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File: 34 KB, 472x680, IMG_8835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55274572 No.55274572 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck… I can’t afford this. I may be priced out.

>> No.55274585
File: 13 KB, 390x280, domestic-violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just beat them and you will get the same effect

>> No.55274590
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imagine spending that much on someone with nails like that... even spending that on a first date seems dumb.

>> No.55274601 [DELETED] 

disgusting sea bugs are advised against in the bible

>> No.55274602

>1 lobster Mac and cheese
I love niggafied "classy" restaurants

>> No.55274611

I love when the restaurant order demonstrates extreme levels of pleb taste. That woman has likely only been in nice restaurants once or twice if ever to be ordering shit like this

>> No.55274624

simp deserves to have his money drained. doubt his balls were

>> No.55274626
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niggers sure love their seafood

>> No.55274634

anon I hope you aren't feeling priced out over mid tenderloin covered in goldleaf
>gold mignon
My fucking sides. A fool and his money should have never got together in the first place

>> No.55274636
File: 235 KB, 1100x733, dsc-8649_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black women are literally subhuman and the most insecure money-grubbing whores out there. Black men are refusing to date them now.

White women are dumb materialistic whores, but they dont' have anything on these 300lb narcissists

>> No.55274646
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>> No.55274650 [DELETED] 

i hate it but at the same time its so funny watching
jews and niggers ruin their life over retarded nonsense
it has to have a high price tag to satiate chumps

>> No.55274661


>> No.55274668

Apparently lobster was memed as a delicacy just last century, historically it was prison food for inmates in New England. Doesn't mean it's not tasty on a hot toasted and buttered roll, topped with onions and tomatoes sauteed that were sauteed with white wine and butter. God damn man

>> No.55274669

I have never eaten a steak from a restaurant that was better than what I can make on a flat top or a pan.

>> No.55274675

I married my first girlfriend. Our first date was coffee, where we split the bill.
We've had a few fairly expensive dates over the years, but our most memorable ones have actually been some of the cheapest.

>> No.55274677
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>Those goblin claws

>> No.55274678

>Lobster Mac and Cheese
Fucking lol

>> No.55274681

Yeah I heard that too. Which probably means its not true.
It sure is tasty regardless.

>> No.55274689
File: 168 KB, 960x960, 1653612317129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a heckin' smart science-believing forward thinker!
>literally all arthropods are the same species and thus taste the same and have the same nutritional content!
I fucking hate basedboys so much it's unreal.

>> No.55274690

You never see jews at these salt bae restaurants its always brown people/Italians who are too inexperienced to know better

>> No.55274699

That's because modern refrigeration and cooking methods allow us to consume seafood differently than in past centuries when lobster meat would spoil rapidly, and was thus only eaten by the poor.

>> No.55274714

$380 for a steak?

>> No.55274721

found the poorfag

>> No.55274729 [DELETED] 

jews sell their soul for material slop
they are sitting around eating as much material as they can
hanging on the back of peoples necks over nonsense
trying to get every single pellet before judgement day. theyre retarded

>> No.55274746 [DELETED] 

its an animals flesh that was tortured by retards
in a farm where they are tormented by machines day and night
retards are soulless

>> No.55274773

Why waste that much money on something you'll only enjoy for a few minutes, and will give you heartburn and constipation.
I just eat the old fashioned barbecue chicken, just like the kind my grandma used to make.
Reminds me of summers when I'd run around barefoot on the grass and she would light citronella candles.

>> No.55274831

Filet is worth like 50-70 at max if properly dry ages and wellcooked / marindated. Shit is just soft it tastes like nothing

Lobster mac and cheese is ALWAYS just nornal mac and cheese (worth 7$ at an overpriced food truck) with like 200g of lobster scraps sprinkled on top
That ice cream lmao
Crab legs look okay depending on how much they gave you but you can get that at a vegas buffet AYCE for 40-50$

But women love showing off pointless spending

>> No.55274878
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>lobster mac and cheese

>> No.55274904

That's a real woman yall. /s

>> No.55274917

$65 for an ice cream sundae kek

>> No.55274926

>lobster mac n cheese and hooker nails
imagine the conversation

>> No.55274929

That ice cream sundae sounds like a fun date... By itself. But you don't get something like that after you've already had multiple courses.

