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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55203739 No.55203739 [Reply] [Original]

Ctrl F you triple niggers


>In a new set of experiments, we will collaborate with more than a dozen major financial institutions and FMIs including Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ), BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon, Citi, Clearstream, Euroclear, Lloyds Banking Group, SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) – to test how firms can leverage their existing Swift infrastructure to efficiently instruct the transfer of tokenised value over a range of public and private blockchain networks. Chainlink, a leading Web3 services platform, will provide connectivity across public and private blockchains for these experiments.

>initiate the SEC fud
Every time

>> No.55203754

>Checks the price
Kek baggies

>> No.55203759

this is the BIGGEST announcement in ALL OF CRYPTO market sleeps on it?
well fuck the market, the money that is about to flow into linkies pockets is gonna be astronomical and its neither coming from greedy vc, mev mafia, scammers or retail

>> No.55203770

dead shitcoin and dead dinosaur institution soon to be replaced
and here's the paid shill trying to bump this shit

>> No.55203792

Fucking Finally. This is good shit lads.

Please don't give the losers any oxygen just ignore them

>> No.55203797

this has been priced in since at least 2018 faggot

>> No.55203826

I'm a big LINK holder, but I'm curious, why do you think this isn't pumping LINK like crazy right now?

>> No.55203851
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>*sighs* Somehow... this is bullish for XRP.

>> No.55203887

they are just experimenting to see if it works or not. might take 20 years

>> No.55203891

is this a xrp thread?

>> No.55203897
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huh. maybe there's something to this chainlink afterall

>> No.55203918

What's more interesting I think is that they confirmed they were working with Chainlink for these experiments last year (which they said were successful) https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/connecting-digital-islands-paving-way-global-use-cbdcs-and-tokenised-assets..

This was previously suspected but is now confirmed (also that was done with different banks).

It'll be interesting to see if some CCIP launch product uses results from those experiments.

>> No.55203924

token not needed

>> No.55203943

To follow up on that article, those experiments were for cross-border payments completed with SWIFT and some member banks. So this should pretty much put the nail in the coffin of XRP.

>> No.55203967
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Well well well. Looks like making it is back on the menu boys

>> No.55204030

Dumb money isn't buying because crypto is down so it isn't on their radar and smart money is suppressing LINK because their ponzis simultaneously need it to function but are also threatened by it (MEV mafia and FSS, CeFi and Proof of Reserve). Hate to make a Rick and Morty reference but Sirgay is like Pickle Rick in the sewer using rat nervous systems and trash to build power armor. Fuddies can't see how a pickle is going to be able to get himself out of this pickle but the rest of us are like nah man it's a cartoon we already know how this ends.

>> No.55204056


>> No.55204088

by chainlink they actually mean xrp

>> No.55204143

We're still early. Something Balaji said recently resonated with me:
>"Being too early is the same as being wrong."
It's my belief we're too early. I have a suspicion the LINK "singularity" will be in 2025, and that's IF AI doesn't disrupt that course and somehow make our existing economies/societies obsolete. The oppoetunity cost is large as we see other coins pump past us in the meantime, but I'm too scared to sell. Because, like a thief in the night, the time of LINK'S pumping will be at a time we do not expect, so we have to stay awake and ready until that time comes, patiently holding our bags.

>> No.55204182

lol @ 2025
world won't be ready for link until all this metapolitical stuff calms down
will be at least 2030
in the meantime, all your money in link is better off being in gold kek

>> No.55204199

As the anon who spent a lot of time going into that “connecting digital islands” document and telling /biz/ that the 2022 poc was probably Chainlink, this is very vindicating.

>> No.55204220

ok now do something about the price
mr. "vindictated"
fuckin asshole

>> No.55204433

the news

>> No.55204462
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always has been.

>> No.55204495

what to even say anymore

>> No.55204544


they literally said they would report later this year.

>> No.55204625

its fucking insane that this is actually happening. i cant believe how fucking rich i am going to be soon.

>> No.55204653

I wonder how many rounds of experimentation they'll need; we know they've already don't 1 proof of concept years ago and then last year they did a trial with Link. I think this isn't really POC anymore, it's more like a beta-test but tradfi institutions don't use that kind of terminology.

>> No.55204656

kek baggies

>> No.55204675

Anywhere from 1 month to 7 years unironically, and that's if we stay the current course and AI doesn't somehow flip our entire society on its head and suddenly there's no need for this stuff.

>> No.55204690

holy shit baggie delusion. 2040 and we might have poc done. imagine missing out on 10 bullruns holding link

>> No.55204738

The SEC is killing crypto

>> No.55204746

yeah i guess 30 years is a small amount of time on a grand enough scale :}

>> No.55204763
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There is no global conspiracy involving Bulgarians, the MEV mafia and the WEF to suppress a rank 23 altcoin.

The token is simply not needed

>> No.55204777

this is like a hype news from 2018....

