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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 466x226, 1661736998890506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55248494 No.55248494 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is now a reality. The audit for CCIP will succeed in the coming month. Once that happens expect staking V1.0 to be live before 12/12/2023. In the year 2024 chainlink will go up and never come down. Everyday will bring a new ATH. The price will stabalize at a level that equals the collateral of trillions of dollars worth of assets globally. That number will be in the thousands of dollars. Ignore the psychotic fud. Stay strong marines.

>> No.55248521
File: 1.06 MB, 1066x948, Screen Shot 2023-06-10 at 10.12.35 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the call to strength anon but honestly with the recent SWIFT news everything else is just noise. The writing is on the wall, what is coming is "absolutely inevitable".
Shrieking hysterical porn addicted fudders on one side and SWIFT, 12 big banks, and all the rest on the other, it's not like there is any room for actual doubt.

>> No.55248532

and crypto is getting shut down by the SEC so it’s over.
>muh first mover advantage
too late

>> No.55248537

Not feeling the chainlink labs energy in the posting today guys. Go have a team huddle and do some motivational sales chants then come back.

>> No.55248539

Linkies finally capitulated. Funny thing is, they can’t even sell.

And another funny thing is that chainlink is not even on that securities list yet it dumped the most

>> No.55248542

>Chainlink reality check

sub $5 is now a reality lol

got my buy orders ready for $0.995 (so its only 1 dollar with fees)

>> No.55248544

LINK wasn't even in the SEC list, I bet there were some tears in the discord when you all saw that.

>> No.55248546


>> No.55248548

>The writing is on the wall
ive been hearing this for 7 years.

>> No.55248549

You may want to look up what "capitulated" means because you seem to think it means "anticipated the future and beat everyone to the most important asset of our lifetimes"

>> No.55248556

Can you retards finally fuck off already?

>> No.55248557
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>> No.55248559

Which ones?

>> No.55248564

That's a strange picture, anon, but I hope you had a nice time making it.

>> No.55248573

The link faggots who've been spamming this board for years while their useless erc shittoken keeps dumping

>> No.55248574

Are you talking about xrp?

>> No.55248581
File: 2.70 MB, 960x720, never selling to jews.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This vid is more relevant than ever

>> No.55248587
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Oh no sorry we just got namedropped by SWIFT, that's another decade of hopium on its own even if nothing else happens.
You can read about it here if you want:

>> No.55248596

nigger i'm having the same retarded discussion about swift with you faggots since 2017.

>> No.55248604

Yes and now it's confirmed to be at stage 2 of a pilot.
So LINKies have been right for 6 years. Pretty cool, huh?

>> No.55248609

yeah nice gains bro so smart, inflation did better over the years

>> No.55248613

just 2 more stages mahween hodl the line!!!

>> No.55248628
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No it didn't :)

>> No.55248636

Show me your ICO buy... oh wait.

>> No.55248638

Sergey will release CCIP the day Gensler declares $LINK to be a security top kek

>> No.55248653 [DELETED] 
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Stare into my eyes and hear my words linkie

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL hold those link bags. You WILL be happy with a 20% dump. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently grateful," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to live without the pumps. You're going to share your profits with the state. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to regret it.

>> No.55248654

>crypto is getting shut down by the SEC so it’s over
1. Link isn't 'crypto' and the SEC won't touch it as the banks want it
2. The US isn't the rest of the world. In fact it's dying as we speak

>> No.55248656

Gensler is just shaking normies out

>> No.55248666
File: 32 KB, 2708x100, Screen Shot 2023-06-10 at 10.30.05 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Block ending in 68 (last block before cutoff ended in 75). 7 ETH for 18,200 LINK. 2000 days ago, can you believe it!

>> No.55248667

looks like this shitcoin is finally dying, hooray!

>> No.55248676

>muh banks want it
no they don’t lmfao
>usa isn’t the world
the entire west goes in lock step.

>> No.55248696

the usa is basically the world

>> No.55248701

Kek fuddies

>> No.55248703
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link holders really are brainwashed chuds

>> No.55248705
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5 out of 6 of them do.

