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File: 815 KB, 660x911, Tate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55206326 No.55206326 [Reply] [Original]

This guy made his money exploiting girls, simps, and directionless young men. Yet he's calling out Crypto for adding no "value" kek


>> No.55206335


>> No.55206345

Nobody knows whi that is. The only ones that keeping posting about this guy are some fascists that larp as anti fascists and communists, as jews. You fried your brains

>> No.55206369

He doesn't like competition the same way BTC maxis hate altcoins. If you're putting money into crypto it should go into BTC! If you're desperate and want to get rich you should be subscribing to his bullshit courses, not gambling on crypto. How dare you.

>> No.55206389

Has anyone else noticed how he's been buck broken since jail? That BBC interview looked weak, at least 5 seconds of it that I saw. Elon looked more like a chad and he had a man, not even a woman interviewing him + he's autistic

>> No.55206454

who dat wyt nigger?

>> No.55206467

he's a mutt
there's no point listening to or interacting with mutts, they're rootless, lost, and terribly insane

>> No.55206604

He's actually right though. If you sit on twitter,telegram,4chan all day you absolutely are a dork. To go further, you're also not creating anything, you just hoping somebody else creates something to ride it's wave.

>> No.55206619

yeah but isn't nothing better than grifting/exploiting vices? I do agree with his example of laying bricks or whatever, but that's not what he did to get rich

>> No.55206665

>Yet he's calling out Crypto for adding no "value" kek

Its another psy-op. Everyone knows that Tate is a CIA glownigger controlled opposition asset. His father literally worked in the CIA and these things tend to continue in the family.

Try to appeal to conservative young men who are interested in self improvement and then lead them in the wrong direction subtly and slowly.

>> No.55206685

>If you sit on twitter,telegram,4chan all day you absolutely are a dork. To go further, you're also not creating anything, you just hoping somebody else creates something to ride it's wave.

Perhaps that is true but if the end goal is to build wealth then arguably crypto is one of the easiest ways to do so by simply accumulating during low valuation periods, waiting, and then simply unloading on the way up of parabolic expansions.

All the rest of what you said is meaningless if the goal is to have more money later than you do currently.

>> No.55206796

Andrew tate literally said he and his bro bought chainlink and sold it at the top. W chad tate, L linkcel baggies. Even in crypto they are getting dumped on by alpha males

>> No.55206806

This mutt moggs you in every metric tho. What does that say about you?

>> No.55206819
File: 62 KB, 960x948, 1685823105570825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. Realistically most rich people if not all did a lot of shady shit to get rich and took advantage of every opportunity possible. Look at rappers in the 90s-2000s. Most admit getting started stealing shit/selling drugs to afford studio time/connections. Look at Trump and other rich people, they leveraged their connections and took loans for millions of dollars in their early 20s to build out businesses off the bat that would take middle class a lifetime to afford to play. Life is not fair. You seize every opportunity that gives you the best odds of moving up. Anyone saying otherwise is bullshitting you and has a course to sell you.

>> No.55206831

I'm not jealous of shitskin zoomer E celebs.

>> No.55206859

>You seize every opportunity that gives you the best odds of moving up. Anyone saying otherwise is bullshitting you and has a course to sell you.

I would add coupling that with bring your friends, family, loved ones and eventually your community with you on the way up as much as possible as well but otherwise yeah its that simple.

>> No.55206862
File: 57 KB, 473x480, 8E8F6B2C-C90A-4546-992B-254671C09B16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys used to simp of this fruit too. The muh Bugatti shit posted all over here when good /x/ schizos, /pol/tards, and /fit/fags were telling you he was a glowie, mossad agent, faggot… but I repeat myself.

>> No.55206907

100% agree
dudes simped over the anti woke messages but there's always been a good amount of smart anons pointing out he's a materialistic nig milking out a niche audience, nothing more

>> No.55206999

The materialistic shit is gross and off putting, but it’s not what gave me bad vibes. I’ve, unfortunately, been in these edgy circles for longer than I care to admit, and without fail you always see the same type of personalities rise and fall. Everything about him screams either Jack Donovan or Richard Spencer. It wouldn’t shock me if he said swallowing Turk semen was ultra masculine and ratting others to the FBI was based and redpilled.

