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55257266 No.55257266 [Reply] [Original]

I see people jumping in new coins but I’m usually late by few hours. Do you guys just live on biz and hope for a stealth launch or is there some place you find these coins the minute they are released?

>> No.55257284
File: 39 KB, 626x602, 1651878832466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't get his alts from human sacrifices at the bowels of the jungle

>> No.55257299

Rare Serena. Blessed thread. Here's a song dedicated for my one and only love:
> Don't ever leave me Serena
> I'd be sad to see you go
> My heart would simply snap my love if you walk on out that door
> I promise Ill be good to you
> Keep you warm at night
> Serena, Serena, Serena
> Why don't we just shut off the lights

>> No.55257306
File: 139 KB, 811x1042, B2564C07-F331-4C88-BDED-F1E683050CDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based but that’s my wife you’re singing about

>> No.55257408

What are the financial implications of me wanting to marry Serena and have 25 kids with her?

>> No.55257419

i imagine theres some super sekret telegram channel(s)

>> No.55257425

Serena is mine and mine alone

>> No.55257446

icodrops.com - not exactly stealth launch but still
Be ready to be rugged though. I'm done with ICOs for now, I might try my luck when the bull market is back on.

>> No.55257451

I use telegram

>new pairs

They detect and scan every new deployed contract on ethereum and gives you a basic review of potential vulnerabilities, with scam factors. 99% are trash but it's a good starting point.

>based discussion groups

>groups where you shill your bags

>> No.55257459

You can look at dextools new pairs and telegram groups that post them immediately.
t dot me/DEXTNewPairsBotBSC
But the rug pull% is extremely high
Your best bet is to join telegram shill groups where people post new coins and go over the contracts for honey pots and locked liquidity.
Some groups have bots where you can post the contract and it scans them for problems, telegram groups like
t dot me/chuddygems
t dot me/DegenPumpGroup

>> No.55257463

Is this whore ever not drinking or caked in makeup?

>> No.55257467

Beat me too it
Good list anon, there’s a few I hadn’t heard of

>> No.55257478

How dare thee besmirch mi lady's name like this. Thou shall pay dearly for such transgressions! En garde.

>> No.55257490

it's me who should be thanking you, I didn't know about the BSC telegram

>> No.55257491

watch your mouth, that’s our fucking queen

>> No.55257508
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>doesn't come to the illuminati underground meetings to discuss world affairs, ngmi

>> No.55257596

I would stick my dick in her vagina repeatedly if you know what I mean.

>> No.55257625
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who is this semen demon?