>> No.55248712

>dumps 15%
no one cares about your boring shitcoin

>> No.55248714

Too late linkbros. I solded. Goodbye.
I'm a BTC maxi now. The only coin that makes sense really. Let's be realistic.

>> No.55248722

A huge number of people on /biz/ care, just check the catalog.

>> No.55248732

they're all laughing at you

>> No.55248738

That still counts as caring.

>> No.55248742

>Once that happens expect staking V1.0 to be live before 12/12/2023.
Sergey himself has said v0.2 in a year in his blog you coping faggot

>> No.55248757

>my shitcoin is failing because America is dying!
Linkcucks are worse than xrp schizos at this point

>> No.55248760

Rishi Sunak, UK PM, richest MP in country, UNELECTED, placed into position. His family essentially own Infosys. He is in power purely to deliver CBDC etc. Small example. It is happening. Look around you.

>> No.55248785

Checked, he fucked right off. Probably begging the discord for a response.

>> No.55248802

holy fucking cringelord
>h-he’s in the discord!
linkniggers and their delusional boogeymen they make up to cope with their bags

>> No.55248818

Are your 7 posts ITT indicative of how little you care about Chainlink?

>> No.55248828

you know you’re getting desperate when you think 7 posts in a thread mocking linknigger subhumanshits is a lot

>> No.55248837

CBDC != Chainlink
Stop trying to make everything about chainlink. It is a mental illness. I was just like you.

It is happening. 15% dump, look around you.

>> No.55248849
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Sergey is literally asked about the LINK token right here in an interview from yesterday, and he basically completely dodges the question. The LINK token will get scrapped sooner or later as a purely technical decision.

>> No.55248854

Do you usually do a lot more? Because nobody cares about Chainlink?

>> No.55248867

is the price completely obliterated and continuing its downward trend to zero?

>> No.55248876

It’s was
10x in eth and Btc a few months ago Kek

>> No.55249007


>> No.55249036

Bragging about 90k you made in 7 years crypto. Could’ve better got a minimum wage job. Imagine if you went all in on BNB instead of stink. Truely pathetic

>> No.55249096

My fears manifested.
New lower low on both USD and BTC charts and it happened upon the announcement of Swift using CCIP.

There was never a doubt of the manipulation, but this is a good reminder.
This manipulation went on longer than expected and may end soon, but until there is a proof of a change the expectation is a continuation of it.

This could be the spring of the famed Jackoff accumulation, but unfortunately only those in the circle know what comes next.

As for longer term investors this doesn't change their investment perspective.
Ironically the risk decreases the lower the price goes because the manipulation increases as the certainty of the project's success increases.
The main requirement for an investor is patience.

From that perspective the current events is a sign that the time for a change is coming closer.

>> No.55249113

Checked Satan but you just doxed yourself to the cabal.
A date and the amount is enough to find your wallet.

You may need to move your funds to a different wallet and remove the tracks on chain.
If they were not already monitoring your wallet you can be sure that they will do it now.

>> No.55249157
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>Sergey: The economics and the token economics really can be defined in Chainlink Tokenomics 2.0... basically it hinges on people paying user fees in order to create greater degrees of security as greater amounts of value are secured within the system. so basically as the value secured within the system rises, the need to pay larger and larger user fees should grow because people will be willing to pay for greater degrees of security to guarantee the security of their applications, whether it's defi market data, gaming applications, other financial applications. Basically, user fees should grow with the value secured because people need more security to secure greater amounts of value.


>> No.55249174


>> No.55249186

Is 350 link enough to make it?

>> No.55249192

Fucking lol saved

>> No.55249410
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kekfuddies seem to be a bit salty that they're putting all this work in but the only thing people here will be doing is sluuuuuurping the cheap linkies

>> No.55249420

Market is getting ready for the link pump. $100 eom

>> No.55249425

feels like stealing at these prices right?