>> No.55207054
File: 491 KB, 760x521, become ungovernable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck else am I supposed to get a bugatti and escape the matrix?

>> No.55207187

He's a literal criminal that pimps out poor vulnerable eastern european girls, forever removing their ability to pair bond and be good mothers.
Then he wrecks the finances of lonely young western men by promoting unrealistic scenarios and behaviors.
He is scum. A half-negroid, cursed bloodline of evil, destines to wreck havoc upong God's children. Snake on his back, wonder why?
Anyway all those bugattis and all that fame and sex but he will never be happy due to being fundamentally flawed.

>> No.55207197

no one is saying he's wrong
though he is on many other topics
everyone is saying he's a hypocrite
this is his idea of adding 'value'
seething about crypto
i know not one person who has listened to this retard and been better off
he's a fucking basedmaker is what he is
>inb4 go back

>> No.55207249

Most mutts are fine. African bloodline is just eternally cursed. They are so short term in terms of reward structure, they will pretty much destroy anything they come across.

>> No.55208331
File: 179 KB, 600x600, 1610319463677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we all make money by selling no$thing at all and cashing off hot digital air. Problem?

>> No.55208333

Lol checked and based

>> No.55208832

he's facing serious charges, he basically took away girls passports and did classic pimp strats to keep them from leaving his streamer house, strong arm tactics

also the way he lured girls in was telling them they would be in an exclusive relationship with him but when they arrived they would be taken to a camgirl house with 20 other girls and told to work

basically he's facing real sex trafficking charges that could put him in jail for 3-25 years if he faces usa charges because one of the girls was from the usa

basically, from what I've read is he's fucked

he bragged about enjoying raping a girl to her in text messages, how he enjoyed it, then he takes the girl's passports so they can't leave and doesn't let them go out in public unless someone else goes with them

generally I agree with tate that women should have no rights and they are property but the law it seems was broken and he's fucked unless he somehow bribes his way out of it and finds a private estate to hide on in siberia or an island somewhere

>> No.55208882

He's always been a piece of shit. Why any of you fucks follow him I'll never understand. He's a fucking goober.

>> No.55209338

is any of that provable?

>> No.55209383

yes, all of it, it's in the case files but his defense is trying to make it inadmissable on grounds of a technicality regarding the the way they confiscated his computers

>> No.55209452

im curious is there a place i can read this?

>> No.55209462

ive been away for a while you type like a redditor so im suspect of what you're saying is true

>> No.55209594

Look at his fucking hairline LMAO

>> No.55209649
File: 249 KB, 802x1000, putin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is he wrong?

crypto is a giant pump and dump get rich scheme which produces nothing valuable to society. its been 15+ years and still nobody uses bitcoin for what it was meant for. how many more fucking decades?

>> No.55209747

Bottom signal when retard E-celebs start fudding

>> No.55209806

Seems quite jewish desu, that chinlet parasite

>> No.55209901

all through text messages and voice messages, they have basically all his communications between his brother and the girls

bruce rivers did a bunch of youtube videos on him, he's a lawyer

>> No.55209922

Kek none of that is provable, cope more reddit fag

>> No.55209927

ok, that's fine, but like I stated women should be property and they shouldn't have any rights but it seems quite obvious that based on all the evidence tate has commited sex trafficking, and a few other crimes which carry the prison sentence of 3-10 years in romania and 20+ in usa if he's tried there

>> No.55209939

it's in the case dipshit

>> No.55209951

>Shithole of Romania, one of the most corrupt nations on earth, makes up shit on behalf of who ever is paying them to get Tate out of the public
You are retarded if you belive any of this

>> No.55209957


he's involved in money laundering for romanian mafia, also possible mule for drugs.


>> No.55210009

if anything I would expect romania to side with tate

in the face of evidence though he would be tried in the usa if romania refused to do anything

of course globalist powers are against him and banned him from social media for being anti feminist but based on his text messages and communications like taking away passports and putting women into the sex industry and restricting them from leaving then he's committed sex trafficking

>> No.55210306

He wouldn't be tried in the USA since their jurisdiction does not apply to European soil. It'd be necessary for Romania to extradict him. And even if they do, it'd be way to expensive for the american justice system to prosecute crime in eastern europe with 90% of the countries either not cooperating or simply not being interested in providing the necessary information to get Tate behind bars.