>> No.55274930
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 1630170627311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go the fuck back summerfag retard

>> No.55274931

That's why they rule the world and you're a worthless beggar on 4chan, because they're so dumb

>> No.55274935

Could get a hooker orgy and some blow for that much

I make $1k a day and I wouldn't blow that much on some random

>> No.55274950

Posts like this make me very happy to be single in my 40s. Not chasing roasties and wasting my money on dumb shit. Not married to some whore (anymore) either. I genuinely feel bad for you younger anons. Women in 2023 are trash.

>> No.55274954

based, I would let that bitch pay the bill too

>> No.55274955

That's a nigger, anon.

>> No.55274964

This is cope. My wife is great.

>> No.55274970

>its an animals flesh that was tortured by retards
>in a farm where they are tormented by machines day and night
>retards are soulless
This. jews deserve this treatment though.

>> No.55274977

I've gotten amazing head from cute girls in exchange for McDonald's and a bottle of booze. Wtf is wrong with people? How the fuck do you get to the point in your life where you put pussy in a pedestal and pay almost 4 figures.

>> No.55274978

$24 for Mac and Cheese?
Kraft Mac and Cheese in a box is $1

>> No.55274980

Reddit nigger spotted. Go back faggot

>> No.55274995

They rule the world because they're smart, yes and because they are willing to throw others under the bus and use other underhanded tactics. What the other anon said was all true though. Enjoy being (((their))) goy cattle, low IQ mongoloid.

>> No.55275012 [DELETED] 

theyre an irritating problem who will die a horrible death
God will rule over everyone.
life is a test of materialism and spirit.
the difference between right and wrong is time and the human soul is our knowledge over it
time is a filter that sorts people into heaven or hell.
the evil are lead into hell and they prove the righteous

life is perpetual. those that accumulate wealth
will be servant to those that accumulate wealth of the spirit
God is the God of mercy and every one of us can find mercy with the Lord
people that covet material things are made the least in heaven
and worse yet the prideful burn in hell with the devil on judgement day

>> No.55275041

Why would you feed an used up roastie?

>> No.55275052 [DELETED] 

its much easier to make an autistic mess
if you cant see far enough ahead
you will be content burning great things to the ground for a worse version
collecting a bullshit pellet while being led to a pit

>> No.55275055

go the fuck back

>> No.55275057
File: 31 KB, 680x472, 1616448943332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would elaborate on this more, but I'm just wondering. Are you retarded fren?

>> No.55275071

The negress is truly the most vile creature on the planet.
I do not say this lightly. I would even go so far as to place them higher than the jew in terms of repulsiveness.
t. Southern USA dweller (GET ME OUT GET ME OUT GET ME OUT)

>> No.55275072

You're definitely missing out. That's certainly not the kind of thing that you should brag about.

Don't go and try one of these fake high end but actually low end steak houses. Go to a real good one and the difference is present.

>> No.55275086

there isn't much skill involved in making steak
anyone can learn how to make a good steak at home and avoid paying a 300% markup

it's better to order higher skill low markup food like thai curry etc

>> No.55275087

of course she is black.

>> No.55275120

As long as you have a good source for the steak and a good cooking setup, for sure.

But most people don't have the high heat at home.

>> No.55275147 [DELETED] 

retards are entropy
black people do it and jews do it too, many people do/ the majority of people rip life apart
retards cause the death of life
argue this
it is much easier to burn something to the ground
than protect life. the big bang, heat energy in a vacuum
is ripped apart as time stagnates material
its a natural end to all things. to get old, accumulate ruin and die
ripping apart life energy

God split the difference between right and wrong
human knowledge over everything is either
one of the seven deadly sins or naturally the opposite
light and dark, good and bad, life and death, lead and gold.
jacobs ladder is the spot in between right and wrong.
human understanding of time is perpetual.
its wisdom. if death were eternal it would be, we would have no recollection of it
the Almighty God, the Holy One, made himself the God of Heaven
and the God of Hell. it is our ability as a human to understand these concepts
we have a lot in common across humanity because of this reason
greed, selflessness,wrath,peace, and so on
the father of lies leads you away from the people who will find peace in heaven

>> No.55275158

Even if I was worth a billion I wouldn't spend that kinda money on a "date" with some beeotch.

