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55237482 No.55237482 [Reply] [Original]

>retire early
and do what? why the fuck wouldn't you enjoy life, travel etc. while you're still young, rather than wait until you achieve le financial independence? life is so much more fun in your 20s than in your 40s, I'd rather spend my 40s and 50s working and fucking with stocks/crypto

>> No.55237493

> you enjoy life, travel etc. while you're still young
theyre some of the most miserable people
travelling is a form of escapism drug similar to videogames and porn

>> No.55237528

I've I had $1 million in the bank I'd have $1 million invested in government bonds a second later. I don't play by your instant gratification mindset

>> No.55237673
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I want to travel to Japan, Miami and Vegas and go on a cruise. Am I miserable?

>> No.55237696

Its ironic but i would retire to "work", either building digital shit or woodworking

>> No.55237811

Pretty much this but I also want to blow glass and cast metal.

>> No.55237848

I want a woman to like me but without having to grow 3 feet

>> No.55239051


>> No.55239227

No this guy you're replying to is just coping hard

>> No.55239374
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>and do what?
I plan on expanding my passion for gardening into a full-blown hobby farm.
Maybe try not being an uninteresting NPC and get some hobbies you'd participate in more if you didn't have to work?

>> No.55239387

Life is about experiences and money allows you to try whatever you'd like. Next year I want to go watch the TT racing on the isle of man.

>> No.55239393

Retirement to an active hobby is the best plan from what I hear. Too many boomers retire and then just do nothing, they end up literally dying of boredom in a few years.

>> No.55239412

>life is so much more fun in your 20s than in your 40s
you're like 23 so how would you know?
i'm 37 and my life is a lot better today than it was at your age. i'm not talking about external circumstances. hormones settle down, confidence is way up, zoomettes are always down to mingle, and physically feeling better than in my 20s due to the abundance of good science we have on nutrition, exercise and proper habits
you're comparing yourself to tired low end wagecucks in their mid 50s and drawing stupid generalizations for that. shit son, if your idea of "enjoying life" is travel, it sounds like you're lonely and should fix that first

>> No.55239414

My retirement plan is to open a outdoor shooting range and gunshop.
Sell guns, shoot at the range, teach kids marksmanship, host competitions, etc.

>> No.55239469

Farming seems very rewarding. Based idea.

>> No.55239493

I want to retire early so I can have qt 20+yr old females show me their panty buttcheeks and other fun along with having hobbies I can finally enjoy without having to worry about work and time lost on things i'm not interested in. My friend wants to get into 3d printing and that could be some fun to have. Print up figurines and sell them to people in the area. I also have a want to build a garden in my yard or an indoor garden depending on ease of setup. Plenty of things I would end up enjoying. Ops pic is def one of the things I want to be able to enjoy daily.

>> No.55239534

I retired early and am enjoying life and traveling in my 30s because I hustled and invested wisely in my 20s.
>and do what?
If you can't imagine a life without work beyond the EXTREMELY vague "enjoy life, travel etc" then I'm not going to waste my time trying to open your third eye.

>> No.55239544

>if your idea of "enjoying life" is travel, it sounds like you're lonely and should fix that first
your chosen ways of enjoying life such as hitting on girls 20 years younger than you sound so much better than a desire to travel around the world. thanks for the lesson grandpa

>> No.55239693

and do what?
I took a month off work and I'm completely out of ideas on what to do other than drinking

>> No.55239732

Visit all the places you think might be rekt soon. Like Taiwan, or transinistria. My buddy did all those kinds of countries and is currently in Mayanmar despite the civil war going on. Just go on an adventure.

>> No.55239797

Without money, your time off is very limited in what you can do. Money provides optionality and optionality is freedom.

Personally, my plan is to continue working another 2-3 years (I'm 30 now), then pivot to part-time work. At that point I'll have >$1m in liquid assets, which should pay me $35-50k/year in passive income, and hopefully I can still make ~$40k/year working 10-15 hours per week.

That would be enough money to do almost anything I want except giga luxury stuff and I'll still be young enough to enjoy it. Separately, I will hopefully not need to touch the passive income and can let it grow and compound. This will allow me to fully "retire" by 40.

I don't personally have an interest in long travel but I have a number of hobbies and interests I'll pursue more actively:
>Hiking and cycling
>Snorkeling, free diving
>Gardening, cooking

I also have kids, and will thoroughly enjoy spending more time with them and be more engaged in their lives.

>> No.55239846

Just find a reason to live bro

>> No.55239928

Interesting anon. How did you acquire so much in liquid assets?
And kids at your age? Very cool. How did you do that?

>> No.55240047

I've been working since I was 16, so for 14 years and have always saved/invested some of that. Much of the gains are from over the last 3 years when my income went >$200k/y and I was able to save like $100k/y plus lock in investment gains in crypto and equities. The >$1m is an estimate but I'm at ~$725k now so seems very doable at this rate.

I met my now wife when she was 19 and I was 22. We moved in together after 8 months, then got married and pregnant around the 2 year mark. We had 2 more after that but are now done and not planning to have more. Having kids is great, and having more time to spend with them will be awesome.

>> No.55240117
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>why the fuck wouldn't you enjoy life, travel etc. while you're still young, rather than wait until you achieve le financial independence?
because a lot of those things are so much easier with financial independence. How can I travel and afford 100+ dollars on a room every night?

But I generally agree with your sentiment, waiting on 'life to happen' is dumb and you should ideally be simultaneously pursuing both (financial independence and life enjoyment). They're not mutually exclusive. You can still save and invest and splurge from time to time.

>> No.55240213

Don't go on a cruise, just don't it's the worst, everyone I've talked to agrees with me. I haven't been to Miami as a tourist but both Vegas and Japan are amazing and worth it as long as you plan what you want to do before you go.

>> No.55240248

Casting is based, would definitely try it too

>> No.55240289

>why the fuck wouldn't you enjoy life, travel etc. while you're still young
Unless you're going to party or do extreme physical activity, I don't see what difference there is between travelling at 40 and 25.

>> No.55240347
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>> No.55240349

>don't go on a cruise
This. Cruises have become a vacation for fat retarded poors. You will be stuck on a ship filled with the dregs of humanity.
They can be worth if you're with a group of people you like, but really only if you shell out for a high end and/or old people cruise line. AND if you really appreciate the ocean and the place you're headed. They can be insanely comfy under the right circumstances but if you just try to go on any old cruise you will be surrounded by subhumans.

>> No.55240371
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Wait until you get 30+ basically people start dropping like flies from back problems, diabetes, chronic health issues, etc. unless they are somewhat health conscious and even then some people are just unlucky.

>> No.55240391

And you never will

>> No.55240465

By the time you hit 50 you stop giving a fuck about anything. You await Death.

>> No.55240577

please ;_;

>> No.55240597
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I thought so.


I want to go on a Virgin Voyage cruise, from Miami, to the Bahamas, to Key West, back to Miami. It's 18+ and has over 20 restaurants on it. Plus, your restaurant food is included in your cruise fee. I think it's a great deal.


>> No.55240646

I went on a cruise as a teenager, it was amazing, basically college dorming experience without any pressure from classes

>> No.55240790


>> No.55241760

Boku no piko.

>> No.55242414

The crypto you set aside can afford you an early retirement retard. Wake up.

>> No.55244035

Early retirement is the goal actually. Just got to keep accumulating those tokens with huge potential like RAIL, ATOR, EKTA.