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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 74 KB, 1200x675, img-3889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55213184 No.55213184 [Reply] [Original]

It cant fucking play video games. AND they are marketing it for a professinal workplace setting.

Only FAANG karens u see in the stupid women in workplace threads would be dumb enouggh yo think they need this let alone have any practical use from it.

Bet against apple stock. Its so simple.. Saw this coming with meta also but didnt have money back then.

Their new chip is also usless as the majority of people who want high end chips want them for playing video games, which is a pain on apples software..

Im an engineer that does compute heavy EM simulations and a chip lile apples would be a godsend, problem is that i woupdnt be able to use any of the EM software on apple OS anyways.

Apple cant be on top forever, this is the beggining of the end

>> No.55213230

dumbest post of the month

>> No.55213246

AR will be cool and socially acceptable now that apple did it. Also a perfect price for Apple midwits to flex on the poors. You love to see it folks.

>> No.55213258

Chances are it’s another govt tax payer scam attempt. They will try to convince normies its needed for “web3 future”. So govt will print more $ out of thin air and give apple contracts for purchasing these devices . Why? Because the us stock market is on the verge of a worst collapse than 1920s. Apple is a huge bit of that stock market and the federal govt is terrified of a collapse. Why do you think apple recently started their own bank? THEY NEED CASH. They need liquidity. People aren’t buying stocks anymore like they were pre COVID I think normies are coming to the conclusion it’s all rigged. So these big players cannot even cash out their positions anymore without causing the entire Nasdaq from crashing— so apple has to create headlines like “hey we are a bank now” “hey look at this VR future shit”— remember the stupid VR fad in crypto? Worthless coins like mana and other stupid shit mooned for no reason other than Silicon Valley influence

The elites are terrified right now. They are not getting the liquidity they need to keep things “pumping”— and the only option is for the federal reserve to print more $ which creates more inflation/- this increases stock prices but that increase in stock price is useless if NOBODY IS PARTICIPATING IN STOCK MARKET— due to real world commodities like fucking food and gas skyrocketing . People cannot afford to gamble away $ on stocks/ “investments”. These assholes create more inflation to give their stock portfolios more value— but this value is FAKE unless the market is liquid in NEW cash that is coming in. That’s why these wallstreet jews like blackrock push for diversity tolerance/ ESG/ immigration from third world shitholes— they need NEW CASH- NEW LIQUIDITY— WHERE DOES $ COME FROM?? — from labor —- so they need new labor to create fresh liquidity. If the liquidity doesn’t come,that’s when the charts DUMP. their pyramid Ponzi scams are collapsing in fundamentals

>> No.55213269

sorry anon, I'm gonna watch porn on it and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.55213306

ok enjoy your meaningless and unfulfilling lust in the digital void
>have sex incel

>> No.55213325

>Bet against apple stock. Its so simple

Anon.. they were already paying for it for years, now that you know about it doesn't change that fact. If it didn't hurt them then why would it now when it's actually making sales?

>> No.55213343

We should protest and kill ourselves

>> No.55213350

Too early to short. Fb/meta took its time to plunge after occulus.

Clearly it is.
You are wrong regarding the bank though.
Many big companies are de facto banks. Even in small countries you have regional companies providing banking services. They are only profitable bc their banks are tied to an operating company. Banking itself isn't profitable anymore without heavy gambling and bailing out.

>> No.55213363

I think it'd be great for traders, the fuck do I need 37 monitors for?

>> No.55213481

There wont br any sales. Most comlanies are jeesih enogh with their money thst they realize thst this provides no use. The vr pro is marketed to companies and they will ONLy sell to companies. All they had to do was make video games avalible to play on them but the relsolution is so ridicously good idk if even modern games can fit well into there. Weres the gpu to pr9cess all those triangles.. shit were the power and heat disipator to even run the gpu.
Wont be confortable as u think it is. Sensory overload.. also traders and not a hudge market..

Also therrs alreayd something better that been out for 3 years but its 15k.

