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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5519996 No.5519996 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw made $140,000 since I started in June
>have a job with a salary of $42k


Initially my goal was 100k portfolio value by June 2018. Now I want 500k by EOY 2018.

>> No.5520272
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Rate me

>> No.5520303

Why are you purely in such random altcoins? Nothing in any bluechip cryptos?

>> No.5520352
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Shill me some coins, my folio seems so boring :(

>> No.5520354

Made a profit on my ETH and BTC, threw it all into alts. I do regret it, especially with IOTA and ODN.

>> No.5520356

Also I see you have a samsung with that new software update. What does the "vole LTE" thing mean at the top? Also don't you think the update FUCKING SUCKS DICK

>> No.5520367
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I suck at this :(

>> No.5520378

I'm obviously going to shill ELIX to you since I've made so much money with it and it still has such a long way to go since the website and platform aren't even released yet (website is due very, very soon now though - dev update the other day saying it was nearly done). Volume been steadily rising for ages now

>> No.5520381

I don't have the app but I'm sitting on:

535 ARK
775 ICX
275 AION

>> No.5520393
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I know the feeling son, that's my daytrade stuff, not the cold wallets

>> No.5520413

Stands for voice over LTE - basically a higher call quality using only 4G LTE and not 2G or 3G.

I've had no problems with the recent update at all. Why what's your issue?

>> No.5520417

Will i be in Lamboland or at 0 eoy 2018?

>> No.5520424

I don't have time to daytrade. I'd fuck it up anyway. Having made over 100k in 6 months by doing basically nothing I'm happy not daytrading though

>> No.5520456

YOu can't make it in crypto if you only buy bluechips. Those can do like few x max.
With shitcoins, those can do 10x 20x 100x.
Big risk big reward.
Like if you have put 2k in XVG 4 months ago. You would be millionar now. It went over 1000x

>> No.5520467

The layout for notifications is terrible. The next is tiny and its all crammed so close together it takes more effort and time to distinguish and read notifications. Also all the menus (especially settings) have changed so now you have to find everything all over again

>> No.5520479

I've got .1 BTC, 40 STRAT, 1 XMR and 1 LTC
Where will I be a year from now /biz/?

>> No.5520509

still flying economy class. if ltc goes up to 900 you make stunning $600 and still won't sell cause you only have 1.

>> No.5520531

First up can you nerds stop posting with USD as the currency? It doesn't count as green if its not in BTC.

Secondly, whats your plan on bitcoincash? I've got 1.89 atm and its bags are heavy. I was a clown and fomo bought in at 0.22btc and I'm thinking I should just cut my losses. Or is that just fucking stupid, should I hodl and wait for the coinbase crowd to push the price up a bit.

>> No.5520546
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Several coins that aren't discussed on here are best, spend lots of time on coinmarketcap, be willing to join smaller exchanges to get in early, my picks right now are SLM and SUMO, check em out, you'll see what I mean.
Never go all in on one coin because then what you sold to buy it would magically rally. Just accumulate good picks and hold.

>> No.5520550

I didn't notice any difference at all bro. Android 7.0 right? It's been like this ever since it was released, only a few minor changes in the last couple of updates prior

>> No.5520570

Stop being autistic. USD is a means of measuring our purchasing power in the real world. That's what I care about.

As for bcash, hard question. I'd sell it ASAP as when coinbase allows selling in january (I believe they don't right now?) it could cause a huge selloff

>> No.5520580

>and still won't sell cause you only have 1.
>what are fractions

>> No.5520621

>I suck at this :(

you are making gains

>> No.5520631
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Almost 100 btc.
The large spike is due to blockfolio adding xrb so I can add xrb on here.

>> No.5520656
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more fractions, more money, pretty easy concept

>> No.5520670

Barely, not as much as I should (or seem to, considering the 100K's I see around here)
Started with 1000, btw

>> No.5520687 [DELETED] 

Giving me 1 BTC wouldn't hurt, right?

>> No.5520740

What's /biz/'s views on portfolio diversification? When too much diversity a harm?

>> No.5520778

You will have a million dollars by the end of 2018. So yea about 600k after taxes xd

>> No.5520784

It's stupid unless you have at least 8k or something.

>> No.5520864
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I reckon being autistic would be an asset in the crypto world, look at Vitalik, also how do you know if you're actually gaining wealth fucking with alts or actually losing out opposed to if you were just holding btc?

I didn't know about coinbasers not being able to sell, are you sure about this? I don't have an account but the site says they can? If i cop this loss it will be the biggest loss I've had so far, its probably the hardest decision I've had to make so far in crypto trading.