>> No.55275183
File: 77 KB, 1024x576, 1682544957972301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black people go to a restaurant, get drunk, order all the most expensive shit and pay with a credit card with no tip to impress a girl. I take girls to some busted diner and fuck them in the back of my old SUV with my 8 inch cock, blacks could never.

>> No.55275197

I just paid 20 USD to fuck an 8/10 venezuelan

imagine being a simp in 2023 lmao

>> No.55275203

>The Lord of mercy
>The Jews will die a horrible death
>Burn in hell
>The Lord of mercy
Do Christcucks even believe the shit they say?

>> No.55275218 [DELETED] 

you have to ask for mercy
and the jews have baggage they need to get rid of
if they continue to have pride they will burn for it

>> No.55275232

the only decent black women I know hate other black people and love anime/kpop.

>> No.55275234

keep regurgitating that hipster nonsense. now record a video of yourself saying and watch it... look at that lying douchebag... that's you.

>> No.55275244

Yeah yeah, two more weeks

>> No.55275247 [DELETED] 

women are worth more than all the money in the world
if it is true love. materialist ideology is sickening
and could never equate to true love
she would have to be okay with anything as long as you are together
love is patient and kind

>> No.55275263 [DELETED] 

time has an end built in
energy is ripped apart as time sorts the soul
life on earth is a test of faith
your soul is built here

>> No.55275265


>> No.55275271


>> No.55275343 [DELETED] 

i only say jews that are satanists
the fake jews that claim thats the star of david and not the star of remphan
its very clearly a hex symbol
mercy is available in Jesus Christ
that the Lord, God of Mercy who sits between the two cherubim
sent his only begotten son to stand in for all of our human fallacy
if we accept his love and lower our heads before this benevolent act of mercy

>> No.55275415
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>Just do what I say and the invisible man in the sky will be very pleased

>> No.55275461 [DELETED] 

the proof is in the pudding
if you can admit that God is the only one who can show us mercy because he is right
then you remove yourself from pride

additionally their symbol means as above so below
a doctrine in alchemy.
another law of alchemy is finding the ability to transmute lead into gold
or death into life.
this would make people the same as God
to understand everything there is to know to become the Almighty
its impossible because we are lesser than God
we are his creation.
set into parameter between his specifications.
every single person dies because of our sin, our unknowing.

that is why the agents of pride want to reproduce/regenerate on their own
gay people cannot reproduce without artificial means
or using God's vehicle in a bastardized version of love, using a woman.
prideful people sit around with their money and love themselves
they want to reign in a digital era, create artificial wombs, artificial life
to transport their characteristics to a dummy.

>> No.55275562

$141 is the average price for a nice dinner for 2 retard. its not something you do every night its for a special date or celebration. usually a meal would be like $40 per person plus drinks and tip its easy to spend $150 on valentines dinner or something.

>> No.55275582

>lobster mac and cheese
>giant sundae
>golden mignon
this is the kinda shit tom hanks would order in big lmao

>> No.55275633

George Foreman grill 6 mins, ez

>> No.55275646


>> No.55275660

God isn't real lol

>> No.55275743 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 939x640, streets-washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not here because of the law of nature
we exist because of mercy
people are ruining the planet and will pay the weight of their soul, its unavoidable but a law built into karma
knowing the right thing naturally comes with repentance of all the wrong things
it is very obvious to all of them but like a drug addict they will try to consume more
satan is an idiot when you think about it, as are any of the prideful morons
they claim God doesnt exist while enjoying all of his handywork, theyre slave to it
they go out of their way to hate God and live soulless lives looking for material enjoyment
notice all the 33, cubes, worshipping nature in groves. all they do to claim the opposite is proof of God
and they are your heroes doing that

>> No.55275762

Don't you have a street corner you could be doing this on? Fuck off to /pol/ or /his/ christcuck

>> No.55275773

give it some thought

>> No.55275781

>spend lots of time in date
>spend time in just getting her to get on a date
>most guys just want to fuck and don't want to actually date
Remind me again why prostitution is illegal. I could have me a 22yr old blonde petite white girl for $190

>> No.55275794

imagine spending that on a date with a she-boon

>> No.55276025

>expensive filet mignon
Kekw her first trip to a fancy restaurant ever and she fell for the bait

>> No.55276047
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>> No.55276064

>hot toasted and buttered roll, topped with onions and tomatoes sauteed that were sauteed with white wine and butter

It tastes so good I need to mask its flavor as much as possible.

