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File: 228 KB, 600x615, PLEASEPLEASEPLEASESELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55235870 No.55235870 [Reply] [Original]

Glowniggers, Kikes, firms, hedge funds, and banks are basically begging retail at this point to exit crypto.

I'm sure they have our best interests at heart right? HAHAHAHAHA

Memes have become reality its like the spam FUD posts on here that just have a picture of Chainlink with the text "sell". Kek

This is the kind of shit that makes me think we are going to hit all time new highs for many crypto this fucking year.

>> No.55235880


>> No.55235895
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>> No.55235899

i am personally glad that all you jews are starting to leave crypto. it was always meant to be a currency, not a speculative investment tied to fiat currency

>> No.55235905

It's very simple really, they need your liquidity (and by "your" I mean young people's liquidity) to go to the stock market to fund the retirement of old people, it's all about politics.
Putting your liquidity outside of the system is basically a "fuck you" to the system

>> No.55235909


Kek yes this. Its definitely the same energy

>> No.55235915
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sell to buy burger. better value

>> No.55235924

>Now might be a good time to consider quitting crypto *IF you're an American


>> No.55235939

is this picture real?

>> No.55235942

>they need your liquidity (and by "your" I mean young people's liquidity) to go to the stock market to fund the retirement of old people,

If you actually mean so kikes can dump on my fucking head and the old people die penniless then yes you are correct. Kek

I can't wait to see at the next parabolic euphoric peak:

VOX Headline:

"What's holding you back from investing 100% of your net worth in crypto today?"

Fucking jews

>> No.55235949


You haven't seen the livestreams of them airlifting in double cheeseburgers for Serg yet? It happens like 3x per day

>> No.55236001
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>> No.55236055

This actually does make me want to buy. I can't remember the last time one of these female writers gave good advice, even by accident

>> No.55236063

I'd like to see some fat sergey unicron memes

>> No.55236103
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Assblasted, delusional seething baggie. Cope chud, you lost. If you didn't sell in 21, you're a retard. Fact.
>in all fields

>> No.55236110

>I can't remember the last time one of these female writers gave good advice, even by accident

Its a paid for hit piece.

>> No.55236122

Kikes need to get gassed

>> No.55236129


I made solid gains in 2021. Its clearly a good time to buy and this article is just one more confirmation.

Why are you so ass hurt by my thread? Kek Don't cry baby girl its gonna' be okay

>> No.55236160
File: 2.09 MB, 1462x1330, Captura_de_pantalla_2021-02-17_a_las_11.23.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this
I'm just not gonna sell my btc, when will bankster kikes understand?
I don't care about Sam bankman or Gary gensler
I don't care if Kim Jung un funds his rockets with ransomed btc

And I really don't care if palestinian militants get their bottle rockets funded by monero, actually I'm quite happy about it

>> No.55236171
File: 135 KB, 893x557, VOXKIKES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I can't wait to see at the next parabolic euphoric peak:

>"What's holding you back from investing 100% of your net worth in crypto today?"

Kek They already did it basically

>> No.55236182

so a regular western news article then?

>> No.55236196

Pensions and 401k are a giant rake for the eternal boomer gift. Every paycheck takes a rake to pump boomer stocks, absurd

>> No.55236200

>so a regular western news article then?

Yeah more or less. Just basically do the opposite of what they say. Its well known especially in finance media that articles like this are made to direct retail liquidity depending on if large players want to accumulate or need exit liquidity. Think Jim Cramer etc

>> No.55236206
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State is memeshit. Hobbes's Leviathan is a Meme Complex as per OG Dawkins, Law is ex post facto codification of these prevailing meme complexes, Law has no power, the State has no power, meme complexes hold all the power attributed to these institutions. Fiat, the true source of Statist power, runs on weak procedural memes that can't stand scrutiny, fiat has held on because "there is no alternative", but there is now an alternative, real money: BTC/XMR.