>> No.55249436

if link goes much lower ill probably see if i can get an extra credit card or 2 to max out

>> No.55249452

I've been around for too long to believe this BS hype

When the CCIP comes out (if) it's gonna be some bs pre alpha stage that's used by some bs defi and ponzi games and COPERs will come out saying shit like:
>dude of course it needs to get tested properly before banks use it he he link was always a 2027 play
I guarentee it, screen cap this post, whatever new development comes out it's ALWYAS a disappointment in pre omega stage that needs to be le tested and audited he he
>muh staking v1.0030383
>muh intel sgx v 0.65272
>muh PSD2 v1.767238
>muh CCIP v0.0000 pre alpha beta shit piss dick

You guys just hear another buzzword 'development' and think it's gonna be some ground breaking milestone, that shit would have worked (affect price) in 2017, not 6 years later when nobody cares about buzzwords anymore

>> No.55249460

Would you prefer half assed broken products that got hacked, like everything else in crypto?

>> No.55249472

I'd prefer any product at this point, broken or not. But considering a 500 person strong team with billions in funding and years of development time struggle to develop an unlock feature in less than 9 months, I'm not holding much hope that anything will be released this year. What an absolute disaster.

>> No.55249473
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>> No.55249476

That was already confirmed by swift starting a new round of testing, so no way they're in any initial launch.

Not that that's a surprise. I've said for years institutions are slow, you will see tests upon tests PUBLICLY before anything becomes a new backend to major infrastructure. People in crypto always reveal themselves as spit bubbling nigger brains thinking major banks are playing subtle games concealing mass adoption of blockchain.

>> No.55249477

people said that in 2017
>dude of course they need to rewrite to code to GOlang
>dude obviously it needs to be audited for the big boys to start rolling in

the reality is that the institutions don't give a flying fuck about any of this shit, they just virtue signal pretending to keep up with the innovations, they are making money and keeping control with the current systems too well to care about some bs that doesn't even work

>> No.55249492

Blockchain tech had a long long way to go initially to be anything remotely useful to business. Decentralization itself was worthless when centralized server systems were well tested, trustworthy and efficient. For a company to put any weight on what's basically a nice ideal like decentralized finance it had to be basically as efficient as the current solution and arguably it's still not there yet either. Adoption and testing begins AFTER that point.

>> No.55249493

based retard

>> No.55249498

Pump soon wagmi

>> No.55249508

nah, the retards are the ones ignoring the swift announcements and sergeys talks and not dcaing
and also the kekfuddies thinking that just hard spamming 26 link fud threads will get anyone to sell rather than buy lmao

>> No.55249510
File: 384 KB, 1284x636, 5CCDB869-7E25-4198-9142-C6086C1C6445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lthe institutions don't give a flying fuck about any of this shit
Checked. Let’s agree to disagree on that one.

>> No.55249537

>decentralized finance it had to be basically as efficient as the current solution and arguably it's still not there yet either.
and it never will be because decentralized and security is the opposite of efficiency, you can't have the latter without sacrificing the former, after 14 years and so many $billions wasted in development people should realize this by now

it's a fucking joke, 6 years, hundreds of millions of dollars and simply can't write a code that does it's job and we supposedly landed on the moon and came back 50 years ago, give a proper team of devs and they create a beautifully looking game with advanced game play but a bunch of greedy bastards that took millions of dollars just sit on their hands hiring HR roasties pretend it's some cimplicated issue

If this CCPi shit ever comes out, Sergey will come out with another excuse why shit isn't moving forward, they will come up with another buzzwords missing piece of tech that needs to get developped and they sure as fuck will spend another 5 years 'developing' and testing it, while dumping premined tokens on gulible retards because why not

>> No.55249557

and i can tell this is the guy that writes 50+ pbtid worth of essays about blue cube bad
seems like they've got everyone on deck today, probably losing their minds every time someone says they're going to buy link rather than sell it

>> No.55249559

>The LINK token will get scrapped sooner or later as a purely technical decision.
it fulfilled its purpose, there is really no reason to hang on to it. development, houses and cars got funded. waiting for the IPO was always the smart play

>> No.55249566

He's right you know

>> No.55249570

Well there's more to it than just speed and cost of data processing, part of efficiency is cost of lawyers, middle men etc.