Meanwhile, a ribeye steak just by itself tastes good. Add some salt and maybe pepper to enhance its natural deliciousness.

>> No.55276069

>tfw hoeflation is real

>> No.55276077

poverty mentality. you spend that on 1 date a week in the hopes of a long term relationship where you could be fucking once a day. add up all dates and the average long term bf is paying $10-$20-$30 a fuck. scalability.

>> No.55276125

Lmaooooooo. Fucking boomer mentality. Is it free when she divorces you and leaves with half your shit, is it free when your stuck playing alimony and child support, can't forget time isn't free. Oh and also just the headaches you have to do deal with. Not saying that 1% of relationships aren't worth it but you're delusional to believe that most relationships are worth it

>> No.55276138

Black elites eat like this weekly. Mainly in atlanta which is like black hollywood.
Black people with money know how to actually enjoy life, unlike some crypto rich antisocial chud autist who penny pinches like a jew and wears cum stained rags

>> No.55276154
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OK Tyrone.

>> No.55276159
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Imagine spending $800 on an ugly sheboon.

>> No.55276175

Tell me how you really feel. /s

>> No.55276196
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So I guess we have to deal with you faggot pedophiles for two whole days.

>> No.55276214
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Fuck lil timmy gon' do?

>> No.55276233

sorry for the wrong things i said about anyone
there are good and bad things about everyone

>> No.55276234
File: 85 KB, 904x864, 1620013938513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a black man dating a black woman for the first time (I'm 34) and holy shit I can see why they're bottom of the totem pole for relationships. She's not too materialistic and the sex is great but her personality is so shitty. She has a negative outlook on life and constantly blames slavery/racism for all her failures; totally ignoring the fact that me and all 4 of my siblings excelled at school and have good jobs making 6 figures. It's all so tiring.

>> No.55276291

Niggers aren’t allowed on this board

>> No.55276298

Serious question anon, why not date an afro latina? I mean if it's mainly a cultural thing Why not go after a black girl with Latin roots?

>> No.55276307

>alaskan king crab legs
I see he took her to the kinoplex

>> No.55276309

Humans can't digest chintin properly.

>> No.55276322

Gay Nigger Faggot - all these words are about you. I dont envy you

>> No.55276340

There aren't many of them in Atlanta. I hooked up with a really cool Afro Latina when I visited Colombia a couple of years ago. That's partly why I decided to start dating a black woman.

>> No.55276341

>be nigger
>steal money from grandma
>find nigress
>take nigress on date using 25% of stolen money
>fuck nigress and pay her with 15%
>use the rest of the money to flip drugs
This is a real first date y’all.

>> No.55276343

Have you considered a fat white tranny gf as a replacement?

>> No.55276355

nails like that are the ultimate red flag

such women never have their heads screwed on quite right

>> No.55276358

The most morbid obese, STD-ridden, low-IQ demographic (by FAR) on the planet. They smell bad too, absolutely repulsive.

>> No.55276364
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>> No.55276375

The bigger who said this got shot by Timmy. Timmy killed the nigger LMAO

>> No.55276377

You did this to yourself.

