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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55274497 No.55274497 [Reply] [Original]

What certs. are the absolute best for accomplishing this?

>inb4 Google it faggot
/biz/ told me its extremely easy to get a comfy WFH 100k+ IT meme job and if you don't have one you're a poorfag NEET so please enlighten me.

>> No.55274608

It's way harder now.

>> No.55274632
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work at a big corp at the HQ or IT hq office. Do a regional/global support job in something like cloud or similar. Then covid happens and there's essentially no reason to have people in the office

>> No.55274670

>/biz/ told me its extremely easy to get a comfy WFH 100k+ IT meme job
No, you have to jump through 1000 different hoops like a trained monkey to get that salary. It's extremely competitive now.

>> No.55274683

At the moment, I think there’s a huge opportunity in machine learning. Companies are going to invest massively in training generative AI with their own data sets. It’s not a hugely advanced technical challenge, but it’s a very underskilled area, and one of the few areas budgets aren’t being squeezed. Same goes for ‘data enablement’ roles for architects. Most orgs are earmarking vast budgets to “leverage AI” but can’t even begin to stitches it together with legacy tech + processes. If you can be the guy putting the pieces together, you’re going to make money.

>> No.55274739

For that amount of effort just go do commissioned sales.

>> No.55274751

Do 200 leetcode mediums
Beg for a referral to tech companies

>> No.55274760

for what?

>> No.55274781

Serious questions biz which certs are best bet if you already have an IT degree and a few years industry experience? I have the az900 and entry level aws cloud practitioner and am debating doing the az104 next or getting a sql server/database cert. which will land me a comfier higher paying job?

>> No.55274860

Cloud is where all the big money is just now. Do all and any certifications you can in AWS and Azure. SQL certifications aren’t turning heads.

>> No.55274968


>> No.55274981
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$200k+ here

Degree in CS and certs in AWS

>> No.55275084

American salaries blow me away as a Canadian. Fuck this place.

>> No.55275157

Cars, roofs, security systems off the top of my head. You just have to be able to market, advertise, sale and close. If you have a symmetrical face, speak standard English and aren't overweight you should make $100K first year without much effort, desu.

>> No.55275380

$100k is 80th percentile individual income. 1 in 5 isn't nothing but I wouldn't call it "extremely" competitive.

>> No.55275729

>but can’t even begin to stitches it together with legacy tech + processes.
>If you can be the guy putting the pieces together, you’re going to make money.
So basically keep conning companies?
Yeah good luck retard
Easier and safer to scam anons with crypto projects

>> No.55275951

For the amount of time and effort I have put into I.T I could’ve probably been doing anything else and already be more successful by this point. Even if a very good area for tech. It’s absolutely mid-wit.
Sure you get rewarded for having technical knowledge but experience is kind and you won’t get any if you don’t have any because I.T is massive gate keeping faggots. These idiots get so threatened over actual skilled I.T workers they don’t hire you out of fear you’ll take their job but you are never good enough for companies that want skilled workers.

>> No.55275975

nigga the whole consultant industry hinges on conning companies

>> No.55276121

Pain in the ass but if youre good at it you can reach good high salaries as engineer. Requires significant effort so people dont strangle you for not being able to watch youtube
Net+, then CCNA/JNCIA, CCNP JNCIP, etc.
pretgy big meme due to "lol get cybersec degree bootcamp and get an instant 200k job" tiktok videos, but still solid if you like it and live in a good area. Requires a bit less effort than networking.
Sec+, cysa+, CISSP/CASP. Can be technical or managerial, i think managerial has a higher pay cieling for your effort unless you are ubermensch reverse malware engineer expert level.
Incorporates a bit of everything. Havent looked much at it but seems like a decent option. Would go for either aws or azure certs depending on market share or specialization desires.
>data science/analytics
Havent looked much at this either but i would be wary due to AI, specifically microsofts stuff that can analyze excel data and trends.

I personally am like almost CCNP level, but will pivot into security to see if its less stress. Make like 60k/year right now. Hopefully if im good 100k is on the horizon.
Bottom line is, IT requires effort now especially after covid, and retards gatekeep it so its hard to break in. Tiktok zoomies are liars, it is not as easy as instantly getting a 6 figure job.

>> No.55276131
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>IT job
Why tho?

>> No.55276202

send the video

>> No.55276271
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Not to mention that, at the current rate of technological acceleration, every cert has a built-in expiry date of 2 years, after which time all that knowledge you spent effort to accumulate will have become outdated. IT is a never ending treadmill of certs. Pic unrelated but Mila is my tomboy fighter Waifu.

>> No.55276314

The gatekeeping sucks but once you're in you're set for life. The industry is a lot smaller than you think it is at higher compensation levels. Once you make it, you have non stop offers from recruiters basically begging you to interview.

If you are using a modern tech stack, reupping your cert or getting a cert on the stuff you use everyday isn't that hard to do. Nowadays certs are used more as free revenue rather than actually testing technical knowledge.