That said it's still FAR more efficient to use traditional contracts and just eat legal costs than to use some weird 10 tx per minute blockchain solution that may suffer an exploit at some point and for which you still need experienced blockchain legal analysts. The dumps we're seeing right now are possible because all crypto value is still speculative.

>> No.55249593

how much usd (ticker: usd) are you down rn?

>> No.55249615

I've been posting the obvious fractal head and shoulders patterns that have been forming and people thought I was trolling because I posted robinhood charts

>> No.55249625

up by 6 figures still
not also counting the fact that i already own my house without a mortgage thanks to the an+shares / neo rebrand so its still comfy days

>> No.55249674

He is seeking to save you. Your feeble mind is incapable of comprehending the scope and stature of this project and thus unworthy of eventually being rewarded for your patience of holding such a prestigious digital asset.

>> No.55249686
File: 449 KB, 1170x844, E9E4DF7A-723B-4AEE-A3EE-C549EDA4D360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once that happens expect staking V1.0 to be live before 12/12/2023.
But what did this blog meant by this?

>> No.55249695
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>saving him
desu i just like tormenting them because they hate being here, and they have just one (1) job that they've been fucking up for years because they make it so obvious

>> No.55249700

What’s more likely, they actually allow the coin to go up, or they scrap the token itself and screw everyone over because no one important is actually invested in it?

>> No.55249730

that's most likely what's gonna happen, the pressure by the SEC will just speed this up, sergey will scrap the token, rebrand the project as a new company do an IPO to accredited investors from Big Black Cock or Fidelity and all you'll see is a middle finger at the end, the token was never needed for anything more than funding his deep pockets

>> No.55249871

Fuck your cheap hopium, do you know that before v1 staking, v0.2 needs to come first right? They promised v0.2 so people can unlock their linkies, but they won't at these price levels

>> No.55249904

>at which point stackers can unlock their staked LINK and rewards
>and rewards

Build airdrops coming before end of year frens

>> No.55249916

It means staking rewards bro

>> No.55249956
File: 90 KB, 1056x792, 1667557178854601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason I'm staying strong and not selling is that all my linkies are staked
thank you past-me for protecting current-me

>> No.55250130

Why would you sell during a dump caused by SEC regulation that doesn’t even apply to chainlink

>> No.55250251

nice satan. I was too dumb to setup an ethereum wallet back then. managed to get over 1k in recent years.
I just don't feel like selling, lol. use a filter

>> No.55250728

Haven’t you idiots realized yet that the speculation is a lot more profitable than the actual news? Swift being public knowledge means link can dump now

>> No.55250752

Based and checked. Post your wisdom old fag.

>> No.55250784
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$5 dollar LINK felt cheap 4 years ago. Now it is just insane.

Reminds me of the movie 'the rothschilds stake in waterloo'

>> No.55250836

>Reminds me of the movie 'the rothschilds stake in waterloo'
Which part of it? When the Jews say napoleon won at Waterloo and end up with a boat load of cheapies when stocks tank?

>> No.55250856

did u guys check uni swap price? the price impact is 8% if u want to buy link

>> No.55250864

>the rothschilds stake in waterloo
it's shares not stake

>> No.55250886
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no it isnt

>> No.55250894


>> No.55250911

But you do otherwise you wouldn't be here.
The eternally contrarian conundrum that destroys the fudder, he spends all day commenting in threads about boring shitcoins he has zero interest in instead of doing literally anything else with his time.

>> No.55250912

This is basically the same thing as Swift annoucing clearly that they WILL be using LINK and then LINK dumping 20% over the next few days.

Honestly this movie made Rothschild seem based.

