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55212286 No.55212286 [Reply] [Original]

Will Gen Z adapt to the workplace, or will employers bend the knee since they are the future of the workforce?

>> No.55212312

They will hire third world zoomers.
> More obedient due to culture they were raised in
> Willing to put up with more, since they don't want to have their work visa revoked.

>> No.55212353
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one pajeet in my team replied to my chat at 3am his time today. he cost nothing. why would i hire a genZ ?

>> No.55212374

gen z is lazy and based
hail the neet masterrace

>> No.55212381

what the article should actually be titled

>> No.55212384

Pajeet zoomers are just as lazy as American zoomers. And they unironically take more sick days and vacation days.

>> No.55212478

how did we raise a bunch of such an entitled shit cunts i have never met a gen z i didn't want to slap (and i have).

just the other day i asked a young waitress to give me different pasta than what was on the menu. she looked at me in utter disgust like i had shit in my hand and showed it to her.

on top of that they belittle and bully each other in the most bizarre indirect and cruel ways (through public humiliation like video or voice recording). it is like the whole generation has severe mental disorder.

i am unfortunate enough to be on the cusp of being able to dating these insufferable pricks and im considering dating older than me just so I don't have to meet yet another "woman" with BPD

>> No.55212480

This is me except technical skills, communication skills, and easily offended

>> No.55212483

enjoy getting outcompeted by people who actually want to work

>> No.55212500

ITfag here. Zoomers are insufferable.
>two zoomzoom interns start
>one is a macfag, marketing director insists she gets macfag computer
>gets scam email, doesn't report it to IT, gets literally scamed and out $200
>luckily computer isn't on the domain so we wash our hands and move on
>other intern started Monday
>not a day goes by before they fall victim to our fake phishing email
>replies to the email telling them to take the cybersecurity training with "hi!whats the wifi password ?"
>give other user a new laptop, thinks it's a touchscreen, gets frustrated when swiping on it doesn't bring it to the login screen
Zoomers are not tech savvy, they are all macfags that think everything is a touchscreen and files are just "in the cloud" and can't do the most basic things like plug in an HDMI cord

>> No.55212502

wow that sounds gay as hell!
but that's prolly because you're a redditor.
you will never be a woman.

>> No.55212509

The real reason boomers don't like the young: they know they are all going to die soon.

>> No.55212513
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Based ziggers.

>> No.55212640

>Gen z will force employers to make work easier
Oh no the horror

>> No.55212654

fucking race traitor

>> No.55212661

>goes to highschool
>taught about how I am trans because I like sporty girls
>teacher completely neglects the actual curiculum
>everyone gets an A because teacher gets a bonus if 80% of students have a B or higher
>get accepted to Goyllege
>taught that I should give reparations to blacks even though I am not white and I am a second generation citizen
>more communist, black, and gay propoganda FROM MILLENNIALS AND BOOMERS
>graduate with honors after learning basic things you could learn from youtube in a week
>applies to an entry level zoomer apply for an entry level job
>400 other applicants
>gets job interview because my last name sounds foreign
>Hey! You need to 10 years of experience using our special app that absolutely no one but us even uses
>pay is $15 an hour
>39 hours a week so we don't have to give you benefits


tldr; Boomers and millennials fucked up this generation and have no one to blame but themselves for that anti-bullying campaigns, "men have feelings too" bullshit, and general "progressive" changes

>> No.55212665

Describe the race of your country.

>> No.55212679

You're self defeating. You want short term satisfaction but your lineage will suffer (if you even have any, since you can't breed, ironically because you are obsessed with money).

>> No.55212690
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Good luck hiring an indian to sell custom software to American boomers. My job is as safe as it gets

>> No.55212697

Jew in spirit

>> No.55212712

They've already decided to replace the entitled goyim with the Third World.

>> No.55212721

>You won't be a slave? Well guess we'll just find some other slaves then!

>> No.55212730

You are mad and trans.
You are not a woman.
Stop blaming others for your short comings.

>> No.55212782

The gen z response to this is obvious. Pay up or shut the fuck up. All this talk about entitllement and lack of work ethic is nonsense. if they suck then fire them, if they are good then you will have to pay them. Stop bitching about having to pay market rate for talent. you can always hire some pajeet but have fun with that.

>> No.55212799

Embarrassing post.

>> No.55212808

They already hired someone else. The poll results just explain why.

>> No.55212904

>hire gen z
>they are fine
Just dont hire Americans. Its that easy. Hired a malaysian and hes better than all the jeets and boomers combined. Im almost sad i have to promote him and move him to a better department.

>> No.55212907

Zoomzooms were raised by women which is why they can't into tech. Most didn't see a real male role model until 10years old. Tech by nature(object over emotion) is definitely more masculine.

Raised by women, shit at tech.

>> No.55212915

>working for a living is slavery

>> No.55212921

I can hear the monster sipping from here
Your shortcomings were from your whole generation doing a bad job at handling society
so long as you feel embarrassed for what you did to our generation

>> No.55212974

The CIA runs mass brainwashing campaigns on the general public.
Shut the fuck up already about your boomer dad and mom, they didn't have any input on the matter, nor did 99% of other boomers.

>> No.55212981

I’ve worked hard and gotten compliments for it. The problem is that what your line manager thinks is hard work isn’t necessarily what corporate thinks is hard work.

If I could make a list like this back though, the lack of fucking training and gatekeeping by boomers in the workplace is absolutely retarded. I literally have multiple zoomer coworkers that are dumb but not unsalvageable, and managers have just not bothered to train them so they do nothing all day because nobody fucking trained them to do anything lmao. I’m actually convinced that’s what people mean when they say they have a “comfy do nothing wfh” job is just that they don’t realize nobody has the time to train them and they don’t have the self sufficiency to go find the work

>> No.55213022

uhhhh, yes?

lol if you go on a worksite people are on their phones or with their airpods in and management cant do shit about it

young people know, or at least suspect, the game is rigged af and just lived through a before and after of inflation, "quiet quitting"and employers being forced to take their head out their ass a little bit

>> No.55213046


As a Gen Zer myself I know were pretty bad, but boomers are honestly way worse.

