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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55266393 No.55266393 [Reply] [Original]

Financially speaking, are we as a country moving away from mom and pop stores?

>> No.55266423
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Imagine saying this shit about a literal child because they choose to dress a certain way. Why do some adults never progress socially past 4th grade?

>> No.55266430

Financially speaking, how long of a ban do mods give for off-topic threads? Financially speaking, of course.

>> No.55266433

Your first mistake was assuming that leftists were people and not literal animals

>> No.55266440

>some adults
That's a demon in man's flesh.

>> No.55266458

Yeah all leftists are just niggerworshiping freaks that should be chucked into volcanoes.
You can profit off this by selling lefties bullshit but telling them its pro-nigger bullshit.

>> No.55266498

contrary. nigger theft is a booming industry so invest in personal security, armored vehicle and metal detectors companies.

>> No.55266536

This kid just learned a very important lesson at a young age, never relax around blacks.

>> No.55266568

wrayiss muffugger

>> No.55266577

very much this
the holy war has never been more blatant

>> No.55266601
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Part and parcel. This is why businesses are leaving cities.

>> No.55266615

I've heard it called decadence, urbanites of a higher class are sort of "Coddled" unfamiliar with the struggle and strife people normally face, but the instinctual drive to fight enemies is still there, untempered by real conflict. They find one enemy socially acceptable to hate and talk shit, thinking themselves high and holy. Worse, they dont introspectively think enough to notice this, entertainment is both distracting and instant to them, most of their enjoyments come from the superficial facades of the thing instead of anything deeper.
These people don't think deep enough to know nuance in ideas, they're well below some of the worst 4chan neets, nor do they appreciate time spent as the Hank Hill alikes do. They dont understand others, they certainly cant understand themselves, the closest thing they have to a "struggle" in life come fromsocial things that can change if they complain enough as opposed to natural events beyond human control. You'll hear them say shit like "Speak your truth" or "My truth" as they think reality can be controlled by humanity.
If they have self confidence, it's usually only a taller one that talks shit to shorter ones, but backs down in fear when someone closer in size to them comes. If you want an example of this, look to the hassan and hyde feud that became a joke for a while, he was comfortable being top shit for a while, considered himself a chad untill another large man started doing obviously farcicle threats, then he shows fear.
The only way to help them is if they get the shit beaten out of them.

>> No.55266639
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>the look on the kid’s face when he realized not all races are the same

>> No.55266700

I think you're right, but it could also be as simple as people wanting moral superiority while still being in a privileged position.

>> No.55266748

What's the point of running a brick and mortar store dependent on foot traffic that will get shut down by the government whenever there is a new cold virus? You can run an online business that targets a captive audience on Facebook and operates 24/7 and requires a fraction of your time and labor and generates 100x the sales you would get at the storefront.

Instead of opening up a boutique spice store or whatever, start a spice company with a website that markets on Facebook/Instagram and sells on Amazon. Hire a good graphic designer and website builder or do it yourself if you are good.

It's way easier to get a bunch of foodie dickheads scrolling through Facebook to buy your $8 fish seasoning than it is to get whatever rando walks in off the street to buy it.

There's your business advice /biz/

>> No.55266827

Obviously. But you just wanted an excuse to post a Tw*tt*r screenshot

>> No.55266834
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>a trans person on twitter celebrates blacks stealing from a white child
>this definitely isn't a low-effort psyop by /pol/acks, no sir, it's 100% certain that a real trans person wrote that twitter post

>> No.55266860
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you're probably right actually

>> No.55266862

>asking this question after 20 years of walmart
A chainlink thread died for this

>> No.55266865

Small businesses don't get ESG money and they simply can't compete with globohomo corporations anymore.

>> No.55266879

Yeah it isn't like leftists have a well-documented track record of rabid hatred for white people at this point. Totally implausible that they'd ever say anything like that.

>> No.55266908

>trannies commies and niggers acting in a way that doesn't ingratiate them to all of mankind? IT CANNOT BE! I-I'M GONNA COOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE
The whole thread and quote tweets is just niggers, trannies and commies celebrating yet another act of black criminality, and right-wing basedjaks complaining about it.

>> No.55267079
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the whole thread is /pol/acks reacting to /pol/ sock puppet accounts; you should try getting off twitter and speaking to actual black or trans people IRL and you'll discover that your whole nazi world view was based on bullshit

>> No.55267095
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>as you can see there is not just one but several sock puppet twitter accounts featuring trans people calling for white genocide; therefore I have proven that every one of them is a real trans person

>> No.55267103
File: 826 KB, 867x766, 686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All suburban liberals unironically think like this, or at least expect this to be convincing to retards who don't know any better. 100% of the left-wing worldview is built on this level of thought, which essentially amounts to conspiracy theories which border on magical thinking.

>> No.55267127

The kid is probably from a wealth family. It's important he learns early that he is different and better than the people who robbed him and the poor people he would otherwise be guilted into being sympathetic of when he gets older. The truth is those same people like the one who made that tweet will come to you with tears in their eyes asking for your money or support and then at the same time cheer every setback you suffer. I hope the kid never forgets any of this.

>> No.55267140

He's not better than them until he starts funding or participating in mass social upheaval that leads to the annihilation of these miscreants.

>> No.55267146

No, trannies are like that. No need to make a sock puppet account.

>> No.55267213
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>> No.55267224
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>everyone who votes for democrats is a communist tranny who dreams of white genocide

>> No.55267235
File: 115 KB, 1200x676, Miles-Across-the-Spider-Verse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid obviously comes from money if he has a suit. Fuck em

>> No.55267249

Everyone who votes for democrats is a faggot, shitskin, female or a psychopath

>> No.55267264

Yes, including you, faggot.

>> No.55267276
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>> No.55267287
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>> No.55267298

Oh look, low energy bait from the “financially speaking” 1pbtid idpol posting machine, I better expend a lot of energy raging about the idpol subject du jour. being angry about identity politics is a much better use of my time than focusing on financial issues I can actually profit from.

>> No.55267331
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>> No.55267403

Its a mentally ill person saying it, notice the tranny flag? Anyone brandishing that should be (hanged till death) disregarded

>> No.55267569

How can anyone not know why racism exists at this point
They still think it's some misguided opinion that rises fully formed from the aether, instead of the natural reaction to living in proximity to niggers and jews

>> No.55267596

Yes, corporations dont want any competition, doesn't matter how small. Thats why they bribe politicians too. Also they can undercut smaller players or be in the red for years unlike average joe opening a store

>> No.55267625
File: 1.07 MB, 1662x828, N2DIXUVK4JGL3IMVDDRMZHR75Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the guy in your pic a photoshopped version of that fag sherman that doesn't understand cryptos? I feel like that's the guy. Someone tell me I'm not crazy.

>> No.55267672

It's pretty funny when literal drooling retards like this think they are intelligent.

>> No.55267680


>> No.55267756

>every mentally ill behavior i see from a member of this mentally ill group is an elaborate fakeout as part of a deep conspiracy by other people who don't benefit any from said conspiracy