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55209070 No.55209070 [Reply] [Original]

Im a white 27 year old autistic virgin, how do I profit from this and finally get a wife?

>> No.55209084

Don't. Being an incel is based.

>> No.55209183

You can't. Market is grossly oversaturated.

>> No.55209981

what about finding a wife on /biz/?

>> No.55210185

Weaponize your autism to make good money first. I didn't get my first gf until I had a house, car, and $1+ mil net worth. I'm not gonna wife this one though, she's just practice.

>> No.55210387

Just steal an autistic girl. There's millions of them

>> No.55210414
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sure....just hang out wherever they sell hrt and wigs.

>> No.55211020

where can I find those?

>> No.55211030

For the love of fuck don't get married, if you're a retard and do anyway get a prenuptial

>> No.55211111

im a 26 yo kissless virgin

>> No.55211131

it's over for us virgin bros
>t. 30 yo kissless virgin

>> No.55211239

Alright which one of you is tjoma

>> No.55211269
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Travel to yellower pastures

>> No.55211299
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Step 1)

Step 2)

Step 3)

>> No.55211321

just land the wizard achiev.
you have no idea how good it is.
just make sure to lose your virginity by 40
if you want to continue playing the game.
otherwise you go to some other worldly place.
where you dont exist in the world.
but youre there.

>> No.55212326


>> No.55212589

Find an even more autistic wife at an anime convention but you have to be normie level attractive to steal her away from her childhood best friend orbiters