Boomers are the rich kid who has a yacht whos asking you why dont you have one as well. They are the most hypocritical and out of touch generation alive and its not close. They complain about the state of the world as if they arent the ones whove been in charge for alf a century.

Boomers talking about the state of the world is the equivalent of shitting your pants and then complaining that the room stinks.

List of worst to best generations goes.

1. Boomers
2. Zoomers
3. Millenials
4. Gen X

>> No.55213050

>Easily distrached
Did the intern make the chart?

>> No.55213110

Millennials suck more than zoomers. Boomer entitlement + new age arrogance. Zoomers are dumb but they know how the world works at least and hustle. Millennials are whiney, arrogant, and pretentious. Terrible and lazy people who've done nothing to note.

>> No.55213158

Honestly my opinions of millennials might be skewed because I mainly interact with the older ones who are almost indistinguishable from gen X. your input is noted

>> No.55213183

Reminder that "generations" is pseudo-scientific bullshit. I bet you believe your horoscope too, faggot.

>> No.55213239

A lot of them blame society and "capitalism" w/o an understanding of what any of it means. They major in dumb shit and act pompous, but still live off their parents. The only thing they care about is dumb culture war slop and climbing the corporate ladder. They're just very limp-wristed and annoying people. Young millennials are basically this.

>> No.55213242

Sounds like the hunters (employers) don't like being the hunted.

>> No.55213272

I just talked to one who complained about us not having universal healthcare yet this person was completely unaware how they could basically get subsidized health insurance for basically free via obamacare if they have low income. These people will never stop crying no matter what they have

>> No.55213290

How do I get a work ethic?

>> No.55213318

get a passport

>> No.55213370

That's the spirit wagie! Don't forget to be up @ 4am tomorrow. Shekelburg Goldstein won't be happy if you're late.

>> No.55213412

It is when you have to compete with people willing to live like barn animals.

>> No.55213453

you're just a barn animal pretending to be a person

>> No.55213458

No they don't.

I tried a pajeet customer service for a tech stack we use in our ERP. Bitch lasagna got back to me three days to say the outage was fixed...

Outage was fixed in a few hours.

People who think zoomers and gonna get outed by Pajeets don't realize pajeets also have the same work ethic. Just lower wages.

>> No.55213609
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>Be Millenial
>Grew up using tech before it became nigger/female friendly
>Even our video games rewarded grinding, exploration, and patience
>Zoomer fags spend all of their money on a good phone and clothes, and have been brainwashed with eco bullshit so don't even have a car
>Zoomer chicks foaming at the gash to have a ride in my mercedes, think i'm a genius as a software engineer, they love my hot dad energy.

I can't believe how truly blessed my generation is.

>> No.55213692

Zoomers know that they could be the hardest working people alive and it would mean absolutely nothing since the old fucks who still haven’t retired or died yet don’t give a fuck and act like its still 1974. You’re talking about people who were the first to grow up in a post 9/11 world, throughout all the economic and social bullshit thats been happening since. It shouldn’t be too shocking so many either checked out entirely or are doing the bare ass minimum whose life consists of “making it big on tiktok or bust”. The family unit is basically dead, the neurotic nutcases you see on the streets or on videos are the ones raising the generation of tomorrow, and I know because I was unfortunate enough to be cursed with such a thing too. At least I had my grandpa though, god only fucking knows what gen alpha or whatever the hell the young kids of today are called are going to be, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing 1960’s to 1990’s tier serial killers again in the coming decades. Some real MKULTRA programming shit.
t. 24 year old zoomer

>> No.55214331
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Zoomer bros millennial have a head start on killing things we need to up are game if we want to compete.

>> No.55214446

Why are Americans such obedient corporate cucks?

>> No.55214477

>lack tech skill
Wat? Any more details zoomers are lack in tech skill? i thought they're the most tech literate.

>> No.55214483

Most of them don't know how to work a PC since they grew up with Smartphones and tablets.

>> No.55214486

>gib rewards for participation and failure
>incentivizing the lack of effort and incompetence itself
>wonder why everyone becomes entitled

>> No.55214588

two employees, small business. public events and a client base of around 30~.
> A: Gen X guy... acts as a representative for my business (Made me nervous at first). class act. involved his own family in our business and doubled the amount of customers I got for this summer (seasonal business). I mean, he literally went out on his own and advertised on my behalf. Maybe not fully double. Our net was projected at $8,000 after all expenses paid for June/July. Now, our predicted net will be about $12,000 for that time frame. Asked for nothing in return for that. I gave him a $2,500 bonus and will continue to reward him with 60% of the net of whatever he brings in, if he continues to excel.

> B: Gen Z girl... Doesn't feel comfortable talking in front of customers. It's embarrassing and unprofessional, cuts into my credibility. Has called in sick once and failed to clear out a certain date for an event we scheduled for June, in April. I warned her repeatedly to make sure the date was clear, and she did not - this is tremendously embarrassing for me and lead to a ton of changes I had to make. Lives with her parents. Recruited one client, that client dropped us after we had materials made for them (not a huge cost, but time and money). Works another job too. So, she's attended 2 of our 3 days of work so far and canceled for one in the future.

The amount of cope on this subject is insane. Gen Z is not leading to some kind of revolution in workplace culture as others suggest in this chat. They are just not fitting into the existing one. I am all for changing the workplace, but not at the expense of the staples... like "showing up to work" or "communicating in a way that is professional". When you are handling people's money, shyness or anxiety is interpreted as dishonesty or incompetence. I really feel that this generation has grown up thinking they live in the world they see online, not the one that actually exists. They really have zero actual life experience

>> No.55214621

You re literally retarded.

