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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55233335 No.55233335 [Reply] [Original]

It's coming

>> No.55233378

it's like acid tripping on hanukkah

>> No.55233417

I'm sneeding

>> No.55233453
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>been waiting 5 years
>"It's coming"
deluded linkied

>> No.55233465

>CCIP just around the corner
Sure, fuddie. This is equivalent to pre-mainnet in 2019

>> No.55233478

OP, other than an 'it's happening tonight', the purpose of this thread is?

>> No.55233485

loosen your kabbalah bracelet moshe, it's too tight.

>> No.55233593
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>"CCIP just around the corner"

>> No.55233680

*Just around(©) the corner™1

1 Nazarov, S. 'Just around the corner' 2017.

>> No.55233715
File: 200 KB, 611x575, Screenshot 2023-06-08 133037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Audit ends on the 12th. It's coming.

>> No.55233730

Can't wait for the second audit a month later then CCIP v0.1 eoy.

>> No.55233739

I'd laugh, but you're most likely correct

>> No.55234603
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it is kinda funny that it bottomed exactly where that one TA anon said it would.
God, I hope that dude is right

>> No.55234655

it's all lies anon
DECO never released
Staking, lmao
why would you ever believe that CCIP is going to be released on time? they've literally lied about everything
and everyone knows it, that's why the price never reacts positively to any news they put out anymore and it hasn't for a while now
look, i'm in the same boat as you, i own the piece of shit token too, but i came to terms after they pushed back staking over and over with the fact that their team is incompetent
if price ever goes back up above $20 or so, great, i'll sell, but with their track record, i just set myself up to not be disappointed and it's been a hell of lot better

>> No.55234766

Mainnet started as v0.1 brainlet newfags

>> No.55235186

Wasn't it originally june 16th? Or am I just trippin

>> No.55235845

>ccip audit completes june 12th
>audit determines that ccip is the most secure digital protocol in the history of the internet
>bulletproof ccip is somehow further hardened by a team of incredibly gifted programmers who are awarded the $300k prize for integrating a feature which automatically alerts every regulatory & enforcement agency on earth whenever someone attempts to commit fraud via ccip (which is impossible anyway) and dispatches authorities to arrest the ersatz criminals...
>...it somehow does this predictively, automatically deciding to warn or arrest each would-be scammer before they even try to scam, like pre-crime in that tom cruise movie
>link price $0.19