>> No.55210326

which is why I said romania is more than anything going to treat their resident billionaire softer than the usa would

>> No.55210375

This makes no sense. Romania should have more interest to prosecute Tate and get him behind bars than the Americans, just to prove the point that their legal system isn't complete shit while the whole world looks at them. Not even mentioning the people who want to see Tate gone and bribed Romanian authorities and not US ones.

>> No.55210389

put him behind bars and treat him with a 3 year kid gloves plea deal

when the usa would give him 20-40

>> No.55210403
File: 445 KB, 684x522, 2023-01-17-1673962453_684x522_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn't even man enough to get his nipple included in the tattoo

>> No.55210541

>when the usa would give him 20-40
How you know how much he'd get if there wasn't a trial nor a prosecution? Just from speculations by some youtube lawyer dude?

>> No.55210592

well based on the text messages between tate and his conspirators

and the fact that sex trafficking is a 20+ sentence in the usa

>> No.55210598

Yea and what value did that stupid grifter add? He got rich by forcefully exploiting woman on webcam, then pretending to be these women and chatting with desperate simps and scamming them out of money.

His second business are casinos. Once more exploiting the weak and vulnerable.

His third business is his online scam class, once again exploiting people.

This means he NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE, build a legitimate business providing "value" or doing "hard work". His entire "career" is based on exploiting and scamming vulnerable people.

Fuck him. He is just another false prophet misguiding the youth with his purely materialistic approach.

>> No.55210612
File: 549 KB, 1342x1774, 1619140132139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/cels threatened by a real alpha male. All of you are betas

>> No.55210700

>women should have no rights and they are property
The key with that is that property has an owner which would be her father or husband generally, or a brother or uncle or something if she doesn't have the others. "Rape" actually traditionally has nothing to do with a woman's consent and means stealing her from her proper guardian. See also, rapine, rapacious, raptor, etc. all from the same root.

>> No.55211113

He is a pseudo-intellectual insecure validation seeking bald loser. He suffers from the same problem as Bilzerian: he feels too threatened by all other men that he chooses to have no friends. He wouldn't fit into a group of men as he's got no banter, people would mock him, and the old thing he could offer to defend himself would be neanderthal violence. He tries to pretend he's content with his cars and his staged photos with women, but look at his eyes, he's not happy, he's never been happy and he never will be happy. He's pathetic. Dumb bald and pathetic.

>> No.55212135

i read the whats app message you lying shit. The women even said tristan doesnt care if she leaves.

>> No.55212144

Give the guy a break his PulseX sacrifice isn't doing to well

>> No.55212481

i wanna suck this chad mocha mulatto king niggas dick so bad bros

>> No.55212567

The guy is literally just final form web2. Of course it didn't make sense to him.

>> No.55212687

he's like you guys, lying about girlfriends:

>> No.55212910

Yet he entered your thoughts enough for you to seethe about him

He won

>> No.55213787

>hire people to astroturf you everywhere
>you though of me i won bro 'haha, i am le alpha'
How did being on the radar work out?

>> No.55213878

You haven't read shit, watch Bruce rivers videos he goes into the case

>> No.55213907

Kek web3 is here he had to realize that. More over the devs have the opportunity to code smart contracts and dapps in any programming languages, this will bring in unique utilities and functions to the space. We just gotta keep up.

>> No.55213913

lol, the BBC reporter got cucked by him and I dont even like the guy but this is pathetic and im beginning to believe him.


>> No.55213948

lol, that beard makes it look even worse

>> No.55214106

Haha good old GoT days

>> No.55214114

lol that's literally an image of andrew tate

>> No.55214275

Hows he wrong tho

t. crypto neet

>> No.55214631

> Yea and what value did that stupid grifter add? He got rich by forcefully exploiting woman on webcam, then pretending to be these women and chatting with desperate simps and scamming them out of money.

>His second business are casinos. Once more exploiting the weak and vulnerable.

>His third business is his online scam class, once again exploiting people.