>> No.55214633

>Lives with her parents.
>Works another job too.
>in this chat.
Weird post. Like it was taken from reddit.

>> No.55214650

I'm gen Z, nobody taught us anything or forced us to do anything so we're all lazy or work useless jobs. Also all addicted to TikTok and YouTube shorts.

>> No.55214651

ez digits. character limit and I wasn't done.

This isn't the first gen z person I have hired. I had two last year who weren't bad. The year before, I had one that was a nightmare and left me having to miss summer vacation and fly back during a family reunion to handle a disaster. I can't go into more detail.

The ones that decide to play within the structure of human culture and rules that have existed for literally thousands of years of business... they are likely smarter than I am and have more resources available to them than I ever did. They will do incredible things..

The ones that reject the current workplace culture offer no alternatives and simply want to complain. I am one-hundred percent sure that 90% of gen Z falls into this category. It's probably more. I know I sound like the boomer meme but it really is true. This generation wants flexible time off their first year, they quit after one year (ALWAYS), and they need to be reminded constantly of things they could... put on a calendar, or on a note pad. I mean, it's really unreal the amount of baby sitting I've had to do for my younger employees. It's like they have no ability to store information in their brains, and have no organizational skills.

I don't want to keep being my own employee, which is why I keep putting up with this shit. I want to find people to run my business by 24/25 but it really is impossible to find anyone willing to actually work for what is an incredible entry level wage ($30/hr). I am offering literally double what my competition does in base pay and I still cannot get anyone I don't have to constantly babysit. Thank god for my gen x bro, I think I can keep him for long haul.

>> No.55214658

Gen Xers actually suck because "boomer entitlement" merely means wages that keep up with inflation. You will never, not in a million years, have the super boomer business life you thought you were entitled to and had 'stolen' by boomers in the 1990s. Because you are the actual lazy, shit-talking, perpetually-25 retards.

>> No.55214671

>more communist, black, and gay propoganda FROM MILLENNIALS AND BOOMERS
If you are 23 and think 26 year olds millennials 'propagandized' you then maybe you're just weak.

>> No.55214712
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This is real

>> No.55214715

Nope, typed it right now. maybe some day, if you work hard enough, you'll get to a point where you don't care if incels on the internet consider your line breaks culturally appropriate for a website you've been posting on far longer than they have. Doubt it, though! You're too dumb to realize the other post you responded to was sarcasm. I think you'll stay poor and not build anything with your life though. Just a hunch. Here's the (you) you wanted.

>> No.55214727

Sounds like boomers v2

>> No.55214754
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>> No.55214756

Lol what I mean by boomer entitlement is that they think things should be as easy as the boomers had it. Fucking "if the minimum wage kept up it should be $35" type nonsense. They're too lazy to know basic econ.

>> No.55214774


>> No.55214786

oh no those fucking zoomers didnt have to suffer shitty Windows systems where we spent more time manually fixing shit than using the computer. they got iPhone as first phone and it alljust fucking worked

>> No.55214788


>> No.55214804


>> No.55214820

>play within the structure of human culture and rules that have existed for literally thousands of years
>The ones that reject the current workplace culture

>> No.55214840

Every gen Z kid has a mental disorder. Just ask them.

>> No.55214868

But did you play battletoads with the boys, passing the controller along whenever you died?

>> No.55214883


>> No.55214898

Wait do you seriously expect them to give a fuck about your business when you pay so little? Man gets his entire family involved in the business, goes ‘above and beyond’ and you give him a 2,500 dollar bonus? So I wonder what kind of bonus the girl would get if she tried a bit harder. 500 dollars? 1000 dollars? Wow, amazing. Your business just sucks and you’re lucky you found such a cuck who apparently is happy to work hard for peanuts.

(Posted from my bed while ‘working from home’)

>> No.55214935


>> No.55214976


>> No.55215071

Yes, they will lol

>> No.55215078

'Managers and owners think its bad that employees no longer consider their work their life'

>> No.55215111

You gotta force yourself, leaving the internet helps

>> No.55215179

>go and find the work
Finding the work was contacting the employer for work and getting hired. If you don't give me anything to do then I'm not going to do anything.

>> No.55215183

>caring about work
im not an executive or a majority shareholder. i couldnt care less about the company.

>> No.55215391

Unfortunately those shitty windows systems are still ubiquitous. It’s retarded that a lot of public schools are handicapping students by giving them chromebooks instead of full Windows machines. Creating a lot of future problems

>> No.55215400

Zoomers are becoming homogenized (americanized) across the board

>> No.55215514
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>gen z demands to be treated like fellow humans instead of slaves for employers to abuse for profit and because of that theyre entitled antisemitic assholes.

>> No.55215547
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Based zoomer

>> No.55215557


I remember when I was in college, the line I kept hearing was, "These kids growing up with technology are really going to keep you on your toes; you'll need to constantly be taking classes throughought your career in order to keep up and complete".

In reality, it just turned an entire generation into retards with no critical thinking or troubleshooting faculties.

Been in IT for 15 years now and have yet to take any classes since college

>> No.55215584

The more you simplify tech for the user, the more retarded the user becomes about tech, it's as simple as that. Millenials were probably in the sweet spot since tech had started to become ubiquitous but not dumbed down enough yet.

>> No.55215597

generation Z? more like generation N.

>> No.55215615
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Do these boomers not realize that an immigrant workforce has no care to feed into the social security of the country they work in? Or if there's ever a single economic downturn the first people leaving would be those same people.

It's like boomers are incapable of thinking in the long term.
Ok good luck cucking zoomies out of the work force. Better hope the dollar never loses even an ounce of its purchasing power

>> No.55215623

Boomers would make sure to never promote him if he is perfect at his job.

>> No.55215649

They didn't have to listen and put strangers over their own family.

>> No.55215687

>completely ignores the miniboomers, Gen X
Always forgotten.

