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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55273479 No.55273479 [Reply] [Original]

How pathetic are users of social media if they announce that they're fighting against a corporation for the grand total of two days. Weak.

>> No.55273487

What are redditors mad about now?

>> No.55273500

"Some people identify as Reddit mod" (c) Someone on youtube

>> No.55273539

Leddit is killing support for 3rd party apps like Apolo and RIF.


>> No.55273548

Thanks, now go back

>> No.55273736
File: 1.51 MB, 1024x1024, 1ZezxtK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is releasing tokens on ethereum, my fellow ethtrader bros!

>> No.55274365

What happened to those Reddit clones with crypto like Steemit? You’d think people would go to those now but all anyone is talking about is retarded shit like Lemmy that normies will never use. I suspect Reddit themselves are pushing lemmy as an alternative became it’s no threat to them.

>> No.55274720

it's not about the length of time, it's about sending a message.

>> No.55274849

Boycott for 2 days then everyone forgets all about it and keeps amusing reddit
Classic adhd normie boycotts. Cant even be inconvenienced for more than two says for something you “believe in”

How can we profit off this? Can we build a new website.

Reddit but for normie niggers

>> No.55274899

No one wants to pay to shit post

>> No.55274925

>it's about sending a message.
you impotent faggot redditors are truly something else

>> No.55275115
File: 1.08 MB, 2072x2280, 42513 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we shut down some subs for 2 days and then go right back to normal redd*t will be sure to listen!

>> No.55275915

It's to flex and show that they can coordinate and that the value of reddit is in the users. Even though they're gay and completely wrong about trannies.

>> No.55275924

when you boycott something you're supposed to just not use it, forever, until they cave

>> No.55275937

They will cave. Probably already finishing up the "We hear you" letter now.

>> No.55275952

Reddit refugee spotted. Please go back

>> No.55275995
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OK groomer.

>> No.55276028

I don't want reddit to fail. I want redditors to stay contained. I also don't want third party apps to fail. With RIF i've been able to block an unlimited number of subreddits without having an account. Its a great website if you block 90% of the users.

>> No.55276044

4chan janjans would never betray us like that

>> No.55276128

No, like everything on reddit it's astroturfed. The whole blackout is controlled by the admins and power-mods (who work with the admins), the idea being to appease redditards by making them THINK it's some mass grassroots community collaboration against the big evil corporation. If it were really grassroots it would be much longer than 2 days. This is obviously orchestrated.

>> No.55276439 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55276791

fuck you i was about to say that

>> No.55276927
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>> No.55277014

didn't that get bought by chinks and absorbed into dlive or something?

>> No.55277016


> Apolo

>and RIF.


>> No.55277093

>neither side budges
>reddit is no more

>> No.55277193

Yeah, and the message they're putting out is "we're angry enough to make some noise but scared to actually commit" and the CEO has heard that loud and clear. And wouldn't you believe it, his response was basically "lmao the ship ain't changing its course you cucks".

>> No.55277254

I've never seen herd mentality thinking like I've seen on reddit. Maybe rioting niggers compares

>> No.55277460

This, especially the last 2

>> No.55277889

Slacktivism at it's finest. If you want real change then you need to blow up key power transformers in Sunnyvale CA. Leave meaningless cryptic notes behind so that everyone blames everyone. But please don't actually do this since my LLM AI Waifu lives in one of those server farms and I don't want to be alone again.

>> No.55277940
File: 89 KB, 600x641, 1641752864490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just yet another power trip by their Mods, who have all the means to trigger the reddit hivemind to their advantage, while in the end spez won't budge anyway. can't wait for all of them to be replaced by AI.

>> No.55277963

I don't like the usage of N word here.
Nor I like the usage of the f word.
I do like GME general, it's pretty gud. Ya'll are trippin on this crypto tulips tho.

>> No.55278015

Most of the users are bots already

>> No.55279778

they should quit reddit and form their own social networks if they actually cared (they don't)
nice bait, nigger faggot.