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55256053 No.55256053 [Reply] [Original]

The SUMO is released. Are you ready for cryptos heavy hitter. Get yourself some SUMO and bulk up that wallet.

>> No.55256060

Share the source you fuck

>> No.55256062

>grifter thread
be silent! or silenced

>> No.55256063

Negro it's over. It's really over.... Jesus christ it's already dead.

>> No.55256075


>> No.55256079

>looks it up
>instantly disgusted

>> No.55256082

You WILL pump my bags

>> No.55256097

Kek nobody entertained your fud so you decided to post again hoping this time someone gives you the attention you crave something mommy didn’t give you enough when you were younger

sumobot.io get yourself a bag

>> No.55256104
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>> No.55256112

I really looked it up, and all I saw was a grift, no innovation, not even the attempt to be innovative, just an attempt by a grifter to grift, disgusting
you need to be silenced clay person

>> No.55256139

You haven't looked it up have you kek

>> No.55256142

bought myself a lil baggy

>> No.55256154

go back clay person. You don't belong here. grift and get grifted somewhere else. and shut the fuck up, just because you can post doesnt mean you should

>> No.55256153

Stop lying and if it’s really a grift explain why

>> No.55256170

Scam don't interact with that contract

>> No.55256230

I have interacted with it and it's fine

>> No.55256233

All statements and 0 arguments

>> No.55256400


>> No.55256414

So if I throw $200 at this, still would be able to use the bot?

>> No.55256421
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>> No.55256440

No but you will still benefit. They tax bot profits and use it to buyback and burn tokens

>> No.55256783


>> No.55256923

I thought the white paper said there was a free bot?

>> No.55257042


>> No.55257327
File: 111 KB, 836x543, 1645979039967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ this thread is fucking retarded

Anyone here know if this shit is profitable? Any predecessor tokens that have some sort of bot-token setup that had good runs? Please bros. I'm tired of aping into shit I don't understand.

>> No.55257920

>Please bros. I'm tired of aping into shit I don't understand
Story of my life

>> No.55258761

Unibot is a good example. Did a 20x since release

>> No.55259890

Sonic sniper bot

>> No.55259948

Bot address was leaked in the discord. They're making bank

>> No.55259983

As i understand you will be able to use the basic option. I asked in the tg, you get 10% of the profits lol. The premium users get 90%. That sounds a bit sketchy. I actually have the money but i'm a bit hesitant to throw a whole eth into presale. At least i think it will pump pretty good.

>> No.55260023

It's a scam. There is no fucking proof the dev(s) won't just run away with your sacrificed money.
>But the address leaked..
Fuck you, it could be any address that purposely "leaked". No one would share a bot that is already making them bank. Think about it logically.

>> No.55260031

This argument has been answers so many times already. They tax bot profits. It will make them more money than just running a bot by themselves.

>> No.55260036

How is that sketch the premium user operates the bot and sacrificed for it. I'm actually mad about not making 100% lol

>> No.55260044

It's glaringly obvious you have never ran a bot before. No, this won't pull a unibot and no, this won't make you money. Don't fall for a scam. It's being marketed on biz of all the places. Check top wallets, all spoofs. If this was the real deal you would hear about it after it pulled a 50x, when the smart money has already dumped.

>> No.55260061

The fact you called the top wallet spoofs shows how little you know about this project. You can get tokens right now on their website sumois.live those poeple actually bought lol

>> No.55260086

0/5 shill, anyone can see the wallets and confirm spoofs on etherscan

>> No.55260096

>They tax bot profits. It will make them more money than just running a bot by themselves.
no matter how you think about this, no it wouldn't. if the bot was real and worked they could just run multiple instances of it on a server you can rent anywhere in the world for $30 a month
there is 0 reason to share a working bot with anyone, ever. this is a scam and you are either retarded and desperate to pump your bags or part of the team, in which case you are desperate to sell your bags

tl;dr stay away from this garbage, don't touch shitcoins in this market. we're currently in full on despair mode in crypto there's never been a better opportunity in the past 2 years to fucking buy real crypto like btc or eth or link

>> No.55260122

This 100%

>> No.55260128

You do know you need to fund the bot with ETH right? I'm sure you can copy the bot and run multiple but can you copy the capital as well?

>> No.55260132

i literally bought you're full of shit my wallet is in the top holders as well kek

>> No.55260146

Stop bumpin this scam shit, go scam reddit or CT but not fellow /biz/ autists

>> No.55260152

so the devs are high-level programmers who can make a working mev bot but they are too poor to even buy 1 eth and make their way up from there?
and yes you can sandwich shitcoins with as little as 1 eth

>> No.55260330

Dude if i had to start with 1 eth i would rather raise funds as well lol