>> No.55215791

After reading this, i think one can conclude the the poster might be an ESG hired tranny

>> No.55215823

yep. Easily another ESG tranny ITT

>> No.55215863

Just because it's free doesn't mean it's comprehensive... Or even remotely good.

>> No.55215871

Why did you say "this chat" though?

>> No.55215895

They don't even understand basic file structure. They all have 10k files in a single folder.

>> No.55215942


Gen Z is going to save the world from Zionism that's why boomers and millennial faggots are seething.


We finally got a based generation that'll bring forth the great collapse and resurrect civilization from it's ashes

>> No.55215945

Literally all it does is lose its purchasing power, what are you even talking about?

>> No.55215958

You shouldn't have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to claim what's already owed you. I'm old enough to remember when if you were a hard worker for a good company health insurance was a given.

>> No.55216164

I love fucking shameless zoomer chicks so much bros, they're willing to do all the wild shit

>> No.55216249

this is true. It's truly wild how many of them will literally let you film them getting fucked on a first date. One started a fansly right afterward, too. I literally filmed my first, raw insertion of her 19yo pussy. Like I hadn't even been inside her for the first time before she already gave me permission to film. I've been pretty bold about asking (basically just crib your desire to make a movie with her as an expression of how good she looks and how horny you are for her and like 70% of them will be like "ok, bet". Wild.

>> No.55216271

pardon, *"aight, bet."

my Millennial is showing

>> No.55216319

bros, is zoomers being unable to use a file system true?
i really dont want to believe they cant understand something so uncomplicated that even boomers figured it out

>> No.55216337

SaaS sales chads just can’t stop winning

>> No.55216357

Cumming in zoomettes is the best thing ever

>> No.55216400

Stinky brown hands typed this.

>> No.55216471
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I will never work hard for another man's business.

>> No.55216482

>Unironically expects teenagers to flip their entire life upside down for $2500
That girl is working a handful of hours per week at your business for the equivalent of gas money and you expect her to give a shit about it as if she owns the place. The gen x guy will eventually realize what gen z has known since they were children. No matter how hard he works at some shit tier job, he’s never going to make enough to afford a house or retirement. Either nut up and get a big boy job or fuck around and collect a paycheck. Anything between those two options is a pointless waste of time.

>> No.55216524
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>His foot looks like a monkeys paw.
Enjoy your three wishes faggot, we all know how the story ends.

>> No.55216549

If someone was willing and capable of running your business ful time for you, why would they take $30/hour and give you 90% of the profit instead of just starting their own business? What you’re describing is not “entry level” and it’s not a logical deal for anyone who is smart enough to do what you want them to do.

>> No.55216622

This, but as an older millennial.
I can’t afford a house, no wife or kids, why should I care and try to keep the system running? They’re just going to give it all to kikes, spics, and niggers along with a few shabbos goyim helping to slowly kill the rest.

>> No.55216696

MILLENIAL DOORMATS RISE UP! (but not too much)

>> No.55217384

I just quit my job cuz managers was lowkey sussy at me

>> No.55217980

>me, as a millennial: laughing
zoomers will kill the boomer managers and I will profit
hard work is bullshit. 4 years ago i worked for a company that gave me 2 awards. contract ended, we moved on amicably. then i hit them up with a job application for another position in their company i'm now experienced for. instant rejection. boomers made this environment. now i'm with the zoomers on quiet quitting and malicious compliance.

>> No.55218033

>'Gen z is the worst' as polled by millennials who are actually the worst.

>> No.55218068


I'm half and half about this. Half of me is like: Based zoomers for going against the machine and defying all of the corporate "you vill be good" bullshit, but at the same time zoomers are insufferable annoying faggots that have the attention span of a demented goldfish.

>> No.55218085

SaaS webshit here, would it be worth it to remake myself into sales? I have almost 200k TC rn

>> No.55218269
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Zoomers are doomed. Their parents will die and leave everything to the government. Housing market will crash, zoomer will have first home when 55.

>> No.55218291


>hard work is bullshit

Always has been


>> No.55218370

And that's a good thing.


Respect our Veterans!!!!!
Buy American or Move to Japan
Proud Grandfather to De'Quavis, Alterrius and Dayshawn
If you don't drive a truck you ain't a real man
Boycott Libya
In my day workplace harrasment was when your secretary interrupted your smoke break
His middle name is "Hussein" for a reason people
It's Barry Manalow not Barry Womanalow
Why do I carry a .22? Because they don't make a .23!
I stand for the American and Israeli Anthems

>> No.55219057

Social skills are the rarest thing these days. If you have them, you are unirinicqlly in high demand.

>> No.55219102


>> No.55219146

This, these faggots think everyone can read minds, if you want me to do something train me to do it and tell me when it needs to be done. Otherwise fuck off.

>> No.55219223

I was born in 1989 but I am a zoomer.

>> No.55219434

Your post kinda shows why you're low iq / critical thinking.
You do realize that almost every marginalized group in the us (Japanese, Mexican, native) had some sort of reparations paid out? There's very specific requirements needed to get reparations for blacks.

>> No.55219496

LMFAO no one gives a shit about """"""long term"""""".
It's all about getting yours NOW, TODAY.
Anyone that still has a long term reward horizon is absolutely retarded.

>> No.55219533

Agree with the list

>> No.55220467

Only Gen Z from third world countries are willing to work. It doesn't matter what you pay them.
The women are worst of all. They are all legitimately retarded.

>> No.55220511

Zoomers cuck themselves out by being insufferable incompetent faggots who can't complete the simplest task.
Your generation is the worst to exist and everyone agrees.
I would literally rather hire a 70 year old than a 17 year old.

>> No.55221322
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Wow $2500 so generous of you grandpa

>> No.55221430

I've never had a problem working for zoomers that I didn't have for millennials. The whole 'oh they're so lazy' shit and the zoomers rebellion is just a youth thing, they said the same about my generation when we were joining the workforce.

>> No.55222382

Fatal mistake.

