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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 286 KB, 829x449, Verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5517963 No.5517963 [Reply] [Original]

FUD = Success btw. Why big players needs to fud? to earn money - correct. You can earn them too. and yes, that's a shill post.

>> No.5518041
File: 39 KB, 500x387, DRqqf04WkAIk5Aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my signal, unleash the wraith.

>> No.5518065

>unleash the wraith
thousands pajeets start shitting at the same time
wraith is out

>> No.5518082

Thats fine, because if its today or next year, Verge is a great hold. So im not selling. They can fud all they want.

>> No.5518127

>XVG gets the most FUD out of all the coins on /biz/

the absolute state of bizcucks.


>> No.5518129
File: 22 KB, 460x276, julian-assange-close-up-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquidate all stock holdings. Yeah. 56.7 billion. All in on XVG. Goodbye.

>> No.5518456

Lol, there is no wraith protocol. Check their source code, literally nothing has happened for months. Any commits that you see are related to the PR website. The other commit in the wraith branch is them copy pasting the latest Tor source code into the project.

You are being lied to. The project died months ago and is being kept alive artificially via false promises.

>> No.5518516

I think you'll burn all you hair from you ass soon enough, cuz devs are working on project, folders were created a long ago, but search deeper in folders. and ask whales why they accumulate. Don't be dumb man. Go buy some ATH's then.

>> No.5518531

This is why i fucking left this coin and buy another shitcoin named fucking TRON TRX.

>> No.5518552

I have both, tron and verge, both big if HODL.

>> No.5518605

>ask whales why they accumulate
they accumulated it at 1sat pajeet
80% coins belong to whales

>> No.5518672

Haha. Everyone here hates a lot on Reddit, but you should visit it once. It's where the actual devs talk about their progress. One of them admitted he left the team, and the other contributor claims he hasn't made or has seen any significant contributions to the wraith code. So who is working on the project then, Santa ?

>> No.5518690

I bet you just missed that 1000% train, I know it hurts but dont hate. Research then hate with arguments, not using FUD shit.

>> No.5518740

OHMY... Try to use twitter and read official announcements, and not listen what other monkeys like you scream.

>> No.5518826

Like I said, they are lying to you to keep it from dying completely. Remember your student days when you missed an assignment deadline and you do anything to get a deadline extension, and then you turn in something shitty anyway? This is XVG, except their rushed deliverable is not going to get accepted by the community even if they do deliver something.

>> No.5518861

>Research then hate with arguments
it is an argument you fucking street shitter
your retarded "privacy" coin has a public blockchain and you can check the richlist top wallets yourself

>> No.5518924

Hidden transactions wont appear there. They already answered it.

>> No.5518968

but old transactions of whales accumulation ARE THERE
jeez they really hire retards to shill this shitcoin

>> No.5518973

Dev said he'll deliver before the NY.He said that a day ago. Can't see any reason to not just release thing that is already done and tested.

>> No.5519009

So what? :D x20 gains hired me, not Verge team. don't like the coin? get the fuck out of that thread man, Verge have insane support and belief. Go spam your negativity in chainlink threads.

>> No.5519034

I like Trons graphs but I dont believe in Tron its self. Its just not my thing. I hope its successful though.

>> No.5519076

>get the fuck out of that thread man
get the fuck out of that board pajeet
everyone is tired of your vaporware wraith and doge over tor

>> No.5519122

Don't tell us we didn't warn you. The price drop more than reflects how the community feels. If you feel smart by going against crowd wisdom and common sense, have fun! Maybe it's a good thing that people like you won't make it.

>> No.5519135

Should I sell now?

>> No.5519251

Sell now and buy TRX.

>> No.5519276

What's so special about it?

>> No.5519311

That's basically is the way to make solid gainz - Not listen to crowd. There's only 1 marketcap, and money comes not from nowhere. If I did savage cash on for example verge, then someone lost them. And if I see that almost every thread says go buy Burst I wont do that. THat's how I bought verge before the hype. And believe me price wont go down that to 60 sats never again.
I just cant understand how actually cool concept and Live Talking Dev is not trustworthy, but some other shit that doesnt even have a wallet - BUY BUY MOON SOON! I don't believe that usually people don't even do a research and go all in, but Verge, everyone like that prick who's calling me a pajeet, when I know he's a small fish - Already can analyze GitHub and compile codes into the Wraith protocol himself, to see if it's real or not.
My point is - Chance of success for verge is much higher then chance of biggest dump in hystory, bigger then EMC2 after announce.

>> No.5519355

How long should I hold verge for?

>> No.5519364

do i look like i know, i'm just shilling it bud.

