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File: 76 KB, 964x302, icp security.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55205436 No.55205436 [Reply] [Original]

Pee bros... not like this......

>> No.55205448
File: 1.07 MB, 1030x938, dfinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continue to DCA into ICP. The coin which pumps the LEAST and dumps the MOST. Am I a masochist?

>> No.55205459
File: 114 KB, 1024x1136, emins (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emin sends his regards

>> No.55205460

Oh no, this bad news will make the chart of ICP look horribl... oh wait

>> No.55205474

your roach stuff is irrelevant

>> No.55205613

Emin is advisor for the CFTC and has top tier connections to the SEC and the US Government.
Even to the FBI. and he hates Dominic and his useless pisscomputer that has zero users, no smartcontracts, no blockchains, no usecase and that runs a smearcampaign against him etc.
hes also very very unforgiving. so guess what, ICPoors will stay Poor.

>> No.55205620

avax is pure wank

>> No.55205641

ICP is the ONLY cryptocurrency the SEC has sued that DID NOT lead investors to expect a profit, and therefore IS NOT a security.

>> No.55205867

they literally ran a 2017 style ICO kek, are you retarded?

>> No.55206157
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good luck explaining that to a judge when he finds out Dom sold tokens for 3 cents to his VC buddies who later dumped it for hundreds of dollars.
>no expectation of profit your honor, I swear!
kek, instant jail time for perjury and then, seeing as it's the US, sentenced to be raped by niggers.

>> No.55206330

>An asset is considered a security if “a person invests their money in a common enterprise and is led to expect profits solely from the efforts of the promoter or a third party”.

Why would someone invest if they are not expecting profits?

This can apply to any coin, every coin has influencers...
This means the S.E.C is just another corrupt government agency.

>> No.55206415

>Why would someone invest if they are not expecting profits?
because they're not 'investing' when they buy ICP.
they're buying gas to run Dapps.
you see, when you buy ICP, you're a consumer, not an investor.
the same can't be said for ETH, which IS a security.

>> No.55207484
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>> No.55207575

I love you.

>> No.55207604

How can expect a profit from ICP though? everyone expects it to just dump of crab (best case scenario). Not a single person expects it to profit. Therefore it fails Howey

>> No.55208308

apparently ICP faggots don't have enough connections to not get labelled as security lol,
lmao even

>> No.55208412

I can't wait until Dominic ends up in an orange jumpsuit. Would look good on him.

>> No.55208631

is gasoline a security?

>> No.55208864

Why isn't LINK on that list?

>> No.55209090
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>> No.55209172

Nobody cares, avax still useless

>> No.55209685

because we were chosen, gentile

>> No.55209955
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>> No.55210664
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>> No.55210988
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ICPOORS on suicide watch

>> No.55211060

It's a VC scam, sadly... as the software is interestingly useful, it's just one well planned intricate and elaborate scam. Just like so many other blockchain projects, some are well thought out, well crafted and others are just sloppy and more obvious, however 99% of them are scams and will be worthless once bitcoin and eth are liquidated.

Literally, no one says.

> my 26,000 usd is worth one bitcoin

It's the other way around.

> my 1 bitcoin is worth 26,000 usd

There is a reason for that. USD > Bitcoin

BTC is flawed, it's dated software. ETH is also flawed and dated. A majority of blockchain software is just a copy and paste of ETH, maybe "custom" edited a little bit to give the illusion of originality. (a scam)

I'v been programming computers since the late 90's. Blockchain software existed back then in the form of unencrypted data chains, currency chains. It was considered to be an interesting display of code. This is was the year 1999.

>> No.55211880

>the whole crypto ecosystem is a scam to get USD
it's like pottery

>> No.55211890
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How the fuck does LINK (token not needed) not be the first one to get nailed as the most obvious example of an illegal security?

>> No.55211990

icpepee holders can't be more retards

>> No.55212017
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the lower it goes the more you get if it moons

>> No.55212162

Ari and Sergey are both Jewish