>> No.55222969

they literally do nothing at best and at worst pretend they're doing things

>> No.55222994

Based. I love gen z now

>> No.55223007

>want to work
Who in nigger hell "likes" to work? LMAOOOOO

>> No.55223055
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>Who in nigger hell "likes" to work? LMAOOOOO
what kind of utter retard chooses to be paid to do something they hate or that bores them when things that are fun exist you can be paid to do.

>> No.55223128
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You go into work only to give them the absolute bare fucking minimum required to not be fired. Use the money they give you to invest in yourself. Whether that’s your side hustle, scouting real estate opportunities, whatever. Bottom line is they’re just a source of revenue for what you really want out of life. Companies view you as disposable so you treat them the same. As soon as you acquire either a skill or the necessary experience to find a better paying source of revenue for your other endeavors, leave them immediately. Better for you to be done with them before they’re done with you.

>> No.55223556

Boomers are already priced in and don't give a fuck that retirement won't be possible for younger generations after they croak

>> No.55223596

No, the things you post are what's weird. Why would a young woman in her early 20s not live with her parents when rent costs so much you out of touch retard? Why would it be surprising she has two jobs to make money when one doesn't pay enough? You've got literally no clue how anything works which is why people call you a fucking retard.
>stay poor
No, working for you would be what will keep people 'poor'.
Old guy learned a new word kek.

>> No.55223608

>far longer
Nigga you don't type like anyone on this website 10 years ago, you clearly were never here. You're probably someone who visited 4chan once in 2003 and then fucked off forever.

>> No.55223633

That IS basic econ, wages ARE only 1/2 what they should be. The actual entitlement comes from gen xers like you who have a chip on your shoulder because of the tech bubble pop 25 years ago so you think the boomers stole 'your' ferrari, so you're going to shit down everyone else's throats to buy your boat so you can ride around with your aviator glasses.

The real reason you hate boomers is because you wish you were that shitty boss that laid you off 15 years ago so he could save his shitty business in the recession.

>> No.55223644

You are clearly underage. Stop posting.

>> No.55223657

They do though, because they assumed future generations would wipe their asses when they're 80 and it's just a few years until then.

>> No.55223664

Why even bother having countries anymore? Economic output is apparently the only thing that matters to rootless cosmopolitans anymore.

>> No.55223670

Birth rates are going down across the world. If companies could really replace Western zoomers with 3rd worlders, they would've done so 20 years ago already.

>> No.55223792

>actively create products and business practices that are distracting and lead to more sedentary lifestyles, while shoving "you're not good enough" "there's no point" messages down people's throats
>why aren't my employees working like I think they should?

>> No.55223825

I've started using my gen z status to claim workplace discrimination

>> No.55223960

>gen z
>third world zoomers
You typed that like those two are two different things. I bet you're a broccoli head talking wigger

>> No.55223989

The only thing boomers have to worry about is getting abandoned in abusive nursing homes, which many probably did to their own parents. A revolution will never happen in their lifetimes and they will get away with every scummy thing they have ever done. Boomers and GenXers keep pushing the social security scam (despite not producing many children themselves to replace the workforce) so that they can eventually cash out what they put into SS before that system falls apart for the reasons you already mentioned. Even if the dollar loses its power boomers have amassed enough assets that most of them will be fine during their last years of life anyway.
All they have to do is spend the next economic cycle convincing NPCs that everything is fine, numbers always go up and multiculturalism is good for everybody.

>> No.55224052


>> No.55224113

>they don’t have the self sufficiency to go find the work
Hm. I could either go find some work and do it and nobody will notice, or I could play Minecraft all day and nobody will notice.
All generations above zoomers are brainwashed slaves that bought into the boomer's "hard work will reward you" ethic.
What did it reward the boomers with? A divorce? Kids who hate them? A lifetime of back pain?

>> No.55224240

That law only protects you if you are too old not too young. And really there's no protection because even if they fire you and tell you it's because you're too old, you can sue and get a 5k settlement and meanwhile you'll be blacklisted in your industry and be out of work another 2 years, so who really wins?

>> No.55224295

I don’t disagree, but also the world will never go back to stability in your lifetime, so you either try hard and hope you get lucky or else you’re guaranteed to labor forever.

I completely understand why people don’t seek out work, but if I end up wage slaving the rest of my life at least I took my shot and didn’t half ass it.

>> No.55224361
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>> No.55224375

you need to target older pajeet like 35+ who have kid an mortgage to pay for overprice home in bengalore. they work harder

>> No.55224392

>showing up to work
racist white men

>> No.55224444


>> No.55224448

In all honesty, millennials are the only well rounded generation. Every other generation is cancer.

>> No.55224946

>jews are enslaving me by improving economic efficiency

>> No.55224986
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why would zoomers care about their work if:
>wont pay enough to get pussy
>wont pay enough to own a house
>wont pay enough to own a nice car
>wont pay enough to have kids
>wont provide paths to promotion to earn more without just leaving to find another job with a higher salary so no reason to respect the employers
based off of all of this why would any zoomer care about their job past a paycheck

>> No.55225031

all millennials are gay while only half of zoomers are.
gen x is all bisexual
boomers are all swingers

>> No.55225043
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>the napkin industry

>> No.55225056

that changes nothing about what I said

>> No.55225106

>I completely understand why people don’t seek out work, but if I end up wage slaving the rest of my life at least I took my shot and didn’t half ass it.
I used minecraft as an example, but I actually spend that time freed up doing more productive things. For me it's art, for other zoomers it's hustle culture.
They're all moonshots and we'll probably never make it, but at least there's a chance. Waging, working hard, there's a zero percent chance. You're shut out.
In a sense though, with all the freetime we have slacking off, we already have made it. CEOs probably have to deal with more cortisol inducing bullshit day-to-day than a checked out zoomer

>> No.55225303

I'm a millennial and have none of this and can't see how I can ever afford it. I've worked continuously since I was a teenager (in 30s now) but cost of living outpaces income increases. I've worked in retail, factories, and office environments. I get treated like shit at every job, whether I stay there for years or hop jobs after a year. I've had multiple bogus reports against me that range from "harassment" of people I've never met nor talked to, to "insubordination against management" when I finish my work early and ask for more.