>> No.5519381

until 3 days ago

>> No.5519429

T.A god Haejin says Verge will hit $5.50 early 2018

>> No.5519482

If you're holding a solid amount, put vergecurrency in twitter seach and read it everyday. Until 31st dec. You see, there's huge amount of people that believe that dev will deliver in time, other's are haters cuz they missing every possible train, and they would love to see him not deliver and me to get not x20 but x15 gains.
Not gonna lie on this one, 1st jan, if he wont deliver, price will dump as fuck. So be ready for that. and be ready for a good option, if he will deliver, most likely he will, cuz it's already done and ready - Price can go up to 1 dollar. Huge amount of hype, good and bad hype around Verge, everyone, from whale to a little fish heard about it. If he delivers, that'll be just explosion of the year. Verge is in top for volume for days now, and without a Tesla contest like tron, just because something huge is coming

>> No.5519519
File: 347 KB, 1022x1306, 1514380871598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those paragraphs
It hurts

>> No.5519532

What are the chances he will deliver? I heard people are leaving the project and there's no signs of anything being updated

>> No.5519600

dude he was going to deliver in september. then october. I think he skipped november but now it's december.

the github branch has been open for 3 years LOL

anyway.... my point is.

he's probably going to push something into the github and say "it's delivered", it will probably be nothing tho

>> No.5519740

Chances I guess is pretty high, because just Imagine, you've been working on some project for a 4 years, hardworking etc, then you're succeeding, people believes in you, price is going up, and you know all that, and saying - I will release protocol on the week before NY.
And then boom, you dont do that.. And obviosly your supporters will be dissapointed, price will go insanely low, and haters gonna hate even more. So that's pure psychology, I've been learning it a lot while learning crypto, cuz it's not just grapths, it's all human behavior.

That's fake news, reality is - price went up, dev got more $ and he's investing them in project, not in lambo. Just check twitter guys, all truth is there.

>> No.5519807

So you're saying the price is already set, everyone that wanted in is already in? That implies the price can only go down from here, even if he does does deliver something (unlikely).

>> No.5519818

>reality is - price went up, dev got more $
reality is - there is no dev
only marketing team and army of pajeets
there are no updates on github
there are no wraith
it's not coming out before NY
it's not coming out ever

>> No.5519850

just went all in
what is our sell target lads?

>> No.5519855

Mate, you had 2 hours to open twitter and read actual stuff written by verge themselves, I understand you want away to fap on your stupidity, but do the research please.

>> No.5519916

>actual stuff written by verge themselves
wow it is so difficut to write bunch of bullshit in twitter
marketing team is probably very busy
too bad they have no dev to actually write wrath and commit it to github

>> No.5519921

So you believe them because *they* said something on Twitter. Ladies and gentlemen, fire all lawyers and judges, apparently one can claim innocence by just proclaiming it on twitter.

There is so much evidence this project has failed, and the only counterevidence you bring is "their pr team said so on Twitter". Omg...

>> No.5519924
File: 199 KB, 1156x400, 1514326978493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, they will release something. Stealth addressing probably wrongly implemented on a switch and call it wraith phase 2, then a bunch of promises of things to come so the pump repeats in a few months. Just sell when the release announcement hits if you still have a position is my opinion. Really stop believing in the guy that says fucking Twitter cocksucking instead of github have all the answers.

>> No.5519948

I think dev become smarter in releasing news and he just tweetet about - No countdown ever again. It's because with countdown, people buy and buy and buy, and if it's late even hour-2, Dump will be unstoppoble, so maybe it is priced in for now, probably will go up to 1200-1300, because people believe. and some people just heard that verge is going to moon and buy without a reasearch as always, but yeah, chances are pretty high. People will just destroy XVGWhale and Verge themselves if they wont deliver in time. So that's pretty much safe buy in at low point. Cuz as I said - if they will deliver, price will go in pluto

>> No.5520026


23h23 hours ago
There are rumors being spread on the internets that @justinvendetta hasn't been communicating for long time and that #WraithProtocol isn't real. This is utter non-sense and pure FUD in attempts to create panic and bring down #Verge price and reputation. Things are on track.

JustinVendetta is main dev. Okay no dev in team. Believe in fake news. Good luck.

>> No.5520077
File: 298 KB, 491x491, 1512515130216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him. Fucking Bernie Sanders REEEEEEEE

But for real, If haejin was even half off on his prediction of 5.50 and it hits 2 bucks.... I'm going to have done a legit 1000% + spike.

I bought the two books he shilled but since I've started reading I haven't had a chance to practice against haejins TA to try and learn. Seriously. Fuck Bernie.

>> No.5520149

>Believe in fake news. Good luck.
will see who is right just in 4 days

>> No.5520219

What you mean he's not posting anymore because of Bernie?

