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File: 2.22 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230609_105320918_HDR-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55241040 No.55241040 [Reply] [Original]

I always felt dumb but a "real" IQ test given by a psychologist had me at 106. But according to an online test I'm borderline retarded. I guess my slightly above average verbal skills on the official test covered up the fact that I'm a fucking moron. Or years of depression and drugs rotted my brain.

I guess retard IQ was still enough to make money off crypto and meme stocks at least.

>> No.55241056

No man in the world can change my mind that these IQ tests are completely retarded and that someone could "learn" how to nail these through training and experience

>> No.55241063

>Retard IQ
>Uses phone to take picture of computer to post screenshot
I always wondered how dumb the people who did this were

>> No.55241068

Testing for IQ is bullshit.

>> No.55241085

The very fact that you wrote that post proves that your judgment is wrong.

>> No.55241088

The first score when you take it blind is the only one that matters

I blocked 4chan on my laptop

>> No.55241117

Holy fuck you're retarded.
Leave here kindly, I always wondered myself who also was taking pictures of a screencap, it makes perfect sense why arguing with you over these years has lowered my average IQ.

>> No.55241116

You're right I think. I wanted to know what my IQ was, so some anons recommended I find multiple different IQ tests and take those repeatedly every day for a week. By the end I was averaging in the 140s and I know I'm not that smart. Equally, one day I took one of the tests after receiving some particularly bad news and I scored 86, even though my average the day before was 135. This made me think it's all bullshit, you could have somebody grieving take an IQ test and in all odds they'd come out borderline retarded just because they got given the test on a bad day.

>> No.55241123

>according to an online test I'm borderline retarded.
>all the online iq tests I had gave me around 130, the less I got was 124 as far as I remember
>I guess my slightly above average verbal skills on the official test covered up the fact that I'm a fucking moron.
I'm terrible at expressing myself, I even stutter.
>Or years of depression and drugs rotted my brain.
I have been depressed as long as I remember and I tried weed at least once and it was painful, same for cigarettes.
>I guess retard IQ was still enough to make money off crypto and meme stocks at least.
I still didn't make any profit off crypto. How do I do? How did you do?

>> No.55241129

How could it be wrong though? The scores are based on the data from users who took the test. I scored below average. I might not have exactly 87 IQ but I'm probably not far off.

I suck at a seeing visual and numerical patterns basically. The test doesn't have a verbal component but I think that doesn't mean much when it comes to IQ.

>> No.55241131

Clearly they are.
As a statistical indicator they are OK.
To reduce intelligence to a natural number... Well, each to their own, huh?

>> No.55241138

I explained why I didn't use a screen cap retard

>> No.55241139

Yeah I know, you're still retarded man.

>> No.55241173

Kek me too op. A few years back i was obsessed with trying to prove to myself that i was smart, so i took and retook a bunch of these tests until i got like 135 or something on average. In reality i'm dumb af and i probably am closer to 100 or slightly above, as that's what i was getting at first.

>> No.55241181

> a "real" IQ test given by a psychologist had me at 106.
I'd give more weight to the actual test. Even so, you mentioned drug use which can lower your IQ but usually not to the level of 106 -> 87 thats more than a full SD.
If youre a midwit just buy index funds, and learn a practical trade (plumbing, electrician, welding, etc.) For the love of god don't trade.

>> No.55241195

I can't access 4chan from that computer. I'm not going to jump through extra hoops to send a screen cap it to my phone when I can just take a picture. I made this thread only expecting to get mocked so I can laugh at myself a bit so thanks for calling me retarded over something trivial rather than the IQ test

>> No.55241200
File: 22 KB, 554x554, 1619176648636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I blocked 4chan on my laptop

>> No.55241202

found the IQlet

>> No.55241225

I don't get it though. Usually online tests are known for inflating your score. I've been completely sober for a year. Apparently the drugs did a number on me

>> No.55241247

I use my laptop for self study stuff and block distracting websites. But after taking this test I think I need to accept that I'm a brainlet and I'll be working at the Amazon warehouse till my grave

>> No.55241294

It is the IQ test brianlet.

>> No.55241309

You scored whatever you scored, but someone whom we commonly think of as "having an IQ of 87" would not have been able to write that coherent post. While you say the words "I'm borderline retarded", it is evidently not true.