>> No.55276397

You're American. You can easily get an afro latina from a different country lmaooo. Or just go to Cali or Texas, they should have some there(they tend to act like American black women tho)

>> No.55276403

Disgusting fucking nigger

>> No.55276413
File: 3.17 MB, 750x1334, 5E42D0B1-16A6-4065-85C6-4DBE5073CE42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting your black
all youre gonna get is picrel im afraid

>> No.55276422

i swear its contagious

>> No.55276434
File: 4 KB, 396x93, Screenshot 2023-06-12 232033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've legit thought about importing a gf/wife from Nigeria, SEA, or South America. Most of them genuinely respect roles of males vs females. High chances of getting scammed if I use dating websites though.
>black man but my bank account white though (:
see picrel

>> No.55276435

>18%mandatory tip

its mandatory for a reason there lol

>> No.55276447
File: 2.90 MB, 360x202, 7F84AD18-4DEB-48E1-8779-676BC9C6B7A2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at my material possessions; this makes me better yes?!

dude dont be the stereotype

>> No.55276469

If you got that kind of cabbage just fly there and take your pic of the liter. You'll have 10+ options within a month. Don't be shy.

>> No.55276477
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>I've legit thought about importing a gf/wife from Nigeria, SEA, or South America. Most of them genuinely respect roles of males vs females
Well yes they respect those roles more than American women. But dont be one of those cucks that thinks all 3rd world women are like that. Remember when we travel abroad we're literally the 1% compared to the rest, in other words you're getting the cream of the crop. I'm pretty young so I'm sticking with American Latinas for now, worst comes to worst I'll just import one :)

>> No.55276509

that's kind of wild tho. there's no way it costs $300 for a fuckin steak

>> No.55276539

Less than 2% of that is in cash. And I'm not trying to get stabbed for flaunting wealth. No thanks.
Latina women are based. Por eso razon estoy aprendiendo espanol

>> No.55276549

Date Africans instead. Just as materialistic and vain if not moreso, but with economic competence and without the chip in their shoulders, except maybe political matters in their home countries if it comes up. Also tend to hold themselves to a much higher standard in appearance, where an African 5 is like an African American 8.

>> No.55276999


>> No.55277227

>18% service *charge*
Lol. Lmao

>> No.55277253
File: 341 KB, 1500x1000, what-is-cellulose-1328464-final-c5b1f74add894eeb9fbe33e02dc58fbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chitin is like cellulose, I've read.

>> No.55277578

I only eat lobster on lent days when I'm only allowed to eat vegan food + seafood.
If I didn't have days in which I'm protein starved, I would never eat that overrated chit.

>> No.55277602
File: 64 KB, 540x960, dollar-meal-in-Bulgaria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing out
A steakhouse pleb steak costs as much as a wagyu from a high end butchery, and a wireless meat thermometer.
He's not missing out on anything, you're just too incapable of cooking the easiest meal in the world.
No amount of butter can save a mediocre cut of meat, and I've had plenty of teppanyaki A5 wagyu outside, it's perfectly reproducible at home, and I'm doing it once a month or so.

One piece of advice - try plumas iberico (or secreto iberico) and cook them well done, with just some salt and lemon on top. Much cheaper than wagyu and imo tastier, also harder to mess up.

But at the end of the day, if you're broke, stick to cheap meals. Pic is my $1 lunch right now.

>> No.55277694

i could fuck 7 whores for that amount

>> No.55277736

if you cant afford to fatten her up then indeed you may be priced out

>> No.55277914

Lmao murricans love showing off that they're rich enough to scam themselves

>> No.55278014

God damn ur arms are hairy

>> No.55278069


>> No.55279412

You can call it masking, I call it complimentary

>> No.55281115

Its sad that being "successful" as a black man gets you labelled as an Uncle Tom by others, truly the most crab in a bucket mentality I've ever seen. Also nigger.

>> No.55281145
File: 209 KB, 1125x1378, QagvO7yyV0OIGsLu_VP79RofI9myMJEwhn9LTe3USk8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which nigger date is the lobster boil on the flight to Ft Lauderdale?

>> No.55281182
File: 37 KB, 472x680, 1686609822676057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop looking at this

>> No.55281199

Imagine the smell

>> No.55281248
File: 210 KB, 731x635, 1652586518974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it's spirit air

>> No.55281288
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>a steak covered in fucking undigestible tin foil with no taste
Why are people like this

>> No.55281294

lower end of the iq spectrum

>> No.55281736

Damn it! But you can afford hot cum on her pussy. Learn to use CryptMi app next time to get your cashback benzofag.