>> No.55236220

The signals keep speaking to me... they whisper in my ear, "buy buy buy." Yes... yes signal.... I will buy....

>> No.55236234

CNN a much bigger msm outlast says we are in a bull market and recession won’t happen. It’s time to sell

>> No.55236265


Yes they are talking about the stock market. While there is overlap in price action most of the time between you've got CNN glownigger central saying bull market on stocks and VOX kike avenue saying quit crypto forever.

I think I know what to do kek

>> No.55236342


>> No.55236488
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>> No.55237376

>OP's article
>/biz/ activity dead as fuck
>fewer women are posting about crypto in their insta day by day
Yep it's definitely a buy signal

>> No.55237444

All normies have to do is transfer their crypto to a personal wallet. If they learn how to store and embedded the private phrase onto some fireproof metal sheet. It'll be as good as any Government ID for the banks.

>> No.55237460

Past crypto winters were cozy on biz, this one somehow isn’t. The bad news don’t fucking stop. The sec shitshow is bad for everyone, there won’t be anything positive coming out of that. Not selling obviously but still.

>> No.55237472

Checked. Let them leave. Corporations, cooperatives, banks and central banks not needed

>> No.55237483


>> No.55237490
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I feel bad for the stinkys

>> No.55238097

They weren't cozy retard, biz had 3 months in 2019 of BSV glowie shilling non stop with literal jannie infiltrations, the pre halving era was cozy until march 2020.

But 2018-2019 was hard with a literal glowie takeover of the board

>> No.55238101

They all want you to not reach for the exit, if you'll have noticed.

>> No.55238103


>> No.55238158

>They all want you to not reach for the exit, if you'll have noticed.


>"Literally consider quitting crypto."


>Their saying don't exit, how can't you see that?"

Probably because I'm not a retarded faggot

>> No.55238168

They prevent you from looking for the exit by pointing you towards a fake exit.

>> No.55238194


>> No.55238233
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>> No.55238248 [DELETED] 
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lmao at link bagholders trying to make this thread about them

>> No.55238331

Fuck. I should've longed yesterday.

>> No.55238817

The lawsuit is literally about the staking rewards programs.

>> No.55238833


Agreed, linkies always try to make the thread about their shitcoin.

>> No.55238868

This is one big based thread

>> No.55238893

this really riles them up

>> No.55238897

crypto is dead, anyone with an iq above room temperature moved on

>> No.55238903

not a single CNN recent article is being bullish on crypto, whats your sauce

>> No.55238920

Okay but, how do you buy crypto now?

>> No.55238931

P2P. Take the risk or use a cex that offers escrow for p2p

>> No.55238951

>>in all fields
You didn't put it as your name. Retard.

>> No.55238969

I saw the article too, it was in the gay news feed my Google sends me on my phone that I ignore 99.999% of the time. Looked today for fun and those CNN retards said "it's official, we're in a bull market" lmao.

>> No.55238977

I believe he is implying crypto will set you free and the MSM can't allow that.

>> No.55239024


>> No.55239150

Somebody has to buy high sell low and it aint gonna be me, so thank you jews. With jews, you win!

>> No.55239205
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Kike media pays chink femoid to write about crypto and all she does is go and interviews a few glow niggers.

>> No.55239220

Shouldn’t have flooded the country with turd worlders then.

>> No.55239394
File: 29 KB, 295x171, 49su9f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“It’s a very scary situation for any customer,” says John Reed Stark, a former SEC enforcement attorney. “I think anyone who has crypto on any exchange should take it off of that exchange immediately. Period, end of story.”
>John Reed Stark, a former SEC enforcement attorney.
>former SEC enforcement attorney.

>There would likely be an orderly wind-down of operations, according to crypto researcher and critic Molly White, who writes about the scandals and scams within the cryptocurrency industry on her site Web3 Is Going Just Great.
>crypto researcher and critic Molly White,
>Molly White

Really amazing article, very journalist, much balance

>> No.55239452

Is doing the opposite of what Jews tell you the most sure fire way to success lads? I’m trying to think of any circumstances where they actually gave solid advice that would help the average goy in anyway? Does anyone even have an example of an article like this from any point in time that would help a retail investor?

