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55255148 No.55255148 [Reply] [Original]

>Recently got a job as a category analyst WFH job making $79k
>Girlfriend is a Walmart wagie making $40k a year

Is it still a good financial decision to still date someone who makes less than me?

>> No.55255168

Why is the better one blurred out?

>> No.55255169
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It depends more on the girl. I’ve had wagie girls who are great at saving money and some who can’t stop spending.
I would say don’t talk about how much money you have and let them think you make and have less than you do so they’re happy with whatever Choi give them

>> No.55255172

where's her coin if she's so popular?

>> No.55255173

what certs or degree or expeirence do you need for that WFH job? i want that. what company? can you put in a good word for me and hlep me get an interview? are they hiring more?

>> No.55255176

i want her to squat over my head and let her rustic beef scent emanate all over my face

>> No.55255184

You only need a girl thats capable of saving money. Most just blow through it all and are in debt

>> No.55255192

>what certs or degree or expeirence do you need for that WFH job?

Not OP but depends if you wanna go straight programmer or just do data shit. I'm a data analyst and I have a bachelor's and certs in SQL, Tableau, and know Power BI and some Python

>> No.55255198

This Chad gotta lilbit of wisdom
KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT REGARDING YOUR MONEY. humility is the key.>>55255148

>> No.55255205

>move in together
>live off your income
>save all hers
>buy a house in 3 years
or just dump her, wfh gigs make it super easy to hang out in coffee shops/bars and hit on local qts

>> No.55255217

When i met my half brother's wife (who is japanese) i was in disbelief that she saved money. literally every woman i had known up until that point basically spent all of the money they made, always. mom and dad included. yes, my dad was basically a woman.

>> No.55255220

>be walmart wagie in america
>make 40k$ a year for literally saying hi and passing products in front of codebar reader
>be euro software engineer
>make 40k$ a year taking the packed train for 2 hours a day and spending 9 hours coding shit like a monkey
>pay more taxes
Why didn't my faggot grandparents move to the US?

>> No.55255229
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>40k year walmart wagie
You must live in some libshit, overtaxed, burgermetro city. You're both literal brokefags. Who cares?

>> No.55255239

>>make 40k$ a year for literally saying hi and passing products in front of codebar reader

Anon, she works in the warehouse section of the store and she has to carry pallets full of products all day.

>> No.55255242

We live in California

>> No.55255252

But you have free health care or ?

>> No.55255268

Team leads, assistant managers, store receivers easily make $40k+

>> No.55255277

As he exhales the vape and checks his Instagram
Based Edgar

>> No.55255290


>> No.55255303

Living in Europe is a nightmare as a wagie. It's great for anyone who doesn't work and rich people though.

>> No.55255392

>live in commie shithole
>have low quality of life
Many such cases.

>> No.55255404

How much to stick my nose into her cunny?

>> No.55255438

If the foid spends less than she makes, and actually adds money to the relationship, you've got a diamond in the rough worth keeping.

>> No.55255456


>> No.55255465

It’s doesn’t matter what your significant other makes so long as she’s able to be a caring mother. Career women are cancer lmao especially engineer or STEAM!1!1!1!1! career women. At least men know they’re glorified office drones women think they’re gods the second they start rising in the corporate ladder.

I’d take a McDonald’s cash register wagie over a phd so long as they’re young, not fat, cute and caring. Literally that simple.

>> No.55255495

Depth of field

>> No.55255505

No. She would never do it the other way around, so why should you.

>> No.55255788

>Women wouldn’t date a man without a penis, so why should you dare one without a penis

T. Retard logic

>> No.55255898

Six figures remote software engineer here .
I have a BSc in CompSci and basically got my job right out of college a year ago when companies were hiring like crazy.
If you don't have a degree it's going to be a lot harder, since companies are looking for any reason not to hire people now.

>> No.55255953

You have leverage in the relationship via income and if you want to stay on top of things like a man, it's best to keep that leverage there. Don't read that as a reason to mistrust your gf, but seeing a difference in incomes as a reason to monkeybranch is just asking to get monkeybranched yourself.

>> No.55256042

79k is 45k after tax. You two basically make the same

>> No.55256180

What's her future? Is she studying a good degree while working at Wal-Mart or is she studying something stupid like Gender Studies or Sociology?

Can't blame her for making ends meet while studying, but if she has no future then don't throw yours down the drain too by wasting it with her.

>> No.55256301


moar rare pics of this cunt

>> No.55256398

$40k working at walmart sounds like bullshit. That's $19 an hour. They can replace her with a $10 an hour wagie. Unless of course she is the manager's fucktoy.

>> No.55256773

It's not really an issue of a disparity in your wealth, but rather your gross wealth in general. The more money you make generally the less it makes sense to have a steady girlfriend unless you're intending on having kids with her. The fact your girlfriend is a Walmart wagie is suggestive that she is probably a failure on multiple levels that you might be blind to because she's your girlfriend. Bottom line is she probably isn't someone worth having kids with and so she's probably not worth being in a relationship with and this will only become more apparent if you continue to grow your earning power. Money has a very clarifying effect on relationships and women in general which is why most relationships don't survive once a guy starts earning decent money.

>> No.55256788

how can I impregnate these whores through my computer screen

>> No.55256796

You forgot
>Get killed in a car accident because illegal immigrants don't need licenses

>> No.55256881

Well why would you date a man without a penis? What are u gay?

>> No.55256913

Get them to post their feet, preferably SOLES

>> No.55257443

No, girls shouldn't be making more than you.