>> No.55213490

>Please wear our 3D goggles they're soooo different to all the other 3D goggles nobody wants to wear!
>Look anon.. ours has an adjuster knob to make it more comfy on your little neet head!
>Look ano, ours makes you look like a spaceman and has the Apple logo on which everyone says is really cool!
>Oh please anon... please!

>> No.55213506

You will wear the headsets

>> No.55213513
File: 76 KB, 811x811, comfykitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? This is the first tech gadget that I have genuinely been excited about for years.
For software engineers working remotely, we won't be bound by our desk setups anymore. I can go camping around europe and still be just as productive, work outside and not get fucked by glare, from a standing position in any room, from my comfortable reading chair....

I know guys that have spent more money on an electric standing desk and multiple monitor set up. What makes you think that being able to take the ultimate workspace with you wherever you go isn't going to be attractive to those kinds of workers?

>> No.55213518

i bet that lense cracks easier than that weak ass "gorilla glass"

>> No.55213532

>remote work appeal
even if that were true; how many units do you think that will sell? A few hundred? That's a piss-poor defence of this product, anon. People don't want to wear headsets for prolonged periods. We know this. It's just human nature.

>> No.55213555
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>> No.55213560

You realize they'll be only as powerful as the latest iPhone, if that, right?

>> No.55213600

As a developer of apple games I don't get the vibe that you've had enough experience with the product to have a sound opinion. It is actually quite easy to produce software so far and I have been following the development of reality kit into this new AR system and it will be easy to use, as long as you have a powerful enough computer to live-compile everything.

That is not to say that I think this new headset is great. I'm sure it cost a lot to develop but I think they will have some trouble selling them at that price regardless of how good it is. I'll be saving my money for a model in 5 years, maybe longer. But I want one and I want to develop games on it.

>> No.55213611

you have dog shit for brains

>> No.55213616

they can synchronise with your macbook and focus on displaying while the macbook does the heavy lifting.

>> No.55213618

what bullshit you are describing does not get any real work done, you are a faggot and your should kys

>> No.55213634

Apple can absorb the cost of this thing never selling a single unit. Also I kinda want one but know better after owning the Oculus Rift CV1.

>> No.55213635
File: 35 KB, 400x300, 8 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like absolute shit
>too expensive to ever get any mass adoption
>cant take it outside because it shitty to transport and is easily damaged
>need to haul a battery pack with you and there is a cable going from headset to battery
>no peripheral vision making you an easy target for nogs in public
>you can do pointless shit with it like look at images in your camera roll
>cant wear it for long as its uncomfortable like any other headset that ever existed
>people that have to wear glasses can instantly forget about this

>> No.55213667

I'm getting serious poorfag vibes from you both.
I literally said that I know guys who have spent more on their WFH setup and you think it's $3500 is too expensive? Lmao I spent half of that on a decent desk chair.

>> No.55213673

>looks like absolute shit
Beauty is on the eye of the beholder, I'll wait to see it in person to share my opinion but it is only an opinion. It looks comfy.
>too expensive to ever get any mass adoption
>cant take it outside because it shitty to transport and is easily damaged
Agree, get insurance.
>need to haul a battery pack with you and there is a cable going from headset to battery
Small battery that lasts 2 hours. If you really use it more than that you'll look like a dick. I see no reason why future models won't improve on this.
>no peripheral vision making you an easy target for nogs in public
You shouldn't be walking down the street in full immersion.
>you can do pointless shit with it like look at images in your camera roll
Or watch Netflix while sitting next to a river stream. Be more creative.
>cant wear it for long as its uncomfortable like any other headset that ever existed
You don't know that yet. Remains contested.
>people that have to wear glasses can instantly forget about this
If you're forking out $3500 for version 1 of a headset like this you can afford the custom lenses. Also, what do you want Apple to do? provide a space that fit every single shape and size of glasses? a bunch of gears and nobs that get in the way and open the device up to internal damage over time. Apple hates buttons and I agree with them.