>> No.55276714

>Make like 60k/year right now.
holy shit all that school and degrees for 60k? i make 75k doing literal helpdesk helping boomers print pdfs or plugging in their keyboard and changing the toner cartridge every 2 months

>> No.55276850

Yea, i have a CCNA and just got my bachelors in cybersec. Im looking to get my sec+ and pivot to a SOC cause working in the NOC is very stressful.
I live in a high cost of living area too, still live with my parents.
Thought about moving to dallas because it is cheaper and still has some work, but idk about the bugs and heat

>> No.55277215

i think you need to look around for a new employer who isnt just trying to take advantage of low experience employees. i didnt know they even had bachelors in cybersec that seems so specialized. did you get that as a second degree or is that your only bachelors? most people i know get the generic compsci then get certs for cyber security

>> No.55277226

the CCNA should be getting you 80k alone btw. ading your other degrees and such you should easily be getting 80k i think you need to call a meeting with your HR roastie and ask to renegotiate your salary. unless you just started i guess, then you kind of goofed with the initial hire haggling by taking their first offer without countering

>> No.55277231

if the job isnt intolerable just stick wtih it for a year and become indispensible to them then ask for a big raise next year and if they dont jump ship and apply elsewhere and leverage the experience you have then working at the company for a year in your new apps

>> No.55277470

>/biz/ told me its extremely easy to get a comfy WFH 100k+ IT meme job and if you don't have one you're a poorfag NEET so please enlighten me.
he fell for the memes oh no no...

>> No.55277848

No its my only degree, computer networks and cybersecurity
Yea ive been there for 3 years, never left cause sometimes nothing would be on fire so i had time to do my schoolwork. They have a SOC so my current plan is to get sec+ and move there since soc experience can be a pain in the ass to get, then maybe find some niche and leave.
Yea im moving within the year either to the SOC or another company entirely. At the very least off nightshift. My CCNA expires in august and i dont even have the motivation to retake it

>> No.55278091
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12 unread emails since Thursday last week, will read 6 of them today and another 6 Friday afternoon. On the sofa right now browsing /biz/ and /fit/. Might take a nap before lunch, getting pretty sleepy.

>> No.55278260

I spent ten years at Microsoft and started out in the consulting practice. It was a grind but worth it because I got to touch so many different systems and projects. Very diverse in the actual sense. After six or so years I moved into tech sales and got to sell big projects and solutions. My job is now talking on the phone and translating business goals to the architect’s and engineers that Setup the software and recode the apps. I started making 70k and Just landed at a new company for 300k but my commissions are uncapped and I’m in tier 3 city.
If you want my advice, get into an architecture cert for data analytics, do a consulting gig for a few years, then go into pre sales. I specialized in migrations but when I was looking, everyone wanted data skill sets.

>> No.55279169

literally me, wfh chads cant stop winning

>> No.55279181

>80th percentile individual income.
the sad part is that this 80th percentile income is barely middle class if you live anywhere near a suburban/urban area.

t. make $101k/year yet feel poor due to jewish rent now being $1800/month

>> No.55280214
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How easy is the az900 I'm studying for it.

So sql isn't worth pursuing

I've been in cyber security for 2 years and making 80k but seem under paid. Thoughts?

>> No.55280577

Whats your cybsec job and what area you live in?

>> No.55280621

>How easy is the az900 I'm studying for it.
Pretty braindead so it's becoming oversaturated
>So sql isn't worth pursuing
Why? Data engineers easily make over 200k
>I've been in cyber security for 2 years and making 80k but seem under paid. Thoughts?
Nah that's about right
And the az900 won't increase that
if anything it will have you earn less (initially)

>> No.55280641

But to give an actual useful post the best thing to do now is anything related to AI
AI "experts" and engineers START at around 150k and then the sky's the limit
For now...

You always need to jump on the latest thing in terms of tech and that's no longer cloud (nor crypto for now)
It's AI...

>> No.55281089

This is the real answer OP, optimize for the interview process and nothing else.

I know how you feel. I work remote for a german healthcare company that has gov contracts in Canada. I only make 115k TC, 100k base in leaf bucks. If I was american I could at least move to a fuck off state and buy a huge house but instead all I can afford with that here is a 1 bedroom apartment in my hometown with no roommates.

>> No.55281126

Don't want to make a new thread for this but I'm looking for a new job and this contractor company is literally blowing up my phone trying to talk to me about a role that will pay like $80k for a 6 month contract which is 2x as much as I was making at my old job.
But they're making me uncomfortable, they responded to my application in 5 minutes and have called and emailed me several times in the last 18 hours despite me sending an email saying I'd like to set up a specific time to talk about it.
Are all IT contracting firms like this or is this a major red flag?

>> No.55281178

you're about to get scammed.

>> No.55281202

I researched the firm and they're definitely real, unless the two guys are spoofing the phone number and emails I am pretty sure it's real, it more seems like desperation to fill a role

>> No.55282658


>> No.55282700


Get an associate's degree in Network Administration and waste two years in a niche sector of the US economy for resume experience along with gaining certs in whatever niche sub section you want until you start making six figures.