>This means he NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE, build a legitimate business providing "value" or doing "hard work". His entire "career" is based on exploiting and scamming vulnerable people.

>Fuck him. He is just another false prophet misguiding the youth with his purely materialistic approach.

You’re forgetting his very first business was a ponzi advertising agency, where he’d charge a much cheaper price of ads on TV than his competition and then use the money from other clients to pay for the ad.
He probably participated in other scams, he just doesn’t mention in public

>> No.55214688

BBC interview was cringe as fuck and tried to pretend Andrew Tate is why women in Britain are being raped and it isn't the 10 million Muslims

I totally agree with Tate on basically every viewpoint but he's still probably going to be found guilty it is what it is

He could have been rich without breaking the law but that was just how he did things

>> No.55214713

Also Tate evaded taxes and laundered money with bitcoin basically, so this seems like a hot take

>> No.55214714

>the 10 million Muslims
Such as Andrew Tate?

>> No.55214722

Yea but Tate didn't force Britain to import 10 million muslims

>> No.55216105

you're a woman

>> No.55216325

>source: your ass
Last time I checked, there was no publicly available evidence and the cope was “t-they wouldn’t jeopardize an ongoing investigation by leaking evidence.” As if a clearly politically motivated trial in a third world shithole relies on provable evidence.

>> No.55216597

More like this bot is Buck broken.

>> No.55216714

>Tate is kind enough to share his wisdom
>/biz/ seethes
Stay poor

>> No.55216765

Everything he said was absolutely true though.

>> No.55217361


>> No.55217406

How would one, hypothetically, legally operate one of these camgirl houses?

>> No.55217463

Don't take away girl's passports, don't tell women they will have an exclusive relationship with you if they move to the country and then when she arrives she has to work in the camhouse

>> No.55217472

He's right
T. Monero holder

>> No.55217521
File: 68 KB, 907x920, IMG_0965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s literally mossad . His friend who owned chainlink and dumped was JIDF/ mossad. Chainlink is a JIDF/ WEF coin. All the kikes bought early as they were told by their WEF insiders that it was going to be the future.

>> No.55217531
File: 549 KB, 666x961, IMG_7611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey JIDF. Follow your coward ancestors in Masada

>> No.55217828

There’s literally nothing illegal about lying to women and camwhoring them. We’ll see if they can prove the allegations about stealing passports and preventing them from leaving

>> No.55218480

I encourage you to watch this video

I think that specific lying in this case is referred to as "fraud"


I'm not a lawyer but I watched this video

also I like andrew tate, I literally agree with him and think the same as he does about a variety of issues, but it seems like he broke the laws

>> No.55218575

ive watched that video. Their is nothing illegal about lying. Never leaving the house alone seems reasonable as its dangerous for a woman to talk in the city alone.

>> No.55218753

I encourage you to watch all of these videos if you haven't yet

when you combine fraud, coercion, withholding passports, assault, threats based on certain actions, tax evasion, money laundering, then it adds up to him going to prison


you can feel however you want about it and I basically agree with andrew tate that women are just stupid fleshbags, but the facts of the case and the laws we are subject to would mean that he is facing jail time

>> No.55219811

>I think that specific lying in this case is referred to as "fraud”
We will see if a judge feels that way, or however trials work in third world shitholes. In my personal opinion, assuming there is no real evidence supporting the claim that he prevented them from leaving, he did nothing wrong.

>> No.55219968

if there was no evidence then there wouldn't be a trial, given the fact that we all believe it is a shithole with high corruption and the fact that tate has mob ties in the area, it is safe to assume based on all the documents that you can read for yourself that he did do these things

also the punishment for sex trafficking is low in romania compared to basically all western countries 3-10 years instead of 20+

basically he self snitched in a variety of ways

"Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation."

