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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55261962 No.55261962 [Reply] [Original]

It's like a mix of fit, pol, his and maybe lit together with autism and NEET posting. but with out the incels, chuds , looksmaxing chads or real nerds

>> No.55261969

No, that's /g/, actually.

>> No.55261971

other than all the chinks

>> No.55262025
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No doubt. I'm here forever.

>> No.55262040

nah this board is trash the topic is more important than the other boards but most the people here either having no idea what they're talking about or are desperate beggars.

>> No.55262053

>but with out the incels, chuds
lol, open any incel frog thread and 95% of the replies are from incels/chuds

>> No.55262079

Yes, thank you for asking. Hope you're doing well, fren.
I love /biz/ because it's comfy, and a mix of those other things just as you pointed out in your post. I also believe that /biz/ memes are the funniest.
Also it got me into finance and I don't think I could ever to back to the way I was, so I'm better off for it.

>> No.55262096

I feel like this board is the only one where you can actually make it

g is just spending time on the $CURRENT_GAME or hating on it

pol is just happeningcels

lit or his is just pol for high IQ autist chuds

>> No.55262169

i agree. ive been on this website since like 2011 and have made biz my home two years ago. it's very comfy.

>> No.55262314

>frog forum

>> No.55262335
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this is a vietnamese cave diving frog board

>> No.55262350

redditfrog zoomer

>> No.55262411
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Don't forget the /lgbt/ influence

>> No.55262448

/v/ is the best board objectively. It's so good they made like 5 of them. /biz/ is unexpectedly great though yes

>> No.55262548

It's shit, all boards are shit and getting worse.
Golden era of /biz/ was 2016 to late 2017. After that we got the link spam and then the jeets flooding with dog coins.
Funny and smart anon who made it left long ago and are all now on private telegram groups.
The most cancerous aspect is how twitter faggots now call each others "anon" and use the linguo from here to shill their grifts.

>> No.55262811
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It was. I've never bought any crypto in my life and I don't understand a half of what people here are talking about but I was sitting here every day in 2018-2020 just for the memes. Now biz is kinda half dead unfortunately

>> No.55262818


newfag tier
innocent fun tier
i need to fix my life tier
I need to get rich tier

last one is a brick wall and impossible though

you are here forever

>> No.55262833

I don't really want to get rich I just want to be strong confident middle class

>> No.55262843

OP's pic is literally the makeit waifu for like 90% of this board.

>> No.55262846

maybe /pol/ is the board for you then

>> No.55262857

I browsed /lit/ for years before coming here.

>> No.55262884


/fit/ and /biz/ are the only boards that really can fix you

the rest is just useless entertainment

well maybe /diy/ if you need to fix something around the house but the rest is just wasting your time

>> No.55262895

why would you reply to me? what are you talking about my guy? I don't think I need to 'fix' myself, I'm doing good my dude

>> No.55262904

like in general why most people here like /biz/ and /fit/

>> No.55262913

are you confused?? or am I the one confused? I just said I browsed /lit/, I don't understand why you would reply to me. I mean, cool I guess

>> No.55262918

just replied again to you what you gonna do about it your 1repmax is hilarious

>> No.55262964

he said lit retard not fit

>> No.55262981

It use to be good a few years back, now this is a pathetic and sad board

>> No.55263069

bot board on dead website. yuou will eat the bugs, sorry

>> No.55263081

I used to love /biz/ the most but now /diy/ and /tv/ are my favorite boards

>> No.55263202
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for me its femgothwojak

>> No.55263212

have a

>> No.55263553
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thats a man.

>> No.55263705
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>> No.55263742

No, this board is garbage. It's valueless zoomer bots posting chainshit/alttrash over and over. There's rarely a thread that warrants being opened.

>> No.55265107

/fit and /biz/ are the only boards that can really fix you.

>> No.55265146

/biz/ is the highest IQ board
All other boards are gay af
no cap fr fr

>> No.55265155

> cryptocucks
> "highest IQ board"
Half of /biz/ are 30y/o boomers who failed in life and are grasping at straws for a chance at not dying alone and poor.

>> No.55265189

>makeit waifu

>> No.55265440

god i fucking hate you, such a fucking weirdo loser. i know you're a virgin irl

>> No.55265704

/biz/ and wsb are great for contrarian indicators

>> No.55266432

qt 3.14

>> No.55266791

No. The board sucks. Especially the mods letting every scam and shitposter run free. 2/10. Because it's the only board with btc threads and a few ecopol threads.