>> No.55213683

>It looks comfy.
no it looks like shit.
>Small battery that lasts 2 hours.
lol lmao even.
so basically its completely useless shit.
>You shouldn't be walking down the street in full immersion.
people will do this anyway.
>Or watch Netflix while sitting next to a river stream
why would anyone want to do this?
>You don't know that yet.
you will see that I'm right
>the custom lenses
looks and feels like total dogshit.
>Also, what do you want Apple to do?
nothing can be done about it, its a weakness that all these shitty headsets have in common.

>> No.55213699

I got to admit it looks really good. the eye tracking to select shit is underated. 4k per eye makes it about a 1080p monitor 1 meter away in terms of clarity.
M2 chip means its a macbook on your eyes and it is good enough to be able to run games. If they really figured out hand tracking then controllers are literally obsolete.

If you cant afford 3.5k and are on biz, you are a poorfag and should buy (insert my shitcoin here).
I am tempted to buy 2 and keep one factory sealed.

>> No.55213703

The thing with the money is that either your boss doesn't want you to have ar or they are just dumb because you can get an ar headset right now for much cheaper that could act as the average WFH device. Apple is a splurge product.

>> No.55213710

Not everyone thinks the way that you do. It seems you don't understand that and thusly makes it a waste of time to convince you of anything. Don't buy it, I don't care. It sounds like it would definitely be a waste of money for you personally.

>> No.55213717

It will fail.
As if people will watch TIKTOK allway with that on their head. No way.

>> No.55213745

If you buy me one I'll design a game for you. Might take me a while to go from 2D to 3D but I'll get there. I've had enough practice with blender and reality kit.

I assume you won't but you miss every shot you don't take right?

>> No.55213774

>Don't buy it
nobody will and it will fail like all the others.

>> No.55213783

i wont wear that outside, I m using ar sunglasses that mirror my phone screen when on trains/busses/planes though.
Vision pro could be really nice when traveling or to just save on needing a laptop, desktop, monitors, desk (or at leats a big one).
I am proficient in blender myself. I commend your spirit, but when you try pitching it you should have something visual ready to display your skillset concisely

>> No.55213800
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>> No.55213809

for me the most telling thing is the design.
Steve Jobs wouldnt habe allowed that. Braindead mainstreamers will hype for it, since they hype for everything globohomo tells them to hype for.

>> No.55213844
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>> No.55213852
File: 98 KB, 1920x1080, iceBackground_3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55213885

- too little 3D detail for VR
- flat shading on the house looks weird
- window on the house is just glued on and its obvious. a window would also not be slightly diagonal in real life, its always upright or 30 to 45 degrees if on the roof.
- trees on the left have a pretty long stem
- the checkered road is unappealing, due to suddenly cutting off
- whole scene is flat, as in no verticallity like hills or making the house elevated and such

- no skybox in the render
- no reflections in the render (make renders with cycles and turn on denoise)

The scene overall lacks impact, but its an interesting idea to make a home of a chesspiece.

model looks pretty good.
animation is too linear, swing a stick irl you would accelerate fast and then have the stick carry momentum etc. I dont do much animations though.

terrain looks like you just applied a noise texture on a subdivided mesh, decimated it and then painted some faces in some colors.
Its also too smooth, irl you would have terrain break off at places,

>> No.55213950

Sorry, I think I have given you the wrong impression. I am not an artist, I very much dislike doing that. I enjoy programming and would likely purchase pre-designed assets for any fully developed game. The point of developing these was to learn the tools that Apple provides and I was displaying that I had done so. Thanks for the feedback though, I quite like the poly style and I thought it helped define the pieces as potential NPC's/players due to their higher rendering. If I were to develop that further I would surely include more assets.

I'm still working in 2D spaces as well so the whole getting an AR headset isn't a priority until I have developed an income from that. So thats why purchasing one for me would help change that direction. It would be a drastic choice and for that amongst other reasons I didn't expect you to do so. I have no formal education so giving me money is basically money down the toilet as far as any investment goes.

