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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 920x453, Crying Frog Man - Little.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55224416 No.55224416 [Reply] [Original]

Bros. . .
>Work in financial institution
>Make $70k/yr, top 1/3rd where I live
>Like the job just fine and afford reasonable living, build a little wealth
>Current manager, middle aged woman, says there's an opening at a step up in another department. Recommends it to me
>Would make $130k-$160k
>Could finally buy a house and get some significant savings going, and afford a nice annual vacation
>It's work I'd enjoy
>Interview for role
>Do well in round one
>In round two interview with the person who would be my boss
>30ish male
>Smart, well spoken, very well dressed, clearly understands his role and the one he's hiring for well. Has worked here like 8 years and moved up
>He's a faggot!
>Picture of man on desk
>When we small talk about the weekend, he mentions going somewhere with his boyfriend
>Conclude interview, should hear back within 1-2 weeks
>My (current) boss says I did a good job and she's hopeful
I don't think I can do it anons. I might withdraw my app. I just can't imagine working for a faggot. I'd be so ashamed to be submissive to one. I couldn't look in the fucking mirror.
What would you do anon? Do I just leave the $60k-$90k on the table and walk away? I think I have to?
This is so fucking unfair. It's not my fault that the first good opportunity to come up has such a huge fucking roadblock to it through no fault of my own. I worked so hard to get where I am and this bullshit is going to rob it from me.
Plz advise

>> No.55224436

Bro, gays are gender loyalists and complete pushovers. It's better that than some hard ass boomer who'll fuck you harder or a strong independent woman who will constantly look for a reason to fire you.

>> No.55224451

You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded, he unironically has more test than you

>> No.55224468

Is this bait? You've been on 4chan too long. Gays are pretty chill, take the job retard

>> No.55224470

fuck his boyfriend to assert dominance

>> No.55224490

take the job and if he messes with you at all sue for sexual harassment.

>> No.55224492

I would suck a cock a day for 130k a year im straight btw

>> No.55224497
File: 127 KB, 960x960, 1633226282259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will end up sucking his pepe at some point and (you) will like it

>> No.55224533

Were you planning on sucking his cock for a promotion or something?

>> No.55224562

This. If anything he will help you at any opportunity if he likes you.. You’re stupid if you don’t take advantage of this.

>> No.55224593

>Gay men likes men
>you are man

Are you retarded or what?

You might even get a misogynist gay, faggots unironically hate women more than the average dude, you might even shoot the shit with him if you’re not a retard

>> No.55224612

Fuck off. Fags are disgusting.

How could I allow myself to be under a gay man? I felt gross the entire time talking to him, once I figured it out. At first the interview was fine and I felt comfortable, but once he said he had a boyfriend I felt my pulse sky rocket and my skin go clammy. I avoid gays 100% of the time, so having to work with one hours each week is just UGH. This is so fucking unfair

>> No.55224623
File: 354 KB, 649x752, 1685555033935880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for fag month to fly by plus 15 days before starting to work. Just imagine all the faggot/pedo propaganda and worse, all the newly created STDs he'll be carrying around for being a sick sodomite. Clean everything with clorox wipes before using, you don't want to catch AIDs or mnkeyp0x.

Ascend and be loyal to coin

>> No.55224645

nigga you gay. Straight men aint giving no shit about some gay ass bitch. straight men love pussy. Gay niggas love dicks. You feel threatned by your gay soon-to-be boss.
Be honest with yourself. Would you suck his cock? If yes, then you gay nigga. If you wouldnt suck his cock, then why do you care? More pussy for you. Nigga.

>> No.55224662

God I want the Boondocks to come back or GTA6 to come out.

>> No.55224693

You sound like a loser

>> No.55224709

I was so afraid to shake his hand at the end of the interview. What if he had a cut or bit his nails and I caught his AIDS?

>> No.55224715

Why anon? What would you do? Spend hours a day working with a faggot?

>> No.55224753

You know they have a pill that cures AIDS if it's within 72 hours of exposure, right?

>> No.55224757

Ngl that would be at the back of my head abd is on the back on my head when being close/talking to fags. Just take the money, be a jew

>> No.55224782

So I should take AIDS medication if I take this job!?

I mean yes it's a lot of money. It'd be nice to actually get ahead. But how much is a guys honor worth?

>> No.55224845

jokes aside, there is wisdom in my words. If you a straight nigga, his gaydar wont pick up your gay vibes, which means no sexual tensions, no dominance fights, just comfy work conditions.

>> No.55224994
File: 1.65 MB, 3534x2853, 1671417965709730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be ready for weekly pepe inspection

>> No.55225000

No, I completely agree, I just liked that you conveyed your wisdom as those two would.

>> No.55225021

What's more frustrating is if he didn't flaunt it by talking about his boyfriend and having that picture I might not have caught it. I was almost fucking trapped into working for a faggot and not getting to make a decision.

>> No.55225212


>> No.55225222


>> No.55225407

Most jobs are already so homosexual, working for a literal gay might reduce the average faggotry you put up with per day

>> No.55225436

This is a serious question please provide real feedback

>> No.55225453
File: 936 KB, 1500x1656, 20230604_222219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP is slightly retarded.

>> No.55225508

>How could I allow myself to be under a gay
Don't like flashing back to your childhood?

>> No.55225527

I would take the job and immediately look for the same job or better elsewhere.

