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55265622 No.55265622 [Reply] [Original]

Dead end job, no connections, no advancement in anything ever, living at home with my parents, virgin, friendless, extreme social anxiety and abnormalities.

What can someone like me even do? Where do I go from here? I feel nothing but despair from the second I wake up until I go to bed, I’m a burden on everyone around me.

How can I escape the hell that is my life?

>> No.55265655

How can you be a burden if you're working, do you not help with the bills?

>> No.55265671
File: 37 KB, 218x329, 8C6FA6FB-5C5F-42E2-860C-008939A91B3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for a hike. Get a solar panel, some instant coffee etc hiking setup, hike the pacific crest trail or the Appalachian trail. You will find super strength your godless ass can’t phathom. It will be hard but you are very spoiled and can have a solar panel and cell phone and gps and apps and shit ez mode. Can do this for months or years easily and gain huge exp.

>> No.55265679

Many such cases.
Honestly the only way out is the think your way out. It takes a lot of steps and a few years. Breaking bad habits is the hardest part.

>> No.55265683

>How can I escape the hell that is my life?

Have the balls to do something about it.

>> No.55265748

join the Air Force and become a child molesting homosensual with free food, medical, a free tuition, and help destroy your own country.

>> No.55265765
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Sell your knee pads for chicken tender

>> No.55265816

if i didnt move to asia when i was 23 i would have been you. Lost my viriginity in a few months and got a gf and learned2women. now im back in the states and can communicate with women normally. go get some easy experience overseas.

>> No.55265872

I unironically 2nd the asia thing

>> No.55265975
File: 1.17 MB, 205x211, 1638730808625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedos should hang.

>> No.55266004

Unless OP is a 6'1" white gigachad he will get ignored.

>> No.55266244

Same situation OP. What I'm going to do is just blast test and sleep with as many prostitutes as possible and hopefully the combination of heavy drugs will result in quick liver or heart failure.

>> No.55266259

>every response is about wahmen despite OP only mentioning them in passage

You're all a bunch of subhuman niggers.

>> No.55266262

Do you have a college degree?

>> No.55266277

Lol, just read the other replies and asked this question because my advice was going to be like the others…..move to asia for a few years. You need a college degree to get a work visa, but getting a job is easy. Teach esl for 2 or 3 years, you’ll grow. This only works if you’re still relatively young though, otherwise you’re just an old weirdo

>> No.55266944

How would you eat?

I am in my late twenties, I am a US citizen, I have a CS degree from a tier-2 uni, I am incredibly disillusioned with the tech industry, and I hate my engineering job. I don't have much money; don't ask why. I can't take it anymore. How do I get to asia? For Japan, I know there's Gaijinpot and Daijob. Most of the jobs on there are garbage though. Many require references or some other bullshit in order to apply that I can't do due to autism. Most of the jobs are for teaching elementary school / kindergarten age kids, and you're basically a part-time babysitter/entertainer. I don't want to deal with kids that young and have to sing songs and shit. Actual real teaching I can handle. I would prefer to go to Japan, for reasons that you could probably guess. I don't know how to find jobs in other asian countries.

>> No.55266961

>How can I escape the hell that is my life?
You already know the answer but you won't like it.
Small line of fentanyl for courage.
Big fucking fat line of fentanyl for the eternal KO.
Easiest way to leave this mortal coil.

>> No.55266971

kys frog nigger

>> No.55266979

The only way out is to kill yourself lol. Whatever your shit advice is supposed to mean it won't work.

>> No.55266981

It's obvious dude. Get a better job. I recommend learning a trade.

It's not too late

>> No.55267003

You can't actually get a job in some SEA third world shithole where you don't even speak the language and don't fit in. Reality check!
What would you even do there if you could find a job? You have no friends, nothing. You think women will just jump on your cock the moment you leave the plane? Even if one showed interest you have nothing to talk to her since her Engrish is broken as fuck and you have nothing in common lol.