>> No.55250984

Cool can’t wait to buy a sui stack of 100k in a few weeks at 9 cents

>> No.55251006

it was early on during the crash

>> No.55251098


>> No.55251189

cefi blowing up last year twice in the span of a month, the september dump and even fucking ftx collapsing and market dumping millions in one go didnt crash the price to a new lower low, meanwhile the meme ta indicators on the btc and eth/link charts all pointed to reversal
but now on no event and with swift namedropping link and ccip conformation there is a new lower low

outright unbelievable, but of course never selling as there is neither fundamental or technical reason to predict this mess anymore

>> No.55251283

>This could be the spring of the famed Jackoff accumulation
to know if it is look at the PA closely in the coming hours/days
what we are seeing now is indeed the essence of the jackoff meme, a single market entity dumping a lot on the market to check wether there are any panic sellers left to liquidate
so a single big red candle like this with stable PA afterwards is indeed the composite man testing the waters to complete the accumulation, to put in crypto terms if this ends up being a negabart that correspondents with the spring
if however we see continued bleeding then its very bad

>> No.55251295

the whales shat on linkiesbagholders so much they think crap tastes ok

>> No.55251306

the jackoff spring

>> No.55252017
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>> No.55252111

started consolidated my shit coins into link to increase my stack its pretty much a guarantee win at this point

>> No.55252320

>reality check
>proceeds to spout hopium delusions.
The only reality check you need is to look at the chart nigga

>> No.55252344

kek baggies.

>> No.55252347

Reality is fud.
It’s hilarious.

>> No.55252372

>kekfuddies frothing at the mouth because linkies keep buying
sorry fellas i know its upsetting for you but thats just your reality - thousands of hours of fudding for no effect

>> No.55252381

No, please, don’t buy 100 more link! Oh no, I can’t take it anymore! Oh it burns!

Check the price.

>> No.55252400

still at a great buy-in price!
guess ill buy more while you sit here pretending not to care 24/7

>> No.55252420

You got me I actually want to buy link.
I’m tempted to buy one (1) at $1.00 or below, maybe 0.1 or 0.01 to keep around as a reminder of all the people who bought into this shit and to chuckle at.

>> No.55252432

My boy, you spent thousands of hours defending the honor of chainlink all to no effect. Infact youre poorer now then you were in 2018/2019.
And it doesnt help that linkies got set back 4 years in their investing compared to the general market due to having atrocious performance all of 2021.
Despite your shilling into the void, the price just keeps going lower. Maybe you should shill harder!
Your situation is like being a guy on an inflatable raft desperately trying to row against the current in a tsunami, all for naught

>> No.55252436

WTF does this mean? Do people who want to use the Chainlink network have to buy the token? It sounds like the token is some kind of insurance thing rather than a fundamental part of the technology.

>> No.55252441

How does $28,350,000 sound? ;^)

>> No.55252454

>more rants about this token they apparently dont care about
yeah definitely going to keep buying
how do you say
"i hate it when linkies buy link tokens" in the language you speak at home?

>> No.55252460

The banking system in use today is painfully inefficient. It takes days for transactions to settle.

>> No.55252463

Buy more tokens. Doesn’t hurt me if you carry such heavy bags.

>> No.55252484

That's not what a smart contract does you retard

>> No.55252492

DONS need to be paid in LINK to process oracle or CCIP requests, and are incentivized to perform a good job or the LINK they've put up as collateral for the job requester will be slashed and given to the requester as an insurance payout.

>> No.55252494

but you seem to be pretty upset about it
why is that?
also can you please just let me know, in the language you speak at home:
how would you say ""i hate it when linkies buy link tokens"

>> No.55252522

You are like a broken clock at this point. Its very clear you are deeply insecure and fearful of your investment. Cant let someone sully the reputation of your bag wife on an obscure gambling forum with 100 users. I hope you find closure some day

>> No.55252537

Can you point to the post that I was upset in?

>> No.55252575

sorry i wasnt actually gonna read any of that
glad / sorry that happened
still going to be accumulating
give a number from one to ten to express how upset this makes you

>> No.55252650 [DELETED] 

did a salty janny ban me again for no reason?

>> No.55252656


>> No.55252666

I recognize your text patterns. They only you bring you out at critical moments. You’re like the boss level fudder. I just want to let you know I am buying an absolute fuck ton.

>> No.55252668
File: 21 KB, 467x467, 31ee946a4a23d88d02cb6748cf231f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i buy link? why?
is there a general thread?
how is the distribution of the tokens? coinmarketcap shows that there is 50% left to be deployed.

