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55254843 No.55254843 [Reply] [Original]

I am so fucking lonely

>> No.55254850

Bro it was my birthday yesterday and not even family wished me happy birthday.
Ironically I made a thread the day before and probably 40 anons wished me happy birthday.
There are frens here anon, maybe not out in the real world.

>> No.55254852

Grow a pair you pussy
oh its just poormans nlp
rapeape, getting raped in prison

>> No.55254853

Get in the back of the line pal

>> No.55254861

big hug to all frens

>> No.55254898

read the stoics

>> No.55254907


>> No.55255098

same, its fucking great
t. intentionally genocided every social circle I had

we are 2 sides of the same coin anon, take care of yourself like you would take care of friends if you had friends

>> No.55255114

fren reporting for duty

>> No.55255120

Stoicism is the ultimate midwit philosophy

>> No.55255132

The best way to make friends is posting shit like this on /biz/, because then, all the people who may have become your friend will now hate you for this retarded post.

Seriously why can't frogposters just put this shit on >>>/b/ or >>>/r9k/ or >>>/soc/ or >>>/adv/ where it fucking belongs? Just pick one of the boards, there are so fucking many that are relevant

>> No.55255175

Never gib up fren

>> No.55255744
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Can we be lonely together?

>> No.55255773

Nguf has a good community of biz frens

>> No.55255820
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You are not alone
Yes fren!

>> No.55255831
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Never gib up fren but you shouldn't post such things here, some anons harboring strong resentment like this one >>55255132 will spread negativity to you and only make things worse
You should lurk >>>/fit/ memes aside it's a great board for self improvement, >>>/soc/ and >>>/r9k/ should be avoided

>> No.55255936

It has some good parts to it

>> No.55256048

fuck off shill you're not as clever as you thnk you are.

>> No.55256056
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>> No.55256090

I’m as clever as I am clever.

>> No.55256116

henlo fren

>> No.55256134

frogposters should be quartered and hung

>> No.55256137

Nobody responded to me ;(
The girl I really liked ghosted me as well.
What say you boys?
Jerk off, eat, sleep?

>> No.55256152

just be comfy fren and let the comfy be you

>> No.55256164

biggest hug for this grumpy fren

>> No.55256165

I really liked this girl ;( but found her on sc and its her just sucking some other dudes cock.

>> No.55256201

try and forget her fren she seems like dark energy for you

>> No.55256227

She is but I'm just sad and at the end of my rope in life and she was a nice change, and seemed like she actually liked me but I shouldn't expect anything nice out of this demonic world.

>> No.55256246

fren you will get over her in time and yes dear fren its a shitty world but we have to try and make our own comfy way in it as best we can cos no other fucker will

>> No.55256250

Same. Have been retaining for a little over a month. Was sitting at the bar at a local brewery today and one of the bar staff sat next to me after she clocked out and initiated a conversation. She later revealed she had a boyfriend. Idk why these sloots do this shit. God is laughing in my face for being the loneliest man on Earth.

>> No.55256280

do WHAT? have a conversation?? at a BAR? how dare she

>> No.55256349

pathetic ngl

>> No.55256353
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>> No.55256822

why?, do you not like yourself or something? The only times im really me is when im alone, not an incel btw but i just love being by myself.