>> No.55267011

I’ve taught in both Japan and Korea, 2 years in each. Everyone prefers Japan, so it’s harder to get in, they don’t pay as much, and their working conditions are more exhausting. Korea is a cakewalk in comparison, and pays a bit better. I went from initial idea of doing it, to landing in Seoul in 3 months. Dave’s esl cafe, job board. The recruiters will tell you a job in Seoul is not possible for your first year, it’s bullshit, they just want to unload shitty small town jobs. Demand Seoul, you’ll get it. After a year you’ll have contacts, references, and experience if you still want to switch to Tokyo. I’d seriously recommend it for 1-3 years, but no more than that. I grew a lot over there

>> No.55267019

once you are outside the capital city of any SEA country they will barely speak any english. do you know enough thai/malay/flip/whatever to get a girl to start sucking your dick? or will just go up to all the prostitutes and say sucky sucky 5 dolla until one of them finally understands?

>> No.55267031

I got my dick sucked by prostitutes. It's not the same as having a gf and it didn't improve my life at all.

>> No.55267032

Hi im from poor country and i need to give me opinion since im recently in here.

USA best country for money, you work 8 hours you go home, some time you stay extra, YOU GET MORE EXTRA MONEY! Pizza as well one time.

Work is easy as roofist, you place the black things in roof people give you money. 20 by hour, KACHING!!! $$$

House is cheap if you drive an hour to work, food costs cheaper then in my country. COSTCO MORE CHEAPER THAN IN MY COUNTRY!

Police once lets me go if I have no license, didn not have to give them money, they free me for no money.

Black people lazy white people afraid, if you work more versus them (easy) they call you things. No matter hah, they will not be live for too much (police encounters).

Overround, Americans are complainers, I like USA very much

>> No.55267036

Another thing, avoid kindergarten jobs, unless you love being a babysitter. Recruiters will try to unload those jobs too, but I’d highly recommend declining any kindergarten position, as you’re literally a baby sitter and will be singing songs to kids that speak zero English. It’s normally women who do those kindie jobs anyways. It’s hell. I’d suggest teaching elementary and middle school at a private academy.

>> No.55267040

>Black people lazy white people afraid, if you work more versus them (easy) they call you things. No matter hah, they will not be live for too much (police encounters).

>> No.55267055

Who the fuck even lets white men handle their kids in Asia? You know, the stereotype.
All it takes is one mother to claime you touched her crotch goblin and now you find yourself in a court in Seoul searching for lawyers who might just be looking to scam a stupid foreigner.

>> No.55267062

Korea is not SEA. All the perverts go to SEA countries. But as a white guy, all older Korean men will assume you’re only there to fuck Korean girls, and will be salty about it.

>> No.55267069

I never said anything about women, nigger. I just want to kill a couple of years of time in a way that is not extremely painful, such as living in a tent on the street. If I could acquire some life-affirming experiences along the way, that would be even better. Within a couple of years there will be another bullrun, and by that point the money problem will take care of itself.

Thank you for the advice.

In that situation couldn't you just leave Korea? I would think that the probability that you'd get extradited back to Korea would be low.

>> No.55267078

So if a parent tells the police you touched their kid it's your word against their sob story and when the mother cries in court you realize that your foreign ass is going to prison.
Being a man and working with kids is just asking for it. Doing so in a foreign country where the courts are biased against you is idiocy. And I bet those are the only jobs he will get.

>> No.55267082

It does feel kinda bad for our reputation that everyone gets told to go to these countries for sex tourism

Japan and Korea are centuries old civilizations, not a brothel.

>> No.55267092

That’s fear mongering and just doesn’t happen. And besides, all classrooms have cctv in them. It’s a non-issue

>> No.55267102

So just go back and live with your parents for a few years? Get a part time job?
You realize that if you become a teacher on the other side of the world you still have to work right? Can't you do it in your own country?

>> No.55267114

Parents threw me out. Bad credit. Can't get another apartment. Wouldn't be able to afford my current apartment on a $15/hr job.

>> No.55267139

>Parents threw me out
Fucking lol man. Time to go to Asia and teach Engrish I guess.