>> No.55257919
File: 85 KB, 856x720, finestbeaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having your woman work is the most cucked thing out here. The only reason my wife worked for a bit was to make it easier to get a mortage. After that she quit her job and now she takes care of the kids and the house.
mutts like to joke about what we "europoors" make but never take into account the shitty conditions they have to deal with. To them I only make $ 65k a year. Don't mind that I get 25 days a year of paid holiday leave. Don't mind that I get 100% paid when I call in sick and that can last for a full year. Workers are very well protected so your boss can't just fire you. the mutt way is not bad on paper but i requires every working adult to be fiscally responsible. I know people that earn double of what I earn but are still broke by the end of the month.

>> No.55258039

If you are in the tech field and legitimately talented, you get all of that and much more with 3/4/5 x that pay. I would never work in Europe with that skill set, it’s a waste of time/earning potential. Yeah the average europoor has stronger worker rights and time off, can’t deny that.

>> No.55258049

>tfw make 80k
>gf got new job where she makes 90k now, previously making like 60k
>tfw starting to feel insecure af now

>> No.55258146

You do know each store has team leads, department leads, assistant managers right?

>> No.55258154

>I would never work in Europe with that skill set, it’s a waste of time/earning potential. Yeah the average europoor has stronger worker rights and time off, can’t deny that.
It's not just worker rights. I'm not in tech and not even talented. You could earn 3/4/5x more but buying a house in a low crime neighborghhood that is not in some middle of nowhere dessert will also cost you 3/4/5x is more. I live comfy in a 4 bedroom home with a front and back yard and a 2 car garage with a 65k income. 20 minute car/train ride from Amsterdam. My wife does not work and we have 3 kids. It is a 5 minute walk to the grocery store and I dont have to be scared of getting murdered on the way to the grocery store. They pay more because you need more to not live in a crime ridden shithole.

>> No.55258342

you're acting like this is some big revelation
everyone knows europe is better, for now, if you're low skill and low effort
the whole point of burgerland is you get the freedom to choose instead of depending on external circumstances
and you can use the money you earn there anywhere
as high iq high effort frog, i was miserable living in france surrounded by losers and loser mentality. waiting months to get doctor appointment. more and more nignogs and sandnigs, more and more crime and incivility (incidentally from whites just as much as other races)
whereas in america the suburbs are comfy and safe. the lack of safety in burger cities is the one thing i'll give europe, but america gives you the means to isolate yourself from that too and i'm not a citycuck either way
even if i were ignorant of demographics, economy, science, basically the inevitable continuing collapse of european countries... you could not pay me to go back

>> No.55258388

It depends on the girl and her spending habits, duh.
That said, women are typically not a good idea when only looking at finance.

>> No.55258473

> You could not pay me to go back
Même pour avoir une retraite confortable dans la campagne Francaise? Et qu'en est il de ton héritage, tu ne veux pas que tes enfants héritent et participent à la culture française ?

>> No.55258481

What do you think happens if Chad tells her he's making bank and starts hitting on her?

>> No.55258517

I feel sorry for men who have to flaunt their money to get girls. My most successful days was when I worked a shitty manual labor job

>> No.55258667

you bro are stupid af. The second a female is out earning you, she will dump your ass. The more money you earn than her, the more stable the relationship is. You change only if she ugly af.

>> No.55258676
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x1344, 1679721348485337(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its here

>> No.55259113

>The second a female is out earning you, she will dump your ass

Not really

>> No.55259121

look at this dude, LMAO

>> No.55259182

This isn't the 50s grandpa

>> No.55259227

Yes, you keep repeating that in this thread. Those jobs are worth about $32k per year at most. We are talking about walmart here. Also, OP said they live in commiefornia so $40k (likely $38k and he rounded up) might make sense if she is in fact sucking and fucking the store manager (who makes $45k).

>> No.55259259

this. i fucked a girl who worked in the city of london on big money and i was her bit of rough builder

>> No.55259300

female nature doesnt change.

>> No.55259388

Depth of vagina

>> No.55259786

The walmart wagie is unironically more value than you.

>> No.55259816

I've worked with european engineers before, and let me say that your value is exactly that of a Walmart greeter. Same for your doctors or pretty much anyone with a university degree. Now I understand the incessant story of the europoor PhDs having to work at the grocery stores

>> No.55259843

>Walmart wagie making $40k

>> No.55259864

$17/hr * 40hr/week * 52 weeks/year = $35k + whatever overtime pay
it's amazing explaining to europoors just how poor they are

>> No.55260311

I want to get bullied and force-fed by goyslop girl

>> No.55260331

Wtf is a category analyst? I am an administrative officer managing a $300M budget and I get paid $50k, plus really good benefits admittedly but still…

>> No.55260869
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She reminds me of an old girlfriend of mine

>> No.55261343

>Having your woman work is the most cucked thing out here.
>The only reason my wife worked

>> No.55262863

They get a month ofc of PTO and health care

>> No.55262967

>good financial decision

Don't get married. The less they make typically the more tolerable they are to be around.

>> No.55263066

Who is it?

>> No.55263448

>Wtf is a category analyst?

Learn to Google

>> No.55263470


People don't seem to know Californias minimum wage is like $15/hr, and Walmarts here pay their stockers $19/hr. It's not out of the realm that a lead or assistant manager is making low to even mid 20s

>> No.55263479

>I’d take a McDonald’s cash register wagie over a phd so long as they’re young, not fat, cute and caring. Literally that simple.

This anon gets it.

>> No.55263701


>Spends 40 hrs a week with guys who don't care if they lose their job

What could go wrong

>> No.55265401

This anon does not get it

>> No.55265415


if you're ACTUALLY managing a 300mm budget then you should be getting paid 4x+ more than that minimum. are you saying you're c-suite? i mean if you're a CAO of an org that is 100mm+ and you're getting paid 50k+ no offense but you deserve to be taken advantage of. you'd have to be a moron to take that offer