>> No.5520881

You should keep like 3-5 coins no matter what. One strong top 5 coin, then gamble on a low mc coin and a couple mid levels

Your goal is to hop on and ride the moon missions

>> No.5520911
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Am I going to make it?

Should i move,more money out of,Eth into aggressiver coins?

>> No.5520939
File: 79 KB, 1255x1280, IMG-20171218-WA0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stack up some raiblocks and you'll make it a lot faster

>> No.5520975

damn son. Good job

>> No.5520986

I ended up buying 41 at 4.50 and then it grew too fast. I wouldve went in harder but the exchange looked so shit I didnt want to put a lot,of Ether on it.

>> No.5520995

holding 90k elix? lol wtf this coin is garbage, no white paper, anonymous dev team, has been the target of like 10 coordinated pump and dumps.

grats i guess but you could lose half your portfolio value overnight if elix takes a dump, which is likely. At any rate it's not going to multiply much beyond the current price so I'd move all of that into one of the safer/bigger coins (btc/eth/ltc/xmr etc)

>> No.5521003
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Started with 3k end of August. Lost half within a month holding dnt through 4x profit til 40% loss. Put in another 4.5k along the way. Not bad but id like 100k in q2.

>> No.5521004

You're going to make it shibe

>> No.5521010

Is there a way of knowing which portfolio is fake, can't you just add transactions as you like?

>> No.5521011

I'm daytrading ETH/REQ on binance.. it's quite easy, I spend little time and make like 0.5 Eth every second day. Maybe thats a thing for you as you hold eth and a shitton of req

>> No.5521017
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damn, yeh know yer shite. I appreciate the research yeh 've put into this, and thank yeh 4 sharing it. I hope others seriously consider yer warning

>> No.5521033

I was about to say

>portfolios smaller than 10k aren't worth worrying about. Go 100% moon mission with those
>80% of your portfolio in things you believe in. At least 2 coins.
>the other 20% is reserved for moon missions

>> No.5521038
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I will be buying PRL today with my BTC if it dips enough.

>> No.5521060
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The other half of my,portfolio.

Also i have 2.5 ether in the neuromation ICO.

>> No.5521068
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Pls rate
I intended to hold this until eoy 2018 but I am not sure if this is the right way

>> No.5521075

looking at that chart makes it so obvious that coinbase is going to get fucked up by whatever investigation looks into their bcash addition.

>> No.5521090

lol. do you just put like 2/300 bucks into coins that biz shills and then FOMO in later or what the fk is goin on ther with ur porfolio mate

>> No.5521095

Get more link.

>> No.5521118

I have a salaray of aabout 20k
made 2k in 2 weeks with crypto.
I want to quit shit job.

>> No.5521143
File: 101 KB, 720x1280, Blockfolio 27-12-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8, comment and subscribe

>> No.5521146

I enjoy long holding.

The reason I have so much eth is that i,got on when eth was $2 with a $500investment. Sold a,lot of it along the way have 60 eth left.

Im trying to just spray similar packets and hodl till 2019 hoping atleast 2 or 3 go 20x-100x.

>> No.5521152

you're exaggerating a bit, it went up like 40x in sats in 4 months, or 150x in $USD value but you would have had to have had perfect timing and sold at the very top.

Anyway you're right that shitcoins can multiply a lot more than the stable coins, but like you said, bigger risk. Most shitcoins don't outperform Bitcoin, it's just the odd random time you'll see a huge moon mission, but the odds of you holding the correct coin at the correct time and knowing exactly when to sell it off brings a whole lot of uncertainty to the table. That's why just buying and holding BTC or one of the other big ones is usually better for most people.

What you're advocating is not far off from straight up gambling, you'd be almost better off taking your money to the casino and betting red or black on the roulette wheel if your goal is just fast, risky double ups.

>> No.5521170
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tripled my portfolio since I started seriously in septemberish.

I want to be in so many alts but I don't wanna over diversify with such a small capital.. I also don't know how to take profits at peaks and where to redistribute them. I know noting about capital management. Any advice on anything?


>> No.5521183

DNT fucked me over in August/September/October also. Fucking epitome of a shitcoin, it has zero use whatsoever.

>> No.5521230

They're the ones looking into it though aren't they? Surely they've already set up some stooge as a fall guy, they can easily just blame it on someone adding obviously tagged html code to their website and a trading group gets wind of it and pumps it hard on one exchange, bots on other exchanges pump for arbitrage, then the act like they'd love to look deeper but all funds lead to monero. Bingo bango believable excuse.

>> No.5521261

your blue chips is a gamble as well. Crypto is gambling in general.