>> No.55239476

Literally all of you are piece of shit kikes trying to do reverse psychology. Theres going to be another correction in the stock market soon which will tank your shitcoins again

>> No.55239483

Bottom signal

>> No.55239491

Shitcoins they sure die, but btc, no, it us easily going to outperform American shitcos

>> No.55239496

What problems has crypto solved since 2009?
It’s just a casino.
t. in since 2015 but haven’t seen any progress.

>> No.55239501

Great 'buy' signal.

>> No.55239511

>I-it's just a casino
>P-please by my debt
Overly nervous yid

>> No.55239517

You do know an entire country has adopted it as a form of currency right?

>> No.55239574

Lol no little zoomie, you’re new here and missed the party.

A country of criminals the size of Oregon. Are you retarded?

>> No.55239579

>t.2015 new fag
You are going to weep

>> No.55239586

This one is cozier than ever, what are you talking about. Past bear markets we weren't even sure if crypto would survive, only this time are we seeing that there's legit institutional adoption going on so at least we know it'll make a comeback for sure.

>> No.55239621

>A country of criminals
Are you talking about el-salvador? Or the countries in africa?
Nevermind, racist.

>> No.55239629

Get fucked, kiddos. Not your keys, not your coins. Time to run your own wallet and trade with 10 minute confirmation times like Satoshi intended.

>> No.55239654

He is talking about the land of the cucks and the home of cowards, murrica, fuck yeah

>> No.55239688

>power of currency is directly tied to who uses it
>fed throws their weight around because petrodollar buckling is making their yarmulkes sweaty
>crypto (already complicated and annoying to use or set up) loses use as normalfags abandon it
>crypto can't evade basic rules of currency
>bitcoin craps out so hard you're now paying 50 of them for a bag of weed
>bitcoin is the only real crypto, everything else dies

>> No.55239795

>”it’s only 14 years old, you’re still early!”
>”noooo don’t worry about gold and silver, goy, buy the digital nothingness!”
Very Jewish

>> No.55239838

>Appeal to greed
And you have the balls to call me jewish jew

>> No.55239840

Imagine thinking basic peer pressure false consensus psychological tricks work on autists lmao

>> No.55239855

Lmao what the FUCK? You’re a brain dead idiot. Try again faggot.

>> No.55240056

There is no value in dexes or smart contracts. Sure bunch of zoomer cs failures are going to lose a lot of potential profits and a bunch of vc will never see a roi, but that is a good thing

>> No.55240734
File: 69 KB, 1024x891, Rockpaperscissors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine thinking basic peer pressure false consensus psychological tricks work on autists lmao

Kek Pic rel

>> No.55240799

Bot response. Kill yourself.

>> No.55240807

There is non. It's a grift for stable times. We are not in stable times, far from it

>> No.55240918

bot alert
bot alert
bot alert

this thread is full of bots and shills pushing people into crypto before the big collapse

>> No.55241062

kek they are right. you faggots will look back on this and think holyshit even mainstream media told you to sell and you didnt listen

>> No.55241171

>before the big collapse

Kek most alts are down like 90%. BTC and ETH previously hit those metrics

>> No.55241188

I simply never believe a thing media tells me, not even what /biz/ tells me to do.

>> No.55241208

For anyone joining the thread. Of course always be cautious but just checking tagged post below should be an indicator that you can't trust the media and they are paid by finance interests to direct and generate retail liquidity.


Again think how Jim Cramer operates. If moneyed interests want to accumulate something he tells retail to sell.

If he tells you to buy its because its overvalued and some whale wants to exit at a profit.

>> No.55241229

>I simply never believe a thing media tells me


>not even what /biz/ tells me to do.