>> No.55267184

1. save every dime you can
2. everyday scan "freeboats" looking for a free seaworthy craft
3. get to your boat, get it ready to go
4. if you can't sail, get lessons
5. take off, stay close to shores, cruise coat lines
6. make cash by working on boats doing general labor, or get refinish tools{battery power solar chargers} do britework, or you can get an ebike and do errands, whatever you can
7. you hardly need any money to live on a boat
8. bank online , just keep enough to keep a phone, buy some diesel {hardly use it usually}, get food and some for emergency
9. most people on the water will give you whatever you need anyway, and you could probably live with no money for years anyways
10.do not put money into your free boat, or much, just make sure it is safe, if it starts to go, just get another one for free, sail to it before yours dies
11. you have nothing to loose and everything to gain , you will sail and see the world, you will have sex with natives and boat babes, you will meet many interesting often wealthy generous people who can change your life, you will risk your life and challenge yourself daily all while it seeming very natural, you will turn into a real man or you will die trying ...better to die chomping the bit with the sword in your hand than wasting away rotting in a mind and land prison

>> No.55267218

I've replied too much ITT but fuck you I'll bite:
How the FUCK do you get a free sailboat? Do you expect me to believe people just give them away for free? I looked them up even a rusted small piece of shit that will probably get you killed in a medium storm goes for $15k or so.
Don't ships need maintenance especially old ones?
Can you just park it wherever you want without breaking any laws or paying?
>if it breaks down just get another one
Lol what do people just give free sailboats to everyone where you live?

>> No.55267223

Take the NEETpill and throw all extra cash into crypto, retire in 10 years

>> No.55267251



ha, some dude in La was giving away a fucking pirate ship that was probably worth 500k

fuck just go to a marina and make friends with someone , tell them your green and don't know shit but want to learn to sail, then you can get on the inside scoop.../hell in the Bahamas and shit there NICE boats everywhere that have been abandoned, and you can contact the owners with the id's , or the marina's usually know who owns them , the practically give them away for nothing .....YOU WILL SPEND ALL YOUR FREE TIME WORKING ON YOUR BOAT...but so what

>> No.55267284


this would have been a perfect starter boat ....as an example

>> No.55267315


a cute little bay/shore cruiser in good shape FREE

>> No.55267329

with some elbow grease this would be an awesome bluewater boat ....the "nearly free" section


>> No.55267346

this is the shit right here, 8500$ ain't free, I bet you could talk him way down.....but fucking look at this thing....fuck you could make a fortune just running a daily pirate party boat thing ....lots of work keeping wood hull good, but again....if your basically dead living in the ""on land game" trying to "jawb it" say fuck all and hitting the water ain't a bad way to go, and as you see with some effort, you can find shit that can take you away from it all....for free....or close to it


>> No.55267378

and as long as you anchor out, not only do you get away from it all, you get away from rent, property tax

>> No.55267409

Okay buddy but only rich westerners are giving shit for free. You're posting in Yuro hours I challenge you to find free boats in Eastern Europe where everyone is a fucking kike when it comes to money.

>> No.55267412

There are tons of frens just like u out there right now anon.
go here: cwecapital.club and get into the discord.
>trust me on this


>> No.55267434

this ain't pol bro, no flags , sorry can't help eurofags , specially in the east block, fuck dude you've seen the movie Hostel

>> No.55267446

Move to South Africa, live like a king and have a gorgeous Dutch (afrikaner) wife.

>> No.55267461

travel to foreign lands, meet native people, get killed by them

>> No.55267470

To live you've gotta take risks, gay boy.
If you want to be a poor fag not living then you might as well kys.

>> No.55267471

Yeah so free shit is only for fags living in rich countries lmao. The irony. Anyway enjoy your free boat bro.
I got this idea, what if I anchor my ship at sea like a semi-permanent base and then use a ski jet to come to shore to do whatever. I can just chain the skijet somewhere for free right?

>> No.55267473


>> No.55267482

Unless you have money to live in a gated community they'll rob the fuck out of your white ass. You better practice blackface.

>> No.55267483

The police Jews will impound it.

>> No.55267486

I agree with that, but not there, unless of course your a nigger, north africa is better, algiers, tunis, morocco....hot babes, don't look like downys in die antword living that zef life

>> No.55267499

Retarded christian faggot

>> No.55267506

Fuck the water police I'll get one of those ski jets with wheels and push it on the shore and chain it to a tree like a bike.

