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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 178 KB, 1080x1811, thanks 4 playing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55264780 No.55264780 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this shit ?
>ex maestro dev
>Duude j4r3d from subw4y it's joever
>buy my shit and run your own s4ndw1ch bot

The dev Richard Heart'd anons and stole the "sacrifice" funds + liquidity

Imagine buying something shilled ln this board... The perfect place for pajeet scammers

also jannies ,please don't delete this awareness thread
stop marking this as "advertisement" wtf is wrong with you

>> No.55264803

i do not remember this shit
if you can't learn to mentally filter spambots then you're dumber than them
also please learn how commas work, this is an English website

>> No.55264806

Bratsk is bad though?

>> No.55264807


Thanks for playing.

>> No.55264823

it was actually a double rug, first at launch and then added liquidity just to rug it all again lmao

everyone trying to squeeze every last drop of money out of this dead market

>> No.55264828

because jannies for once did a good job and deleted the generals
some guy was shilling a "sumobot" and seems like the telegram+discord got nuked today

>> No.55264860
File: 591 KB, 2965x2224, 1685618033643499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rugs your sacrifice
>heh nothing personal gaijin

devs were larping as asians

>> No.55265035

They even had the audacity to make a "premium" tier for 1+eth sacrifices. I gotta give it to them lol. All in all they earned about 20eth. Not bad for a few days of scamming.

>> No.55265186
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost lost $200 on this and only got lucky because my network had issues
the marketcap at launch seemed like everyone was early and for once i thought i was going to make it

>> No.55265852

no one makes it off biz shitcoins retard

>> No.55265878

We told you faggots multiple times it was a rug. You didn't listen and believed the jeetdev

>> No.55265914

Fucking idiots who the heck gives away a sandwich bot in exchange of nothing?
the jeet dev is in thailand now enjoying your money

>> No.55266026

except LINK oldfags this is correct

>> No.55266056

Whoever runs J from S must be one rich dude.

>> No.55266092

>15m chart
Anyone who falls for something that rugs within 90 minutes of being created should honestly rope

>> No.55266181

>rugged with DBI

Why even live..

>> No.55267259

Imagine still believing in "sacrifices" or presales...
if you don't get rugged, everyone will dump on you once the regular sale goes online

>> No.55267846

Jannies are in on the scams, they'll ban you if you try to bring any sort of "awareness".

>> No.55268878

>also jannies ,please don't delete this awareness thread
>stop marking this as "advertisement" wtf is wrong with you

>> No.55271246

sometimes they even delete threads so they can acoomoolate first