>> No.55220064


(a) [...] the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal, manipulation or implantation of organs;

>> No.55220237

in one of the texts one of the women literally say they dont care if i leave. I dont get why that retard is so invested replying

>> No.55220271

Another product of ZIRP

Can't wait for this shit to crash and an economy based on actual work to return

>> No.55220280

is that the text where tate tells a girl specifically not to leave if she doesn't have her handlers with her

>> No.55220378

>if there was no evidence then there wouldn't be a trial
Lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.55220575

>there is literally nothing illegal about lying to women and camwhoring them

well according the the un that's human trafficking, sorry

>> No.55220888
File: 1.29 MB, 498x247, IMG_2511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according the the un

>> No.55220900

yes the world government that controls your life and also andrew tate's life

you just hearing of it now

>> No.55220918

heh someone should shop this pic into that new LotR Gollum video game

>> No.55222129

These matters were found to be confirmed by the injured party UA who stated that the
defendant NG mentioned that the defendant TT had a new girlfriend who would be suitable for
"COSPLAY" because she had Asian features. The injured person UA also showed that, approximately
four days ago, a new girl with Asian features, named E., arrived in the building where she lived. She
was brought to the building by the defendant NG who stated that injured party GE A previously did
Onlyfans and will try to work together with defendants TT and AT as she has not been able to make
much financial gain doing it alone.

>> No.55222249

he's obsessed with crypto because it goes against his grifting method.

a young male making money without jews and without alpha male zoomer horse shit

>> No.55222267

he literally laundered money with bitshit, he's just being contrarian for clicks now

According to the statement of the injured person GE A, during the time she lived with those
girls, she was not allowed to leave the house alone, she was always watched by the other girls,
except for A.. Every time she said she wanted to go out , she was told that she must be accompanied
by someone else.

>> No.55222281

>politically motivated
no one important gives a shit about Tate

>> No.55222307

[07/03/2022, 16:41:42] AU: it's also women's day
[07/03/2022, 16:41:52] E.: who are we
[07/03/2022, 16:41:56] AU: me and them
[07/03/2022, 16:41:59] AU: the 2 girls
[07/03/2022, 16 :42:18] E.: no. I'll go with you B, Jasmine or Geo
[03/07/2022, 16:42:21] E.: I don't trust those Ukrainian women [03/07/2022,
16:43:54] E.: don't go anywhere [ 07/03/2022,
16:43:57] E.: without one of the 3" ” [03/03/2022,
AU: we had breakfast, we talked with my sister /I just talked to Y. and she told me that there was
something between you two /I want to do my exercises, send some emails, read the bible and maybe go to town
later if does anyone want to go

from Ukraine
The injured person UA stated that she did not use the phone she had on her because she had the
impression that she was being controlled. At one point, he told the defendant TA that he wanted to go to the
Botanical Garden with two girls from Ukraine (whom he previously indicated had been brought by the defendants
NG and lived in the house for about five days). The defendant TA told her that they could only go accompanied
by the defendant NG or the named PY or ABG. The injured person stated that during the time she lived in the
house, she and the other girls were never left alone, always being a trusted person of the T. brothers to "take
care of them."

”[07/03/2022, 16:40:55] AU: tomorrow we might go to the Botanical Garden/With the girls

[08/04/2022, 22:33:11] E.: NO
[08/04/2022, 22:33:12] E.: go out alone
[08/04/2022, 22:33:21] E. : without telling me
[08/04/2022, 22:33:22] E.: Mall. Supermarket
[04/08/2022, 22:33:22] E.: NOWHERE
[04/08/2022, 22:33:23] E.: FROM NOW ON [04/08/2022,
22:33:27] E.: I told you I want to go alone [04/08/2022, 22:33:32] E.: this
is the last warning [04/08/2022, 22:33:35] E.: I don't feel like
it to believe you were [08/04/2022, 22:56:23] AU: Ok ÿ” Next, the

>> No.55222326

also this literal octoroon said buy bitcoin like 5-6 months ago. is he mad that people actually did? now he'd fudding cause he didn't buy enough?

>> No.55222357

No he didn't. He made it through MMA and sponsorships. The whore thing was just one business. let's be honest people invest in crypto because they're usually poor and don't have the skills or put in the time to grow a legit business. He's not wrong I just don't mind it

>> No.55222362


>> No.55222372

it's literally just clickbait and normiebait

The injured person GE A further stated that she could not mention whether she realized that
she was deprived of her liberty at this time, because the defendant TT told her that she could leave
at any time, but when he left the residence, she could not get out of the yard Thus, he asked the
guards to open the gates so that he could leave, but they told him that they did not understand the
language, and at one point, he tried to communicate with them even through Google Translate, but
they still said that they did not understand what they are told.