The odds of a good shitcoin outperform bitcoin is pretty high. Look at any shitcoin 2 weeks ago and now. Almost all of them went 2x. But if you have been holding btc for the past 2 weeks. You have ZERO gains. You have made 2x if you bought into any altcoin from 2 weeks ago.
Yes it is gambling but the odds are in your favor a lot more if you aren't a retard.

>> No.5521285

dude.. icos are done. Did any ico of the past weeks perform good? As far as I know all dropped below ico right after the ico. Not saying they are shit in general and don't come back and above ico price but you most likely wasted money

>> No.5521318
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I want to go for 50% LINK, 30% IOTA, 20% POWR in january 2018.
Please tell me I am not wasting my money

>> No.5521333

>ELIX shill successful
Love me some low cap shit thx op

>> No.5521355
File: 139 KB, 750x998, 8EE516B7-7FE1-4C59-829A-329294EC8D01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Startet with 500 4 weeks ago any tipps?

>> No.5521360

most shitcoins only went 2x after months of getting crushed after BTC went from $4k to almost $20k

Most shitcoins have stabilized now, you're not going to see LINK go from $0.45 to $15 or something, short of some incredibly specific news that would dictate it.

BTC on the other hand might run up to $50k-100k+ this year. If you want to make the smart "bet" you'd put your money in BTC and wait patiently for 12 months. Or go all in on something like LINK and roll the 20-sided dice hoping you hit exactly what you need to win big.

>> No.5521365

change iota for ripple. It's not run buy childish lefties and it has real world use of many large banks. IOTA seems to be more of a "wow not fee's" novelty.

>> No.5521368 [DELETED] 

so you just been investing in turbo shit coins?

>> No.5521374

I went from 2300 to 4100 on coinbase from October to Dec. Yep got lucky and I sucked at first and got burned too and cashed out during the last crash and only went home with 400 more than what I started with. I'm going back on it after the next crash.

>> No.5521423

By this year you mean the upcoming 2018 year right?

I hope you aren't some new shitter. If BTC don't have any run up for 2 weeks. Alts will prosper. I'm talking about 10x to 50x type of prosper in the upcoming spring.
After that alt run THEN btc will go to 50x to 100k in 2018. But sure go ahead and leave your money in btc, you aren't losing money but you will be missing out A LOT.
That is all depending on how btc perform in these 2 weeks

>> No.5521513

Got any good tips or tutorials for daytrading? I have a solid grasp of mathematics from studying physics but no idea about finance statistics or business maths, but Id be hugely interested in learning about models for market prediction.

Or do you just follow your instinct and the shape of the candles/ MACD, because thats what Im doing so far but I mostly just lost sats that way.

>> No.5521523
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>> No.5521550

Doge earned its spot on my top page based on merit, surpassing many others.

>> No.5521861

lol what? Because I don't like IOTA?

>> No.5521871

if u've been hodling oyster since it was 0.10 or less, u should sell it

>> No.5521889
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What should i do with EOS? forgot them in my wallet.

>> No.5521908
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Check out cointracking for automatic import. Mine moves around a bit here and there, I tend to go in and out of LTC a lot. This is it now though.

>> No.5521946

Note: I hold about 20k in LTC and BTC that isn't on this list.

>> No.5522041

Diversity is our strength.

>> No.5522063

I've been reading about BNTY a bit, seems interesting - I'll probably move a bit over to it on my next deposit.

>> No.5522073
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R8 me bros. My goal is 30k.

>> No.5522081

Nice trips, but...are you accusing me of shilling ELIX or are you telling me you shilled me into buying it?

>> No.5522164

Are you one of the people that got into this in the last 2 months or so and bought ripple because it was cheap?

>> No.5522188

What was your initial investment?

>> No.5522226

bought ripple when it was around 0.4usd and eos around 0.5usd

>> No.5522266

glad i also like XRB

>> No.5522271

>no CRED
>no HST
it's like you guys want to stay poor

>> No.5522284


I see you have invested into all the pajeet tier coins lol you must be dumb as fuck.

>> No.5522363

Just meant i found out about it cause of this thread and bought in

>> No.5522375
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this is $20,000 spread out

>> No.5522397

Buy more btc and hold strat until .017680 and sell then

>> No.5522421

odn? Never even considered it faggot

What makes blockcat of all things pajeet tier? They're fucking canadians you dimwit

Elix I don't know who the team are but the website is slated for the next 2 weeks with their bios

What the fuck makes you call any of these, even odn, "pajeet coins"?

How am I dumb as fuck when I've made 140k retard.

>> No.5522447

Also curious about this.