>> No.55241313
File: 118 KB, 1626x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55241328

Congratulations on staying sober, keep it up. Hard work works though, you're not bound to a specific outcome because of your IQ. All you need to do is google "man with highest iq" and find out that he never invented or did anything

>> No.55241382

that same website has theoretical physicist at an average of 106.76 IQ

>> No.55241417


I'm able to string together coherent sentences and have an average sense of self awareness, but according to the test my ability to detect patterns and logic is rather low, which I feel is accurate based on my real world experience. When I look at those visual puzzles it's like my brain turns into a brick. Part of it is from anxiety .

I could probably figure them out but it takes me twice as long as it should. I'm not going to stop trying to learn stuff but I'm worried about my future prospects.

Part of it is from anxiety . When i took the professional IQ test I had almost no performance anxiety. Since then I've become highly self conscious and get bad performance anxiety.

>> No.55241426

Doesnt matter buddy. You be you. You're a labourer. You're smart enough to get by in this world. If you're going home putting dinner on the table for the family you're a winner. Fuck the haters. Seriously, you can't do anything about this other than to accept you're not smart - don't try to be. Spot people who are smart and listen to them.

>> No.55241456

You are literally demonstrating your ability to detect patterns. What you wrote is accurate self-analysis. You are providing me with direct evidence that what you're claiming is wrong by the very act of describing it.
>Part of it is from anxiety . When i took the professional IQ test I had almost no performance anxiety. Since then I've become highly self conscious and get bad performance anxiety.
Fear is for running away from tigers, not for thinking about stuff calmly. Nobody is solving logic-puzzles when he thinks that he must be running away from tigers.

>> No.55241613

How do you do the problem with the 4 numbers and the equilateral triangle? I guessed 3 times on that one. I also didn't understand the 3x3 grid with the black and white bars.

>> No.55241755

I got 107 doing this. I couldn't even finish all questions before the time was up.
In others tests i got much more.

>> No.55241770

>How do you do the problem with the 4 numbers and the equilateral triangle?
This is what I didn't get from the rest.

>> No.55241936

Lemme guess you hold link

>> No.55242075

How much link do you hold?

>> No.55242084
File: 52 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20230609-143902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

>> No.55242141
File: 2.91 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230609_125217597_HDR-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the test two more times, second try got an 87 then I ate some food and I think that helped BECAUSE GUESS WHO SCORED 108? THIS GUY!!! I DID IT GUYS, IM OFFICIALLY NOT RETARDED. IM CURED!!!

>> No.55242250
File: 76 KB, 1358x569, Getonemylevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna take the test but my adhd is too powerful today and I feel like shit.
Nailed the first four questions then I gave up.
Get on my level nigger.

>> No.55242297

I think it is the last one
The white bar follows a pattern of advancing 2 columns per frame, and it follows a pattern of 2 of the same shape and then changing, from short to long stick

>> No.55242337

i think its f
>t. schizo

>> No.55242349
File: 88 KB, 1073x540, 506983409867094358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half assed attempt.
Guessed 5 questions.

>> No.55242361

I haven't had any coffee today I took it seriously for about 5 min then decided this threads just to waste peoples time.
Who gives a fuck about your IQ it doesn't get you laid or get you social credits.

>> No.55242386

>follows a pattern of 2 of the same shape and then changing, from short to long stick
I'm not seeing this

>> No.55242407

f feels correct because of the movement of the white bar, but I do not understand the length of the bars.

>> No.55242417

Someone on pol pointed out that each answer is a repeat of one of the 8 boxes above, except f

>> No.55242420

So by the way these IQ tests are trick questions
>t. 146 IQ in the third grade.
My spatial awareness is genius level because it's just trick questions.
So look at all the patterns, find the one in the bottom that isn't displayed.
There's your answer.
This kinda shit caused me to get divorced at 21 not even kidding.
my ex was a brainlet who thought she was smart.

>> No.55242428

Answers F

>> No.55242440

>This kinda shit caused me to get divorced at 21
Can relate. Stay strong brother.

>> No.55242441

>low iqs seething
only people scoring low would even question iq tests
primarily because they are dumb so they don’t even understand how they are functioning and what they test
but also because their ego is hurt
145iq talking
bow down you imbeciles

>> No.55242442

F is correct it's just asking you which pattern isn't listed without directly saying that because it's too obvious.
The IQ part is basically asking you if you're quick enough to notice the pattern that isn't listed.

This kinda test with fruit is what killed a relationship I had, she couldn't understand why I was right without seconds, because it's not asking you to figure anything else but what the pattern difference is.