The injured person GE A claimed that she did not call the police because the defendant TT
scared her, told her that he had surveillance cameras everywhere in the house and it even happened
to her that when she went to the living room to write, the defendant TT he texts her to let her know
he sees her in the living room writing. Thus, the defendant TT implied that she was being watched
all the time.

>> No.55222396

lmao he's seething cause he missed pepe and wojak

>> No.55222411

Kek zoomer thread discussing millennials. Kek zoomers
Why are zoomers so much into talking about ecelebs?

>> No.55222425
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, Andrew Tate On Bitcoin 0-0 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy is a fucking dickhead for this

>> No.55222450

What exactly did he say that was false? I am struggling to find it.

>> No.55222458

stop being obtuse. he's a walking contradiction.
this is the only (you) you're gonna get.

>> No.55222462

The girls were not allowed to talk to each other about their other relationships, and if they did, they
were threatened with beatings by the said NG. The named PY was even threatened by the defendant
NG. According to the statement of the injured person GE A, they were in that house because they
were in the beginning.
The injured person GE A specified that before arriving at this house, he found out that there
were two girlfriends of the defendant TA, but in reality. there were four. He later found out that all
these girls, except the injured person UA, were in that house for over a year. Also, all these girls
individually said that each of them is the girlfriend of the defendant A. and that they will have a child
with him.

>> No.55222516

google translate is ass and substitutes he for she

>> No.55222691

>believing women
TOP fucking KEK! I have a skybridge I want to sell you anon

>> No.55222721

it's all documented on text message, because they were overconfident

most of the fraud, deception, manipulation that constitutes human trafficking occurred over whatsapp messaging

>> No.55222742

>27 posts by ID
Ahhh I fell into a glowthread.

>> No.55222769

then the force and coercion was threatening beatings, restricting movement, having handlers, etc


pretty funny honestly how they got so far without being caught

>> No.55222950

And yet it’s on every major news outlet whenever he has a wet fart. There’s a reason the FBI is investigating a whore house in fucking Romania and it’s not because they particularly care about the well-being of foreign whores.

>> No.55222988

if he wasn't such a self snitcher they wouldn't have shit on him

even by his own admission he doesn't have the biggest cam business and never did

he's a sloppy criminal with a big mouth, and I agree with most of his message, he just did it illegally

his banning from social media was political but his arrest and upcoming trial is purely criminal, it's called human trafficking

>> No.55223022

>29 posts by this ID
>25% of this thread is just you
It’s time to stop posting, fed.

>> No.55223048

he's a pimp, a sloppy pimp, why are you mad

and women should be property and have no rights, but they caught him because he let a few go to the police, and his massive amount of incriminating messages

>> No.55223074

If tate isnt part of the deepstate, he's going to get his asshole puckered by the powers that be. The only way modern states survive is by feminzing and castrating their male demographic. He is like the polar opposite that goesnt against functional systems in order to cause chaos / war. The fact that he hasn't already been whacked tells me he's just deepstate himself.

>> No.55223076

he should have made his base of operations in the middle of siberia so that they have nowhere to run and bears will eat them if they leave the camgirl house, fucking amateur shit

>> No.55223089

he's definitely not deep state, he's sloppy, he's a kid from the projects who got a big head and doesn't know discretion from flexing

>> No.55223105

Idk his dad was CIA and he seems to he evading any consequences of his pimping behavior quite well.

>> No.55223118
File: 157 KB, 540x540, 1685132463358667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tate is a for real sex trafficker that the whole world is going after goys while everyone ignores epstein and hunters laptop
Everyone who buys this is a LOSER

>> No.55223136

he's going to trial within the month and they have 88 pages of evidence against him

his dad was a flunkie who was good at chess

>> No.55223172

what And let me punch you in the mouth until I get there, then I'll give you 10 NG:

an incurable sloth you are 07/03/2022 18:13:35 (UTC+2)
NG: well, how much did you have to recover until now? 24/03/2022 01:08:54(UTC+2)

RL: Maybe you don't listen that I'm killing you 12/03/2022 23:27:13(UTC+2)

P. I: But what did I do?? 07/03/2022 18:14:27(UTC+2)
P. I: You mean? 24/03/2022 01:08:35 (UTC+2)

10/04/2022 01:08:13(UTC+3) AT:And with T's new girl, you are doing a very good job

RL: G. takes O. 12/03/2022 23:27:06(UTC+2)
09/03/2022 15:16:32(UTC+2) AT: yes
09/03/2022 17:02:57(UTC+2) P. I: what kind of pictures?

