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55216131 No.55216131 [Reply] [Original]

so...... everybody in the crypto space is just going to ignore this?
the biggest step towards real world adoption of blockchain and literally nobody cares?

>> No.55216153

The other 17 threads say otherwise.

>> No.55216156

Top signal

>> No.55216174

99% of people are COMPLETE retards, the difference between a linkie and a nolinker is comparable to the difference between a human and a monkey, im tired of pretending otherwise
if chainlink had a dog logo and a mumble rapper twitted about it it would x2 instantly

>> No.55216179

no just ignoring you

>> No.55216212

Again. Swift is a western network worthless after they lost the gas station settlement business

>> No.55216218

they thought big finance will buy their bags, but they'll just roll their own versions. it's extremely bearish news. it's literally over for crypto. only bitcoin will stay.

>> No.55216229

>the biggest step towards real world adoption of blockchain and literally nobody cares?
Blah blah blah buzzwords blah blah ponzi scheme. No one gives a shit about le technology, it's get rich quick or nothing, faggot.

>> No.55216251

You don't need $Link to use Chainlink, how hard is it for you retards to understand this simple fact? Chainlink is great, $Link as a token is completely fucking useless, get it through your thick skulls and invest in something that can actually pump before the bear market ends

>> No.55216273

talk to "people" who owns crypto and you'll understand

it's literally in the code numbnuts

>> No.55216286
File: 98 KB, 1026x802, Link-ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The token isn't needed plus Sergey owns 60% of the supply

>> No.55216304

The harsh truth is that you're the midwit and the market is right.

>> No.55216374
File: 7 KB, 195x20, cwbu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, what are dogcoins needed for then? what is fucking cardano needed for ?
no its the opposite, the market is wrong and i am right, pic rel

>> No.55216376

Seeing as Swift is using Chainlink, how much $Link has Swift bought so far? Let me give you a hint, absolutely no $Link at all

>> No.55216392

This isn't an XRP and Ripple situation
You literally need the LINK token to pay for the services of the Chainlink network, and that includes CCIP

>> No.55216398

Dogcoins and Cardano are normie friendly and driven by retail hype.

Chainlink is boring as fuck plus the marketing is terrible and the tokenomics is beyond fucked

>> No.55216409

I can't really say for sure. None of us can. But that may be true for SWIFT as an organization. I'm sure individuals that work for SWIFT have bought LINK.

SWIFT is in the business of selling LINK, not buying it. They are selling a toolkit to banks, for banks, to connect to blockchains.

>> No.55216422

>banks are spending their dollars to buy a premined centralized erc-20 token entirely held by Sergey
this makes so much sense!

>> No.55216439

I'm just the messenger anon.
Swift is telling you that, not me.


>> No.55216443

They do care. They don’t talk about it because they hate you.

>> No.55216467

Nigga I knew about the SWIFT "partnership" back in 2018. They are NOT using the token, do you understand this simple concept or do you need a drawing?

>> No.55216483

Anon what do you not understand about CCIP requiring the token? Someone post the image from the GitHub code.

>> No.55216504

Nobody gives a shit about Chainlink and boring use cases. The normie masses want memes and hype. If Chainlink is going to ever go up in price Sergey needs to start memeing and acting like a troll/E-celeb like Elon Musk

>> No.55216506

>the marketing is terrible

their official tiktok presence is that bad i still think its a bagholder fan page, and have to check the username twice to make sure

>> No.55216516

Doesn't some.fat guy named "sir gay" own over half of those coins?

>> No.55216536

Nothing lol but they will still pump because Charles had a large cult following of reddit Basedboys and normies will be buying the flavor of the month dog coins during the next bull run.

Link and Chainlink is in a better situation than XRP and Ripple but in a slightly worse situation than Hbar and Hedera.

>> No.55216544

There’s an absolute poetry in this news dropping right in the middle of the SEC/Coinbase/Binance shitshow and the entire market missing it, again.
Before you actually engage in financial markets you never really realise just how hostile they are to retail. How much the sociopath class truly despises the idea of an outsider making it. How full time their commitment is to keeping as many people as possible out.
The chainlink holding process has taught me more about how the real world works than anything else I’ve lived through. The complete and intentional inversion of truth and fiction.

>> No.55216550
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found it in the archives you fuck head

>> No.55216554

They are turning the blockchain into just another permissioned system. Nothing bullish about this.
If you think that they will do it for (You)r benefit you are retarded.

>> No.55216798

It’s over… Chainlink token confirmed just donation token to feed Sergey’s Bigmac addiction…

>> No.55216812

Any conversation is quickly subverted by chat bots

>> No.55216837

You are arguing with a computer

>> No.55216857

yes anon I'm a computer used by the MEV mafia to demoralize Link baggies on 4chan

beep bop

>> No.55216882

>spam threads
No one cares.

>> No.55216916


>> No.55216923

When your output is identical to bot output you might feel like a NEET, not a bot, but what’s the difference?

>> No.55216941

>the market is missing this!
then why is BTC and ETH already recovering while LINK craters to new monthly lows?

>> No.55216967

okay schizo, check the price ;)

>> No.55217033

You are the same "dude"/"omg"/"marinthesss" poster and should kill yourself

>> No.55217086
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>> No.55217103

They aren’t ignoring it. Mev bots have been violently selling this news to push link down.
The reality is they will be unable to play the mev game the second people leave the game board. So rather than taking their money and calling it square, they’re actively using their money to try and push the price down.
It’s working.
We’ll find out soon enough what happens next, I suspect if ccip launches in a semi complete state we’ll see the value of eth start to lower.

>> No.55217125

>everyone is the same poster
You got me, dude. We’re all just me, duude, omg.

Check the price.

>> No.55218186

Token not needed. Swift will pay usd to sergey to operate oracles. Link token is just a crowdfunding tool for oracles as a public good.

>> No.55218225

Normies REEEEEing for tokenized assets. I got some big MNI in my bag.

>> No.55218234

the biggest link whales are swift.
they would never shill chainlink without an economic incentive

>> No.55218401

Gee it would be a shame if all non-LINK payments got converted to LINK on the back end.

>> No.55218427
File: 109 KB, 935x626, Screenshot 2023-06-07 113443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GLNK is pumping, LINK will follow. Cryptocucks are just shaky little hands compared to STOCKCHADS diamond gloves

>> No.55218573

ngl my village need this soon,, we are dying

>> No.55218610

Based 50 link daily volume

>> No.55219126

Now you just need to explain to the market that the price must increase now, and you’ll be set for life anon!

>> No.55219156