>> No.55252845

where were you the past 6 years

>> No.55252913
File: 76 KB, 1024x510, CCIP real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CCIP is proof-of-stake for the sum total of all blockchains connected by CCIP. If you recognize how a token is needed to secure Ethereum's proof-of-stake, or Avalanche's proof-of-stake then it should be obvious to you why a token is needed to secure Chainlink's proof-of-stake. It's just another layer of consensus. Proof-of-stake on top of proof-of-stake.

>> No.55252945

>how do you say
>"i hate it when linkies buy link tokens" in the language you speak at home?
Top kek

>> No.55253043

not buying your ccp bags pajeet


>> No.55253051

>Do people who want to use the Chainlink network have to buy the token?
if the answers you got seem to dodge the question, that's because price feeds are entirely free to use. they get "sponsored", usually by link bagholders themselves or projects that see that fee as a marketing expense

>> No.55253065

Are they called LINK marines because they are often underwater?

>> No.55253080

literally built for big brown clydesdales

>> No.55253101

If Chainlink becomes central to the financial system, the big players that use it will get whatever they need from Sergey. Citi Bank is not going to be buying your bags on Coinbase.

Just think of how absurd it would be for any serious institution to buy crypto tokens on the open market next to shitcoins like PEPE and SHIB. Do you think someone at Goldman Sachs is going to scroll past SUSHI to buy your token?

>> No.55253107

They will buy from Sergey duh

>> No.55253118

Sergey doesn't say anything about staked LINK tokens. His answer was some weird gibberish about buying more decentralization. If the token were staked to run the nodes then he would just say that wouldn't he?

>> No.55253157

Fuck them, they are not going anywhere, I feel this will just boomerang thing sooner. Meme will loose liquidity and I would now invest in projects that are just working in healthcare.

>> No.55253177

no fucking shit the biggest banks on the planet will get LINK from sergey, we've known this since 2017, that's literally what Sergey said during ICO. "The extra tokens will be used to subsidize clients and nodes"

but what about the lesser banks? non-bank entities? middle-level corporations? not all of them can get it for free. they will have to buy.
and of course, once SWIFT and the biggest banks on the planet have gotten free LINK it's in their best interest to have the tokens price rise so that they can claim that they hold X in value. and of course retail will buy it because LINK will still be listed freely on exchanges.

the fuck kind of retard post is this anon, seriously. it's like you've never been on /biz/ before, this is obvious 2017 level stuff.

>> No.55253183

That is not the point
The point is op thinks that staking v1.0 is coming this year.

>> No.55253197

sergey was just fuckin mum
any legit project or another scam or eyewash nigga

>> No.55253246

Holy fuck it all just clicked for me… I just went all in on chainlink

>> No.55253273

Immunfiy life, might soon have its IDO too

>> No.55253541
File: 117 KB, 1280x706, 1686424171074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre like the boss level fudder.
Thanks for the compliment I am flattered, satan.
My advice is for you guys to keep buying, it will only provide me with future lulz.
>the range has been broken
I can clearly spell it out for you, because I know you will ignore it in order not to unravel your fragile delusion. I can safely say that the future is looking very bright for the fudchads

>> No.55253553
File: 9 KB, 195x259, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? SEE? I PEE!

>> No.55253718

if thats true why is chainlink down 90%? why are you shilling a scam? fuck off

>> No.55253738


>> No.55253741

kek fuddies, first i looked at your graph and i was 4.4 isnt even so bad i am no high time preference gambling addict but invest for the long term, i'll just average cost down lol

but then i noticed something weird about that tradingview chart
>tarihinde yayinlandi
in the header space, what fucking nigger speak is this i thought to myself luckily google translate comes to the rescue and informs me its turkroach

so once again gentlemen here we have the idiocy of the fudders on full display that they cant even switch their tv accounts to english and lol thirdworld shitskins are bieng paid a bowl of rice or durum or whatever goattesticles to come fud here
shouldnt you be more worried about the lira imploding, i am betting in lira btc is still in a bullmarket

>> No.55253777

GET FUCKED ROACH BACK TO THE DISCORD YOU GO! I can only hope your whole family was crushed in that earthquake

>> No.55253812


Checked. Short & to the point, just what these newfags need.

