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55263872 No.55263872 [Reply] [Original]

My dad just sold all his crypto at a 50% loss
What does this mean?

>> No.55263911

means you're eating shit sandwiches for supper

>> No.55263922

>What does this mean?


>> No.55263954

it means your dad knows

>> No.55264307

means dad knows when to cut his losses

>> No.55264330

thats so embarrassing why didn't he just hide the info from everyone and smile and lie for years

>> No.55264347

It means he's going to feel 200% worse when it goes to new ATH's, just like those who did it before him on every cycle

>> No.55264352

very strong bull signal

>> No.55264355

he's a consumer and wants a down payment for a new expensive product to consume

>> No.55264356

It means that you have a smart dad, op. Follow his steps and sell while you can.

>> No.55264383

My dad wanted to buy crypto in 2017/2018 at the peak but I didn't let him and then forgot about it completely during the bear market.
This time he bought high and sold low.

My dad is peak retail

>> No.55264653

I sold all my crypto because I am sick of having my profits taken from exhorbadent spreads and fees. I'm forgetting about it and moving on. My car has been my best investment by far. I bought it for 2800 and it is now worth 23000. Buying and selling cars shits all over cryptocurrency.

>> No.55264714
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I've got my dad to hold the same portfolio that I have(BTC/ETH/LINK), and I have to tell him at least once a week that we need to hold at least another year before we start seeing gains again.
More than the financial gain for myself, I want crypto to moon so that I could have been a financial help to him instead of a burden.
I constantly fantasize about the day Link goes to $100 and we're both holding multi million dollar portfolios and never have to worry about money again.
It's the only shred of hope I have in my life and it's the only thing that keeps me going some days.

>> No.55264772

It means he panic sold

>> No.55264778
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>> No.55265350

He only lost 50%? I am down 99.997% and expect to lose thousands more.

>> No.55265355

Your dad beefed it

>> No.55265796

Tell him not to spread it too thick. The shit has gotta last a while.

>> No.55265856

He's gonna be so pissed after the halving sends the market to the stratosphere. My genuine condolences.

>> No.55265923

>btc hits $76k at the next peak while homes 3x every year forever

>> No.55265951

Depends. If it was shitcoins, smart. If it was btc, he is going to be angry at himself

>> No.55265962

It means your dad is retarded, poor /and way overleveraged

>> No.55267025

It means your Dad is a mouth-drooling retard and you being unable to figure this out yourself is evidence you take after him.

>> No.55267053

He finally realized its all a buncha bullshit based on lucky people who bought into this shit back in 2009 to 2013 and that anyone who git rich after that was just lucky and jumped on some temporary dogememecoin and those always deflate and so he realized he got ripped off by jews and dumped his shit knowing he could have used that money for real investments that would have actually made money

>> No.55267161

You and your dad are both retarded and too married to your coins.

>> No.55267166

I can safely say no one over 50 touches crypto, what a stupid thread

>> No.55267177

He is buying me a house

>> No.55267178

It means it's time to buy.

>> No.55267181

top signal for houses
bottom signal for crypto

>> No.55267524
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Its the boomer cognitive dissonance at play.
"My home will 3x forever, you're permanently priced out and will never be able to buy one; Also I'm going to someday sell my home to you, to actually get that value."

>> No.55267583

Top signal, Bitcoin is going down to 10k, every other coin will fall 90%, only dogecoin will survive as it will pop up to $5 an hour

>> No.55267604

Your dad has weak hands brother.
He never held a day in his life.
You gotta have iron hands to make it.

>> No.55267610

Good thing I'm a home owner and also have crypto then.

>> No.55267618

Ladies and gentlemen, we are officially in a beginning of a bullrun.

>> No.55267692


>> No.55267747

I told my dad about bitcoin when it was worth $50
He didn't buy it until it was worth about $10000
Then he sold for a loss

>> No.55267986

This is what happens when you blindly invest in shitcoins, they go down and then you are forced to sell at a loss.

>> No.55268058

Retarded opinion, which crypto assets isn't down at this moment.