10/03/2022 09:37:45 (UTC+2)

NG: You have one hour and 10 minutes to speak 03/07/2022 18:14:04 (UTC+2)

P. I:. does she know about onlyfans?

RL: If we don't make money 12/03/2022 23:27:18(UTC+2)"
” 09/03/2022 14:47:08(UTC+2) AT: did you tell the whore cE us that you make a lot of money?

You decide
05/03/2022 21:38:20(UTC+2) TT: it's ok, let's go"

NG: I'll break you when I get there 07/03/2022 18:13:46 (UTC+2)
10/04/2022 01:08:21(UTC+3) AT: T. wants you to bring her back and stay there 10/04/2022
01:08:30(UTC+3) AT: I'm taking care of B tomorrow and U, we have to be alone and find a solution to

RL: Me on you 12/03/2022 23:27:08 (UTC+2)
P. I: But I didn't say that I'm not going in today at all 03/24/2022 01:08:53 (UTC+2)

NG: And don't take me by the spell because you didn't do anything today, do you have the feeling that I'm swallowing the spell? if

NG: Better said what did you do yesterday than one hour 07/03/2022 18:15:49 (UTC+2)"

>> No.55223212

why do you people keep posting this person? get a life, fuck.

>> No.55223227

30/03/2022 03:39:01(UTC+3)"

>> No.55223321

In the same way, using the emotional authority he possessed and permanently exercised over the
injured person A SA., the defendant TT induced her to work for him, meaning that the injured person
agreed to carry out video chat activities and post on Tik Tok, under the direction/supervision of defendants
NG and RL, who forced her to work harder and harder, post more and more videos on Tik Tok, and
follow their directions regarding pictures and videos for Only Fans.
[10/03/2022, 16:40:11] E.: the pictures are gorgeous
[10/03/2022, 16:40:13] E.: I'm proud of ine
[10/03/2022, 16:40: 15] E.: you ***
[10/03/2022, 16:40:18] E.: very good baby
[10/03/2022, 16:40:37] AU: thank you baby ÿ [10/ 03/2022,
16:40:42] AU: Okay?
[10/03/2022, 14:08:10] AU: it's not that I'm boring / But it's one thing to ask just me, and another thing to ask
all the girls [10/03/2022, 14:08:50 ] AU:
why do you want to see the girls?


The injured person A SA. continued her activities, following a very strict schedule (she had to be live for
12 hours on Tik Tok with a break of only 5 minutes), the defendants NG and RL requiring her to make a
minimum of 10,000 euros/month from on Tik Tok and threatening her, at the same time, that they will
beat her if she doesn't do her job. From the statement of the injured person A SA. it appears that she
was afraid to give up, so that the defendants NG and RL would not proceed as they did in the case of C.
(injured person P C- nn) respectively hack her accounts and post indecent pictures or videos with her.

>> No.55223349

Using the same way of misleading, by which he instills in the victims the illusion that they are his
girlfriends and will ensure them a better life, the defendant TA induced the said P. I and ABG to
carry out video chat activities for him and post on Tik Tok, under the direction/supervision of
defendants NG and RL, who forced them to work harder and harder, to post more and more
videos on Tik Tok, and to comply with their instructions regarding pictures and videos for Only
Fans . Moreover, from the statement of the injured person UA, a form of psychological coercion
can also be observed by claiming some debts, the so-called fines" that were applied to them
by the defendants Taste T. and Taste A. if the girls did not post on OnlyFans, so that the named
P At that time, he owed them the sum of 4,000 euros.

>> No.55223454
File: 17 KB, 578x272, tate dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tate having a largely absent father explains a lot.