>> No.55267509


>> No.55267512

yup, you don't pay marina fees for a slip unless you want to pay monthly rent, which is really pretty cheap in non spendy ports, but ya you just get a dinghy, live anchored our, row in when you want to do land shit, but if yo have some money its cool to live in a slip, you get a hose bib, electricity, septic hook up or dumping ,wifi

>> No.55267518

the only water cops you need to worry about are the french, any french island or area , those fuckers will board your shit and be dicks, but everywhere else is like fuck it

>> No.55267527

>Dead end job, no connections, no advancement in anything ever, living at home with my parents, virgin, friendless, extreme social anxiety and abnormalities.
Woah, I also don't have big dick. Feel even more fucked

>> No.55267530

ya bro I think I'd rather do columbian blo off genuine columbian asses , kinda like hunter but without all that biden

>> No.55267533

I got the same wound in my mouth suddenly as when that person drove me to georgia

>> No.55267538

>living at home with my parents
>How can I escape the hell that is my life?
I'm assuming your parents don't ask you to pay rent so you're luckier than most people in this country.

You're a fucking failure because you can't even take advantage of this

>> No.55267545

Where exactly do you park a dinghy?

>> No.55267547

all the more reason to get the boat, if you can make it to the coat of venuzuela by caracoa , theres a native tribe that uses a certain type of barb plucked from a local conch shellfish that they then prick you prick with, on average it can double the size permanently of your flaccid wiener.....

>> No.55267548

OP your suppose to hop to a better paying job while working hard to possibly get promoted in whatever job you are in, all while side hustling, you should be too busy to even worry about how you feel, i started as a hotel janitor and now im the project manager for the same company, six figure salary with about 4 or maybe 5 hours of actual work per week, get gud OP

>> No.55267562

>I'm assuming your parents don't ask you to pay rent
Any parent who charges their children rent doesn't love them
I don't even know if those of a certain tribe do that

>> No.55267566

now that's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.55267644

Similar position, but 26
I’ll blogpost a bit
I live in the balkans, make about 2300€/month and pay no rent because I live with my parents
I save about 70% of it to buy my own apartment to be able to move alone, also I’m currently looking to buy a decent car for transportation
I have 2 somewhat close friends that I talk/go out with at most once a week
I can’t tell you what to do, in my case I ended up in this situation because I never really had any opinions about what I like and what I want to do, that never mattered to my parents when growing up
I’m a middle child, I was 5 when my brother was born, and my sisters were 5-6 when I was born
I always considered my problems/opinions less than other’s
Now I have no opinion about what I want to do with my life, I always made sure I pleased my parents and didn’t cause them any problems at school/outside/wherever, decided that first step is to move out without debt.
Maybe you’re in a similar situation, where you don’t even know what do to with your life, maybe you have that feeling that your life is a chore and you’ve already “finished life”.
>done with school, got a decent paying job, now what? try to become a milionaire? what for?
>try to start a family? how? All I know is study, work and make no problems
>make new friends? how? I only had 1-2 friends my whole life
If that’s the case, I get it
I started seeing a shrink, a good one my sister recommended. It helpend me, like “tailor fit self improvement”
Idk what your situation is, take it one step at a time, start with the basics: get in shape, groom yourself, get better fitting clothes, it helps mentally; treat life like an mmorpg

>> No.55267695

>dead end job
optimize your spending - build your credit, and save as much as possible - live simply for a while. think about what kind of jobs you'd like to do, what your interests are - find a field that pays well and has plenty of job openings and work toward getting the required degree/certification/license/whatever you need for it. that could mean you end up going to school full time and leaving your dead end job
>no connections
not a huge deal - you can make a linkedin profile and add people as you progress toward your career goal
>living at home with my parents
if you pay them as much as you'd pay for a studio/1 bedroom apartment, move out immediately. otherwise, stay there as long as you can tolerate while you're saving money and working towards your better job
join some clubs, find local interest groups and events, get on dating apps if you're good looking, work out and take care of yourself
see above
>extreme social anxiety and abnormalities
see a therapist and a psychiatrist
it's not going to be easy, and it's going to take some time, but it's possible.

>> No.55267735

>Within a couple of years there will be another bullrun, and by that point the money problem will take care of itself.
Two more years, trust the plan!