>> No.55214144

>iphone is just a blackberry with a touchscreen, it will never take off as you need a keyboard to type

>> No.55214154

The problem is Apple stock is just too strong
Meta went all in on this stupid shit
Apple just got into banking
They have a religous cult for a customer base

Wouldn't short

>> No.55214165

ill be getting one, i dont give a fuck. stop being poor OP

>> No.55214177

Why is this thing making CHUDs seethe so bad. Is it because they can't afford it on disability?

>> No.55214220

im gonna use this to watch anime and read manga in bed

>> No.55214227

kek, underrated. also I find it poetic that /biz/ is reacting to this like how /g/ reacted to bitcoin when it first came out... of course /g/ was BTFO, and /biz/ will be BTFO by the decades of success Apple will achieve in the AR/VR market.

>> No.55214231

Another faggot from reddit.

>> No.55214256

bro is schitzmaxxing

>> No.55214390


Cope. Why should I wear this helmet that will be bad for my eyesight and mental state?

>> No.55214406

You shouldn't, just as you shouldn't bet against apple stock.

>> No.55214433

this is the answer
apple rides the z*gwave
>see smartphone evolution and all the good phones, suddenly govmt employees are getting the newest iphone every release

>> No.55214448

Congratulations Apple, you have discovered the screen

>> No.55214454

you lost here anon

>> No.55214514
File: 35 KB, 544x652, balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future models can't improve on this because of physics, energy density. From an electronic engineering perspective, why in the fuck give a headset a tether only for a battery? If you have a cable hanging off then offload the computing also to make the HMD lighter. It's like the most retarded design ever
> all the drawbacks of a tethered headset
> still have to wear a hot single-board computer on your face
I built self-contained wireless PC headsets 7 years ago. This is the gayest shit.
The art of designing a self-contained VR headset is all about weight distribution and not the overall headset weight. Generally you put the battery at the back and screen at the front so they can balance each other.

>> No.55215133

looking good faggot, I'd cum in that Octo SpongeBob house

>> No.55215187

don't care
will buy it anyway

>> No.55215191

Sign of green dildos for metaverse gems. Altcoinistdao predicts xeta rfox

>> No.55215438
File: 82 KB, 959x639, BN-PU522_AIRPOD_J_20160912193604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember how much these got shitted on during initial release? Consumers then began to gobble these up like its gold.

Apple could sell farts in a white metal can at 5,000 USD and consumers will praise it as the greatest innovation of mankind.

Idk how many of you guys actually have a vr headset but after a good 30-40 mins that shit starts to burn the eyes.

There was a claim that some people snapped their necks because they were moving to fast while gaming, and girls thought it was cool for like the first 10mins but after it was like
>okay anon, this is boring now.

Curious to see how this plays out with the masses

>> No.55215456
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>> No.55215493

>It cant fucking play video games.
It can though, wtf makes you say that

Whether they will offer any interesting games is another question

>> No.55215498

holy cope on a rope

>> No.55215719
File: 15 KB, 320x180, vrdesktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can already use your desktop OS in VR for years, this is gay and poor use of the medium.

>> No.55215793
File: 10 KB, 196x257, images - 2023-06-07T074805.345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VR has been around forever
>every company including fucking samsung has made VR meme goggles
>fad is over and dead
>apple late as usually jut now gets into VR
>they're ugly ski goggle looking things
>literally the worst VR attempt ever
>way too little way too late
>itoddlers when they can finally do something VRchat users were doing 10 years ago

>> No.55215963

I'm going to sum up why this is not going to take off by comparing this release to the iPhone.
There were no mainstream smart or even touchscreen phones before the iPhone. This is common knowledge. Apple created and rode a perfect storm with the release of the iPhone. The internet was reaching its maturity, the price was great for what you were getting, there was boundless millennial optimism, an excellent marketing campaign. The release of the iPhone is a classic example of giving people something they didn't know they wanted, and so they made billions off it, and created absolute fanatics for their product, just as intended. They rode the line perfectly between being a luxury brand and creating a product for the people.
Contrast the iPhone with this product, people are lonelier than ever in human history, with doomscrolling pandemic lockdowns still fresh in the mind of the average person, the first thing they heard about it was a 10 minute ad interrupting their music playlist, and the price is not just awful, but they lack the home field advantage they had with the iPhone, they are not innovators, Google did this 10 years ago in a better economy and failed. People want less technology in their life, are living paycheck to paycheck, and there is practically zero irl buzz surrounding this product. It is going to flounder!