>> No.55225537

Blue collar types/temps have zero restraint which causes petty ego clashes, and workaholic boomers expect 25 hours of work/day in office. Reporting to a YAS QUEEN type who has hair appointments once a week would be less degrading

>> No.55225538

I really don't want to leave the company you retarded faggot. There aren't a ton of other options that pay what I make now in my area, let alone what this would pay.
Fucking jew retard.

>> No.55225552

>but once he said he had a boyfriend I felt my pulse sky rocket and my skin go clammy
unironically who hurt you

>> No.55225568

Are you telling me you don't think they are disgusting? Do you associate with gays?

>> No.55225601

get the job if it makes you happy and supported financially. it is what it is unless you really don't like the gays

>> No.55225730

you're being a bitch about it. I bet there's people you buy groceries from who things you don't like and you pay them money, funding their activities.
start your own company or deal with it. fags are disgusting just keep your distance from him, be professional and quit acting like a bitch.

>> No.55225952

Work for a fag you could claim sexually harassed you or a cunt who can claim you sexually harassed. Even if the money were the same, I'd pick the degenerate fag. At least he has a male IQ. Women are doing sodomy as much as fags so why lose a dollar for the privilege of working for one?

>> No.55225960

don't do it chud. a tolerant liberal deserves that money more.

>> No.55226007

Based. Someone more deserving without brainrot will get the job instead and you basically shot yourself in the foot for no reason. Dumb fucking retard.

>> No.55226013

You are taking his money, enjoy and maybe screw him lol

>> No.55226074

One of the best supervisors I had was a flaming homo

Well shit. He would grope me and call me big booty hoe and all that but he was alright

>> No.55226287

Why are you attacking me for this? It's not fair to me that I have to choose working for an impure gay or holding my career back. How does someone else deserve the job more? That makes no sense.

>> No.55226352

Then you’re fucked dipshit. What? Do you suppose I have magic powers or something?

>> No.55226377

If he makes any advances on you threaten to report him to HR. It's not like they'd do anything though since he's a fag but it might be enough to scare him from trying to rape your butthole

>> No.55226382

>is just UGH
Nevermind I'm pretty sure you're a fag too

>> No.55226444

Dude, buy good underwear, tight pants, show that buldge. You’ll get a second promotion in no time. Don’t be a fag yourself. Gays are most of the time cool bros.

>> No.55226457

Either the most retarded Ashkenazi, or bait.

>> No.55226458

lol this fag was touched as a kid forget the job grab the gun an hero blogposter

>> No.55226460

A job is just that, a job. it's not you or anything out you. Who cares if hes gay. Make money retard.

>> No.55226486

>he’s not a sociopath who can just ignore it and make money
Not gonna make it

>> No.55226612

What honor are you talking about? I bet your company is celebrating pride month, why don't quit the company to keep your honor? Remember you are a wagie(so I am), we are almost slaves, just take the higher paying role. At the end you will be doing the same slave and degrading things but for more pay.

>> No.55227891

>terrified of associating with homos
>just UGH. This is so fucking unfair
pretty sure you're gay OP. just take the job, suck his dick, and stop fucking whinging.

>> No.55227908

don't take the job simple as

>> No.55227926

your current manager is literally a middle aged woman and you're ashamed about getting a raise working for a man? as usual, OP is the real faggot

>> No.55228269

Imagine giving up like $1 million over 10 years, plus career growth that could make that number double, because you don’t want to work for someone who seems fine but has a trait you personally dislike

>> No.55228322

I don't like or approve of faggotry either anon, but faggot men are the least offensive of the sexually deranged. Now what you really don't want is an angry dyke boss whose personality is hating men. I've got this feminine fat gay guy supervisor. He's fine. I don't think about his faggotry, because there is no reason to. He's just a feminine guy as far as I'm concerned I don't have to think about him doing faggot shit.

>> No.55228340

>t. shitskin
Go back to your own country. You knew what the west was.

>> No.55228348

Pride costs money, if your going to work to make money then ditch the pride.

>> No.55228410

You understand work isn't real life right? It's just what you do to go make money. So go make some money, buy BTC and ETH, retire in 2 or 3 cycles and you can forget everyone you ever worked with if you so choose.

>> No.55228617

All a faggot think about his sex. Every day you'll get to work, he'll dream about your pepe in his anus.
Best advice is :
Don't go in the restroom while he's there.
Don't look too sharp.
Don't become friend with him.

>> No.55231362

>I avoid gays 100% of the time, so having to work with one hours each week is just UGH.
Personally I'd take the money, but I completely understand your rationale.

>> No.55231383

being disgusted by faggotry is literally human nature you bug

>> No.55231473

>interviewed by faggot
>preemptively explain my pronouns are 'nick / her'
>intrigued, but he controls his excitement
>I continue, I'm actually half black as well
>he furrows his brow, really? you don't look black at all
>I am... from the waist down

>> No.55232943

Can you imagine where that hand has been? probably still has aids infected shit on it. lol lol

>> No.55232964

Most people are infected by the brain parasite. Very few of us have been taking the Ivermectin.

>> No.55233634

the very fact you're thinking of it as being "under" him means you're gay and your pulse rocketed because you wished he'd called you his boyfriend

>> No.55233654

>once he said he had a boyfriend I felt my pulse sky rocket and my skin go clammy
and you got an erection right?

>> No.55233663

if you can get 160k for the occasional pegging, that's pretty good
how much do you honestly think your ass is worth?

>> No.55233692

Phenomenal post