>> No.55242460

Regarding the white bar lenght issue

Long, Long, Short

Long, Long, Short

Short, Long, (Long)

You could add a fourth box to visualize the next Short one after the ? square, or you could cap the visualization pattern at 3 boxes with x2 long to x1 short

Sorry, I don't know how to explain it better. I'm a 35yo NEET with no income or savings, but I always score crazy high in iq tests, plus my life is very weird in many aspects. I just kind of follow the patterns and visualize the answer. I hope that helps

>> No.55242463

Funny enough these questions cause arguments among lower IQ people, because you're overthinking the question.
High intelligence fires quickly it doesn't sit and ponder the question, it sees the answers and moves on.

>> No.55242471

Most of the questions do follow patterns though

>> No.55242479

She was jealous? Why didn't she create specially aware babies with you.

>> No.55242490

Right that's the point it's patterns and deduction nothing else, you see the same patterns twice, what is the outlier?
is your answer.

Midwits will do gymnastics on why F. isn't right but when they find out F. is the answer they will shit upon how you came to that conclusion, these people are sub 110 IQ.

>> No.55242500

>she couldn't understand why I was right without seconds
Women are not logical like we are. Even if you are "right" in that your thoughts and ideas are definitively producing a better outcome, or are of better quality, she will be displeased if she feels she is not taken into consideration, or that she is treated without regard for her opinions

>> No.55242503

She still tried I'm tall, extremely good looking and highly autisticly intelligent but I have a genetic issue that causes copper to flood my system and never leave, creating infertility, gods way of making sure I don't reproduce, if we had an army of me's this world word burn within a decade.

>> No.55242504

Hey bud, I don't think you're retarded and you shouldn't either. Did you know that on these (((IQ tests))) that almost all of the general public scores between a variance of 85-115? A -+15 point variance in either direction of the median (100) is considered perfectly normal and average. You may not be a rocket scientist or a particle physicist or a mathematician, but you are by no means stupid and you shouldn't think that of yourself.

>> No.55242523

got a 117 does that least mean I am not a midwit? or am i just in the upper bounds of average

>> No.55242529

Within seconds, typo I get ahead of myself.
and OP don't worry there's not that many autistics out there truly, high functioning anyway and we are usually lit up with health problems anyway that ruin any use of our intelligence.

Functional geniuses are much rarer than geniuses in general.

>> No.55242584

But they're saying F and F isn't a long stick

>> No.55242603
File: 39 KB, 562x522, 117 iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe what you're saying, but take it for real or else this proves I'm the smartest one here

>> No.55242614

f, because the pattern of where white is in rows one and two
2, 4 ,2
3, 1, 3
4, 2, 4
They also lose mass as they progress so it can't be C.

>> No.55242626

I bow down kang.

>> No.55242663

117 overall is above average, so you're doing fine man.

>> No.55242689
File: 143 KB, 780x993, Screenshot_20230609-135734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have decent spacial awareness, but can't even do mental math half the time

>> No.55242695

This seems like a data mining thread

>> No.55242696

>Testing for IQ is bullshit.

Considering how well correlated they are to other tests and metrics, they're clearly not bullshit.

>> No.55242698

I kneel

>> No.55242739

So 5/6 options are already in the puzzle, and F is the odd one out so it belongs in the puzzle (alongside the others that don't have a copy in the answer key)? (Hopefully that made sense)

How long would it take a high IQ person to figure this out? It seems like the logical thing to do would be to try to find all possible patterns which would take a few minutes. And only after that you'd have to figure out that it's a trick question

>> No.55242747


I took a few in highschool and received anywhere from 110 to 126. My military asvab was 78 with no proper training just blindly going in

That being said my highschool gpa was 0.2 and my graduate class I received a 2.6

I can’t tell if I’m dumb or just genuinely slightly above room temp

>> No.55242759

I scored a 19 on the reading portion of the ACT

>> No.55242782

How long to take on an IQ test is also a factor.
So it does take into account "how" you solved it

>> No.55242850

If my IQ was actually 86 that would put me in the majority, but wouldnt I basically be a minority within the majority? If 90% of people are between 85 and 115, couldn't that still mean that only 5% are below between 80 and 90%? So I would still be uncommonly stupid (These are made up numbers but hopefully you get what I mean)

>> No.55242863

Are between 85-90%*

>> No.55242952

IQ 122-136 is midwit, where one is so used to being aligned with common sense in an academic setting that they're unable to consider theoretical what-ifs. These are the people that will attempt to shoot down ideas without understanding them because they sound different. IQ 127 is an inside joke for that reason. Many of them truly believe the only difference between IQ 130 and 160 is speed when the difference is likely more qualitatively similar to a child compared to an adult, as can be visually demonstrated with the W-score of the Woodcock Johnson, an absolute Rasch scale of raw ability.