>> No.55223459

google drive is apparently shit for copy pasting from because it randomly puts other shit in there, and the translation puts she as he

>> No.55223486

Black dad = automatic single momma. But the cycle repeats as Tate will create single momma spawns of his own and they will all collectively shit up the societies they inhabit and anyone unfortunate enough to allow them in. Europe and North America are honestly done as civs lol.

>> No.55223522

there will be pockets of civilization and country estates that form into communities, we're in a new tribal era

polygamy is making a comeback

>> No.55223594

We are in an impossible cycle. Prosperous trchnological soceties require feminized men.
Women only like aggressive dangerous men on a statistical scale.
Therefore technologically highly advanced states are prone to invasion.
Women DESIRE to be single mothers, as long as the dads genetics are high quality in terms of reproductive success (height, muscle, outgoing, secondary sexual characteristics etc).
I'm pretty certain that the physical world is a putgatory tier prison.

>> No.55223632

>Women DESIRE to be single mothers,
this fucking hit me hard man. I know its true

>> No.55223646

technology fights back with extermination, of the lesser equipped bushmen, recolonization

you want to be the estate holder who is well stocked and fortified during the collapse of the grid and other luxuries we enjoy

infighting between urban tribes and famine will be apocalyptic

tate unironically had a good strategy and could have just retired from the cam business and coasted on his mouth alone, but he was too greedy

>> No.55223691

Taking away the passports and forcing them is the illegal part. Lying that you will be in an exclusive relationship isn’t illegal

>> No.55223707

woulda started with other petty crime too

>> No.55223733

lying that you will be in an exclusive relationship and then making them work 12 hours a day making videos and pictures for sex work, and then being told you can't leave the house is fraud, deception and coercion as outlined in the un human trafficking laws

>> No.55223784

If more than a few girls testify against him he's fucked. Consistent testimony is the most important evidence there is.

>> No.55223814

If women are property he's guilty of stealing them.

>> No.55223850

based on the google drive document of tates recent failed appeals it appears that 2 women are testifying against them, who knows how many more might come forward

then combined with all the messaging it paints a pretty clear picture

also tate self snitched and referenced his "business" quite often in his videos

>> No.55223871

Doesn't happen. Technology cannot win in terms of women or reproduction. Women hate and despise tech nerds or any other men whom are dysgenic in terms of sexual reproduction.
Their only function is to find the physically most potent male, one that has cultural dominance and respect.
Now knowing all this, that 99% of women in this world would rather get their brains fucked by Tate/random xyz negroid/criminal, where do we go from here?
Honestly the only logical long term solution is just to get rid of women entirely by designing artifical reproductive methods.
No more sexually fuelled conquest > no more war due to conflicting male desires > no more suffering.

>> No.55223890

Somebody in this thread has a brain.

>> No.55223908

that or turn into a nigger and spread seed.

>> No.55223915

That doesn't matter legally. Even FMTY fly me to you is sex tracking under international laws. Watch your ass with those escorts boys.

>> No.55223922

But his Hustler's University has a big section on Crypto, ummm, top-g bros?

>> No.55223933

has tate released his evidence yet?

>> No.55223945

full retard

you're definitely overstating the situation and the problem, the stupid cattle get enslaved or killed, the high iq stay in control no matter how many runts will be created, natural eugenics prevails

>> No.55224086

You mean like Bill Gates daughters getting their vaginas spread out by their African/arab boyfriends?
Has his ""high iq"" really helped him do eugenics or is he just a pasty dorky nerd in an economic system whose women hate him?
You are just trying to cope with your obvious doom. Your cities have already fallen as the commonners are just bastard offspring of invaders.

>> No.55224420

we aren't talking about the making them work and telling they can't leave. Lying that you will be in an exclusive relationship isn't illegal. After they learn that they can choose to stay or not. If he didn't force anything it isn't illegal

>> No.55224485

They were caught they just bribed the police.

>> No.55224532

Like the Bilderbergs are doing with RSR?

>> No.55224980

What other value is he fucking looking for? Can't he see how it has revolutionized payments around the world? Faster and even more reliable network of payment.
CEX and Payment apps like CryptMi and BitPay have been big players.

>> No.55225511

Being hated by the fags at /Co/ and the literal fag board are good things. Also
Lol, no