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55220035 No.55220035 [Reply] [Original]

Why cant I become extremelly weatlhy and just get a new 15-25 year old girl who I will creampie at least two times for an entire month or until she's pregnant, and then just move on and switch to a diferent girl, then call them back 20 months later so a second season of those creampies until they're 27-30????

What is the point of lamborginis and other faggot material garbage over getting the most girls at their peak crempied twice every day until they are pregnant, then switch to another young and fertile womb and repeat until you're broke???

>> No.55220048


>> No.55220100
File: 341 KB, 790x1982, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55220118
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autismos are always funny.

>> No.55220254

The fact is that parasites like you need to be euthanized. You should not be allowed near other living beings

>> No.55220281

You don't need to be rich to get girls pregnant. I got multiple girls pregnant by now and they're still single mothers.

>> No.55220294

Because you're a gay retard

>> No.55220307

Child support

>> No.55220313

the money is to pay that.

>> No.55220406
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>Why cant I become extremelly weatlhy
Low IQ.

>> No.55220417

I guess you can do it then but the kids will be insecure about their dad not being in their lives

>> No.55220438

your genes are already in their lives.

>> No.55220585

Yeah but it's not the same

>> No.55220599

your IQ is determinen like 80-90% by your genes.

>> No.55220655

Yeah but you don't have a father?

>> No.55220667

there's plenty of simps that will raise my kids.

>> No.55220726
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>> No.55221868
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