Work environments are often toxic. I never had these issues in school nor college nor anywhere else. I can't see how any employee can be loyal to their job. Whether the heat is coming down on you or you're a lucky person that doesn't have to worry about that, the general environment breeds no loyalty in every place I've been.

>> No.55225950

>within the structure of human culture and rules that have existed for literally thousands of years of business
Nigger this shit was made up 400 years ago after the New Rich took over, shut the fuck up.
I wish we still lived in a world where the "old rules" of business still existed and usury was banned.

>> No.55225964

Again, I'd be more sympathetic to them if they did not defend usury as some sort of grand tradition
...the more I think about it the more demonic it is and the more I have to contain my rage

>> No.55226223

>young people don't want to work and are stupid
truly revolutionary information

>> No.55226241

holy fuck that's accurate

>> No.55226283
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>Corporate America is collapsing
Oh, that sucks.

>> No.55226330
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gen z, millenial, boomer every generation complains about the other this shit is promoted because of divide and conquer. oh FUCK someone took a survey on (((resumebuilder.com))) better make a shitty article with misleading graphs to clickbait and troll everyone i hope you all get cancer and your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post

>inb4 seething zoomer

>> No.55226418

I feel pity for zoomers because you only ever grew up in clown world whereas I was a kid back when America was still America.

Zoomers being useless ia an indictment of the generation that raised them.

>> No.55226426

There are two groups of millenials. The older ones (born on the 80s) that grew up more closely to the conditions that the Xers had. The younger youngs (born im the 90s) who were the prototype of the zoomer.

Im an older millenial and my yoingwst brother is a young millenial and its a nigjy and day difference how we view the word.

>> No.55226442

And they were right then too. Im a millenial but will not pretend our generation isnt anything other than a bunch of man children

>> No.55226448

They are

>> No.55226498

They are the first generation to be fully aware that they are slaves.

>> No.55226521
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It is inevitable, with over a billion pajeets, that kikes and selfish boomer scum will see their favored slave race installed all over in America. They already make the perfect lapdog CEOs, and are happy to slave away their miserable brown lives. I gotta hand it to pajeets, I wonder what makes them such perfect bootlickers and slaves. Is it some kind of evolved trait?

>> No.55226530

Please what is the solution to this? >>55225303
I just want to make it out of the bottom of society. I try to apply for better jobs but its
>5 years experience in very niche area
>$20/hr starting
>124 applicants

>> No.55226534
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I'm the youngest person in my office
One person in my department retired, branch just fired 12 ppl
Everyone else is 30 plus with kids

Also avoid working with India at all costs

>> No.55226535

My parents did a great job and me and my siblings have a great inheritance that is already making money for my father now
Other boomers spent money on stupid shit that wouldn't help them or their kids get ahead in life but just have fun.

>> No.55226586

You grew up in America pre ww2?
No, then shut the fuck up with your condescending bullshit about growing up in "real America". You're a cultureless retard with rose colored glasses on who probably thinks pop punk was the crowning achievement of modern art.

>> No.55226600

Lmaoooooo. Have fun wasting your life

>> No.55226605

>ordered pasta that wasn't on the menu
You nigger

>> No.55226606
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Why bother working hard in the workplace? Wages have no connection to productivity, the entire economy is fake with speculation and insider trading, so why not just check out?

>> No.55226841

Like I said earlier, this is the most realistic mindset to keep. You just use them as a source of money to fund your other money making endeavors, whatever they may be. The further up the corporate ladder you climb the more you’re just treated like shit, and you unironically lose your job security even more.

>> No.55226870

I can't tell you how to get out since I'm also trapped, but if you are trying to get experience I just went with temp work whenever I started a new field. You won't get insurance and the jobs might not line up with what you exactly want, but you can make money and get the experience and references. Then just wait for something that is bearable to become permanent in, or apply to jobs on your own after you've gotten enough experience.

>> No.55226938

You know what boomers and zoomers have in common? Both of your generations are tech illiterate, which makes it hell for Xers and Millennials stuck in the middle. We constantly have to fix the tech fuck ups of boomer management retards and new hire retards and work around their tech learning disabilities. Boomers grew up before most modern tech existed while zoomers grew up only using the most retard-proof, Apple-influenced handholding software that doesn't allow users to color outside the lines and learn how its systems actually work.

The end result is the same, constant problems the generations stuck in between you that aren't tech illiterate have to solve. Both of your generations also have shit tier written communication skills (boomers using all caps in emails and constantly hitting reply all while zoomers treat email like texting and will send half a dozen uninterrupted 5-10 word responses that are all lower case and have no punctuation to the same email) but that's more of an annoyance than a real problem that interferes with my job.

>> No.55227066

Ive had to work with these lazy zoomers, they call off more than anyone for mental health or some bullshit excuse, which isnt bad if they did it in advance instead of calling off an hour before their shift. they dont know how to interact with actual adults and bitch about insignificant shit. they are the worst workers with the highest turnaround rate, every single one we hire ends up quitting or getting fired within a few months and ends up collecting uneployment. they are lazy entitled slackers.

>> No.55227126

The fun jobs don't pay well.

