

The government does not care that you jack off to hentai with "school girls" with huge tits and asses. Until they do. Then you are a pedophile.

>> No.55282262

Well facebook is meta now so without netflix it's MAGA.

>> No.55283475

We call them FAGMAN with microsoft, newfag.
Also FAANG was coined not because of their market cap, but because of their growth. It means they were good to invest a decade ago.

>> No.55283529
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and FB is now Meta

>> No.55283584


>Berkshire Hathaway
>Home Depot

>> No.55283778

it is, but id rather spyware phone (smooth) over spyware phone (laggy)

>> No.55283823


>> No.55283999

Yeah, checks out like he said "dumbest fucking people on the planet"

>> No.55284038


>> No.55284129

You are right.

It's time for operation remove N

>> No.55284139

Obvs those companies are about content moderation...

>> No.55285889

iPhones are great, even Google's Android phones were shit when I had them. Had 3 of them die on me due to shitty USB-C plugs after less than a year. My iPhone now is 2 years old and as good as new
Also Apple Silicon macbooks probably are the best laptop you can get at the moment