To add on, I have 5-6 bags collectively worth $1k, with approx 50-70% losses on each alt.

Would it be better to just hodl or dump all of them and put the collective money into a more promising alt? (with a stop loss this time)

>> No.5522450

Come to t.me/elixirtoken and t.me/elixirupdates (hope I typed those correctly) if you've bought in, welcome to the community :)

>> No.5522591
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Started out in October with a very conservative strategy. Now that I feel like I understand something I can start playing the small cap game more. Latest FOMOs include ICX & XRB.

PLS rate me.

>> No.5522694


I'm no expert at all on crypto, but work in financial markets. I like to look at the main coins as your core portfolio, then use alts as my satellite. I'm not expecting 10x return on my BTC anymore, but it's a more stable hold that defines the market. Do you believe that the alts you hold could be something that fills an empty need, or were they just pump and dumps? I like to read the whitepapers, see what the team looks like, and then outside of that take a few flyers.

If a coin looks dead in the water for awhile, I'm losing money that could be invested in others that are growing. It's not just about what the immediate loss would be, it's about missing out on the potential gains from other investments.

Just my thoughts, again, crypto is an entirely different bear, but I try to apply what I know where I can.

>> No.5522746
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Am am I gongonna make it?

>> No.5522937


>> No.5523172

>if u've been hodling oyster since it was 0.10 or less, u should sell it
no i want to wait till its 1-10 dollar

>> No.5523513

Top 2 are shitcoins but at least half of the rest will moon so you'll make it

Nice to see someone who actually understands how to diversify

>> No.5523545

Too diversified pick 4 coins

>> No.5523560

Almost all shitcoins
Good luck you'll need it

>> No.5523596

>Almost all in bitcoin
Fuck no

>> No.5523661
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Help, just jumped back in 3 weeks ago after selling 500k doge I had on an old HD (I regret selling it but I just wanted to get in quick)

That netted me 2k which I have just been playing with so far.

>> No.5523675

>t. Ranjeet with no understanding of probability and statistics

>> No.5523747

Why do you say this? What is the issue with being diversified across high risk investments that you believe in?

>> No.5523761

Thanks for the input. I thought that they had a purpose - namely Sia, Syscoin and LBC. But they have been dead in the water for a while and I figured I could be using those for other gains like you said. Although Sia has slowly been making a return.

>> No.5523784
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Am I going to make it?

>> No.5523790

fuck off, BTC is king of all crypto

>> No.5523868

Where are you guys finding these enormous returns monthly? Ive got $1500 I want to turn into 50k end of 2018

>> No.5524055

>If a coin looks dead in the water for awhile, I'm losing money that could be invested in others that are growing. It's not just about what the immediate loss would be, it's about missing out on the potential gains from other investments.

I agree with this. I'm not afraid to take a small loss if something looks stagnant and there's a more promising longterm option elsewhere.

>> No.5524066

Your way is safer but will not make as much.

>> No.5524099

hello newcoiner

>> No.5524105

BNTY for an almost guaranteed moon in the next couple days, if not the next 24 hours.

>> No.5524135

is ant neo?

>> No.5524145

Will I make it?

>> No.5524159
File: 108 KB, 409x409, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HODL for a year. You can buy about 88k of it right now, I can see this going to a couple dollars easy by the end of next year. My bux are tied up so I won't get in before it's pumped all to hell sadly, so I'm shilling this because I want some anons here to actually make it. My ID is Thundy#5387 on discord, throw me some bux next year as thanks.

>> No.5524167

monitor /biz/ and join a few solid discords for signals. i've turned 200 bucks into 1K in about 10 days from 3-4 trades. i'm now locked into BNTY and hoping to 5x over the next couple weeks.
you will get burned a few times in the beginning just learning the ropes. i would start with a smaller amount of money and see if you can double it before putting 1500 into any 1 shitcoin.

>> No.5524205
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Well you're not going to have $100k any longer if you keep holding these coins.

>> No.5524237

I'm sure m8, I'm sure. I'm guessing that's because you're not holding them


>> No.5524349

You have 3 options. Start cashing out, start shorting, or lose it all. The choice is yours.

>> No.5524390
File: 148 KB, 750x1334, 039CC2C3-063F-4400-ACFF-A1361FAE2C78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help with the alts

>> No.5524391

I watch biz all day yesterday and got into a few discord groups but none of the coin picks ever seem to gain value, its all shit thats already been pumped up 10x in the last 2 hours and all profit making is gone

>> No.5524402

I look forward to smirking at you as I shoot past you in my lambo and your nissan micra is left in the dust

>> No.5524428

Why do you have such an attitude? That anon is giving you an advice. I guess even people like you who are seemingly "rich" needs some respect.