Welcome to the TFD market
Total Fuddie Death

>> No.55254019

I love how everyone here is excited about their own enslavement. I guess I don’t mind that much I got the 80’s and 90’s under my belt, and shut was still relatively kino until about 2010 running on fumes from the 90’s. All you zoomer faggots will never experience what we had. Just jacking off to anime porn.

>> No.55254047

token not needed

>> No.55254070

How does 3.5 million dollars sound?

>> No.55254127
File: 190 KB, 491x498, 1683576797719917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek
top check

>> No.55254310

Thanks just bought 100 stinkies

>> No.55254403
File: 44 KB, 620x675, 1686430628537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you posted the graph therefore youre the one who made it
Kek I noticed that too I knew you would love the easter egg
Looks like the turks just linked up with the bulgarians!

Its going to $1.80 btw

>> No.55254453

and he comes back with a comeback
but tv changes the language to your own regardless of who made it
unless you are admitting with your post that you are too low iq to log into tv yourself and instead get your images precropped from a turkish discord
which brings us right back to the same conclusion you are of roach

>> No.55254508
File: 362 KB, 1174x709, 1686431517528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah im personally sitting here, spending my saturday on trading view drawing charts for your shitcoin
Im genuinely surprised you didnt reverse image search it for clues to catch those pesky bulgarian and now possibly turkish fudders

>> No.55254527
File: 10 KB, 293x361, 1622053165059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gay, bro

>> No.55254536

lol you cant reverse image search trading charts they look too much alike, unless the source is some very popular poster you will not find it without doing way too much effort
still doesnt change the point that i made that i proofs you get it from a turkish discord which is even worse for your position itt

>> No.55254571

Imagine not slurping everything right now.

>> No.55254583

Im not even into link but this video gave me a pretty good laugh

>> No.55254599
File: 6 KB, 141x142, 1686432222762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh its just taken from twitter. But i am happy to oblige on this narrative if you guys want to go ahead on it.
Should we add turk fudders to the official fud lore? The storyline could use some spicing up

>> No.55254641

post the link then and lets see what high quality tweets we are throwing into the board

>yeah im personally sitting here, spending my saturday on trading view drawing charts for your shitcoin
you dont open your own free i might add tv account, but yet you do spend your saturday evening continuing to fud on biz for free
kinda hard to imagine how opening tv is so much harder to accomplish than posting here or is somehow a worse way to spend your time
with every post you make you just make yourself look more low iq you do know this right

>> No.55254848
File: 435 KB, 769x463, 1673049429564569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are not the protagonist in this lore , you are merely a side quest low level goblin

>> No.55254876

so you guys can't even defeat the low level goblins? Maybe your quest is doomed to fail

>> No.55254893
File: 113 KB, 684x894, 1686434644417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really expect me to sift through twitter bot spam for some random graph so i can prove im not turkish...?

Ok I AM turkish. I am a new fud agent sent by the instanbul ministry of finance to assist the bulgarian cause. Operation TCD Total chainlink death. I am known in the financial world as the great KARA BOGA
The armenian genocide will look like a tea party compared to the total annihilation the BTC TURKS will inflict on chaincels

>> No.55254931
File: 37 KB, 656x243, 1680549436109998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quest goal : Do not let the lower forms of sentience make you drop your bags . They work hard and for literal shekels . Their master mr.silverstein is a ruthless tyrant

>> No.55255073

>spends 35 minutes on his Saturday night to create a crappy meme no one will save or repost
Top kek. What an existence

>> No.55255136
File: 16 KB, 140x140, 1686436727931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your tone when you speak to me baggie. I just called in a favor from an old friend

>> No.55256029

Just catching up on this thread. Are you the faggot who “polices” every Link thread 24/7 always saying youre buying more? What do you do if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.55256748
File: 43 KB, 736x902, 40635649d0945b0eeabf4f0f8d866a4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just fucking hilarious that you're here enough to notice this kind of shit . If i can help you a bit , hes autistic and you're just a poor subhuman , need any more help?

>> No.55257031
File: 219 KB, 541x734, 1686451099055360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is your darkest hour, take heed of this warning, fellow LINK Marine: do not sell your Chainlink.