>> No.55267751
File: 73 KB, 1024x962, 1682517817941239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think that 4chan is not only a honeypot but also a thought manipulation experiment conducted by three letter agencies? Much like MKUltra etc. just without the drugs. I mean this site somehow traps people here from young age, and the longer they are here the more degenerate and radical they become. Being here is mental torture but still "fun" enough (at least thats what they want me to think) to always come back, also because posting here makes you lose all social skills so there's no alternative for human interaction. Im 100% sure the vast majority of you anons is not doing good mentally and you just barely manage to hide it in public. Jannies banning me for this post will prove my point. Im mean at this point its certain that glowies are posting here but what if they run this entire site and we're just lab rats. Or maybe they're using drugs here too. They're logging your IP and then put chemicals in the tap water in your area, they will see the resuslts when you post something again. idk maybe Im overthinking though.

>> No.55267791


>> No.55267991

in what way do you communicate with women normally? theyre all into stupid shit.

>> No.55268138

I've been to asia. They have the internet too. They are as hypergamous as anywhere else. If you think you're going to knock their socks off just because you are white, you are sadly mistaken and extremely delusional. They literally don't give a shit unless you are Chad. And if you were Chad you wouldn't be resorting to sex tourism in the first place.

>> No.55268149

I would even say being white in asia is actually a net disadvantage these days because everyone over there is keenly aware of the white sex tourist archetype and thinks it's cringe. They even had a hit pop song in Taiwan mocking sex tourists for being retarded and delusional basically.
Also most of the social prestige the West once had in Asia is gone thanks for decades of negrofication and they genuinely look down on you over there now.

>> No.55268661

Have you considered getting a better job, moving out, having sex and being normal?

>> No.55268737

First of all, forgive yourself for not being hyper successful through your 20s in clown world. I bet you didn’t have a really awesome male role model. I bet you didn’t come from a lot of money. I bet that the chips were down for you in a lot of ways. Just forgive yourself for not being naturally a fucking winner and perfect right off the bat. Then, understand that was always a pipe dream. Finally, realize that your life is basically one long string of moments and that from moment to moment, there are simply things at work in the world which are much more powerful than you are. We don’t choose our eye color, our height, where we’re born, what happens there, and we don’t choose our destiny. Your job is basically just to recognize that you‘ve been given a bit of time here on earth and all you’ve really got to do is decide what to do with that time you’ve been given. All this is other stuff that has nothing to do with what you do with your life is frankly bullshit. So bring it back to that. What am I doing with my life? What do I want to do with my life? Answer that question and your path forward will be clearer. Discipline will only get you so far when you’re wandering. You’re a free man. So act like it and choose your path. If you can manage it, maybe other things will fall in place.

>> No.55268917

You were sold on an idea that everyone could be winners, sorry sucker.

>> No.55269940

Look at it optimistically.

You can learn to improve all those things. Everyone has different start points in life, some start on the ground floor, some start on the top, and some underground and have to claw their way to achieve normalcy.

>> No.55269964

>It HAS to be the 3 letter agencies! It can't be a forum filled with nerds with a lot of mental and social problems that attract other nerds with mental and social problems.

>> No.55269990

click website fags
it aint virus
new pepe derivative with only 10 eth hardcap. Zuge opportunity

>> No.55270199

I hiked the AT last year, can recommend

>> No.55270749

>Clean up your diet (no goyslop, eat simple shit with no additives like beef, eggs, fruit, honey, sweet potatoes)
>Workout every single day, even if it's just a few pushups or a 1km run
>Put yourself in social situations and SPERG THE FUCK OUT, ABSOLUTELY SUCK AT IT, but gain valuable experience in social dynamics and become more comfortable with it over time. Also purchase some sort of book or online guide on socializing to help you along.
>Listen to positive affirmations to clean up your negatively oriented subconscious (try the TERMINATE audio track)
>Find something meaningful and difficult that you can work at. Preferably something that doesn't involve screens or cheap dopamine.
>Realize that in order to escape hell you must embrace hell. You can't escape suffering, but you can choose, every day, to put yourself through a different kind of suffering that ultimately benefits you and pushes you towards something greater.


