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55250449 No.55250449 [Reply] [Original]

>k-kek f-f-fuddies

>> No.55250463

They reek desperation by projecting confidence about their rank 23 altcoin. It's incredible how Link went from being a hidden gem to a complete laughing stock

>> No.55250477

Unironically the 'kek fuddies' posts are fudders. It's low effort and designed to be retarded and annoying, especially as it's started in the past days when the price has abysmally cratered.

>> No.55250486

cope baggie

>> No.55250489

lol no they're the hardcore cultists who think there is a global conspiracy to suppress their shitcoin

>> No.55250501

it’s the same baggie in every thread

>> No.55250639
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I have more Link than you
Soon you will understand what that signifies

>> No.55250652

top kek

>> No.55250679

He sure does have a lot of time to spend doing this. How much compensation do you think he receives for his efforts?

>> No.55250703

Don't care
My millionaire status is guaranteed

>> No.55250716

you were literally better off buying ETH, kek

>> No.55250770

you can tell by the same esl cope post writing styles that it's 2 or 3 poorfag baggies left spamming this board 24/7 while coping in their cringe pre mainnet marines discord channel

gonna guess it's simone, loots and 1 other inbred baggie

>> No.55250847

I drink your Linkshake

>> No.55250863
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Sorry kekfuddies but
*buys 100 more on-sale chainlink tokens*
I know these threads upset you but uh... yeah thats just whats happening

>> No.55251090

they make me laugh actually, you've been buying more and getting dumped on straight through, it's funny and will continue to happen. Meanwhile I sold this shitcoin at ETH ATH, just love making fun of you cultists

>> No.55251208

Me too! I bought a little stack earlier. I probably wouldn't have bothered because I already have loads but I just love doing it to annoy the fuddies.
Btw, I really did buy more. It's not a larp. Kek.

>> No.55251317

Oh totally believable anon! You're totally not a few "gonna buy more"s away from throwing a tantrum about how much you hate being stuck on biz KEK
And I am gonna accumulate more. Are you ok fuddie?

>> No.55251425
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take meds schizo hah, I could buy so many Link with the profit I made by selling in August 2020 for ETH. But I won't, because it's over and token is not needed.

Read my comment again baggie.
See you when this shitcoin drops out the top 100 next bull and no newfags even know what it is.

>> No.55251440

>I know more than Swift and all the banks and Eric Schmidt! You can trust me, I'm on /biz and I said it so it's trueeee reeeeeeeee
Read my comment again, fuddie. I bought more Link today and there's literally not a thing you can do about it. We know you want us to sell but we simply buy more lolololol

>> No.55251446

>another seething kekfuddie rant
Sorry lil fella but im gonna keep accumulating
Wanna vent some more? I wont read any of it but feel free to anyway lmaooo

>> No.55251449
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imagine trusting globohomo to make people they despise rich. Deals with the devil never work out

>> No.55251466
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that's right cover your ears and your eyes, hahahahaha. I'm actually trying to help you, you will realize that only when it's too late, 2 years from now when Link is rank 250, replaced by new shitcoins, you will remember me then. Never marry altcoin bags, they only exist to steal your Bitcoin and ETH.

>> No.55251504

>even more seething
Sorry lil fella but accumulation is the only thing im doing
From 1 to 10, how upset does that make you?

>> No.55251525

baggie cucks just love spending their money on worthless tokens, so married to your bags you can't even stomach swing trading them, probably would have had 20x more if you weren't such a baggie cuck hahaha. Not that I'd ever touch these again, but if you wanted more worthless shitcoin that would be the way to go instead of buying with real money like a cuck

>> No.55251543

Haha this is Michael, isn't it? The seething is hilarious. How's that ANS going, Michael? Kek
Lots of love from a 60k staked Linkie

>> No.55251582

baggies will be DCAing all the way to 1 dollar and then crabbing for eternity

>> No.55251584
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>> No.55251600

>even more seethe
Didnt read but ill guess thats a solid 9 on the upset scale
Still accumulating. Is it at a 10 now?

>> No.55251732
File: 37 KB, 1817x792, 1686412312854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FudGODS were just lookikg out for you low iq linklets. I said this was distribution and that link is going to $2 many times

>> No.55251779

It's going sub $3 for sure.

The cherry on top of the cake is that it will probably "pump" to $15 during the next bullrun

>> No.55252448

you're in a cult and don't know it