>> No.55268060

>I have to tell him at least once a week that we need to hold at least another year
How many weeks have you been telling him this? 52?

>> No.55268067

if you had let him buy bitcoin at the previous peak he would be up, but because of you he entered at 50k/60k instead of 20k

>> No.55268085

Every crypto is down currently but the good news is some will bounce back while others won't that why you invest in utility tokens like AVAX, SPOOL, RDNT, EWT etc. these are all projects with working products.

>> No.55268098
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that he's a total idiot. i can see him taking a 50% loss last year but not this year

lol lemme guess he was a hex pulsechain baggie

>> No.55268505

It means that he's NGMI

>> No.55268894

holey shit my dad called me on saturday night and insisted that I sell all his crypto I bought for him over the past year.
fucking retard
confirmation the bottom is in

>> No.55269081
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came here for this. we're on.

>> No.55269091

confirmations: 2

>> No.55269479

like you have no idea
he is a 75 year old who worked hard and "earned" his money when it was much easier to do so
so I put literally less than 0.5% of his net worth into crypto (around $50k)
he had me sell it for $30k
the man has done nothing right investing in his life (he was making 400k in the year 2000 so imo he should be worth 50 million but here we are panic selling $50k in crypto becuase of the news)
it was all in LINK and GNS

>> No.55269489

Get a new father figure.

>> No.55269883

That he's smart enough to realize you're a fucking moron for suggesting crypto to him.

>> No.55270119
File: 187 KB, 1080x999, 1686581067064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that normies are capitulating so the bottom is in, also pic related confirms that

>> No.55270694
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Simple, he's NGMI, I'm hodling my KREST token to get a plus rewards in PEAQ. This is how the smartest investors roll in a bear market. Stay strong

>> No.55270814

Market, It's a red sea out there, but yeah, there's always something trending in the crypto space. If you're feeling out of the loop, it's time for a deep dive into Peaq Network even Iotex and stay on top of the game.

>> No.55270835

Means I bought your dad's coins loser watch me ride this down another 50% buy some more and then up-only motherfucker and if we go lower I don't give a shit I love my coins

>> No.55270921

Your dad is a normie what do you think it means?

>> No.55271639

my dad refuses to buy crypto, but he's positive towards it and he seems to want me to bet on it big
it's kind of weird
i think he himself is too prudent, but wants his son to ape into it as a hyperaggressive strategy because i'm younger

>> No.55271738

makes sense. him not wanting to buy is still bullish for us

>> No.55271772

it means that you can thank him for being our exit liquidity.

>> No.55271779

Your stupid rainbow meme heavily implies the next top could be 300k-400k kek

>> No.55271815

Your dad wants you to make it with crypto because he knows you are too much of a retard to do it by yourself. It's his only hope that you will get out of the house and finally not have to wipe the drool off your face.

>> No.55271826

-50's not too bad for a normie fomo gone wrong
still a buy signal though

>> No.55271843

i've already been out of the house for years and already have a fat stack though haven't "made it" yet
he was skeptical until i made that stack, now i think that after all these years he's extrapolating and believes i'll make it big if i hold onto crypto
why are you so bitter

>> No.55271937

I think the bottom is in eh? I’ve been feeling like capitulating for the past few days. Unfortunately, I don’t feel like officially realizing my losses. Must be a good time to buy.

>> No.55271970

How is he down 50% when the total is only down 20%?

>> No.55272029

So? I'll be a fucking millionaire then, cope poorfag

>> No.55273760
File: 2 KB, 91x125, DIRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he has paper hands, newfag. Degens, like me, would rather hodl from cradle to tomb than sell at a loss. I'm taking part in the KREST public sale in the hopes of earning a Peaq airdrop that I'll keep for eternity.

>> No.55273849

Meaning I just bought new set of crypto at 50% gain today and more gains to come when I lock them via SpoolFi protocol for yield generation. My regards to your Dad.

>> No.55273995

Allow him to sob like a baby on the biz, anon. The first DePINS token sale is already live on AllianceBlock Fundr, and I want to take advantage of it in order to receive huge rewards, fag.

>> No.55274565

He capitulated. Time to buy!