>> No.55227671


>> No.55227733

>based retarded zoomer doesnt understand that if the company he works for isnt successful he doesnt have job security.
no one under the age of 30 right now is financially literate, its that simple

>> No.55227747

not even close faggot.
some faggot literal 18yo gets a job at my work
i spend about 20 days training him (its an industrial and technical job)
he is the most retarded person ive met in a long time
his first day on the job he asks me if i smoke weed or do drugs.
"haha no dude, im almost 40 and got a kid just 5yrs younger than u are"
he asks me personal questions about my life, i tell him "well the biggest mistake of my life was a jewish woman" and he gets offended and asks me "whats wrong with jewish people"
that was the night that i reported him to HR and they drug tested him again and he failed and got fired.
welcome to the jungle you zoomerfags

>> No.55227894

If you're going to hire Gen Z don't hire girls unless they're from a third world country. That's the only advice I can give you.
t. hiring manager

>> No.55227958

>Hiring curry niggers to do anything
Lol, lmao.

>> No.55227966

People who live to work and people with slave mentality.

>I'll just work 50 years bro
>Now I can finally retire and enjoy my retir-ACK

>> No.55228002

A zoomer started work in my team recently and he didn't last a month.
Didn't want to do anything, almost offended when you asked him to do something.
Sat on his phone all day messaging his friends.
I'm showing him how to do something and he couldn't give the slightest fuck at all and it showed on his face.
Actually hid round the building and walked from room to room as if he was stuck in a time warp.

Worst part is he wouldn't have been paid that much less than me so he could never use the money excuse, it was decent money for someone inexperienced and practically getting their hand held for the first 6 months.

>> No.55228280

There’s no incentive for young people to stay at one company for more than a year or two anyway. Benefits are the same everywhere (shit) and the only way to get a significant raise is to job hop.

>tells a story trying to make zoomers look bad
>proceeds to explain that the kid just has basic social skills and wanted to get to know his colleague
>admits to open antisemitism at work and gets so scared of HR that he gets the kid fired immediately
Lmao. Yeah, it’s the kid who is wrong.

>> No.55228347

jannies tongue nigger ass

>> No.55228491

This but unironically. Zoomies are so retarded

>> No.55228502

No, they weren't. They were raised by iPads.

>> No.55228512

I’m 28, born in 1995. I consider myself a good worker. Admittedly I was lost in my field for the first year or so. I don’t think a lot of these kids fresh out of school are all that bad, just need some guidance. The constant social media usage needs to stop though.

>> No.55228525

A Genx faggot wrote this post. GenX are literally just boomers who skirted by under the tailcoats of boomers. There's virtually zero difference between Genx and boomers these days.

GenX are the ones who are enacting all the DEI shit at companies today btw, NOT boomers.

>> No.55228692

The way they see it is that they're going to make it either way: from being 'taken care of'(ie getting money and shit like iphones) from the dude, or by making it off posting internet porn from the simpbux.
The reality of it is that the millennial dudes will dangle the carrot on a stick until they get board and the monetary output is no longer worth it. And the chances of making it in a very competitive internet porn/simpbux game these days are not great.
The ironic thing about is that this is still a better strategy than them burning all of their own money on transportation, clothes, makeup etc just to be one of the many to fuck zoomer chad.
So ultimately it's probably not going to change any time soon unless something changes in society.

>> No.55228701


>> No.55229445

>drops the JQ
>zoomer faggot seems assblasted
>kid learns a valuable lesson about HR roasties in the process
>”well I have nothing better to do now. Guess I’ll just get online…holodomer? What’s that?”

You did Gods work

>> No.55229492

Im entitled to billions of dollars and nobody will tell me otherwise.

>> No.55229527

agree, i work in one of the largest legacy companies in the US and the amount of 55+ year old boomers with makework gigs pulling in insane money doing absolutely nothing is egregious, they are like mascots

>> No.55229610

Yes. To see the internet at it's glory, and to learn that we can never go back. It's sad.

>> No.55229663

what do you think AI & socialism is for?
(to wipe most of them out without consequence is the answer)

>> No.55229704

Gen Z can't afford to have kids. Kids are the only thing that allow corporations to control us all. Corporations are fucked.

>> No.55229797

Just import third worlders to breed

>> No.55229848

based if you
if not then jew

>> No.55230985
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>unreal seething from boomers itt

>> No.55231374

wish nukes where real and not fake and gay

>> No.55231990

lol you're gay af

>> No.55232321

Lol you sound like a fucking schizo in this story you sound exactly like this >>55228280 not a good look. Also you sound like a good little slave for zionist boomers even as you impotently rage against them.

>> No.55232410

based druggie destroyer

>> No.55233203

Took the words right out my mouth, pause.

>> No.55233331

your supposed to be teaching your fellow race to start similar businesses

>> No.55233367

The key is working where there is a shortage. If employers need you, they'll kiss your ass. If not, you're shit on their boot. American workers are also treated like crap moreso than Euro workers since you got cucked out of unionizing and since your oligarchy is more extreme than ours

>> No.55233385

GenX looks the most composed on paper, but composed isn't going to flip world order it's head, even if most millennials are too awkward to pull it off with grace, being a priority is more important than the optics

>> No.55233526

seriously. boomers benefitted from unions. then destroyed unions for our generation. americans have 0 workers rights and we get assfucked daily. and /pol/ claps like seals

>> No.55233605

I gave my brother MegaMan Zero when he was 6 as a birthday present, it gave him PTSD so it became my MegaMan zero

>> No.55233626

if only millennials had given more energy to weird & obscure image boards in the early 2000s known for their rampant antisemitism until it turned into a mainstream thing, oh well

>> No.55233690

America is merely an economic zone at this point, its society has been hollowed out since the 50s, to me it seems like you're living in a carcass, a mockery of what the country used to be. Its purpose seems to be to extract wealth from workers and promote zionism, all the while slowly sagging in on itself. But that's just my perspective, what do I know

>> No.55233747

nah, that's a spot on assessment. the worker gets nickel and dimed to death on every fucking thing. i can't step outside without someone putting their hand out with a bill in it. manage to save up a spot of cash from living like a pauper? don't worry, some kike will be along to rob you of it soon enough. all i do is work and suffer.

>> No.55233948

Zoomers are glue eating retards, but their ignorance is still preferable over the self-righteousness of millennials. I honestly think we'll leave more fallout for future generations than Boomers left us, probably out of spite.