>> No.55270785

What is the TERMINATE audio track?

>> No.55270844

It's an audio track that spams the subconscious mind with a bunch of positive affirmations (I don't care what people think of me, I cannot be slowed down, I am immune to depression). Good to play while you're sleeping. The thing is, most conscious beliefs, actions, and habits are based off subconscious programming, which is fucked up in a lot of people because it was based on garbage they were repeatedly told when they were young. So affirmation tracks can actually make a big difference, if used consistently.


>> No.55270920

>Also purchase some sort of book or online guide on socializing to help you along.
Any recommendations?

>> No.55270968

Ik ben 28 jaar oud en ik heb nog nooit een meisje gekusd

>> No.55270993

My friend, if you like that, may I suggest that the camino of Santiago is for you.

>> No.55271012

How To Make Friends And Influence People is the go-to. But this e-book also had some good information about the push and pull of social dynamics: https://atlasegodriven.gumroad.com/l/SSMastery?layout=profile&recommended_by=library

>> No.55271021

kys satanic amerifat

>> No.55272015

Boohoo, I was a NEET to the age of 30 and only got a job 2 years later. Forget your age, pretend you were in prison and you start life fresh.
Living with your parents is a blessing, you can save so much money.
Your extreme social anxiety will never go away. It is natural. People who don't have are the unnatural ones. They are the result of humans living in crowded places for millenia. Just learn to live with it and look at it as a strength.
Your abnormalities are a result of not participating in and conforming to society. Just volunteer somewhere and get some friction with people. You will see weirdos worse than you and you will learn much more about yourself.
And last but not least, get a fucking grip retard. Imagine being in your same position in life but in a poor country. Always remind yourself how fucking hard you would have to work if you were born in China, India, Africa, and still go nowhere.

>> No.55272271

>Always remind yourself how fucking hard you would have to work if you were born in China, India, Africa, and still go nowhere.
Those peoples are different from whites. Chinks slave harder because God made them to be slaves. One of the best predictors for whether someone is vaxxed or not is whether someone is asian or not.

>> No.55272304
File: 93 KB, 660x495, FB1821C1-43AB-40C3-8E97-7B9F4D0F8067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, going to the gym would help a lot unironically. It’ll greatly improve your mental health, which would indirectly fix a lot of issues you’re having. You will have more energy, sense of self worth, and feel like you deserve more/better. You will have more confidence and clarity to act on things instead of just thinking about them. There’s a reason 99% of successful people workout consistently, because it works.

If all else fails, you will be jacked and can easily marry a rich ugly girl who will do whatever you want

>> No.55272422

>1 post by this id
fuck off

>> No.55272424

Ty king

>> No.55272632

i wish i could life again but i have body dysphormia

>> No.55272826
File: 1.09 MB, 1003x954, 1686287286119036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im 100% sure the vast majority of you anons is not doing good mentally and you just barely manage to hide it in public.
I often feel like I occupy a different wavelength of reality than the normalfags. 4chan has inducted me into a way of thinking that cannot be undone or easily ignored. I have truly become a creature of this place.

>> No.55272906

Dogshit advice

>> No.55272928

>communicating with women solves an empty life devoid of fulfilling career or realistic aspirations
Bro, I've fucked about every type of Woman and I'm a 23yo neet. Women are literally a cope/crutch tool for someone like OP

>> No.55272950

>be 5'11 sicilian brownshit in America
>have never had a problem getting any type of women
I'm convinced you people are just r9k incels who have never gone outside

Women have very low standards, you don't need to be

>> No.55273006

Nigga we just ugly or come from low income areas.

>> No.55273189

Then compare yourself with whites in eastern Europe.
>le not white xD
Then compare yourself with the tiny German minority in Russia and other ex-Soviet countries.

>> No.55273265

Isn't this one of those pozzed trails full of self absorbed faggots all year long where you could basically open a hotel for them at every stop it'd be booming like camino de santiago?
You're basically surrounded by the most obnoxious libtard faggots and there's 0 adventure to it

>> No.55273280

>23 y/o NEET

You’re a little zoomer faggot is what you are. All the girls you fucked are probably beat skanks.