>> No.55243007

Did you do well in English, Math and history through out school and highschool? If no you are retarded if you were average then you are retarded to a normal degree if you were one of the top students of your grade then you're alright. Thats all there is to it, iq tests are retarded, competence should be measured by yearly income not some stupid test

>> No.55243068
File: 311 KB, 608x499, HONKjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is flexible.
While age does effect neuroplasticity, any brain will develop networks according to environmental stimuli.
When you see people 'break down' they are actually at a moment of extreme(for them) neuroplasticity and are panicknig because it is unfamiliar territory and they may fear they cannot keep up with it or that they will lose what they have already established. As old networks in the brain may be decaying from disuse and new networks formed at a very rapid pace.(Comparitively)
A brain with higher neuroplasticity, or that has frequented states of high neuroplasticity more often, will naturally do better at any event it is unprepared for.
A brain with lower neuroplasticity which has not needed to frequent high plasticity states will not do so well at new things and will usually seek a return to lower effort states with comfortable pathways already formed during any event it is unprepared for.
Therefore, it seems to me, it is most desirable to try new things as frequently as possible to develop the necessary chemical balances and foundational pathways for engaging in high plasticity states in order to be prepared for changes in stimuli.
And, i think, the age-plasticity correlation is due to the way people behave in their later years. Not because of any actual biological limitations on the chemicals necessary for plasticity. There is simply less incentive to try new things as we get older and most become increasingly unhealthy not only because of the effects of age, but the exposure to environmental toxins.
>tl;dr static iq is a meme, you can train yourself to do anything, age-based learning is FUD, smoothbrains are a meme, activity is the necessity for intelligence

>> No.55243077

My credit score is 978 and my IQ is 400 and I got 18,000 on my SAT

>> No.55243119

there are definitely plenty of high earners who are not high iq

checked, now this guy, I believe

>> No.55243149

k. I'll bring you a retard off 4chan, have fun 'training' him

>> No.55243261

Black hands wrote this.

>> No.55243350

Glowhands posted this.

>> No.55244666


>> No.55244736
File: 1020 KB, 5250x3375, 41736aa3-de33-4af5-a893-a8ab130227d7_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry bro. There are different "types" of intelligence or different ways that intelligence "manifests" so it's difficult to test for. It's a really funny thing to post though and I'm glad you did. You're smart to me OP, you were not a faggot today.

>> No.55244772
File: 410 KB, 1179x1943, 9DB0A1BA-F7AB-4082-92D4-C2E05C86AC71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain this. How the fuck is this logical reasoning related?

>> No.55244915

c'mon anon think hard, you can do this..

>> No.55245159

The later ones where there are 4 types of shapes are difficult

>> No.55245218

>No man in the world can change my mind that these IQ tests are completely retarded and that someone could "learn" how to nail these through training and experience
Absolutely correct. They are meaningless and people lie all the time.

>> No.55245341
File: 139 KB, 1366x652, iq test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took an online IQ test and scored 132... Don't know how to feel about this, probably not true because that's the 98th percentile.

>> No.55245386

Looks like they are trying to sell you something, be careful

>> No.55245450
File: 7 KB, 273x150, IMG_1869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's C or F because
whites do 2x circular shift from left to right
1x circular shift from top to bottom
>incomplete pattern 1
when it shifts 2x from left to right, the white seems to take the shape it replaces, except if it overflows the "ring buffet"
so my theory to fix that is that
first line shift 2x from left to right, overflow on the third, reset size
second line actually shifts 2x from right to left, overflow on third
third line 2x from left to right, overflow on second
so F

>> No.55245486

I saw this site on /pol/ and the average was like 140 and everyone in here is scoring 80s to <110


>> No.55245697

looks like he already bought it

>> No.55245727
File: 98 KB, 1616x738, bragging_rights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I seem to become much dumber recently. I used to score 130+ on other tests.

>> No.55245745

Are you a jew ?
80-90 IQ ( for immorality ) but high verbal IQ ( for manipulating the goylems ) is the mark of the Jew, check israel's IQ.

>> No.55245757


>> No.55245791

>the average masters student is dumber than the average japanese

>> No.55245803

>I blocked 4chan on my laptop
>Uses phone to look at 4chan
Ya you are 87iq

>> No.55245908


= last bar needs to be white

5x long
3x short
= next bar needs to be short


prove me wrong.

>> No.55245943
File: 114 KB, 1000x563, 1661452427192355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based satan!