>> No.55216036

>Banking itself isn't profitable anymore without heavy gambling and bailing out.

It's scary that this statement is 100% correct. They've all become gamblers is my guess. It's insane when you realize they borrow money at 1% interest and sell it at 4-29% interest. How can they be that incompetent to screw up getting free money?

>> No.55216050

Why would I do that? I'm not the source of the problem.

>> No.55216070

What glasses are you using for that? I would really love to have some way to look at my phone screen through ar glasses. Are there good products for that? I haven't heard any new developments in that sector since Google killed the Glasses.

>> No.55216074

are you 12? How are you still excited about porn after experiencing the 2010's? There's nothing more to see.

>> No.55216076

They said the say thing about the internet and the iphone. AAPL will be soaring to new heights after a short consolidation period.

>> No.55216080

Up voted.

>> No.55216081

Imagine walking around with a device on your head that just screams "Please come rob me"

>> No.55216090

except they aren't monitors. They're images two inches away from your eyes through a lens. Its not comfortable for more than a few minutes.

>> No.55216091

Checking those trips too.

>> No.55216137

Just would like to point out: NVGs require a counterweight at the back of the helmet/headgear otherwise it is way too front heavy.
This thing should have had some too even though it would have added even more weight.
What a stupid design.

>> No.55216236

Wearing goggles in bed is just too damn annoying. Even glasses suck lying down.

>> No.55216285

Are you from 10 years ago or an itoddler?

>> No.55216327

have you considered that these are not night vision goggles, dumb fuck?

>> No.55216390

Do you have to keep these out of sunlight like the quest?

>> No.55216548

Have you considered that you’re retarded if you can’t see the similarity in design in wearing an overly expensive phone and screen in front of your face?

>> No.55216585

this will be a flop comparable to meta VR office bullshit. all the interfaces in the world are built with flat screens in mind and it wont magically change tomorrow. do you or anyone else really want to do Zooms and excel sheets in VR?

>> No.55217008

it literally has a 2 hour autonomy tf you talking about.

>> No.55217010

This is bait but can it even connect to a terminal and display a code editor? That would be kinda cool
>3 gorillion dollars
>can't run python
>can't ssh

>> No.55217089

video games?
That's only the new frontier of masturbation, nothing else my friendo

>> No.55217101

It's approximately correct analysis, though somewhat lessened in persuasiveness by being written in an upset way. Though he might well be a schizo as well

>> No.55217232

they are poorfags and who can't even conceive of the types of workplaces that will buy these in the dozens, or hundreds even

It looks sick

>> No.55217449

learn2 inflation caluculator
you apes are just startled by big looking numbers

>> No.55217517
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>> No.55217568

You dont need raw processing power to write code. If it can provide a better interface and more fluid workflow it will increase productivity even if it only has phone specs.

>> No.55217731
File: 258 KB, 600x406, apple2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ will be BTFO by the decades of success Apple will achieve in the AR/VR market
Nigga don't stretch the goalposts out to "decades." By then we'll have nice retina scans and all will be good with VR/AR.

If you follow VR, it has been an endless money pit. Can Apple do it in 1-3 years? Odds are NO. But they have a shot because Apple consumers are cultists who will suck any dick and take any strap-on the Ghost of Steve Jobs tells them too.

>> No.55218479

Nothing more to see, but a lot more to experience.