>> No.5524464

>Stop being autistic. USD is a means of measuring our purchasing power in the real world.
you are literally the one being autistic. And you are also a fucking retard. The point is if you arent gaining sat value than you should have been holding bitcoin instead of that alt. I dont understand HOW you can be so stupid you fucking shitbrain cunt

>> No.5524484
File: 98 KB, 640x1136, 7F7F8967-578C-4CB7-9D8F-9C26D15CD257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will cash out taxfree end of 2018. Long term hodl

>> No.5524521

Advice? He just said I shouldn't be holding those coins, I don't count that as advice, just typical 4chan shitposting

>> No.5524544

No. Ant is Aragon.

The holy trinity of SNT, ANT, and DNT.

>> No.5524552

Granted my use of the word faggot was probably unnecessary but this is 4chan and it's pretty much a figure of speech here

>> No.5524592

You are in pajeet discords

>> No.5524601

too much diversity

>> No.5524718

Okay. You're a bull. I'm a bear. Good luck.

>> No.5524816

90% TRX 10% XRP @ $9,122 please Papa Sun, think of the shilldren .

>> No.5524817
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started at the end of last month with $1.2k, my goal is $20k, then i cash out $15k and put most of it in s&p 500, in case crypto goes down, the shitty 10% yearly returns on stocks still should be enough to live a modest neet life in kazakhstan.

>> No.5524853

though i should mention if crypto bubble bursts and will show signs of recover, i will sell my shitty stocks of course.

>> No.5524886

pls assist me for i am brainlet

>> No.5524944
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>> No.5524954
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Ok, I'm getting sick of you faggots, and I'm thinking of taking a couple month hiatus from my crypto obsession. Turned my $10k portfolio to ~$25k by flipping shitcoins for the past month, but I'm looking to go into hodl mode and just sit and do other things, occasionally injecting more money or whatever.

Any improvements to my portfolio to optimize a 3(ish) month hodl? Thinking of selling REQ (bought at $0.06, so I'm sitting pretty where it is now) and buying something that could see better returns over the next few months?

Also considering upping my ENG position, but it's currently 40% of the portfolio so I don't want to put all my eggs into that basket.

>> No.5525355

€100 starter here. Where should i start investing?
I'll link you some lewd 2D girl wallpapers in return.

>> No.5525468

Instead of selling req, cut half your ETH and XMR to put into low mcap shit unless you honestly believe ETH will be over 200 billion and XMR will be over 40 billion before 100k or lower mcap coins make it to 500k.

>> No.5525471


what's a good buy in price for ENG?

>> No.5525509
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Thoughts on mine?
Should I buy bounty? Is it worth if for a long term hold?

>> No.5525512

Between 1 and 1.5 dollar.

>> No.5525517

holy fuck that's bad :/ not even 1K and BCH makes up 30% of it..good luck lol

>> No.5525635
File: 91 KB, 720x1123, 26132683_1967442136606867_739940118_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it? Shooting for moons

>> No.5525782
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This is all I have. I can manage to put in 200 bucks a month on any alt. Those this look good so far? How should I improve?

>> No.5525953
File: 704 KB, 1125x2436, A992B69C-45FD-4DF1-B703-79D61847107C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should my next move be, just hold?

>> No.5526036

hOW MANY xrb?

>> No.5526163

If you want mad gains on your current folios, check out this discord. They haven't been wrong all week on their signals; for instance, they called a buy on XRB monday night. Just give it a look no harm in checking:


>> No.5526184

>19k BNTY

You're gonna make it.

>> No.5526505

at what price do you buy and at which do you sell BNTY?

>> No.5526546


>> No.5526603

wait a year and pray that you roll the dice on a for penny stock that x10 in a year.

>(5400 BTNY)

>> No.5527054

I have a similar amount of capital, and I'm waiting for Ripple to correct so I can buy more.

>> No.5527424
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I'm all in. I'm up 400% from my initial buy in. Guess I should diversify sometime.

>> No.5527836
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>> No.5528006


Am i gonna make it?

>> No.5528093
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>> No.5528373
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Any advice?
Just started a few weeks back with original investment of £100

Going for a long hodl

>> No.5528510

how did you do it?

>> No.5528554
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Yeah I'm on that. Noob question: in announcements when they say, for example, ": $BURST | Buy under 490 | Sell 510 - 530 - 545 - 567 - 589 | 450 stoploss"
they're talking about bitcoin price, right?

>> No.5528659
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>> No.5529020

>invested in ripple

You are the only smart lad here.

>> No.5529183

Probably mean satoshi.