Most of /biz/ is now bots and spam so 90% shouldn't be listened too. Its an actual to develop discernment here and figure out what is trash and what may be worth further research outside of 4Chan. There are diamonds in the rough here.

>> No.55241317

bottom confirmed

>> No.55241356
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Bro that's nothing
In the 80s and 90s VUL and IUL literally targeted boomers to invest all of their life insurance and personal investment into the S&P and than rugged all of them in the 2000s crash

People think meme coin shenanigans is a scam but they don't hold a candle to boomer rigging

>> No.55241415
File: 128 KB, 988x1363, Gary_Gensler,_SEC_Chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't need any more digital currencies. usd is a good digital currency, we have everything we need.

>> No.55241441
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>> No.55241580
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Meanwhile your ID literally says "Buy" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAH EKEKEKEKEKEK

My sides right now...the universe always provides unreal

>> No.55241650



>> No.55241695
File: 7 KB, 226x223, images (30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's totally understandable why people would want to transfer their assets from centralized exchanges like Binance and Coinbase. When it comes to protecting your hard-earned investments, you can't go wrong with Brillion's smart wallet. With its self-custody features and the ability to have full control over your assets, it offers a solid alternative that ensures your peace of mind.

>> No.55241715

Fuck off frog jew. Stay on twitter in your discord and tg. Or kys

>> No.55241831


I'll agree that you should always self custody if you understand what you are doing. Most retail will see that headline and worry about their money on an exchange, not know enough about self custody to attempt it, and sell out of fear that the CEX they use is going to go under or freeze their funds etc.

>you can't go wrong with Brillion's smart wallet.

Nice blatant shill faggot. I wouldn't touch that shit with my worst enemies money even

>> No.55242200

Whatever, I dont see any jews named Johnathan Bitcoinberg.

>> No.55243183



>> No.55243201

If Blackrock and Vanguard start in on trusts they can get a lot done. They can also lean on media companies that are too pro crypto and start selling off their interests.

It must be fucking bad if they're resorting to begging. The hunger for crypto is greater than the threat of having 5% of your shares sold off.

>> No.55243218
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Heil Hitler.
Fuck the State.
And most importantly, fuck Jews.

>> No.55243229

why don't they want hipster faggots to hold crypto?

>> No.55243563

>why don't they want hipster faggots to hold crypto?

Refer to


Media pieces like the one VOX put out are generally paid for at the behest of various financial interests.

They are trying accumulate and force retail to sell so their buy orders don't inflate price action too much until they are ready. Plus they need that same retail to buy their bags later as exit liquidity.

Right now the overwhelming majority of retail crypto investors/buyers are men aged 18-36 roughly

>> No.55243580

the purpose of crypto is to have a place for idiots to park their money. in doing so, it actually helps reduce inflation of real goods

articles like these are using reverse psychology on you, and it's clearly working lol

>> No.55243612

You read my mind anon. Them leaving means more crypto for me, and I'd keep going in on those with utilities like Zcash for crypto payments alongside Ride for its vr tech before the next leg of adoption.

>> No.55243789

>articles like these are using reverse psychology on you, and it's clearly working lol

The average person that sees this article will take it at face value. Only schizo-autists that have extreme mistrust of established mainstream media and systems will see the headline as purposely misleading.

>> No.55243795

>You read my mind anon. Them leaving means more crypto for me, and I'd keep going in on those with utilities like Zcash for crypto payments alongside Ride for its vr tech before the next leg of adoption.

More shameless homosexual shilling of their dogshit no cares about

>> No.55244222

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.55244305
File: 21 KB, 540x511, 29510459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Coinbase survive trading only BTC and ETH back and forth alone?

>> No.55244321

the bidet administration hates crypto
gee golly gosh who couda seen this happening
thanks dumb yanks

>> No.55244400


>> No.55244459

i hate jews.

>> No.55244882



>> No.55245674

If you're here since 2015 and didn't make it, then you're a sub human nigger.

>> No.55245684

>Buy id

>> No.55245713
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Isn't it beautiful?