Can't wait to experience watching bimbos like Angel Wicky jumping on my dick specifically right here in my very own bedroom

>> No.55218565

>they need cash

>> No.55219041
File: 515 KB, 1440x1225, Screenshot_20230607-122505_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh wagie

>> No.55219535

>It cant fucking play video games
this can play any fucking game
it's compatible with a wide range of controllers and can be used for the holoride's games, and perfect for usage in the automobiles.

>> No.55219806

you have no idea how zoomers work. genz and gena are terrified by cringe. they know the slightest display of cringe will be recorded and immortalized. in what world would an anxious angsty kid, wear this

>> No.55220817

damn that's unfortunate. but i'll still give it a chance.

>> No.55220852

you're thinking too much like an engineer. women use this. anything over 1lb is going to cripple their neck. this unit is already too heavy to use. that's the entire point that they're trying to keep it light weight. imagine a career woman stacy/karen using this, that's one of the target audiences for this.

>> No.55221491
File: 100 KB, 1494x1200, Nintendo-Virtual-Boy-1462881254-0-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple's Virtual Boy.

One has to start questioning at this point wether diversity really is a strength.

>> No.55221618

>conceive of the types of workplaces that will buy these in the dozens, or hundreds even
Enlighten us :^)

>> No.55221764

>>itoddlers when they can finally do something VRchat users were doing 10 years ago
This is unironically the most bullish case for this shit product. People want sex and violence and these goggles will make known to many new normies the degeneracy one can partake in with VRchat

>> No.55221793

Works on porn

>> No.55221874
File: 29 KB, 1500x1500, 1686171123583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry anon, I'm gonna watch porn on it and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.55221967

It’s just to get it out there. This is the prototype for the AR hipster glasses everyone is going to be wearing in 5 years, maybe less. It’s clear AR/VR is only just going to improve and this is the measuring stick.

>> No.55222137

Headsets will be common place for working. AR is literally a game changer. Has the potential to dumb down even the most complicating tasks. Imagine a heads up display like a video game for example that guided you how to build a home for example. It’s show you exactly where to put every part, step by step process

>> No.55222837

Why do so many people want to walk down the street with a headset for more than 2 hours.

Your engineering opinion is restricted to your proffession. Look at the bigger picture. What is it for? who is going to use it, how might it be used by individuals? If you don't fit these categories then apple simple hasn't made a product for you. That's a shame, be patient.

Batteries can very much be improved on and adding hardware isn't a no brainer, everything is a compromise. I would not be surprised to see it plug into iPhones to utilize hardware in the future because why not?

>> No.55222859

Your keyboard and mouse are a dinosaur. Imagine telling your kids how you used to use 26 keys to display the alphabet and thats how you played video games.

>> No.55222905

Companies should be able to design a product and not expect a return. In terms of the economy it is useful and it is this kind of consumption we need from rich people to offer more liquidity to the poor working class.

>> No.55223475

It's going to be a porn watching machine and nothing else. Coomers are a huge market. Imagine having deep fake porn of the real life girls standing in front of you transmitted to your eyeballs while you talk to them. I'm gonna coooooom

>> No.55223515

>If you follow VR, it has been an endless money pit.
It's been like 4 years and Valve still can't manufacture Indexes fast enough to keep up with demand

>> No.55223566

imagine if furries could use this to visually overlay their fursonas while having sex
the market for these will instantly explode as soon as that becomes a thing

>> No.55223752
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>>it is this kind of consumption we need from rich people to offer more liquidity to the poor working class
How does a $3,500 headset accomplish this?

>> No.55224579
File: 22 KB, 474x326, apple22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VR Headset Sales Underperform Expectations

>> No.55224959

Yeah, a lot of headsets have been performing poorly. Facebook aka "Meta" is definitely overinvested into that shit. But Valve's Index headset is actually good and continues to sell well. It's no coincidence that a company that's actually in the business of gaming managed to produce the best gaming headset on the market, by far. All the other headsets are made by non-gaming companies, and they're all subpar in comparison. I think Apple will have a hard time marketing a $3500 headset to non-gamers, but that's just me.

>> No.55225758

soon as someone cracks this to nudify women on the street, highly profitable