>> No.55204785

Swift needs it

>> No.55204806

swift needs the tech
not the token

>> No.55204812

thanks! just sold all my link fuck you

>> No.55204852
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>Chainlink will be used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) will enable complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains
So the industry will only connect to ETH and will use CCIP to interact with every other blockchain?
Basically Chainlink secured a middleman monopoly

So why isn't LINK #3 already?
Why are the markets so fucking retarded?

>> No.55204859
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SWIFT needs CCIP. And if you want to use CCIP, you need LINK.

>> No.55204872
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Literally none of Chainlink's tech works without the token.
That includes CCIP

>> No.55204921

It's extremely retarded that link doesn't have xrp's mcap or more.

>> No.55204946

This. The optics just aren’t sexy. I don’t even know what the fuck OP is talking about. All I see is blah blah blah nerd stuff kek

>> No.55204947

Yo SWIFT the "builds on a series of successful trials in 2022" is split up into multiple links as if they were gonna link to different stuff, but they're all the same link. Maybe you can fix it as I'm curious what the other links are.

>> No.55204978

To the XRP and link moonboys, XRP and Link do different things. It's ok if both of them are used.

>> No.55204982
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>he doesnt know?
>token. Not. Needed

>> No.55205017

How many people even understand 1/10th of what we understand? Not even just talking about retail pajeets airdrop farming, literal VCs and shit. The market is retarded because 99.9% of the people investing in the market are absolutely retarded.

>> No.55205034
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>Hate to make a Rick and Morty reference but Sirgay is like Pickle Rick in the sewer using rat nervous systems and trash to build power armor. Fuddies can't see how a pickle is going to be able to get himself out of this pickle but the rest of us are like nah man it's a cartoon we already know how this ends.

>> No.55205041

yes both are shitcoins with delusional baggies who think banks will pump their bags (they won't)

>> No.55205043

Could actually feel my hands turn to paper and crumble away as I read this. Thanks anon

>> No.55205053
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the other link is about CBDCs, kek
it's even MUCH Bigger than just what this article mentions

>> No.55205068
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lol, lmao even

>> No.55205102

I'm starting to consider that normies don't even know what Swift is

>> No.55205136
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>> No.55205149

no shit
I had no clue what swift was either before I went to /biz/

>> No.55205177

well, when ccip is imminent for release, and these institutions are publicly stating they will be experimenting with it specifically, im guessing these experiments will be on live chains with real transactions at a small scale for them. Then reporting what they find over the next few months before gearing up for actual use for the coming use cases. Like testing the waters before fully jumping in. Everything before has been proof of concept for entities to get a grasp on best solution, with chainlink being the obvious winner.

>> No.55205202

But I've heard that token is not needed.

>> No.55205254

Linkies collide with brokies on the Astra DAO platform for a huge some of money. You know well how to play that A-game, chads.

>> No.55205264

Unlike the delusional baggies that think that crypto will be the same shitcoin casino forever.

>> No.55205273

so much things happening in the next 12 months. even if we dont pump yet, it will not be a boring wait for the inevitable.

>> No.55205497

Bullish for xrp

>> No.55205515
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Welp. After 6 years of breadcrumbs it's finally 100% confirmed. SWIFT straight up named Chainlink and said they'll use it to tokenize assets.
How is LINK now 500% green right now is beyond me.

>> No.55205524


>> No.55205548
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When pump?

>> No.55205606

Because all of a sudden SEC started a lawsuit with Goybase
Immaculate timing, a true cohencidence

>> No.55205633

Also changed Hinman's profile/bio on the sec's website a week before the Hinman emails get released. Another coincidence.

>> No.55205651

anon youre confusing coinbase with binance
or did coinbase also get sued and I missed it

>> No.55205677

They both got sued. Amazing cohencidence.

>> No.55205695

checked. this is my takeaway

>> No.55205716
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>> No.55205724

What rank is NASH?

>> No.55205860

Time changes everything.
Sergey became a liar last year, didn't take ownership for the failure and failed to display the will to protect his investors from all the psychopaths in the space by forfeiting every battle without even trying.
There is no one left to pump the price.

Maybe the market manipulators will change their minds one day.
As they have total control over the price, something which should never have been allowed, the price will only go up if they decide to allow it.

>> No.55205865
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You having an aneyrusm, fuddie? How does it feel to be too poor and stupid to make any money in this space?
Absolutely unhinged seethe from your ilk today.

>> No.55205885

The previous experiment was already done after swift announced the CCIP PoC at smartcon. Why was chainlink left out of the previous press release but they are now being named in a new release and even back ported to the previous release. What changed? CCIP is imminent but I don't see how that makes a difference.
I always assumed chainlink was asking to stay out of these things for SEC security vs. commodity concerns but today of all days makes this line of reasoning moot. If this was the case you would think these concerns would be heightened after the SEC's actions the last couple days.

>> No.55205957

Lol I got an email from CLL about this. Link is literally unpumpable.

>> No.55206100


total fuddie death

>> No.55206114

sorry sir we skip the pump this time. only bullish news and integrations. no pump