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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55239803 No.55239803 [Reply] [Original]

Collecting neetbux. I'm getting $935/month. I'm saving all of it for a house. I am saving to the max. I will have all my $935 by the end of the month.

>> No.55239831

That's over 374 months of saving.

>> No.55239880

Do you live with your mother? How do you live in a situation where you can collect neet bux and save everything at same time? Isn’t the application process deny people that live with their mother? Or just give their mom the money to help take care of their incapable retard child?

>> No.55239976


Congrats anon if you have this long term.

Social Security Disability or outside of muttland?

I had a taste of freedom with long term unemployment during the great recession. They cut it off eventually.... I went back to work, and even though I earn more than 5X as much... its just not worth it.

>> No.55240063
File: 411 KB, 3168x3080, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rent will be $700/month next month. I will have $235/month left.

>> No.55240201

Frogposting incels lmao

>> No.55240208

Youll never get laid making 935 a month and being a leech son. And all that porno aint good for you either

>> No.55240233

cringe anon. you are better than that

>> No.55240508

At least buy gold or your savings will inflate away faster than you can save.

>> No.55240639

Unfathomably based, fuck all these seething wagecuck faggots fuck kikes fuck niggers fuck normie faggots fuck wagecuck slave faggots, your taxpaying dollars literally fund this man's lifestyle (and mine) and I couldn't be happier. The freedom to do whatever I want while the peasant wagecuck faggots beneath me seethe and work 12 hour shifts. All is as it should be. NPCs deserve nothing less than eternal wagecucking, and then gas.

>> No.55240817

>The freedom to do whatever I want
lmao i bet you don't even have more than 2000$ in savings
what are you free to do without money and social interaction? spend the whole day on 4chan, watch animes and jerk yourself?
so delusional

>> No.55241316

Help a fellow anon out: how do I get on neetbux? My house is paid off and my monthly expenses are low, I am ready to retire.

>> No.55241450

Why do NEETs brag about having freedom when they literally live off of pocket change? The only thing you're free to do is sleep in everyday and develop a chronic masturbation behavior

>> No.55241471

>your taxpaying dollars literally fund this man's lifestyle

Take on account that the average home is worth over $300k and he's only making below 1k each month. Do you have any idea how long he's gonna have to wait until he can afford and that's if housing doesn't continue to go up

>inb4 some retard who watched an MDE video tells me 2 more weeks before the housing market crash

>> No.55241489

I forgot to mention this too but banks aren't give a loan to a fucking NEET making $900 a month.

>> No.55241500

use it to start a business retard

>> No.55242205

>saving for a house
Ayy lmao

>> No.55242220

>for a house
have fun living in latin america.

>> No.55242235

>chronic masturbation behavior
I anticipated 3 times a day but i have been doing only 1-2x a week

>> No.55242255

Who is currently paying for all of your other expenses?

>> No.55242264

Do u live in a dumpster big boy?

>> No.55244078
File: 227 KB, 705x1964, 1686350057240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that i actually aspire to be a nigger tier welfare leech? Nothing sounds better then a life of comfort, raising my 3 kids on the governments dime. Spending every day in leisure like the niggers in america and white trash chavs in england do.
Welfare is basically just a bribe for the lower class not to riot.

People spend their whole lives grinding so they can retire and enjoy spending time with family and doing hobbies, but this goal is already attainable by just being a welfare leech.

This is why i will never marry my long term gf, if worst comes to worst she can claim welfare as a single mom while I pretend to be a deadbeat nigger

>> No.55244102

OP is the same weird autist who keeps making threads about how if he quits smoking his dad will buy him a house btw

>> No.55244757

My rent used to be $2300, now it is 1150.

>> No.55244814

Neet fags must be purged

>> No.55245395
File: 137 KB, 663x715, 1676675661254149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wagie wagie, get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
Neet is comfy, neet is cool
Neet is free from work and school
Wagie cry and wagie moan
While neet just sits and stays at home

>> No.55246104

that's not bad. go to the food bank, dumpster dive, and spend time at home or do things that don't cost money, ride bikes instead of driving cars, you can live a good life on $250/month or alternately you can pick up a side job like mowing a few lawns every week for pocket money/beer and cig money