>> No.55282818
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I got a degree in Management Information Systems and then got a job as a Sysadmin out of college, then job hopped a couple times. Went from 65k/yr to 95k/yr in 3 years. Now work remotely doing cloud stuff in Azure. I dont have any certs and I've never felt the need to get any but if you dont have a degree you probably need them unless you know someone.

>> No.55282876

My company is constantly hiring new dev. We pay 115k for any new grad, plus signing bonus (25k) and stocks (50k). It's called Epic System. The hiring process isn't that bad beside the 4 hours code exam.

>> No.55283013

>huge opportunity in machine learning
lmao youre 10 years late

>> No.55283098

you work for Epic, the healthcare software company? heard that place is a grind house and you have to live in Wisconsin lol

>> No.55283141

>4 hours code exam

>> No.55283203

is your company based in Munich? we might be working at the same company padre.

>> No.55283430

Be woman
Be black

>> No.55283581

Jaded much?
You may not like it or agree with it, but that is the way it is. Companies pay to have “that guy”, and there will be ML guys paid top dollar to be the person who strings it all together.
Until, of course, it becomes so deskilled that they all get fired and replaced by the same ML tools they helped integrate.

>> No.55283614

/biz/ lied to you
It's significantly harder now, almost impossible
Ranjeesh will work for 45k salary and perform network maintenance at 5am
Should have listened to the vocal minority, finance is safu, healthcare is safu

>> No.55283641


Is a bachelor’s really required or can I get away with my associates if I have help desk experience with legacy hardware?

>> No.55283650

None of them. Because it's going to be outsourced to poos and AI

>> No.55283863

It really just depends. I will say that my degree has made it easier to get my foot in the door to many interviews which means my income has gone up a lot in a short amount of time. I also got to skip help desk entirely because of my degree. Its not a requirement though, just means youll have to spend more time upskilling.

>> No.55284114

>The hiring process isn't that bad beside the 4 hours code exam.
That's fucking retarded
Realistically to find out someone can code especially in the language they're applying for you only need like at most 30 minutes in-person

>> No.55284120

>Jaded much?
Has nothing to do with that
Just that you're likely to get what's coming to you when you say you can do the impossible and it doesn't work out so many times
Seen it happen too many times to count
Only some make enough fuck-you money to make it worth it
The rest end up working for McDonalds after they get the everloving shit sued out of them

>> No.55284158

Yes, I am a Dev. The workload isn't bad for devs. Standard 8 hours workdays but you will need to hustle if you are behind deadline or big projects coming up. I think for six figs, it is fairly reasonable. If you are lucky to be put in small apps, you are basically on maintenance mode. Big apps though, will be asked for new features constantly.
Wisconsin isn't that bad for a Mcol or Lcol area. You can save much faster than in the Bay area. It's not uncommon to be able to save enough cash for a house after 5-8 years.

It's the only bad part and still much better than Silicon tech. Google had multiple half a day interviews for example

>> No.55284180

Every job will, the point is learning to use the AIs as tools

>> No.55284242

It's 4 leetcode question. The time limit is lenient. The problem is we use an obscure language and need to see if you can be trained to use in 6 months.

>> No.55285653

I don’t want to work in tech anymore bros. Did we dev for 3 years now I don’t want to do this.

>> No.55286011

>the absolute best for accomplishing this?
I got a 4 year bachelor's degree in computer science and was hired full time remote $150k salaried software engineer position straight out of college.
>/biz/ told me its extremely easy to get a comfy WFH 100k+ IT meme job
It was a year ago.
Now, companies are laying everyone off and freezing hiring.
I have a buddy that lost his SWE job in January and still can't find one 6 months later.

>> No.55287429

IT isn't worth it anymore, at least that is what the 60 year old boomer told me at my last job. I jumped ship to a new one, I work at a multinational (company was founded by ppl from the next asian superpower) and I've been there a year, and I hit the ceiling, but my boss keeps telling me to improve, despite being given no opportunity to do so.

>> No.55287546

What azure stuff do you recommend?

How easy are most of your WFH jobs? Mine is pretty easy, like 2-3 hrs of work a day, scared to job hop to some crazy bs.

>> No.55288922

In my country, junior positions don't exist anymore and the only way to get into IT is to study computer science and get internship from there
and getting into computer science at technical university became harder than getting into med school

>> No.55288978

>harder than getting into med school
Because everybody does the same?

>> No.55289034

It depends on what role you pursue

My friend sent me his resume


Cloud +

Network +

Security +

Aws cpc


He got python too

He came from the military just like me. He started civilian career at 135k like 2 months ago. No degree. No bootcamp bs. I dont promise you results.

>> No.55291109

I’m 24, no certs, work as a “Network Engineer” and make $45 per hour.

I’m actually learning disabled, and just larping as knowing what I am doing