SWIFT posted this on their LinkedIn 4 days ago, tagging ANZ, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Clearstream, Euroclear, Lloyds Banking Group, SIX Digital Exchange, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) and, last but certainly not least, Chainlink Labs.

The following are the Total Assets of each financial institution, as of 2022.
ANZ: A$1.09 trillion
BNP Paribas: €2.67 trillion
BNY Mellon: $214.805 billion
Clearstream: €17.17 billion
Euroclear: €37.6 trillion
Lloyds Banking Group: £877.8 billion
SIX Digital Exchange (A SIX Group company): Unknown, however SIX Group reported CHF 17,171.7 million in total assets in 2022.
DTCC: $2.50 QUADRILLION (Total Value of Securities Processed)

As of today 11 June 2023, Chainlink has a FDV of $5.2 billion.

God speed, LINK Marines.

>> No.55257038


>We’re collaborating with the Swift community globally to test how institutions can use their Swift connection to seamlessly interoperate with the multitude of blockchain networks emerging around the world.

>Institutional investors increasingly are considering investments in tokenised assets as they seek new forms of value — but they face a complex challenge. These investments are tracked on a diverse range of blockchain networks that are not interoperable - each has its own functionality or liquidity profile, which creates significant overhead and friction in managing and trading the assets.

>Overcoming this fragmentation will be key to the long-term scalability of the market and, aligned with our focus on removing friction in international transactions, we are working with our community to explore a potential solution. In a new set of experiments, we will collaborate with more than a dozen major financial institutions and FMIs including Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ), BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Citi, Clearstream, Euroclear, Lloyds Banking Group, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) – to test how firms can leverage their existing Swift infrastructure to efficiently instruct the transfer of tokenised value over a range of public and private blockchain networks.

>Chainlink, a leading Web3 services platform, will provide connectivity across public and private blockchains for these experiments.

>> No.55257065

Anyone selling their LINK genuinely deserves to fail. Chainlink is next fucking gen.

>> No.55257096

where do i stake my link as a newfag

>> No.55257100

by the defi protocols that no one users funded by VCs
so basically
Chainlink's (((free))) price feeds are funded by the VCs
And this makes them seeth which is why they pay you to blogpost on here

>> No.55257116
File: 20 KB, 318x159, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a chainlink spirit bomb thread.
Lend me your energy anons
We will not be defeated.
Never selling
Janice's are gay

>> No.55257122

And by Janice I meant JANNIES. Sangria caught up with me. Kameeeeehaaaaameeehaaaaa

>> No.55257149
File: 128 KB, 700x700, 1521281693900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah

>> No.55257156

>bank interests is increasing the value of the TNN
what a crock of shit. Its been 7 years, get off the fucking hopium

>> No.55257254

Sorry anon, pool's closed. Maybe they'll increase the pool size at V0.2 or V1.0.

>> No.55257475

>The price will stabalize at a level that equals the collateral of trillions of dollars worth of assets globally
they will not be ready by 2024

>> No.55258108


>> No.55258134

They crashed the ENTIRE GLOBAL MARKET just to suppress this news, its also no longer on the front page news on their website. And get this no one outside of /biz gives a flying fuck. I am in awe. They really don't want linkies to make it. They must despise the marines, from the ICO 17 OGs to the newest off nufags. Do not be surprised if the make the token defunct just to shake you out anons.

>> No.55258726

Time flies

>> No.55258887
File: 296 KB, 3769x1331, 12227022813458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i don't police sentiment on biz like a literal subjanny tier lifeform who will run 20+ fud threads in the catalog while spamming this discussion thread with fud as well - aka the average kekfuddie lmao

i owe a lot to biz thanks to eth, neo, and link so i just like occasionally laughing at the expense of the europoor coomers that discovered biz in 2021, bought the top at $50 and have been shitting up this (link) board ever since

>> No.55260020


>> No.55260073

>so once again gentlemen here we have the idiocy of the fudders on full display that they cant even switch their tv accounts to english and lol thirdworld shitskins are bieng paid a bowl of rice or durum or whatever goattesticles to come fud here
Fucking lol