>> No.55233961

Yeah is there a word for this? Everything has to take place in some sanctioned area that is accessible only if you pay for it.
Need to use the restroom? Gotta go buy a drink at the bar even though you don't want anything. At some point it's not even about the money but about the massive inconvenience of constantly buying tickets just to exist.

>> No.55234078

>called in sick once

>> No.55234152

Related concept. Lack of third places. Somewhere other than work or home, designed to socialize, that isn't prohibitively expensive to enter. In europe they have city squares and walkable streets with foot traffic, nice places to hang out and walk around. in america everything is commercialized.

As for not being able to piss without paying $8 for a coffee, anti-human infrastructure, oversocialization, commercialization, etc. /n/ might know. reddit would call it late stage capitalism.

basically our society is so fundamentally rotten we need dozens of named concepts just to discuss how rotten it really is.

>> No.55234292

>lack of third places
Its called Church. You guys are clueing in on the real root of the problem, but won't go all the way. Stop thinking like modernists. Healthy society hasn't existed since the (((protestant reformation))) and the (((enlightenment))). Start attending your local Orthodox or Traditional Catholic (Latin Mass only) Church and reconnect with the Faith of your forefathers.

>> No.55234338

The faith of my forefathers is whatever the Celts believed in.

>> No.55234368

poop lol

>> No.55234383

I think its the cast system

>> No.55234390
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>> No.55234517

Might do this desu. Any other community events near me are for children or senior citizens. I just want to feel useful and not like a cog in a corporate machine.

To be fair it's a little better outside the cities. I have a park and woods I can walk around in near me.

>> No.55234531

t. /pol/cel. One denomination of a church was slaughtering another denomination since christ's body was still warm.

>> No.55234593

im sorry but the only reason why the 30 year millennial is cucking out this hard is because he still has some hope of attaining the American dream.
Us zoomers know the world fucked and will continue to do for at least couple more years maybe even a "lost decade" like japan or the stagnant 70s/80s. Not to mention, corpos treating employees like if they're disposable and a non-asset. Why tf would we work our ass off for something we dont have a stake in and will likely never will until our mid 30s?
The only one's with leverage are entreprenuers or those who participate in the capitalist class (investors/business owners/C-Level Execs/Hedge Funds).
If you're not willing to pay a fair wage, fine... then compensate it with offering equity, training, paying for higher ed, etc.. or just deal with low quality work.

You want someone to essentially baby sit your business worry free... well you're gonna have shell out some $ or equity to the point where they make it a priority in their life if something goes wrong.
But expecting someone to get off their bed for shit pay with a lot of responsibility... nope its not gonna work unless they're young and dont know better.

>> No.55234673

based tang ping zoomchad. manglement boomers FEAR him. landlords LOATHE him

>> No.55234773

I suggest volunteering to build houses in Mexico for the poor. Worked wonders for me.

>> No.55234859

build me a house too bro, the landlord is reaming my ass. i sure be poor.

>> No.55235103

no joke if i ever have to deal with a boomer that has these thoughts in a meeting with others, i'd express these thoughts without fear because someone has to say it and not just put their head down and work. if i lose my job so be it, at least it i got the ball rolling in others' minds and they'll probably do the bare minimum until they get what they want.
for the longest time in my teens i expected people to treat others fairly, but nope.. you HAVE to set boundaries for yourself or else you'll get chewed and spit out like a dog's treat in this world.
it doesn't just go for the workplace but also intimate relationships as well.

It's just a lose-lose for people to not communicate how they truly feel in any type of relationship.

>> No.55236094

n-word used

>> No.55236415
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Unironically based

>> No.55236658

When I was neet, I would have doubted your story. A year into working for my city, your story is comes off as 100% factual.

>> No.55236984

and yet i didn't get hired for shit back when i was a teen with a couple of IT certs straight out of highschool.
expect more tarded zoomers as they're the only ones with some fire left in them to apply for positions.

>> No.55237331

what do they mean zoomers have no tech skills? isnt that all they do? i have never seen a zoomer in public not staring at their iphone

>> No.55237337

what was the salary? and job?

>> No.55237343
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>> No.55237357
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arent you forgetting about the best generation there lad?

>> No.55237367

>said the stoned gamer

>> No.55237400

Does anyone still listen to the media?

>> No.55237403

staging a pacifist revolution. I expect them to get slaughtered.

>> No.55239002

>ordering something not on the menu
Seriously, kill your self

>> No.55239031


>> No.55239036

>different pasta than what was on the menu
Be more specific

>> No.55239105

>yeah yeah! go to your "good workplace" zoomer! me and rajesh gonna go, we have work to do! right, rajesh? sorry no salary, I thought you ate that pizza yesterday?

>> No.55239151

seems like your cs guy doesn't do his job of educating newcomers on how to stay safe

>> No.55239225

>stop noticing patterns

>> No.55240494

I like the idea of a place for communities to get together that isn't home or work, but I don't think Christianity is the way forward.

>> No.55240581

they're comically bad at doing anything

>> No.55240644

Using an iPhone != "tech skills"

>> No.55240896

It's actually shocking sometimes how fucking different things have become since around 2018-2019. College kids look like disgusting subhumans, 22yo adults don't know how to wipe their own asses and are ridiculously ugly/old looking/immature. It's like someone set out to make a generation that is bad at everything and succeeded with everyone born after 2001.

That's exactly what I said- they didn't think people would abandon them.
>a revolution
A revolution would be a mercy killing for them.

50% of zoomers are non-white, 63% of millennials are white. Zoomers were already replaced.

>> No.55240904

They only know how to use a phone, they need to be taught how to use computers unless they specifically sought the knowledge out themselves. Most zoomers posting here are phoneposters.

>> No.55242376

Church is genuinely a great place to meet a future wife who still has family values

>> No.55243885

Gen Z is the last generation of wagies.