I noticed he hadn't made any new posts the last few days. What happened exactly?

>> No.5520269

Check out the drama on steemit.... Long story short, some angry whales started harassing him and now he's not posting because his reputation is going down the shitter. Fucking obnoxious.

>> No.5520404

Thanks. Yeah I have read some of the posts that were resteemed on his account. Did he actually say he is no longer posting on steem anymore though?

I hope he's going to offer a paid service or something otherwise I'm going to have to learn that shit on my own. lol

>> No.5520452
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1513177051307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only own 6k Verge
>haters gonna hate
>this brainlet will hodl
>this coin will reach $1 by the end of the year
Pic related, yfw this coin will reach Mars.

>> No.5520480
File: 64 KB, 645x773, 1510580164945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I know... The shitty part is, I'm totally cool with learning it (I love it) but I'll.never be as fucking good as him, let alone if I can't compare my analysis to his to try and get better...

>> No.5520516

Thats how many I hold. Dropped .6 ether in to it.

>> No.5520561

What color will be your lambo?

>> No.5520600

Tfw bought 45k at 55 SATs / $0.005 fiat

Fuck man this is a real rocket ride. Feels gud

>> No.5520612

I wouldnt waste my money like that, I have higher aspirations.

>> No.5520666
File: 53 KB, 474x595, 1468417467862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, I'm talking about the prospect of using your gains in other fields and actually be able to afford one as if you went to buy a suit.

>> No.5520717

That's right, he is pretty damn good.

Actually the only reason I got onto XVG was purely because he recommended it and luckily I got in at 61 sats just before it took off.

A couple of times I tried charting on my own but fucked up, and a couple of times I doubted him and sold a coin he recommended just before they shot up (ETC).

Anyway, he says $5.50 for XVG so I'm gonna hold and see what happens.

>> No.5520895
File: 136 KB, 900x680, Learnhowtobuybitcoinfoundonhttpswwwredditcomrbitcoin_1c3d41_6291325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Same. If it gets around 2 bucks I'll reassess. It's interesting because I'm not sure if this is a mid range hold or a serious HODL for long term. It's tempting because I see so many people lament selling BTC or ETH when it was 5,50,500,5000 or 15000... And I currently have 45 k. But at the same time... If it hits 5.50, then I'll be sitting on a quarter of a million fiat.... Idk about you but that could pay off all of my student loans, my vehicle payment AND a huge Chuck of the mortgage I'm about to take out. At that point I have the freedom of my normal salary to invest into retirement, 401k, HSA, and... Holy shit..... Actually have fucking money to buy myself something like a home gym. Jesus christ. People talk about lambos alot but I just want to free myself from debt

>> No.5520919

If that’s true I’m gonna be a multi millionaire

>> No.5521056


Yeah to be honest at $2 I'll probably sell some, depending on the charts, if it's a parabolic wave 5 I will definitely sell 1/3 to 1/2 of my holdings.

I do know what you mean about regretting selling early, even recently I bought BCH at $300 and XRP at $0.15 (at the very bottom - again thanks to Haejin) and sold them for 2x / 3x which I thought was good at the time but in hindsight I should've just held.

Anyway good luck bro, I wish you massive profits!

>> No.5521117

Some of his projections are hard to believe (E.g BTS to $350+) but he has a pretty good track record.

Good luck man.

>> No.5521129

Right back atchyu brother. Massive profits all around.

>> No.5521335

Im pretty sure Lord Haejin also stopped posting because he bombed TNT, ZRX, BTS, XVG all right in a row despite getting the BTC correction pretty damn accurate. I think hes ashamed.

But yeah FUCK berniesanders. I hope you guys have steemit accounts and upvote all of Haejins posts.

>> No.5521357

xvg = epic scam of 2017
and 2018
and 2019...

>> No.5521385

The level of accuracy he has had on following btc is scary. I love how hes like "you can't get the time correct with TA because time lies outside of sentiment" but then his fucking corrections and waves for BTC literally lined up with timeline too lmao. Crazy.

>> No.5521400

His projections can be great all day but if something like Wraith never comes out - the coin is going to die.

>> No.5521455

i remember that www.wraithprotocol.com show me a countdown till mid october untill the wraithprotocol was released.. The site doesnt exist anymore as for the wraithprotocol; does not exist lol

>> No.5521463

>Doubles your money

Got any more scams I can invest in?

>> No.5521538

trx = not a scam
99.9% positive you're going to make money at current price, minimum projection is $1.00

safest penny coin out there!!!

>> No.5521867
File: 122 KB, 600x412, slowandpoopoopeepeedinosaurcoinalwayswinstherace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If xvg is a pajeet ridden scamcoin, sign me up for some poo in the loo and call me slumdog millionaire